Israel Series Part Three, Surrounded By Enemies
![]() Mark Trimble is at the Israel/Lebanon Border, with IDF Special Forces, 1000 yards from terrorist group Hezbollah’s Headquarters. By Mark Trimble — Wednesday, September 15th, 2010
“It is the mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to erase Israel from the map of the region.” “I don’t believe he would have hesitated to give the order to nuke the nation of Israel if he had had the bomb…Allah had given us the responsibility of eradicating the Jews, and my father didn’t question that…” Note: Mosab Yousef is a reformed Hamas terrorist. Mosab has openly denounced terrorism, and assisted the Israeli Security Services in combating numerous acts of murder by fanatical Muslim extremists. Mosab’s fight against Radical Islam is chronicled in the excellent book, ‘Son Of Hamas.’ The entire geographical size of the nation of Israel is smaller than the state of New Jersey. In speaking with an Israeli Air Force F-16 fighter pilot he told me it takes approximately 12 minutes to fly from northern to southern Israel, and approximately 3 minutes to fly from eastern to western Israel. Almost immediately after the United Nations Partition Resolution 181 of 1947 granted Israel statehood, five Arab nations, Egypt, Iraq, Jordon, Lebanon and Syria attacked Israel. This became known as the War Of Independence. After the Holocaust in which 6 million Jews were slaughtered, and after fending off the attack of five Arab nations who violated the United Nations agreement and attempted to destroy the Jewish people for a second time in 1948, the Jewish people finally had a homeland. One strategically placed nuclear bomb launched into modern day Israel would destroy the Jewish homeland thus creating a second modern day Holocaust. Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has stated on numerous occasions and as recently as last week that The Islamic Republic of Iran’s goal is to destroy the “Little Satan” (Israel), and the “Great Satan” (The United States). Recently when Iran paraded its military fighting force and weaponry during a public display of its “military might”, the missiles had “Death To Israel” and “Death To The United States” emblazoned of the side of the missiles. In a past statement Usama bin Laden said, “We call on the Muslim nation…to prepare for the Jihad imposed by Allah and terrorize the enemy by preparing the force necessary. This should include nuclear force.” Since 1969 Israel has signed 16 Peace Accords with the Palestinians, all of which the Palestinians have immediately violated and launched attacks against Israel. Israel is the only functioning democracy in the Middle East, and they have no viable partner in the Middle East region. The main terrorist threat to Israel, the United States and the rest of the world is Iran. Iran funds, trains and provides weapons to the terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah, as well as the current insurgency in Iraq. In Israel, Hamas and Hezbollah are viewed as “Iranian Outposts”. In a direct violation of a United Nations agreement after the 2006 Lebanon-Israeli war, Lebanon has stock piled approximately 45, 000 rockets at its southern border, all of which are ready to be launched into northern Israel. This was dramatically displayed this week when a weapons stock pile building in southern Lebanon caught on fire, and an Israeli unmanned drone was able to take photographic evidence of terrorist trying to remove the rockets from the facility before the fire destroyed the rockets. At no time did the Hezbollah terrorists attempt to extinguish the fire, they were to busy trying to remove the rockets to a safe area. Israel’s military actions against Radical Muslim regimes in the Middle East have provided safety and stability for the United States and other world countries. President Obama and other world leaders need to speak out in support of Israel. United States national security is a two way street with Israel. Israel is the United States front line defense against Muslim terrorists. Former U.S. Army General and Secretary of State, Alexander Haig once said, “I support Israel because it is the largest aircraft carrier in the Middle East. Without Israel we would have to put American soldier’s lives at risk.” United States Senator Daniel Inouye stated, “The intelligence from Israel far exceeds any other resource of intelligence information in the world.” A Captain in the Israel Defense Forces Military Intelligence Division told me, “If the terrorist regimes laid down their weapons aimed at us there would be peace today, if we laid down our weapons they would destroy Israel immediately.” |