Free Hazardous Vegetation Collection Day May 6th

Courtesy Fillmore Fire Department

The Fillmore Fire Department in conjunction with the Ventura Regional Fire Safe Council has received a grant to dispose of flammable vegetation in residential neighborhoods that are adjacent to wildland areas. This grant is being applied to all residents who reside in Fillmore. All residents who live within three hundred yards of a wildland area are especially encouraged to take advantage of this free opportunity.

On Saturday, May 6th, from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM, all residents in the City may haul any tree/brush trimmings direct to the Fillmore City Well #4 location at 728 Goodenough Rd. for free disposal. Any ornamental vegetation and cut grass/weeds will also be accepted if it is free of any dirt, metal, plastic, or other trash.

Residents are especially encouraged to have professional tree trimmers, trim up palm trees, of all dead palm fronds as these can be especially hazardous when caught on fire. All palm fronds will accepted.

Any questions may be directed to the Fillmore Fire Chief at 524-1500 ext. 226.