By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020
Courtesy Jan Lee Even though the Fillmore Flower Show has been a tradition in town for over 100 years, this year it had to be cancelled because of stay-at-home restrictions. However, gardeners are very special people. We know your yard and house plants are looking especially beautiful this year. The Fillmore Civic Pride Committee wants to give everybody an opportunity to display their flowers. Post them on Facebook at Don’t limit your posts to just flowers. Create a bouquet (flowers all the same type) or an arrangement (variety of flowers). Maybe you have a potted plant that is particularly pretty. Or maybe a dish garden you’d like others to see. One of the more popular divisions has been miniature arrangements, not to exceed 4”x 4” or 10” x 10”. The theme for the Show this year is Fairy Tales and Flowers. Go to to read about all the divisions and to view the BEAUTIFUL poster created by Joseph Bagley. The Committee has been working hard to recruit more and more Fillmore residents to enter the Fillmore Flower Show. This year you don’t even have leave your house to enter! But we’ll miss the beautiful music by Becky Morales and Barry Cooper, the plant boutique and the Garden Café. Those will all be back next year. This year, snap some photos and post them for all of us to enjoy. Tell your friends. |
![]() Photo of the Week: "Ventura Harbor commercial fishing boat & sunstar in building tower" by Bob Crum. Photo data: Canon 7DMKII camera, manual mode, Tamron 16-300mm lens @24mm. Exposure; ISO 800, aperture f/20, 1/320 second shutter speed. Enlarge Photo By Bob Crum — Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020
Click... BINGO!
The pandemic remains prominent as we all continue hunkered down at home. I can't experience the grief felt upon losing a loved one or friend to the virus. Although seeming insignificant, I know not what else to do other than empathizing. And pray this pandemic nemesis ceases soon. Very annoying are buzzing mosquitoes and overly fanatical camera brand loyalists. No sooner was my previous column published, Nikon fanboys pounced like a flock of vultures on fresh carrion. I understand such angst, but the veracity of their vitriol is shocking. It was not like I said anything terrible about Nikon cameras, nor would I. Nikon cameras are first-class gear. I was scolded and chastised for not being an equal-mentioning columnist—their cry of woe—I never, ever mention Nikon. It's true. Should I apologize for my naughty oversight? Hmm. Since Canon pays me $3,750 per column for mentioning my Canon camera, a $3,750 check from Nikon will beget that apology. Just kidding! I don't receive any fees from any company that manufactures photographic products. Unless I'm writing a product review, I don't mention Sony, or Panasonic, or Olympus, or Fujifilm cameras either. However, all are welcome to send me a $3,750 check for a product mention in my column. Incidentally, two photography friends shoot with Nikon cameras--one a D750 and one a D850, and we get along fine. However, because my Canon camera photos are considerably better, they are obligated to buy the drinks after a shoot. C'est la vie! I previously discussed a photo walk at the Ventura Harbor. And the meetup with Arnold, a San Diego photographer friend on assignment at the Harbor. Johnny, a phonetographer wannabe photographer, tagged along. After Arnold's photoshoot, we three enjoyed a delish dish at Andria's Seafood restaurant. As the hour drew nigh, we were ready for a few sunset photos. Arnold went back to grab a golden-hour photo of his boat project. I was still holding an image in my mind that I visualized earlier. Rewind: After making a few photos from a dock earlier in the afternoon, I noticed an opening in the tower on the building in the background. This is a potential photo op because I'm known as one who cannot resist making a photo with a "sunstar" effect. But three elements--me, the subject and the sun--have to align for the visual to work. I consulted the "Photographer's Ephemeris", an app on my cellphone. The Ephemeris shows me the angle of the sun for any time and date at any location on a Google map. After entering my location, my plan appeared doable and my toes wiggled. As the time neared, Johnny and I went back to the pier where I planned to execute the photo I had in mind. Arriving a little early, I consulted the Ephemeris once more to verify the alignment. While waiting, I passed the time photographing the seagulls at the end of the dock. Johnny still had no idea what I was planning. As the magical moment neared, I rechecked my camera's settings. It's important to be ready because of a scientific fact that I discovered about 163 years ago: As the sun sets, it moves faster. As the sun rapidly approached the top of the tower, I had to move slightly to my right to get the alignment perfect. Such precise maneuvering is not for the faint of heart. Two minutes---one minute---CLICK! BINGO! Right place-right time-right on! The photo of the week is the result of visualizing and executing as planned. For those interested, here's the link to the photographer's ephemeris: Happy photoing. Send comments, suggestions or questions to: |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 15th, 2020
