The Fillmore Flower Show will be here before you know it! This year it will be April 14 and 15 at the Active Adult Center. The theme is “Fillmore Blooms”. We hope to see many of you bring your garden treasures to share with the community.
These are the competitive divisions:
- Single stem cut roses
- Single stem cut iris
- Other single stem cut flowers
- Bouquets
- Arrangements
- Miniature arrangements and bouquets
- Potted plants
- Dish gardens
- Youth arrangements
- Youth composition
- Youth art
Choose your division. Or enter something in each division. Our gardens make Fillmore beautiful. Our people make their gardens and our community beautiful. Fillmore is full of blooms! Plan to enter or visit the flower show this April.
For more information go to



Ventura County Clerk-Recorder, Registrar of Voters Mark Lunn announced the extension of the nomination period to 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 14, 2018, for two offices that are scheduled to be voted upon at the June 5, 2018 Statewide Direct Primary Election. The extension applies to the offices of Ventura County Supervisor, 4th District, and Ventura County Sheriff.

The extension is only applicable to persons other than the incumbent. Nomination documents for persons interested in the offices may be obtained at the Ventura County Elections Division, Hall of Administration, Lower Plaza, 800 South Victoria Avenue, Ventura.

Additional information regarding candidate qualifications and filing procedures may be obtained from the Ventura County Elections Division by calling (805) 654-2664, or by visiting the Ventura County Elections Division website:


Saturday, March 3rd at 4:15pm the Fillmore Flashes Girls Soccer Team was welcomed home with a victory parade down Central Avenue as they returned from their 3-1 victory against Azusa High School for the CIF Southern Section Girls Soccer Division 7 Championship Title. This was the first time in 31 years the Flashes have played in the CIF finals. The Fillmore Fire Department allowed the team to ride on top of Engine 91 as they escorted them downtown to celebrate their historic victory. This win advanced the team into the Southern California Regional Girls Soccer Championship 1st round game at home against Rosamond High School this past Tuesday, March 6th, where they again took the victory, 7-1.
Saturday, March 3rd at 4:15pm the Fillmore Flashes Girls Soccer Team was welcomed home with a victory parade down Central Avenue as they returned from their 3-1 victory against Azusa High School for the CIF Southern Section Girls Soccer Division 7 Championship Title. This was the first time in 31 years the Flashes have played in the CIF finals. The Fillmore Fire Department allowed the team to ride on top of Engine 91 as they escorted them downtown to celebrate their historic victory. This win advanced the team into the Southern California Regional Girls Soccer Championship 1st round game at home against Rosamond High School this past Tuesday, March 6th, where they again took the victory, 7-1.
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Top l-r: Coaches Cristoval Gomez, Francisco Garibay, Yareli Vasquez, Isabella Vaca, Shania Leon, Alexis Mejia, Kayla Martinez, Tori Villegas, Yaneli Conbian, Valerie Hernandez, Coaches Omero Martinez, Johnny Vaca, Alexsys Covarrubias, Ana Covarrubias, Anahi Andrade, Coach Yazu Meza. Middle Bottom: Ari Magana, Aliyah Alfaro, Jennifer Cruz, Sophia Garibay, Lupita Bravo, Emily Garibay, Lupita Ruvalcaba, Susie Garcia, Andrea Maruffo. Keepers: Ashley Yepez and Aaliyah Lopez. Coaches not pictured Jenny Andrade. Photo courtesy Coach Omero Martinez.
Top l-r: Coaches Cristoval Gomez, Francisco Garibay, Yareli Vasquez, Isabella Vaca, Shania Leon, Alexis Mejia, Kayla Martinez, Tori Villegas, Yaneli Conbian, Valerie Hernandez, Coaches Omero Martinez, Johnny Vaca, Alexsys Covarrubias, Ana Covarrubias, Anahi Andrade, Coach Yazu Meza. Middle Bottom: Ari Magana, Aliyah Alfaro, Jennifer Cruz, Sophia Garibay, Lupita Bravo, Emily Garibay, Lupita Ruvalcaba, Susie Garcia, Andrea Maruffo. Keepers: Ashley Yepez and Aaliyah Lopez. Coaches not pictured Jenny Andrade. Photo courtesy Coach Omero Martinez.
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Pictured is the team in front of Fillmore Fire Engine 91 after riding into town on top as they celebrated their victory.
Pictured is the team in front of Fillmore Fire Engine 91 after riding into town on top as they celebrated their victory.
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For the first time on 31 years the Fillmore Flashes Girls Soccer Program played in the CIF Southern Section Girls Soccer Division 7 Championship game. On Saturday, March 3rd 12pm the Flashes Girls Soccer Team played in the CIF Southern Section Girls Soccer Division 7 Championship game against Azusa at a neutral field Warren High school. The Lady Flashes fought hard and defeated Azusa to bring home the Championship Title with a final score of 3-1.

Fillmore scored two goals at the first 3 minutes of the game. Ana Covarrubias scored the first goal, followed by Andrea Marruffo. Yareli Vasquez scored in the second half to put the Lady Flashes up 3-0. Fillmore’s defense stayed strong and held Azusa to only 3 shots on goal.

After the amazing win on Saturday, on Tuesday March 6th the Flashes took to the field again at home against Rosamond High School for the Southern California Regional Girls Soccer Championship 1st round game. The Flashes defeated Rosamond 7–0.

They will advance the semi finals where they will take on Rialto High School Thursday, March 8th.

Captain Eric Tennessen
Captain Eric Tennessen

After an extensive vetting process to select the next chief of police for the city of Fillmore, Captain Eric Tennessen has been named the city’s chief this week as Captain Dave Wareham retires after 32 years of service with the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office.

