Story and photos by Bob Crum

If you could not find a parking space downtown last weekend, Thomas the Tank Engine is to blame!

Whenever the bright blue engine with the forever smile rides the rails into town, Fillmore quickly gets populated by a throng of young'uns from all parts of Southern California.

But can't blame the kids! Thomas the Tank Engine is soooo lovable... what with a huge beguiling grin and that oh-so unforgettable 'toot-toot'. That pervasive 'toot-toot' is not unlike the 'It's a Small World' tune playing in your head forever after a visit to Disneyland.

There's no denying that Thomas the Tank Engine is the epitome of charm. Accordingly... an often heard refrain upon disembarking after a train ride with the infamous Thomas the Tank Engine is: 'No Johnny, we cannot take Thomas home with us'. And Johnny sobs... hoping the tactic with soften mom and dad's disposition. Doesn't work. Dad justifies the 'no' by explaining that their boat trailer is just too small for Thomas.

But if you think the love affair is just between Thomas and kids... think again. Lots of grandparents are also seen swooning over Thomas. On the train... giggly grandparents wax nostalgic as Thomas nimbly propels them down the tracks. It's true... nostalgia is never out of style in Fillmore.

If you missed toot-toot... er... Thomas the Tank Engine last weekend... fret not! The big, blue choo choo will be rambling up and down the tracks again this weekend. All aboard!!!
