Flood Insurance Update
By Mariandrea Mueller — Wednesday, July 29th, 2009
![]() Pictured above (l-r) City Planner Manuel Minjares and Mayor Patti Walker. Minjares was awarded Employee of the Quarter. ![]() Pictured above (l-r) Community Services Supervisor Annette Cardona and Mayor Patti Walker. Cardona was Employee of the Quarter for April-June. ![]() Pictured above (l-r) Ginger Gherardi and Mayor Patti Walker. The City Council met July 28th, had many of its questions regarding FEMA flood maps and flood insurance answered by the Ventura County Watershed Protection District, conducted miscellaneous City business, and presented awards to staff. Staff from the Ventura County Watershed Protection District (VCWPD) provided a presentation which addressed the need for Fillmore residents in certain locations to buy flood insurance before the updated FEMA maps are finalized and go into effect. The report provided updates on the Status of FEMA's Sespe Creek, Pole Creek, and Santa Clara River Flood Insurance Study, FEMA's Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (DFIRMs), and the District's Levee Certification Efforts for the Sespe Creek Levee. The three main parts of National Flood Insurance Program are mapping (to identify flood hazards), floodplain management (building practices aimed at reducing flood damage), and insurance (reducing the economic impacts of flooding). Flood Insurance Studies are used to develop maps which set flood insurance rates based on potential flood scenarios (specifically, severe floods which are estimated to occur only once in 100 years). Rates are set by location, with higher rates for areas more likely to be flooded. Some mortgage-holders require homeowners to buy insurance if their houses are in high rate (i.e. high risk) locations. A letter of final map determination for countywide DFIRMs was issued July 7, 2009, but the Santa Clara River and Tributaries DFIRM letter of final map determination will not be issued until May 2010. The DFIRMs are legally effective six months after the final map determination letter is issued. Fillmore and VCWPD worked together after the initial maps were issued to use technical evidence to convince FEMA to reduce the projected amount of water flow, reduce the projected flood area (i.e. the floodway), and to re-certify the Sespe Creek levee. The levee was conceptually divided into two parts for analysis and certification. FEMA is expected to re-certify the first part by November 30, 2009. Construction will probably be necessary to enhance the second part of the levee, but studies are ongoing, and the final report including a proposed solution to the levee's alleged deficiencies will not be ready until September 30, 2009. Revised Sespe Creek DFIRMs are expected in September 2009. VCWPD staff explained that flood insurance would be available until the end of 2009 at a reduced rate of $350 per year. Fillmore residents within the designated floodplain might be required by mortgage-holders to pay $1700 per year if they wait to buy insurance and the levee is not certified. Even if the levee is certified, as expected, the price for flood insurance will rise to $850 per year after 2009. The Council directed staff to post a map showing the projected floodway on the Fillmore City Hall web site (www.fillmoreca.com). FEMA insurance experts will be in Fillmore on September 30, 2009, for a public workshop at 6:30 p.m. in the Veterans Memorial Building. Flood insurance is available through insurance companies. The Council directed Sgt. Dave Wareham of the Sheriff's Department to buy a replacement motorcycle for the motorcycle officer. The motorcycle will be ready in approximately one month, which is when the motorcycle officer will have recovered from his May accident and be ready to ride again. The motorcycle will be partially paid for by the insurance of the other party who was at fault in the accident. Wareham explained that if there had been no accident the motorcycle would have needed replacement in one or two years anyway. He added that he received three estimates before deciding on a seller, and that the seller of the new motorcycle was reducing the price by the salvage value of the old motorcycle. Wareham noted that while Fillmore has had no motorcycle officer since the accident there have been 8 injury accidents. During the same period last year there were only 5 injury accidents. He said the motorcycle officer keeps speeds down along Highway 126 by issuing an average of 113 citations per month. The Council presented Employee of the Quarter proclamations to Assistant City Planner Manuel Minjares and Community Services Supervisor Annette Cardona. Minjares was Employee of the Quarter for January-March. The proclamation noted his leadership of the First-Time Home-Buyer Program, his work as Construction Manager for the City Pool, his professionalism, and his positive manner. Cardona was Employee of the Quarter for April-June. The proclamation noted her coordination and development of an operations manual and policies for the City Pool, her sense of humor, her care, and her diligence. The Council held a discussion on the salary range for the open City Manager Position. Most Council members thought that further specifying the City Manager's salary range was premature. Jamey Brooks explained that he does not want the City to spend more than $175,000 on the position, including benefits. He is concerned that the City needs to reduce costs, and is open to the idea of the City allocating the $175,000 between salary and benefits to the employee's greatest advantage. He opposes salary reductions outside management positions, and stated that most management positions were currently under contract, but that the Council has the opportunity to trim the City Manager cost and the Finance Director cost, since both of those positions are open. Transitional City Manager Larry Pennell argued that the City Manager should always earn more than his subordinates do. Mike Waldron asked the City to notify downtown businesses well in advance of downtown