Christine Schieferle, Superintendent, Fillmore Unified School District
Dear Fillmore/Piru Community,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. I hope your summer was filled with quality time with loved ones and that you are ready for a great school year!
All Fillmore Unified staff have been working diligently to prepare for the year ahead, and we are eager to partner with you to make this school year one of growth, achievement, and opportunity for all students.
This year, we remain committed to student academic success and creating safe and respectful schools where every student can thrive. We also recognize the critical role of mental health support and are dedicated to offering expanded resources to support emotional well-being and long-term resilience. Additionally, we will continue to invest in facility improvements across our school district. Below are some highlights:
Student Academic Success
•Full-time bilingual community liaisons at all school sites.
•Free online academic tutoring available 24/7.
•Reading Intervention teachers at all elementary schools and Fillmore Middle School (FMS).
•Block schedules with built-in academic support at FMS and Fillmore High School (FHS).
•Differentiated academic support within the school day at all elementary schools.
•Expanded Independent Study Program.
•After-school Bridges program until 6:00 p.m., Monday – Friday.
•Expanded Learning Opportunities during school breaks.
•Preschool programs for children ages 2.9 months to 4 years.
•College/university field trips to promote a college-bound culture.
•Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathways at Fillmore High.
•UCSB (University of California Santa Barbara) Early Academic Outreach Program at Fillmore High and Fillmore Middle Schools.
•CSUCI (Cal State University Channel Islands) Guaranteed Admission for Fillmore High students.
Mental Health Support
•Wellness Centers at FMS, FHS, Piru and Mountain Vista Schools.
•New Wellness Centers at Sierra High School and San Cayetano Elementary School.
•Counselors at all sites, full-time social workers at Fillmore Middle and Fillmore High
2023-2024 Facilities Improvements
•Fillmore High: New windows and HVAC units in the Arts building, new fencing at the Little League Field, and new asphalt at the basketball courts.
•San Cayetano Elementary: New interior classroom paint, new classroom furniture, new shade structure, new landscaping, HVAC in the cafeteria.
•Mountain Vista Elementary: New shade structures.
•Sierra High: New shade structure and landscaping.
•Sespe Preschool: New paint, landscaping, and play structure.
•Adult Education Center: New classrooms and restroom building.
Coming in 2024-2025
• Rio Vista Elementary: New 200-meter all-weather track.
• Fillmore High: New varsity baseball field, new restroom building, and flex
space at the School Farm.
• Piru Elementary: New HVAC in the cafeteria, new shade structures, and restroom building.
Future Projects
• Fillmore Middle School: New paint and HVAC in the gym, new outdoor shade structures.
• Fillmore High School: New athletic complex (groundbreaking in 2025), locker room remodel to include girls’ locker room, and career center relocation and upgrade.
Great things are happening in our school district! It is important that we continue to work together, build relationships with each other, and maintain our collective focus to do what is best for our students. They are counting on us!
Please join and support our School Site Councils, English Learner Advisory Committees, Parent Booster Clubs, and volunteer opportunities. Connecting with these organizations and school staff is vital to your child’s success. I look forward to seeing our students back on Wednesday, August 14, and I’m confident we can make this school year a safe and positive experience for everyone.
Christine Schieferle, Superintendent, Fillmore Unified School District