FUSD Receives $5,000 Grant to Promote Reading
![]() By Jean McLeod — Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012
![]() Fillmore Unified School District The Fillmore Unified School District (FUSD) Board Meeting began with a public hearing on the sufficiency of textbooks and instructional materials for the K-8 grade provision of standards-aligned and structured English immersion program for the 2012-2013 school year. Also on the agenda was a presentation of a reading event being held later this month for 3rd graders along with an update on Math and English test scores. Jennifer Weir, Special Populations Coordinator will be partnering with nonprofit Right Road Kids President Paula Phillips, to host a Family Reading Celebration event for FUSD 3rd graders and their families. The event is made possible through a generous grant provided by Reading is Fundamental and Macy’s Department Stores. The grants ranged from $1,000 to $5,000, with Fillmore receiving $5,000, the highest amount. The goal of the grant is to motivate students about the importance of reading, empower families, encourage community support and promote partnerships with educators and parents. The motivational program’s focus is the importance of reading at home, parents/siblings reading to kids and parent classroom involvement. Students attending will receive Right Road Reading Packs, script for the Free Book Store, along with the entertaining programs and edible treats for everyone. The event will take place at Fillmore Middle School on October 23rd between 5:00-7:00 p.m. Fliers will be sent home with all FUSD 3rd graders and parents are encouraged to pre-register by Friday October 5th to assure their child and family members will receive the free materials. Parents or an adult family member must accompany their children. For more information contact Jennifer Weir at 805 524-8036 or jweir@fillmore.k12.ca.us Although notice was given, no one except school staff attended the public hearing to discuss the textbooks being used this school year. The date of the hearing, which by law must give 10 days notice was published September 20, 2012 in the Gazette and other outlets for those parents, community members or educators with questions or concerns about the textbooks being provided to the K- 8 grade student. Every seven years the State of California adopts a limited list of textbooks that are the only books grades K-8 are allowed to use in the classroom. But on July 28, 2009 the State suspended the process and procedures for adopting instructional materials, including framework revisions, until the 2013-2014 school year. Senate Bill 70 extended that suspension until the 2015-16 school year. Also, due to California’s budget problems, the State suspended funding for textbooks two years ago and today FUSD only buys replacement books (lost or misplaced books). Educators also have questions as to what supplemental books will be needed in both Math and English Arts to meet the requirements of the Common Core Standards that California Schools are adopting. Estimates are the cost to California for the change in curriculum could range from $760 million to as much as $1.6 billion and there is still the question of online books and what the cost, if any, for access to them. California law requires that each child have their own textbook on the subjects being taught, but throughout the country there is a question of where the funding for the new Common Core books will come from. Fortunately FUSD has sufficient textbooks to meet this requirement for the 2012-2013 school year. At the September 18, 2012 Board meeting Michael Johnson, Assistant Superintendent, presented the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) for grades 10th, 11th and 12th. He presented the California State Tests 5-Year Comparison in Math and English Language Arts Proficiency for grades 2-11 District-wide, school by school. The finding showed some schools are doing better than others in the same grade category. Third grade showed marked differences and improvement in some schools but not in all. Johnson stated that those schools that are strong in certain areas will be asked to share what practices are being used adding, “We’re all one District….something is happening in the 3rd grade and we want to know who those 3rd grade teachers are who are doing so well and share their practices.” The good news is test scores are going up. Superintendent Dr. Alan Nishino responded to this news with, “Our kids are stepping up to the challenge.” This past summer’s Math Bridge Academy was a great success and FUSD is already starting to plan for next summer’s program which will add Pre-Algebra and Chemistry. There is a small problem though. The program had planned to have the student tutors continue tutoring through this school year those students they had helped during the summer program; but some of the tutors are involved in various after-school programs such as sports and cannot fit tutoring into their schedules. Policies were presented to the Board that describe what is considered bullying along with a Code of Conduct, plagiarism or dishonesty on school work or test, inappropriate attire, suspension and expulsion/due process. Nishino made a point of telling the Board and all those in attendance that these policies will be uniform throughout the District and every student and staff member will be held to the same standard. Scott Beylik addressed the Board with the announcement of the Champion of Stars Boys and Girls Club Breakfast in Santa Paula. |