events, such as festivals. He said that during events parking is limited, trash pick-up is affected, and temporary fences can become safety hazards if nearby businesses are not consulted regarding their placement. He also complained that food residue left behind during cleanup attracts flies. Jim Mendrala concurred. Nancy M. Williams from Southern California Edison presented a "State of the Utility System" report. She addressed the move toward using renewable energy sources, and said that the goal was for 20% of energy to be from renewable sources next year. They are currently at 16%. She spoke about new technology Edison is using, especially its SmartConnect program which includes smart meters. Smart meters will allow consumers to see their peak energy hours, so households can adjust energy usage to be more efficient. Edison is providing a workshop on solar energy at the Simi Valley City Council Chambers on Thursday July 30th. Information on available electricity discounts can be found at www.sce.com The Council, sitting as the Fillmore Redevelopment Agency (RDA) Board, decided to postpone approval of a lease between the RDA and the Heritage Valley Tourism Bureau and Fillmore & Western Railway for 364 Main St. Dave Wilkinson, owner of Fillmore & Western Railway Co., said that his lawyer wanted some points clarified, especially the seven days per week operation requirement. There is still agreement among all parties involved, and the $750/month price was accepted, but to avoid legal problems the lease will not be approved until the details have been reviewed. Ginger Gherardi presented the City with a 2009 Ventura County Fair Poster, and an entertainment schedule. This year's fair theme is "Purebred and Home Grown". The fair will be August 5 –16, 2009. Gherardi also asked that the Council intervene on behalf of the fair if the State decided to purchase or close the fairgrounds. The Council decided to keep the digesters at the old Waste Water Treatment Plant. The plant is being demolished at the end of August or beginning of September. The digesters are two concrete tanks: one 16 feet high and 52 feet in diameter and one 12 feet high and 42 feet in diameter. They will eventually be converted into an elevated feature for Two Rivers Park. Staff will prepare plans to ensure public safety by securing the digesters after the plant is demolished and security fencing is removed. The Council approved the job description and salary range for the Aquatics/Parks Facility Maintenance Operator. Proclamations: COMMENDING WHEREAS, each quarter of the year the City honors an employee or employees for exemplary work over the past three months; and WHEREAS, City employees are encouraged to act at all times in a highly professional and courteous manner, especially those employees who have regular contact with the public and who often are the first or only contact persons have with the City; and WHEREAS, Assistant City Planner Manuel Minjares is to be commended for having earned the distinction of being selected as Employee of the Quarter for the months of January through March, 2009; and WHEREAS, Manuel has taken leadership of the First-time homebuyer program, which assists the citizens of Fillmore in purchasing their homes in these difficult economic times; and WHEREAS, Manuel has focused his attention as construction manager for the community pool, where he assisted with selecting a contractor, ensured construction stayed within budget, handled several unforeseen construction problems, and ensured a smooth transition to the Facilities Department to handle the future operation and maintenance; and WHEREAS, Manuel, with the help of Building Inspector Michael McGivney, continues to lead the demolition of unoccupied dangerous buildings with concurrence from the property owners, which saves them money and future liability while allowing the City to remove blighted conditions; and WHEREAS, Manuel conducts himself in a professional and positive manner, works well with other departments, and is at the front lines of City Hall assisting developers and citizens seeking permits. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Patti Walker, Mayor of the City of Fillmore, and on behalf of the Fillmore City Council, do hereby commend Manuel Minjares as Employee of the Quarter for January through March, 2009 and do hereby ask all those present to congratulate Manuel on his dedication and service to Fillmore, the “Last Best Small Town in Southern California.” JULY 28, 2009. _______________________________ PATTI WALKER, MAYOR COMMENDING WHEREAS, each quarter of the year the City honors an employee or employees for exemplary work over the past three months; and WHEREAS, Annette Cardona, Community Services Supervisor, is to be commended for having earned the distinction of being selected as Employee of the Quarter for the months of April through June, 2009; and WHEREAS, Annette is to be recognized for the coordination and development of the Operations Manual and Plans for the Community Pool; and WHEREAS, Annette has also coordinated with the construction team, both including the City Staff and others, to bring the Community Pool online; and WHEREAS, Annette worked tirelessly to balance the communities desire for the facility with the operational requirements of the facility; and WHEREAS, Annette completed this task with humor, care and diligence, never looking for a pat on the back or a congratulatory note, but always offering her support to those who helped make the Community Pool a reality, and this is our opportunity to offer Annette a pat on the back for her unwavering dedication to the Fillmore Community Aquatics Center. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Patti Walker, Mayor of the City of Fillmore, and on behalf of the Fillmore City Council, do hereby commend Annette Cardona as Employee of the Quarter for April through June, 2009 and do hereby ask all those present to congratulate Annette on her dedication and service to Fillmore, the “Last Best Small Town in Southern California.” JULY 28, 2009. |