Tennessen, who is a 19-year veteran of the sheriff’s office, has an extensive background in investigations, which includes assignments in Camarillo, Moorpark, the Sheriff’s Gang Unit, the Special Crimes Unit, and the Major Crimes Bureau. Tennessen most recently managed patrol operations for the East County / Thousand Oaks station.

Tennessen lives in Camarillo with his wife, Kaylee, and four children. He brings a diverse background to his new position, including a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology as well as a master’s degree in public administration from Cal State Northridge.

The public is invited to get to know Tennessen during four “meet the chief” events scheduled in the coming weeks at the following locations:
Tuesday March 13, 2018 at 8:00 a.m. at Starbucks 650 W. Ventura St.
Thursday March 15, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. at One Step a la Vez 421 Sespe Ave.
Tuesday March 20, 2018 at 1:30 p.m. at the Active Adult Center 533 Santa Clara St.
Thursday March 22, 2018 at 1:30 p.m. at Starbucks 650 W. Ventura St.

Prepared by: Sgt. Eric Buschow
Approved by: Captain Garo Kuredjian

Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

On Saturday, March 3, 2018, Sheriff’s detectives conducted compliance checks at the residences of twenty-nine (29) registered sex offenders throughout the Fillmore area. The compliance checks were funded through the Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement (SAFE / ELEAS) Grant.

Twenty-seven (27) of the sex registrants were confirmed to be in compliance with their registration requirements. Two (2) registrants were not contacted because they were not home or had moved. Sheriff’s detectives will follow-up to determine if the remaining registrants not contacted are out-of-compliance. The Sheriff’s office aggressively pursues prosecution of sex registrants who fail to comply with their registration requirements.

The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office will be conducting similar sweeps on an ongoing basis to verify registered sex offenders are living at their reported residences and in compliance with any probation or parole terms.

Residents of Ventura County can visit the Megan’s Law website ( to familiarize themselves with the sex registrants in their community.

Prepared by: Sergeant Ryan Clark
Sheriff’s Major Crimes Bureau / Sexual Assault Unit
Approved by: Captain Jeff Miller

On February 21st, the Fillmore Police Department and Ventura County Sheriff’s Office began a 12-week Public Safety Academy for the community. On Wednesday, March 7th at the Fillmore Active Adult Center the Fillmore Public Safety Academy held their weekly class. This past week’s session the group had a Ventura County Superior Court Judge come and share with the group about the Criminal Justice System. The academy is designed to provide community members with an inside look at law enforcement, first responders, the criminal justice system, and other public safety agencies. Classes
are held Wednesday nights, from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM, at the Active Adult Center, 533 Santa Clara Ave.
On February 21st, the Fillmore Police Department and Ventura County Sheriff’s Office began a 12-week Public Safety Academy for the community. On Wednesday, March 7th at the Fillmore Active Adult Center the Fillmore Public Safety Academy held their weekly class. This past week’s session the group had a Ventura County Superior Court Judge come and share with the group about the Criminal Justice System. The academy is designed to provide community members with an inside look at law enforcement, first responders, the criminal justice system, and other public safety agencies. Classes are held Wednesday nights, from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM, at the Active Adult Center, 533 Santa Clara Ave.
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On Friday, at 4:12 p.m., Fillmore Fire Department responded to a fire off of Riverside Avenue in Bardsdale. A backhoe had caught fire and was quickly extinguished. Cause of the fire was not available.
On Friday, at 4:12 p.m., Fillmore Fire Department responded to a fire off of Riverside Avenue in Bardsdale. A backhoe had caught fire and was quickly extinguished. Cause of the fire was not available.
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Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District

Presentation and Approval of the Second Interim Report through January 31, 2018, Including Amendments to the 2017-2018
Information presented by Assistant Superintendent Business Services, Andrea McNeill

Approve the 2018-2019 School Calendar
Board approved the 2018-2019 School Calendar

Approve Resolution Number 17-18-12 Regarding a Reduction or Discontinuance of Particular Kinds of Service
The Board approved Resolution Number 17-18-12.

Approve Resolution Number 17-18-13 to Approve Entering into Contracts for Services Related to the Installation of Emergency Notification System at Fillmore High School
The Board approved Resolution Number 17-18-13

Personnel Recommendations
The Board approved all personnel recommendations including new hires, promotions, resignations, and leaves.

Friday, March 2nd Fillmore and Ventura County Fire Departments responded to a heavy traffic collision on SR126 near Sharp Ranch.
Friday, March 2nd Fillmore and Ventura County Fire Departments responded to a heavy traffic collision on SR126 near Sharp Ranch.
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Friday, June 8th, 2018 at Elkins Golf Course

The FHS Class of '68 is planning their 50th Class Reunion. The date is set for Friday, June 8th, 2018 at Elkins Ranch in Fillmore. It starts at 5:30pm, and ends at 11:00pm. The reunion dinner includes barbecue Chicken, Tri Tip, and all the wonderful fixings that go with barbecue. There will be a DJ so folks can listen to, and dance to, all the oldies-but-goodies. To make a day out of your 50th class reunion, go ahead and make your reservation for a round of golf earlier in the morning. Gil Escoto is heading this up and he can be reached at 805-231-5817. For further info on this wonderful celebration, please call Jeanie "Gofourth" Allred at 805-216-0781. Or, if you’re on Facebook, go to....FHS Class of 1968. You can also find more info at the Alumni's website at Click on the "Reunions" link at the top of the website. Congratulations FHS Class of '68 on your 50th Celebration!