Ventura County Sheriff's Department
On Friday, June 27th, 2008 at approximately 10:19 a.m. a theft of copper wire was reported on Grimes Canyon Road at Bardsdale Avenue (Vintage Petroleum), Bardsdale. Approximately 300 feet of cable was taken with a value of about $3,000.
By 4:00 p.m., Fillmore investigating Deputy Darin Hendren, at the 17000 block of South Mountain Road, lead to the recovery of an unreported stolen ATV from Ventura PD jurisdiction as well as the arrest of three suspects in the theft of metals crimes that have been recently occurring in the area.
Dep. Hendren was following up on several agriculture crimes over the past week on tips from locals that a named felony parolee who had been seen in the area. The deputy went to the suspect’s residence and discovered evidence of the metals crimes including the stolen ATV. Todd Corona, 42, Gina Smith 27, and Brett Diettinger, 44 were arrested for drugs.
On Sunday, parolee Jeff Daniels was arrested on South Mountain Road. Daniels is a 32 year old local felony suspect who law enforcement officials believe has targeted oilfields and farms in the Bardsdale and Piru areas. Earlier in the week, three associates of Daniels were arrested in the same area on drug charges.
Ag Detective Ray Dominguez has been aggressively chasing after theft suspects. Det. Dominguez set up search warrants to recover supplies stolen from local farms and ranches. He relies on tips from the public and confidential informants to break into these rings.
On another case this week, our own Fillmore Deputies Darin Hendren and Gabriel Viesca have set up targeted surveillance in the South Mountain Road area. This week they caught two Gang member, taggers on the 12th Street Bridge. They were both booked in jail.