Mourning the Death of Integrity

To the Editor:
I was astonished to learn about the reassignment of Evalene Townend, the former Assistant Superintendent of Personnel for the Fillmore Unified School District. Mrs. Townend apparently will occupy a newly formed position. The District office is already overstaffed and budget problems have necessitated the cutting of teachers and staff. As a former employee of the District, and as a taxpaying member of this community, I am concerned about how this will affect the employees and students of Fillmore and Piru. Our community has many questions that need to be answered:

1. What are the allegations? The understanding within the community is that there is proof of serious misconduct.

2. What kind of investigation has been done? We understand that the District has done an investigation. How thorough was this inquiry? What were the results? Are other District personnel implicated? If serious misconduct is indicated, reassignment to a new position is a reward for bad behavior. What is the Board’s position on that?

3. Has law enforcement been involved or even notified since this is possible criminal activity?

4. How can a new position be justified? What is the salary? What funding sources will be used? What are the duties? How will staff and students be served in ways that are not happening now?
5. Will another assistant superintendent be hired for personnel? At what salary?

6. When investigations are concluded, will there be legal action pending?
7. With serious charges unanswered, why would Superintendent Sweeney and the Board permit this?

Several years ago a wonderful man, Bob Kernen, served the Fillmore Unified School District as Assistant Superintendent and Personnel Director. He was much more than a nice guy. He was fair, and he was honest. There were times when we disagreed with his decisions and questioned the reasoning behind them. However, we NEVER questioned the integrity behind the decision. The certificated and classified staffs of the Fillmore Unified School District, as well as the communities of Fillmore and Piru, are questioning the decisions now.

May I remind the Board that they have a solumn duty is to allocate the money available to the Fillmore Unifed School District in a way that is most beneficial to the education of our students. I respectfully request that they question this reassignment and consider its affect on our students.

The employees of the Fillmore Schools decided to wear black to the School Board meeting to protest the reassignment of Mrs. Townend and the creation of a new District level position. While I applauded their decision to wear a certain color to show solidarity, I wondered about their choice of black, the color of mourning. Oh! I see. They are mourning the death of integrity. Would that we could rest in peace.