SCV Hospice Moving to Storefront
Fillmore City Council meeting
City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

Fire Chief Keith Gurrola spoke to the Council concerning fire prevention measures and trash removal. He cautioned about the heavier than normal weed growth expected following this year’s exceptional rainfall. Chipper Day was announced for May 4 when the City will pick up hazardous materials, including palm fronds. Strong efforts should be made to clean-up fire-hazard growths before July 4.

City Council approved the adoption of Ordinance 19-908 to add Fillmore Municipal Code Chapter 11.13 to regulate Small Cell Wireless Facilities (SWF) in the public right-of-way, and determine the project is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act.

Staff has recommended that the City Council/Successor Agency Board authorize staff solicit offers from private parties to purchase the Towne Theatre. Council chose to wait until all Council members were present before making a decision on this matter.

Staff’s recommendation that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 19-3698 declaring its intention to levy the annual assessment, approve the preliminary Annual Engineer’s Report for Fiscal Year 2019/20, and set a Public Hearing for May 14, 2019 to receive public comments on the proposal to increase the assessments, was approved.

8-G. Staff’s request that the City Council approve a new real property agreement for the use of the Store Front located at 642 Lemon Way by Santa Clara Valley Hospice was approved.