Robledos Named Fillmore Equestrian Center Operators
At last night’s city council meeting, Mario and Vanessa Robledo, pictured with their three daughters, spoke to council
after being selected as operators of the Fillmore Equestrian Center.
At last night’s city council meeting, Mario and Vanessa Robledo, pictured with their three daughters, spoke to council after being selected as operators of the Fillmore Equestrian Center.
Fillmore City Council Meeting

At Tuesday's regular city council meeting, Mario and Vanessa Robledo were selected to be operators of the Fillmore Equestrian Center.

Both the Robledos and longtime Fillmore resident Steve McKinnon proposed plans to manage the center.

McKinnon has lived in Fillmore since June 1982 and has been a boarder at the FEC for over 20 years. He also has a good relationship with the roping club. He is a semi-retired general contractor with 25 years of property management.

Mario and Vanessa Robledo have lived and board (ed) at the FEC. They own several horses and have a 50-acre private ranch outside of Fillmore where they manage horses and have hosted multiple boarders. In addition, they own and operate Robledo Transportation Logistics, Inc. and Prancer’s Village.

The council praised both offers but decided that the Robledo's provided more experience with equestrian issues.

Public hearing: development permit 17-06 - for 133 detached Condominium units by Comstock Homes located in tentative tract
Map 5520 (phase 2) was unanimously approved.

Heritage valley parks subdivision – consideration of easement Agreements with the Ventura county transportation commission
(“VTTC”), the city of Fillmore, and hearthstone was unanimously approved.

Public hearing: zoning ordinance amendment 18-04 (ZOA 18-04) Deleting section 6.04.7220 of the Fillmore municipal code to
Eliminate general plan amendment pre-screening and adoption of Finding exemption from CEQA, was unanimously approved.

Public hearing: zoning ordinance 18-05 (ZOA 18-05) amending Fillmore municipal code sections 6.04.0401, 6.04.0410, 6.04.0496 and 6.04.3415 to clarify family day care and day care center zoning Regulations citywide and adopt findings of CEQA exemption, was unanimously approved.

Public hearing: adoption of zoning ordinance amendment 18-06 (ZOA) 18-06) to permit supportive and transitional housing and
Emergency shelters citywide as required by the general plan And state law and clarify the distinction between group homes
And residential care facilities and adoption of a finding of Exemption from CEQA, motion was unanimously passed.

Public hearing: adoption of zoning ordinance amendment (zoa 18-08) to eliminate development permit requirements and certain Development standards for new commercial uses in existing Structures city-wide and adoption of a finding of exemption from CEQA.

The Fillmore Christian Academy requested a waiver of entitlement fees as they relocate their campus. Council denied a waiver but structured payment of $4,289 in three parts to facilitate the move. This fee covers the costs of the planning department, Willdan Engineering, and the city attorney to review and process the permit.

Requested approval of a contract with Rincon Consultants, in Connection with planning development application review was unanimously approved.