Villasenor Named Mayor, Mendez Named Mayor Pro Tem
![]() Pictured above are Council Members Christina Villaseñor as the new Mayor and Albert Mendez as the new Mayor Pro Tem taking the oath of office at Tuesday night’s City Council meeting. By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, December 12th, 2024
![]() Above are Council members, Chris Gurrola (left) and Mark Austin (right), who will be stepping down from Fillmore City Council. Center is former Mayor Carrie Broggie. High Winds Bring Fire Hazards to Area CITY OF FILLMORE CITY COUNCIL AND SUCCESSOR AGENCY REGULAR MEETING The Council has elected Christina Villasenor as the new Mayor and Albert Mendez as the new Mayor Pro Tem. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 5. PRESENTATIONS 5.A RECOGNIZING THE WINNERS OF THE 2024 CENTRAL AVENUE CHRISTMAS TREE DECORATING 5.B RECOGNITION OF OUTGOING CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS 5.C NEW ELECTED OFFICIALS OATH OF OFFICE AND PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION 6. CITY COUNCIL REORGANIZATION MEETING RECESS (BREAK) 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS 8. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS, RECOM-MENDATIONS, AND COMMENTS 9. CONSENT CALENDAR 9A. THROUGH 9D. IS TO APPROVE BY VOICE VOTE. 9.A CITY OF FILLMORE WARRANT REGISTER-DECEMBER 10, 2024 CITY OF FILLMORE WARRANT REGISTER-DECEMBER 10, 2024.PDF 9.B CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 24-4038 UPDATING THE RESOLUTION MGMT COMP RESO-LUTION STAFF REPORT.PDF 9.C CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF AN UPDATED CALPERS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE PAY SCHEDULERE COMMENDATION FOR ITEM 9.D CONTRACT FOR BUREAU VE-RITAS BUILDING AND PLAN REVIEW AND CONSULTING SERVICES 10. NEW BUSINESS 10.A ADOPTION OF CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 24-4033 DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE NOVEMBER 5, 2024 ELECTION SR DECLARING THE 2024 ELECTION RESULTS.PDF 10.B SELECTION OF 2024 MAYOR AND MAYOR PRO TEMPORE SR - SELECTION OF MAYOR AND MPT.PDF RECOMMENDATION That the City Council select the 2024 Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem. The City Clerk’s Department asks the City Council to nominate a Councilmember to serve as Mayor via a motion; the motion must be seconded, and then the Councilmembers will vote on the nomination. If the vote fails, a new nomination is made, and the process is repeated until a motion is adopted. Following the receipt of a majority vote of the Councilmembers for a Mayor for the new term, the current Mayor will call for nominations for Mayor Pro Tempore via the same motion process used for the selection of the Mayor. Following a majority vote of the Councilmembers for the Mayor Pro Tempore, the Council will reorganize accordingly. 10.C PRESERVATION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT - APPOINTMENT OF STANDBY OFFICERS REQUEST: Staff requests that each member of the City Council appoint standby officers. 10.D APPOINTMENTS TO CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES, COM-MISSIONS, LIAISON, AND OUTSIDE AGENCIES RECOMMENDATION That the City Council discuss and: 1. That the Mayor appoint, with City Council consent, City Council representatives to the various positions listed on Attachment 1 including the adoption of Resolution No. 24 4034 Appointing a City Council representative to the Board of Directors of the Fillmore and Piru Basins Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA); and 2. Provide direction whether any standing committees or ad-hoc committees are no longer necessary and should be dissolved. The list of City Council standing and ad hoc committees is included on Attachment 1. RECOMMENDATION Staff is requestion that the City Council review and adopt the attached proposed 2025 City Council Meeting Schedule. Following City Council approval, the schedule will be published and posted on the City’s website. RECOMMENDATION Staff is requestion that the City Council review and adopt the attached proposed 2025 City Council Meeting Schedule. Following City Council approval, the schedule will be published and posted on the City’s website. RECOMMENDATION That the City Council: 1. Receive an update on the City’s use of its American Rescue Plan Funds (ARPA) funds; 2. Approve the allocation of ARPA funds, in an amount of $20,000 to increase the not-to-exceed contract amount of $60,000, for the first amendment to the RSG contract in a form approved by the City Attorney and authorize the Interim City Manager to execute the first amendment; 3. Approve the allocation of ARPA funds, in an amount of $6,000, as a contingency to the office reconfiguration contract with Omnia Partners through Tri County Office Furniture and authorize the Interim City Manager to sign for such contingency; 4. Approve the allocation of the remaining ARPA funds, in an amount not to exceed $53,816, for a contract with PSD Citywide in a form approved by the City Attorney and authorize the Interim City Manager to execute the agreement; and 5. Authorize the Interim City Manager to allocate any unused funds after reconciliation of all ARPA projects if excess funds remain available. 10.H ADOPTION OF THE FY 2025-26 RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (ROPS) FOR THE PERIOD JULY 1, 2025 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2026 AND THE ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF FILLMORE SR - ADOPTION OF ROPS BUDGET FY 2025-26.PDF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Successor Agency Board of Directors: 1. Approve the attached Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) and Administrative Budget and authorize the Executive Director (City Manager) or his designee to submit the ROPS and Administrative Budget for the period July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026 for review and approval by the Ventura County Consolidated Oversight Board (“VCCOB”) and the California Department of Finance (“DOF”); and 2. Authorize the Executive Director or her designee to make any changes needed as directed by the VCCOB or DOF SUCCESSOR AGENCY 11. COMMITTEE, COMMISSION, AND BOARD REPORTS 12. CITY MANAGER CITY MANAGER VERBAL REPORT 13. ADJOURNMENT MAYOR ADJOURNS TO THE NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING AT 6:30 P.M. ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 14 , 2025, CITY HALL, 250 CENTRAL AVENUE, FILLMORE, CA 93015. |