Sal Ibarra Named Firefighter of the Year 2023
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, April 25th, 2024
Presentation made at council by Chief Keith Gurrola
![]() At Tuesday night’s City Council meeting Chief Keith Gurrola (left) and the City of Fillmore recognized Sal Ibarra for the 2023 Firefighter of the Year Award. April 23, 2024 All items passed 5-0. Item 9D moved to May 14. Item 9G – report received and filed by CC. 9.A ADOPTION OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND COST ESTIMATE FOR RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the plans, specifications, and estimate (“PS&E”) for the extension of the sidewalk on the west side of Mountain View Street between Ventura Street and Santa Clara Street, known as Project Specification No. 19-01 (“Project”), and authorize the advertisement of the Project for construction bids. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the plans, specifications, and estimate (“PS&E”) for restoration of certain items in disrepair within the City Hall Plaza, known as Project Specification No. 22-03 (“Project”), and authorize the advertisement of the Project for construction bids. 9.C ADOPTION OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND COST ESTIMATE FOR PROJECT SPECIFICATION NO. 23-03, PAVEMENT PRESERVATION PROJECT, AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR CONSTRUCTION BIDS. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the plans, specifications, and estimate (“PS&E”) for the preservation of pavement on various street segment that includes sidewalk repairs, curb and gutter repairs, and replacement of certain curb ramps for ADA compliance, known as Project Specification No. 23-03 (“Project”), and authorize the advertisement of the Project for constructionbids. 9.D INTRODUCTION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 7.28 OF THE FILLMORE MUNICIPAL CODE TO ESTABLISH NEW OIL WELL DRILLING SETBACK REQUIREMENTS FROM RESIDENCES AND SCHOOLS AND ADOPTION OF EXEMPTION FROM CEQA. 9.E FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE WILLDAN ENGINEERING SERVICES CONTRACT FOR CITY ENGINEERING SERVICES. 9.F CONSIDERATION OF TWO CONTRACTS, ONE FOR GIS SOFTWARE AND ONE FOR SUPPORT FOR THE SOFTWARE. 9.G UPDATE AND DISCUSSION OF THE 2024 AQUATIC SEASON. RECOMMENDATION Discuss and provide guidance on staffing the Aquatic Center this season and/or exploring alternative solutions. 9.H APPROVE THE 2024-2025 AGREEMENT WITH FILLMORE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO FUND TWO SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERS. 9.I INITIATION OF PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ANNUAL LEVY OF ASSESMETNS FOR LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING DISTRICT NO.02 AND HERITAGE VALLEY LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING DISTRICT 2007-1. 9.J REVIEW OF THE ENGINEER REPORT REGARDING THE PROPOSED INCREASE IN ASSESSMENTS FOR THE CITY OF FILLMORE STORM DRAIN MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS AND ADOPTION OF THE RESOLUTION TO INITIATE THE PROCEEDINGS AND THE INTENT TO LEVY THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS, AND SETTING OF A PUBLIC HEARING DATE TO CONSIDER THIS PROPOSAL. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 24-3998 declaring its intention to levy the annual assessment, approve the preliminary Annual Engineer’s Report for Fiscal Year 2024-25, and set a Public Hearing for May 14, 2024, to receive public comments on the proposed assessments. 9.J REVIEW OF THE ENGINEER REPORT REGARDING THE PROPOSED INCREASE IN ASSESSMENTS FOR THE CITY OF FILLMORE STORM DRAIN MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS AND ADOPTION OF THE RESOLUTION TO INITIATE THE PROCEEDINGS AND THE INTENT TO LEVY THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS, AND SETTING OF A PUBLIC HEARING DATE TO CONSIDER THIS PROPOSAL. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 24-3998 declaring its intention to levy the annual assessment, approve the preliminary Annual Engineer’s Report for Fiscal Year 2024-25, and set a Public Hearing for May 14, 2024, to receive public comments on the proposed assessments. |