Former Fillmore Mayor Manuel Minjares Shares View on City’s Temporary Moratorium of Cannabis Cultivation
Former Fillmore Mayor Manuel Minjares on Fillmore City Council's temporary moratorium of hemp production inside Fillmore city limits.
Former Fillmore Mayor Manuel Minjares on Fillmore City Council's temporary moratorium of hemp production inside Fillmore city limits.

The following opinion expressed by former Fillmore Mayor Manuel Minjares was taken from a public Facebook post:

“I want to add a little more context to this issue because Fillmore has wrestled with cannabis in the not too distant past.

On November 6, 2018, Measure T, a Fillmore City Council led measure that sought Fillmore voters say on commercial cultivation of cannabis in specific, business park and industrially zoned areas. The measure ensured that any cultivation would be conditioned to occur within an enclosed building with significant air filtration to mitigate any odor issues. This measure was defeated, 54% - 46%.

The moratorium that the city has passed only affects the few vestiges of agriculture WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS. Our moratorium does not affect or impact agricultural uses outside of our city limits. Our moratorium is also not a permanent ban on industrial hemp cultivation either. It does however give the City time to look at options and different regulatory scenarios.

Without this moratorium, agricultural properties WITHIN our City Boundary could simply register with Agricultural Commissioners office and start growing hemp mere feet from our residentially zoned neighborhoods. Despite what some believe or even care to consider, the odor from outdoor cannabis cultivation has a significant impact on many people, unlike any of our other crops in this country in my opinion.

To be clear, I'm a big supporter of agriculture in our county and as a matter of fact, have been a vocal proponent of well regulated cannabis cultivation within our city limits. I am also aware that certain land uses are going to conflict with one another and can negatively impact the quality of life of many if not regulated appropriately.

To summarize:
1. Fillmore voters said NO to commercial cannabis cultivation on 11/6/2018.

2. Fillmore City Council voted to enact a temporary moratorium on industrial hemp cultivation on 12/10/19.
I felt it was necessary to enact a moratorium before any unmitigated outdoor cultivation could occur with in city limits, directly adjacent to residential development.

3. The Fillmore moratorium only applies to the few pieces of remaining agricultural properties within the city limits.
The Fillmore moratorium does not apply to agricultural properties outside of the city limits where over 99.9% of all agricultural cultivation occurs and should occur.

4. Fillmore City staff will be working on options for regulating industrial hemp for a council decision likely to occur in 2020.”