Fillmore Unified School District
2018-2019 Fillmore Unified School District (FUSD) Financial Audit
The Governing Board received a report and approved the audit.
Measure V General Obligation Bonds Financial and Performance Audit
The Governing Board received a report and approved the audit.
Governor's Budget Proposal
The Governing Board received information from Andrea McNeill, Assistant Superintendent of Business
Services, regarding the Governor's Budget Proposal.
Approve Change Orders #2-3 for Electrical Yard Infrastructure Upgrade at Fillmore High School, 555 Central
Avenue, Fillmore, CA 93015, Project 2019-035
The Governing Board approved Change Orders #2-3.
Approve Division of State Architect (DSA) Construction Inspector Recommendation
The Governing Board accepted the DSA Construction Inspector Recommendation to approve Vernier Construction
Services for the CTE Building
Award Bid for RFP# 2020-003 for Special Inspection and Material Testing Services for Fillmore High School
Existing CTE Building Demolition Project and CTE New Building Construction Project
The Governing Board awarded the bid to Lowest Qualified Bidder: CTE South, Inc.
Personnel Recommendations
The Board approved all personnel recommendations including new hires, promotions, resignations, and leaves.