![]() Fillmore High Athletic boosters purchased 270 yard signs to honor Fillmore High’s Senior Class for their school year that was cut short. On April 6th they announced they would be delivering yard signs on April 7th & 8th. Class of 2020 we are with you all! Thank you to our amazing board members for helping out: April Mendez, Kristen Koester-Dollar, Leslie Steel Gonzalez, John Holladay, and Jennie Alcaraz Andrade! Courtesy Fillmore High Athletic Boosters Club Facebook. More photos on Fillmore High Athletic Boosters Club Facebook page. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 15th, 2020
![]() Courtesy City of Fillmore. This past Saturday, April 11th during the City of Fillmore’s #FillmoreChalk Fest, encouraging residents to get out and create some chalk art in their yards, the Easter Bunny along with some very special friends including Fillmore’s Fire Chief Keith Gurrola & the on-duty fire crew made their rounds through Fillmore. Many happy faces were out getting creative on the sidewalks, driveways, brick/wooden fences & were so excited to see the Easter Bunny during Easter weekend. Thank you to our Fire Chief Keith Gurrola and his crew, our generous residents Vanessa and Mario Robledo and Family, and Linnae & Randall Edgeworth and Family who made all of this happen. Pictures can be seen from last weekend on the City of Fillmore’s Facebook & Instagram pages @cityoffillmore Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 15th, 2020
![]() Pictured above are some budding artists with their Chalk Art Drawing for this past Saturday’s Fillmore Chalk Fest. Photos courtesy City of Fillmore Facebook. Enlarge Photo |
By Ventura County Sheriff Department — Wednesday, April 15th, 2020
On April 7, 2020, detectives with the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Unit and Fillmore Patrol Station concluded a narcotics sales investigation and arrested three Fillmore residents for various narcotics and firearms violations. During the month of March 2020, detectives began an investigation involving Cary Roberts who was suspected of selling narcotics to residents in Ventura County. Detectives conducted surveillance and were able to gather enough evidence of Roberts’ involvement in methamphetamine sales. Based on the investigation, detectives were able to obtain search warrants for Roberts’ residence located in the 700 Block of 4th Street in Fillmore and a business associated to him located in the 700 Block of Santa Maria Street in Santa Paula. On April 7, 2020, detectives executed search warrants at both locations associated with Roberts. Detectives contacted and arrested Roberts at his residence in Fillmore. While at the residence, detectives also contacted Billy Howard and Dana Baysinger. Both Howard and Baysinger reside at the residence and were arrested for misdemeanor possession of methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia, respectively. Detectives searched the residence and found methamphetamine, money, scales and packaging consistent with narcotics sales. During a search of Roberts’ business, detectives located additional methamphetamine, a loaded firearm, ammunition and illegally possessed prescription medication. In all, detectives seized approximately 383 grams of methamphetamine and over 2,700 Oxycodone pills. Roberts’ past criminal history prohibit him from owning and or possessing any firearms or ammunition. Roberts and Howard were both subsequently booked at the Pre-Trial Detention Facility for a variety of charges. Baysinger was cited and released for misdemeanor possession of methamphetamine. Prescription medications are contributors to both fatal and non-fatal overdoses taking place in Ventura County. The Narcotics Unit is committed to aggressively target narcotics sales and help combat opiate overdoses in Ventura County through aggressive narcotic enforcement. Nature of Incident: Narcotics and Firearm Arrest |
By Mark Ortega — Wednesday, April 15th, 2020
Last week the FHS Alumni Board of Directors held an emergency meeting where they made the difficult decision to cancel the June 13th 2020 Alumni Dinner, due to the Corona Virus Pandemic outbreak. Without a vaccine, they are very uncomfortable bringing together a large group of people in a confined area. They will be reaching out to everyone who has prepaid for this year’s dinner and inform them of their refund options. That will probably take place within the next two to three weeks. Thank you for understanding, and continued support of the FHS Scholarship Foundation. Pictured are this year’s scholarship recipients. Mark Ortega ’79, FHS Alumni President |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 15th, 2020
