Eduardo Morales, 18, Fillmore.
Eduardo Morales, 18, Fillmore.

A Fillmore man was arrested after threatening his girlfriend with a firearm. The investigation led to the recovery a loaded handgun and narcotics.

On 08/30/19, the victim reported she was being threatened by her ex-boyfriend via text messages and through phone calls. The suspect, Eduardo Morales, harassed her by showing her images of a handgun and ammunition. He also stated that he would go to her place of employment, located in Fillmore, and do harm. The dispute was over alleged money the victim paid to Morales.

Once the threats were reported to Fillmore patrol deputies, station detectives immediately conducted follow up investigation and contacted Morales at the Fillmore Police Station. Investigators also conducted a search of his residence and located suspected cocaine, Xanax and a loaded 9mm semi-automatic firearm. The serial number on the handgun was illegally altered.

Morales was arrested and booked at the Pre-Trail Detention Facility for the following charges:
PC 422 Criminal threats
HS 11370.1 (a) Possession of cocaine while armed with a firearm
PC 29800 (a)(1) Possession of a firearm by a drug addict
PC 23900 Change/ alter a serial number on a firearm
HS 11375 (b)(2) Possession of Xanax
Morales remains in custody with his bail set at $60,000.

Nature of Incident:Threats and Firearm Arrest
Report Number: 19-136506
Location: 400 Block of Fillmore Street, Fillmore
Date & Time: n08/30/19 9:00 pm
Unit(s) Responsible:
Fillmore Patrol, Fillmore Investigations
(S)uspects, (V)ictims, (P)arty, (D)ecedent City of Residence Age
(S) Eduardo Morales, 18, Fillmore
Prepared by: Sergeant Vince Alvarez
Approved by: Captain Eric Tennessen


On Saturday, September 7th, the City of Fillmore hosted an Emergency Preparedness Day in Central Park from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. They had emergency personnel and their vehicles on hand, and visitors could talk to real life heroes who respond to emergencies throughout Ventura County. In attendance were the US National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard, United Water Conservation District, Fillmore City Fire Department, Tupperware, Pampered Chef, Damsel in Defense, Fillmore Volunteer Fire Departments Kids Safehouse, U.S. Forest Service, VC Fire Department, Pierce Brothers Santa Paula Cemetery, Anthem Blue Cross, SWAT, VC Sheriffs office , Bomb Squad, Lake Piru Rangers, VC OES, CA Department of Fish & Wildlife, Fillmore Citizens Patrol, Perez Family Funeral Home, AT&T, and more. Pictured above are some kids having fun sitting in an armored police vehicle at the Emergency Preparedness event this past Saturday, held in Central Park.
On Saturday, September 7th, the City of Fillmore hosted an Emergency Preparedness Day in Central Park from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. They had emergency personnel and their vehicles on hand, and visitors could talk to real life heroes who respond to emergencies throughout Ventura County. In attendance were the US National Weather Service Los Angeles/Oxnard, United Water Conservation District, Fillmore City Fire Department, Tupperware, Pampered Chef, Damsel in Defense, Fillmore Volunteer Fire Departments Kids Safehouse, U.S. Forest Service, VC Fire Department, Pierce Brothers Santa Paula Cemetery, Anthem Blue Cross, SWAT, VC Sheriffs office , Bomb Squad, Lake Piru Rangers, VC OES, CA Department of Fish & Wildlife, Fillmore Citizens Patrol, Perez Family Funeral Home, AT&T, and more. Pictured above are some kids having fun sitting in an armored police vehicle at the Emergency Preparedness event this past Saturday, held in Central Park.
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At last Tuesday’s school board meeting the room was filled with a sea of red shirts in support of Fillmore Unified teachers and their fight for fair wages. Pictured is retired FUSD teacher Mary Ford voicing the FUTA’s concerns.
At last Tuesday’s school board meeting the room was filled with a sea of red shirts in support of Fillmore Unified teachers and their fight for fair wages. Pictured is retired FUSD teacher Mary Ford voicing the FUTA’s concerns.
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Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District

Board meeting highlights for the Fillmore Unified School District

2018-2019 Unaudited Actuals
The Governing Board received a presentation on the 2018-2019 Unaudited Actuals. Presentation was delivered by Assistant Superintendent, Andrea McNeill and Director of Fiscal Services, Martha Corona.

Approve Change Order #I for Fillmore High School Electrical Yard Upgrade at Fillmore High School. 555 Central Avenue. Fillmore. CA 93015. Project 2019-035
Added and deleted trenching, asphalt patching, conduits, boxes, wiring, and equipment per the electrical plan sheets.

Approve Change Order #3 for Gymnasium Roof Restoration Project at Fillmore High School, 555 Central Avenue, Fillmore, CA 93015, Project 2019-025
Overtime for Saturday, July 27,2019, to complete project.

Personnel Recommendations
The Board approved all personnel recommendations including new hires, promotions, resignations, and leaves.

On Tuesday, September 10th at 12:15 p.m. Union Bank of Fillmore held a customer appreciation by bringing and In & Out food truck to give a free lunch to Union bank customers. They also took the opportunity to present a donation of $5,000 to the Fillmore Association of Businesses (FAB). Pictured (l-r) is Ari Larson, Berta Vassaur, Jaime Morales, Nico Vargas, Brian Gilpatrick, Theresa Robledo, Sandra Ambriz, and Ernie Villegas.
On Tuesday, September 10th at 12:15 p.m. Union Bank of Fillmore held a customer appreciation by bringing and In & Out food truck to give a free lunch to Union bank customers. They also took the opportunity to present a donation of $5,000 to the Fillmore Association of Businesses (FAB). Pictured (l-r) is Ari Larson, Berta Vassaur, Jaime Morales, Nico Vargas, Brian Gilpatrick, Theresa Robledo, Sandra Ambriz, and Ernie Villegas.
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Jeff Dye, Fillmore Search & Rescue.
Jeff Dye, Fillmore Search & Rescue.

