At last night’s City Council meeting Rebecca Morales of Fillmore was appointed to the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council.
September 10, 2019
Agenda item 7-A
The City Engineer recommendation that City Council approve Final Map Tract No. 5520-3 for condominium purposes and Final Map Tract No. 5520-4 and authorize the Mayor to sign the maps and direct the City Clerk to record the maps with the County Recorder's office. It was unanimously approved.
The Planning Commission's recommendation that City Council 1.Adopt City Council Resolution 19-3737, approving a minor amendment to Conditions of Approval – Modification #1 to Development Permit 17-06- and finding of exemption from CEQA was approved.
NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FILLMORE, CALIFORNIA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City Council of the City of Fillmore finds that the above recitals are true and correct. SECTION 2. A new chapter 7.42, entitled “Short-term Vacation Rental Hosting Platform Responsibilities” is hereby added to Title 7 of the Fillmore Municipal Code to read, in its entirety, as follows:
The addition to Title 7 of the Fillmore Municipal Code was unanimously added to the Fillmore Municipal Code.
The recommendation that the City Council approve (i) amendments to the contracts with Rincon Consultants, Jensen Design & Survey, Tom Figg consulting and RRM with extended terms and updated scopes of work in a form approved by the City Manager and City Attorney and authorize the Mayor to sign these contracts, and (ii) an appropriation in the amount of $60,742 from General Fund Reserves to General Fund 101-4528- 0021-298, NF Specific Plan. This recommendation was approved unanimously.
The Staff request that the City Council open the public hearing on this item and vote to continue the public hearing until September 24, 2019 was unanimously approved.
The recommendation to appoint Rebecca Morales to the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council was unanimously approved. Ms. Morales was recognized in person at the meeting.
The City of Fillmore has two vacant seats on the VCAAA Advisory Council. After receiving her application to be appointed to one of these seats, the City Council Interview/Selection Committee interviewed Morales and is recommending her for appointment to the VCAAA Advisory Council. VCAAA’s Advisory Council is a community-based body of advocates for persons aged 60 and over with a mission to involve the community in creating and sustaining programs that impact senior living and family caregivers. Members represent the Ventura County Board of Supervisors, Service Providers & Focus Populations, and local cities. The Advisory Council meets six times a year; much of the work is done in committees such as Transportation, Housing and Health Issues, Senior Nutrition, and Optimal Aging, and through participation in outreach, grantee site visits, task force groups and issues of County concern.