Small Town, Big Dreams
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, December 7th, 2023
![]() Pictured above is Arnold Munoz and Nancy Rodriguez Hernandez, riding in last Saturday’s Lions Club Christmas Parade. This town sure is a small one. Seems like you see and meet people you know everywhere. I originally met Arnold Munoz back some 10ish years ago when I coached my daughter and they sent him in to referee the loud coaches’ game (must have been the other coach). Looking back, I can see why Arnold has a calm and quiet soul, but his passion for keeping this program going and growing is evident in this year’s enrollment and community involvement. He has been involved in the program since 2007 as a coach and referee and then the next year became part of the AYSO Board. In 2012 he was named the Regional Coach Administer and then in 2015 he was elected to Regional Commissioner where he still sits today. You can always catch Arnold at the soccer fields before anyone else arrives, or wait till the end of a hot Saturday game and you might catch him under the shade. During the day he is chalking the fields, setting up, coaching and refereeing, plus all the other duties one takes on in that position. Arnold’s drive and determination has led AYSO242 to be the largest youth organization in Fillmore with approximately 700 players. Before I took this picture and before the start of the parade, Arnold proudly pointed to the magnet sticker on the side of the truck that read Bunnin Chevrolet. I know in previous articles I have mentioned how much they do, but here they are doing it again. AMAZING! Sitting alongside Arnold in the Lions Club Christmas Parade is Nancy Rodriguez Hernandez. Nancy is currently the AYSO Epic Coordinator and the truck bed held the participants of the Epic Program. AYSO Epic focuses on children who are on the spectrum along with the rest of the special needs community. This completed AYSO Epic’s second successful full year here in Fillmore. Nancy not only has been in radio broadcasting for 25 years, she is also a commissioner on the city of Fillmore’s Cultural, Arts and Recreation Commission. With her son in mind, her biggest passion is for inclusivity through sensory friendly environments. That includes many of the city’s events, which are just starting to roll out thanks to her hard work and determination. She is blessed, like so many of us are, with small town willingness to work together. The city of Fillmore, Estrellas Market, Fire Chief Keith Gurrola and Fillmore City Manager David Rowlands are all helping in making our city more inclusive for all. She is also working to start an inclusive basketball team through the city as well. Nancy is driven and passionate, a true momma bear doing everything in her power to empower her son the best way she knows how. |