Flashes honored as Frontier League Champions
![]() The Fillmore Flashes Football team was honored by the city council Monday night for their successful 2009 season. Pictured above but not in order are: Coaches Matt Dollar and Curtis Garner. Derek Luna, Ernesto Ballesteros, Brandon Barker, Emilio Gomez, Rudy Lopez, Johnny Golson, Major Lee, Brandon Pina, Dylan Dawson, Nick Paz, Corey Cole, Tate Suttle, Zach Golson, Branson Nelson, Alfredo Jimenez, Jose Rangel, Matt De La Cruz, Cody Jackson, Sammy Orozco, Ty Casey, Gabriel Gomez, Daniel Cruz, Kevin Brock, Nathan Garnica, and Tony Sanchez along with Mayor Patti Walker. Not pictured are Joel Amaro, Quinn Keller, John Paul Galvez, Bo Zinskey and Jonathon Sandoval. By Wanda Castel de Oro — Wednesday, December 16th, 2009
![]() Bob Stroh spoke at council’s open forum Monday night. The Fillmore Flashes were honored Monday night at a joint City Council/Parks & Recreation meeting. The Frontier League Championship presentation was made by Mayor Pattie Walker, who read each young man’s name, to the applauds and praise of those in attendance. The Flashes were the first Fillmore team to win the championship in 32 years. Each Frontier League Title winner was presented with a Fillmore City pen. Coach Matt Dollar expressed his pride in the team and said they won the title for all the Fillmore teams who didn’t win in the last 32 years. During public comment, resident Bob Stroh described the Council’s recent Brown Act violations as “trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube.” He also accused The Gazette of “subverting the truth” in an effort to “do anything to get them out of office,” referring to the “Katzenjammer Kids”, ie: Councilmembers Walker, Washburn and Brooks. Rich McKee, President of Californians Aware, a political watchdog group who recently filed suit against the city council, didn’t escape Stroh’s unusual churn, calling him an “ambulance chasing equivalent.” The city settled the McKee lawsuit with a public admission of three Brown Act violations at its August 25th meeting, attendance at a 2-hour Brown Act Retraining workshop, and payment of McKee’s legal fees, totaling $6,000. Director of Public Works Bert Rapp reviewed the Two Rivers Park baseball backstops and grass status. He recommended that the City Council and Parks & Rec Commission review the proposed Backstop alternatives, find volunteers to review the plans with himself, and direct staff to return to the Council January 26, 2010 for authorization to advertise for bids. Rapp also recommended that the city go forward with one backstop at a cost of approximately $100,000; and authorize to advertise for bids after the details are completed. Councilmember Steve Conaway asked that aluminum bleachers and trash receptacles be added to the base alternative, at a cost of $15,000. Concerning a permanent Little League area, Parks & Rec President Dave Young said, “They’ve wanted a home for a long time and now’s their chance. It will be something they will be proud of.” Motion passed, 4-0, with Councilmember Jamey Brooks absent. Young also asked that City Manager Yvonne Quiring or Deputy Manager Bill Bartels attend the Parks & Rec meetings, as did former city manager Tom Ristau, to keep the commission informed, stating, “Sometimes we are just skipped in the process.” The commission will meet again on January 18, 2010, at 6:30PM. Rapp discussed the City’s Capital Improvement Program, an update of the schedule, and deletion of completed projects. Adding projects or changing the cost estimates of projects will occur separately as the City Master Plans are updated. Many of the projects shown in the update are moved out to later years to reflect a delay in funding associated with the slowdown in the economy, said Rapp. Council moved to adopt an update excluding storm drain projects; motion passed, 4-0. Rapp also recommended that Council conduct a Public Hearing to receive comments on the FY 2008-09 Report on Development Impact Fee Balances, Income, and Expenses; and make any adjustments it deems appropriate, provide City staff with any direction deemed appropriate, and receive and file the FY 2008-09 Report. The Traffic Master Plan is being prepared, but is now on hold pending future receipt of Transportation Development Impact Fees. “It’s significantly out of date technically,” said Rapp. The City is waiting for $100,000 to complete the traffic study, he stated. “At the current rate it could be another year for it to come in.” Referring to Measure I, City Attorney Ted Schneider said, “We are just trying to implement it and deal with it.” The ballot measure called for 350 homes to be built in N. Fillmore, instead of the original 700 planned. That leaves the City with 350 homes to be built elsewhere within city limits, to satisfy state requirements. Conaway said the City has a “very limited Measure I footprint” in which to place the additional 350 homes. Motion passed, 4-0 to approve the City’s Draft Housing Element Update. With the passing of Measure I, the City’s Land Use Element of the General Plan was amended. to maintain internal consistency in keeping with government code The housing element must be revised to reflect the changes from Measure I. Also the Housing Element must be amended for any subsequent changes to the General Plan or zoning due to Measure I or other measures. Quiring requested authorization from Council to add a part-time position for clerical assistance in the Parks & Rec/Public Works reception. The anticipated cost is approximately $8,000 and will be funded this year from salary savings of the vacant Finance Director position through June 30, 2010. Next fiscal year it will be included as part of the budget process. According to Quiring, the position will be offered to current employees first; if a current employee is hired then the vacancy would exist elsewhere and the City would advertize that position. Motion passed, 4-0. Fire Chief Rigo Landeros thanked the community for its support for the annual Christmas toy collection, to be distributed at the Police Storefront, Monday, December 21st at 3PM. Toys can still be dropped off at the fire station until Monday, December 21st, before 3PM. |