FWSC Donates $1,000 to AYSO
Pictured (l-r) are Brandy Hollis FWSC, Gabriela Santa Rosa AYSO, Arnold Munoz AYSO, and Danielle Quintana FWSC. Article/Photo credit Brandy Hollis.
Pictured (l-r) are Brandy Hollis FWSC, Gabriela Santa Rosa AYSO, Arnold Munoz AYSO, and Danielle Quintana FWSC. Article/Photo credit Brandy Hollis.

On Monday, June 17, the Fillmore Women’s Service Club (FWSC) was able to present AYSO 242 with a generous donation of $1,000 to help the organization in its ability to provide some additional scholarships for the League.

Fillmore Women’s Service Club is an organization of women who are of service in the Fillmore community. When the request was read and discussions were made, there was only one right move, to help anyway we can, first, with a monetary donation.
FWSC is hard at work for the community and partnering up with AYSO to help ensure their motto of EVERYONE PLAYS--and AYSO Epics Everyone Plays in our Community is a part of what they stand for.

Fillmore AYSO 242 is celebrating its 45th anniversary this year. They are hard at work gearing up for another fantastic year of soccer with some extra special celebrations along the way. FWSC looks forward to celebrating with them.
If you have any desire to make a difference in a child’s life, especially when it comes to the community and youth sports, here are a few things you may consider: Volunteer as a Coach, Volunteer as a Referee, consider sponsoring a child or a team, sponsor a team’s banner yourself or as a business, and lastly, any new or used sporting equipment would gladly be accepted (cleats, shin guards, soccer balls, cones).

You can follow both organizations on social media if you are interested in the above. Both organizations would gladly accept equipment to be used towards a child this year (or feel free to contact anyone pictured in the photo).
Good job, AYSO 242! 45 years serving your Fillmore community. Good job, FWSC, on showing up for the youth by supporting scholarship efforts. See you on the soccer field! Let’s have a great season!