Never Give Up on Your Dreams
Jose “Froggy” Estrada vs. Adrian Guzman, Saturday, April 27th.
Jose “Froggy” Estrada vs. Adrian Guzman, Saturday, April 27th.
Pictured right is Jose “Froggy” Estrada during his training at his home gym, West Coast Jiu-Jitsus in Oxnard. Photo courtesy Joe Woods.
Pictured right is Jose “Froggy” Estrada during his training at his home gym, West Coast Jiu-Jitsus in Oxnard. Photo courtesy Joe Woods.

It is fight time again sports fans! That’s right The Frog Man is about to fight again! Friday night, April 26th, on the campus of U.S.C. in Los Angeles, Ca. First fight starts at 7 p.m. I got a chance to go to West Coast Jiu-Jitsus in Oxnard where Jose “Froggy” Estrada trains, with the great coach Brian Espinoza in charge and teammate Michael Reyes, both getting ready to fight the same night. I had a sit down interview with Froggy, this is how it went:

Question: Are you ready?
Froggy: Yes Sir! Been ready since my last fight. The fire inside is burning.

Question: What’s the temperature?
Froggy: 200 degrees! I am ready to go all out in this fight. Training hard, eating good, ready to redeem myself after the last fight that I got robbed in Mexico. I’m back with a chip on my shoulder.

Question: What can you tell me about the guy you are fighting?
Froggy: Undefeated. His first fight at 145 pounds, record of 3-0. His name is Adrian Guzman. He is a striker, he is working on his wrestling. I need to show him my experience and skills I have.

Question: What are you going to do about this guy when you get him in the cage Friday night?
Froggy: I am going to out skill him, out class him, and do what Froggy does best. With my experience, and this not being my first rodeo, I will take him out.

Question: Do you ever have any fear before a fight?
Froggy: NO FEAR!

Question: What gets you going on fight night? What gets you excited?
Froggy: Being able to fight and perform in front of the crowd. To be able to back up what is being said on T.V., social media, the press, and knowing I am fighting on worldwide T.V. That is what brings me enjoyment, to give the viewer what they want on fight night.

Question: Do you respect Adrian Guzman?
Froggy: Right now, yes. But not when the cage door locks. It will be him against me then. And it will be me with my hand raised in victory when the fight ends.

Question: What about after the fight? Do you respect him then?
Froggy: Yes. Always respect. Respect for his team, his family and of course him.

Question: What do you want to say to your fans before the fight?
Froggy: Thank you, thank you for your support. I hope you all tune in to the fight on T.V. or on social media. Thank you to my hometown Fillmore! Thank you for the support over the years. Be ready to see the Frog do his thing!

Question: Who do you want to thank?
Froggy: My manger, my coaches, my teammates at West Coast Jiu-Jitsu. My family, my sponsors, and of course my fans. And I have a message to the kids out there; keep working hard, and never give up on your dreams!

Folks I have been covering Froggy Estrada since his first fight. This is a great man and a great role model for all of us out there. I have known him since he was in Middle School here in Fillmore, and I am so proud to be able to call Jose “Froggy” Estrada my friend. Thank you Froggy! Now DRIVE, DRIVE, DRIVE! The fight will be on Univision T.V. on Friday night, April 26th. Look up your local listing for the time.