It’s Kindergarden Registration Time

Kindergarten registration will be held on March 28– April 8, 2011, at San Cayetano School, 524-6040, Sespe School, 524-6161, Mountain Vista, 524-8302 and Piru School, 521-1709. Piru residents may register at Piru School.

Parents are to register at the school site within their boundaries.

In order to complete registration, parents must have birth certificate, verification of adequate immunization for their children, verification of address (such as utility bill or driver’s license).

Parents must provide documentation that their child has completed a Physical Examination; (physical needs to be dated after March 1st, 2011), and Dental/Oral Examination. All four elementary schools have a supply of the physical examination forms and forms for the dentist.

Immunizations: Required doses of Polio, DPT, MMR, Hepatitis B and Varicella vaccines.

For additional questions, contact the elementary school sites, or M. E. Romero, R.N., District Health Coordinator at 524-6029.