By Jesus T. Lomeli — Wednesday, July 9th, 2008
Here’s a scoop from a life long Fillmore citizen who is currently deployed to Iraq with the US Army. My name is CPL Jesus T. Lomeli, son of Jesus and Elisa Lomeli, and older brother of former Miss Fillmore Yeseni Lomeli. I also have three other sisters, Susie, Briana and Deanna Lomeli, who are currently attending school in Fillmore and actively involved in the community. |
![]() The new 2008 Ventura County Fair poster was presented to Mayor Steve Conaway during Tuesday’s regular City Council meeting. Enlarge Photo By Mariandrea Mueller — Wednesday, July 9th, 2008
Fillmore City Council held its regular monthly meeting July 8, 2008, at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall. Councilmember Laurie Hernandez was welcomed back. The City of Fillmore Redevelopment Agency also met during the Council meeting. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, July 9th, 2008
Fillmore Patrol Deputies were dispatched to an injury collision in front of 1157 Ventura Street. The occupants were trapped in their 1987 Mazda pick-up truck that had collided with the rear end of a parked semi-truck trailer. The trailer was parked off the highway on the south side of the roadway. Initial investigation by Deputies and Fillmore Fire Department EMS determined the two occupants were severely injured. Fire personnel took nearly an hour to extricate the occupants from the heavily damaged vehicle. Both occupants Candalario DelGado-Sanchez (approximately 20), and Rene Ayala (approximately 24) both from Oxnard, were transported to Ventura County Medical Center by AMR ambulance. The passenger succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced deceased at the hospital at 0627 hours. The driver sustained multiple injures and was admitted in the hospital Intensive Care Unit. Due to the lack of witnesses, there were no immediate indications why the driver drifted off the roadway. Investigation is continuing as to the cause of the collision and possible criminal charges filed against the driver. |
![]() Russell Watts, 55, of Pacoima was killed in a small plane crash at approximately 1:30pm on Wednesday July 2nd near 2200 Guiberson Road in Piru. Enlarge Photo By Anonymous — Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008
![]() Early reports indicate the plane was traveling westbound and crashed near the top of a 100 foot embankment. Enlarge Photo ![]() Fire crews remained on scene to extinguish several small brush fires ignited by the wreckage. Enlarge Photo |
![]() Fillmore Police Tagging Investigator Gene Torres, left, inspects the guns, ammunition, computers and other stolen property confi scated during a recent search warrant and probation searches at 7 city locations. Deputy Torres directed a 50-offi cer task force comprised of Fillmore Police and Ventura County Sheriff Deputies. Computers and cell phones taken from the residents of the arrestees will be searched for additional information. Enlarge Photo By Anonymous — Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008
On June 3, 2008, the Fillmore Police Department investigated a residential burglary and felony vandalism in the 900 block of Wileman Street in Fillmore. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008
![]() Commander Jim Rogers and Jr. Vice Commander Vic Westerberg, VFW Post 9637 Fillmore, CA, present a Blue Star Banner to Esperanza Hurtado, mother of Staff Sgt. Alfredo Hurtado Jr. “I would like to present you with this Blue Star Banner in honor of your son Staff Sgt. Alfredo Hurtado Jr. We would like to thank you and your family for all your sacrifices.” Note: Staff Sgt. Hurtado Jr. served in the United States Army in Mosul, Iraq in 2005 and received a Purple Heart& Bronze Star. He is now serving as a recruiter at Fort Guachuca, Arizona. Enlarge Photo |
![]() A joint School Board-City Council meeting was held Tuesday. Left to right, City Councilmember Scott Lee, school board member John Garnica, Councilmember Cecilia Cuevas, school board members Liz Wilde, Virginia De La Piedra, and Councilmember Patti Walker. Enlarge Photo By Mariandrea Mueller — Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008
Fillmore City Council and Fillmore Unified School District School Board held a joint meeting July 1, 2008, at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall. It was followed by a brief City Council meeting. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008
![]() In China from left to right is Captain Randy Pentis, Sargent Paul Higason, Sargent Frank Underlin, Captain Dave Kenney and Captain Tim Hagel. Enlarge Photo As if running a marathon isn’t difficult enough, a team of sheriff’s department runners will compete in an ultra marathon July 12th on some of the most challenging terrain on planet Earth. The team consists of Fillmore Capt. Tim Hagel and former Capt. Randy Pentis. |
By Bert Rapp — Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008
The L.A. Regional Water Quality Control Board (the Board) is about to issue a storm water permit to the cities in Ventura County that is going to hit us like an out-of-control train. Out of control because the permit will increase the annual cost of storm water treatment from about $50 to $900 per home. This will affect every home and business in Ventura County. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008
On Friday, June 27th, 2008 at approximately 10:19 a.m. a theft of copper wire was reported on Grimes Canyon Road at Bardsdale Avenue (Vintage Petroleum), Bardsdale. Approximately 300 feet of cable was taken with a value of about $3,000. |