Terrorist Training Camps in the United States
By Mark Trimble — Wednesday, September 29th, 2010
Israel Series Part 4
![]() “I tell you to act upon the orders of Allah…to defeat them (the U.S. and other Western targets) through suicide attacks so that you may be successful before Allah.” -- Usama bin Laden Homicide Bombers pose one of the most extreme problems law enforcement faces in the 21st century. The homicide bomber essentially becomes a human bomb, who selects the time, place, and situational circumstances of the attack. For Radical Islamic terrorists, human bombs are one of the surest methods of hitting an intended target as well as being simple and low cost operationally. In Radical Islam, the Arabic word Shahid, which means witness, is used as an honorific to describe Radical Muslim Homicide Bombers who have died while murdering others fighting in Jihad. The phrase, Suicide Bomber, is not accurate, the Homicide Bomber’s intent is not to solely commit suicide, it is a terrorist act intended to cause the highest possible amount of innocent casualties and as a form of 4th Generation Psychological Warfare to frighten the public through random acts of violence in an attempt to gain extensive publicity for their Radicalized Islamic agenda. Suicide is a forbidden act according to Islam, EXCEPT during a “holy war.” Then the Homicide/Suicide Bomber act is acceptable because the Fundamentalists define it as self-sacrifice in the service of Allah. It is then called in Arabic ‘Istashahad’ rather than suicide. A male Shahid (homicide bomber) according to Radical Islamic beliefs wins eternal life in Paradise (Islamic Heaven.) He is granted mercy for all his sins and can recommend 70 of his relatives to join him in Paradise. Under Radical Islamic beliefs being a martyr- one who kills himself along with murdering others for the praise of Allah is the only way a Radical Muslim can be certain of attaining Paradise. The male Homicide Bomber is also promised ’72 black-eyed virgins’ when he reaches Paradise. The female Shahid (homicide bomber) receives a different reward. She is granted the ‘honor’ of marrying and being the sex slave of a prior male Shahid who is already in Paradise. Israel’s security forces define homicide bombings as- Every terror act or attempted attack in which the terrorist reaches his/her destination with weapons or explosives for the purpose of giving his/her life in the attack. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinijad and other Iranian regime officials have boasted they have 40,000 trained Homicide Bombers ready to attack the U.S. and other western targets. There is a specialized military unit in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard know as the ‘Special Unit of Martyr Seekers.’ Which they have displayed in the regime’s military parades wearing homicide bomber vest and the detonators held high in their hands. Terrorists training camps operating in the United States. The Pakistani based terrorist group Jamaat al-Fuqra (JAF) has more than 35 communes and more than 3000 members spread across the United States, all in support of one goal, “The purification of Islam through violence,” as stated by the Department of Justice. JAF’s stated goal for the U.S. is: “We are fighting to destroy the enemy. We are dealing with evil at its roots and its roots are America. Act like you are a friend, and kill them just like in the book (Quran). Sheik Mubarak Gilani, JAF Terrorist Group Leader The Quran and the Hadiths (the first and second most holy books of Islam) state the Fundamentalists cause clearly: “Kill them (infidels-non-believers of Islam) wherever you may come upon them, seize them, and confine them, and lie in wait for them at every conceivable place.” -- The Quran, Surah 9:12, “Holy War (Jihad) is the guarantee of heaven.” Mohammed said, “The person who participates in Holy Battles in Allah’s cause… will be recompensed by Allah either with reward or booty or will be admitted to Paradise.” (If they die as a Shahid) The Hadiths, Sahih al-Bukhaari Volume 9:57 |