Dear Friends and Supporters, We are in the midst of difficult and unprecedented times. The COVID-19 pandemic crisis has brought worry, uncertainty and has totally disrupted life as we knew it. The one thing that hasn’t changed is our Mission at The Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley. Our Mission is “To enable young people, especially those who need us the most, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens.” Our youth are the most vulnerable and even though they cannot physically be with us each day, we have not stopped planning for them. Our Site Directors have been using our green screen technology and creating virtual instructional and informational videos and posting them on various social media platforms for our youth. They are awesome videos and we are proud of our staff for the quality of these short presentations. Our Site Directors are now working diligently on summer programs, and know they must insert an academic curriculum that will deliver a direct impact on our youth. This will to help close the gap of the learning loss from the closure of school this Spring. We want our youth to go back to school in the Fall with resources and skills to help them achieve success. We are asking for your support and partnership. We have had to cancel or postpone fundraising events greatly reducing one of our key revenue streams. We are asking for more individual donor partnerships at this time. Thank you for your consideration and for investing in the young people of the Santa Clara Valley. We can hardly wait to open our doors and see our youth again! Please Donate Now Thank you for your continuous support! Sincerely, |
![]() Photo of the Week: (from the archives) "Ventura Harbor at Sunset" by Bob Crum. Photo data: Canon 7DMKII camera with Tamron 16-300mm lens @24mm. Exposure; ISO 1600, aperture f/11, 1/80 second shutter speed. Enlarge Photo By Bob Crum — Wednesday, April 15th, 2020
Johnny did it!
The call came at 2:30 PM one day last August. No sooner had I uttered howdy when Johnny G. blurted, "I'm ready." I was not surprised. It began when Johnny tagged along with me to the Ventura Harbor. A photographer friend, Arnold, commissioned to shoot a commercial project at the Harbor, was coming up from San Diego. I was delighted for the opportunity to reconnect with Arnold, a friend I miss. He was a great excuse to visit Ojai, his previous homestead. Arnold's photoshoot involved a commercial fishing boat recently refurbished in a nearby boatyard. The company, proud of its workmanship, and the happy captain, needed photos for a new company brochure touting the company's staff and competency. We left Arnold to do his work. Back in the Village, my photoshoot began. As in any harbor replete with ships of all stripes, it's a treasure chest of photo ops to shoot. Selectivity becomes key. Some subjects are naturally photogenic, while others are just interesting. And of course, all manner of wildlife has to be photographed-it's a law-so to speak. As we were walking along, I was photoing several subjects. Not so much for Johnny. Curious, I asked why he was taking so few photos? Let's get a drink he suggested. With two tall glasses of refreshing ice tea before us, Johnny began his tale of woe. "I notice that you take an inordinate amount of time composing a photo. I also notice that you also take several photos of the same subject using various exposures. And you vary the format, some vertical and some horizontal photos. All of which makes my iPhone inadequate. I frame the subject I'm shooting, push the button and done. It doesn't feel like I even took a photo." I empathized but Johnny did capture some interesting photos. As Johnny spoke in a subdued monotone voice, I empathized. As our discussion continued, I also learned that Johnny was developing a better understanding of photography as a creative exercise. He also began to realize that phonetography did not scratch his creative itch. The kind of creativity he saw me exercising during our walk. The phone call announcing that Johnny was 'ready' meant that he was ready to buy a camera. I suggested Johnny first outline and define his photographic intentions and desires. When finished, distill it further to its essence. The distilled list will help determine the best system to consider. It was immediately apparent that he needed more than a point and shoot. Briefly considered were all-in-one bridge cameras with dSLR's ergonomics, a superzoom lens and compact convenience. Furthermore, bridge cameras sell at bargain prices. But without the ability to change lenses, this didn't fulfill Johnny's needs either. Johnny was ready for a prosumer dSLR camera. With the category defined, he could concentrate on specifics: brand, model and price. Update. Johnny understood that one does not just buy a dSLR camera - you buy into a system: lenses and a host of accessories. Canon was his decision. No arm twisting on my part. Due in stores soon, he pre-ordered a Canon EOS Rebel T8i. He also bought a Tamron 16-300mm F/3.5-6.3 Di II VC PZD MACRO, but not because it's my favorite lens. Johnny made his decisions without any persuasion on my part. Seriously! From the archives, the photo of the week is one I made at the Ventura Harbor during the photo walk described above. Pay especial attention to the tower on the building on the left. It plays a "star" role next. Happy photoing! Send comments, suggestions or questions to: |