A fun filled day is planned for the first annual “Seize the Day” Dye Scholarship Foundation Fundraiser, to be held at Arroyo Verde Park in Ventura on Sunday, October 13th. Activities include a BBQ lunch, cornhole competition and games with prizes.

The Mission of the Dye Scholarship Foundation is to provide scholarships to Ventura County adults requiring financial assistance to advance their careers through vocational training, trade school programs or professional certifications.

Jeffrey Lee Dye was struck and killed by a vehicle while assisting with an automobile accident on the Interstate 5 on February 2, 2019, in route to a training exercise with the Fillmore Search and Rescue Team.

To Register for this event:

Photo of the Week: "Steam powered iron horse #14 returning to Fillmore" by Bob Crum. Photo data: Canon 7DMKII, manual mode, Tamron 16-300mm lens @ 16mm. Exposure – ISO 400, aperture f/11, 1/400 second shutter speed.
Photo of the Week: "Steam powered iron horse #14 returning to Fillmore" by Bob Crum. Photo data: Canon 7DMKII, manual mode, Tamron 16-300mm lens @ 16mm. Exposure – ISO 400, aperture f/11, 1/400 second shutter speed.
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It's about style!
Bob Crum
Bob Crum

Considering the deluge of emails, were I to charge $10.00 each to use the email addy, I could almost buy a new Chevy Colorado long-bed diesel pickup. Well, OK, at least apply $60 towards the $7,500 down payment.

Photographer Ricky W. is so intrigued by the concept of photo styles previously discussed that he wants to know what programs I use to create/apply it to my photographs. Before answering Ricky's question, it's important to understand the underlying rationale for photo styles.

Besides compelling subjects and composure, it's essential to begin with a properly exposed photo. Style is an attribute applied to a digital image, not to correct or compensate for an improperly exposed photo. Let's presume that you have an image with all the correct attributes - composition, exposure and tack-sharp focus. What is the format of the image - jpeg or RAW? If it's a jpeg image, you're doomed! As I've said in the past, attempting to apply a style to a jpeg image is like putting lipstick on a hippo. Go back and resume crocheting the sweater you're making for the coming autumn chill. Just kidding. But I must qualify two different applications of photo styles.

First, many present-day cameras provide "picture style" options in the camera's programming. You can even download a custom style if so inclined. So, if processing RAW files don't interest you, simply apply one of your camera's picture styles. Furthermore, selecting an in-camera picture style maintains consistency throughout a photo shoot and almost eliminates post-processing work.

If you have a Canon camera, Canon’s Picture Style Editor is on the Canon EOS Solutions CD that came with your camera. If you lost the CD, it's available to download at Canon's website. The same for Nikon shooters. Nikon’s Picture Control Utility 2 is available via Nikon’s Download Center.

Many camera manufacturers provide numerous picture styles. And often there are more on the company's website. To personalize your photos further, create your own 'style' and upload to your camera. I did this to have a particular 'look' for my specialty: Mermaid boudoir photography.

Nikon’s Picture Control Utility is considerably limiting but provides reasonable control to create new image styles. But sooner or later, you're going to grow tired of in-camera picture styles. You'll want something better. You'll want pizazz! Besides jpegs, if you're recording RAW images, hooray! Now you can massage the photo in many more distinctive ways. But to accomplish this, you'll have to post-process the RAW photos.

Why bother with post-processing? Creating standard photos, i.e., photos the camera produces are generic and look like everybody else's photos. Ho-hum. Stylizing your photos differentiates them from the gazillion other photos in the wild. But applying an in-camera photo style is limiting your photo style to the camera's programming. Blah!

A RAW image is not a photo. Not yet. It's only a digital file similar to a film negative. Unlike a camera's heavily compressed jpeg, a RAW file is a record of the unprocessed sensor data. Raw files contain the image pixels themselves, and the image metadata. Metadata, which means “data about data,” is generated in the camera for each capture. Metadata records shooting data such as the camera model, serial number, the shutter speed, aperture, the focal length, and more. Raw files also include some additional metadata that raw converters need to process the raw capture into an RGB image.

There are many software programs available for editing RAW image files. In addition, I'll discuss the programs I use in the near future. Stay tuned.

Send comments, suggestions or questions to:

Fillmore's Historic Towne Theatre.
Fillmore's Historic Towne Theatre.
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On August 29, 2019 the City of Fillmore released the following: The City of Fillmore is requesting proposals from arts and performance organizations and individuals interested in acquiring the Fillmore Towne Theatre located at 338 Central Avenue in Fillmore CA. A complete copy of the Request for Proposals can be viewed and downloaded from the City’s website at, Three copies of the proposal must be submitted in sealed envelopes and addressed to: David Rowlands, City Manager at City of Fillmore, 250 Central Avenue, Fillmore, CA 93015. All proposals must be submitted at or before 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 25, 2019. Please mark the outside of the envelopes (and express shipment envelope, if applicable) as follows: “PURCHASE OF THE HISTORIC TOWNE THEATRE IN FILLMORE, CALIFORIA” Questions may be directed to David Rowlands, City Manager at or 805-312-9746.

On Saturday, August 24th the City of Fillmore hosted the Grand Opening for Rio Vista Park located at 250 Edgewood Drive in Fillmore. Pictured is the new park with some of its features for everyone to enjoy. The new park has two new playgrounds with canopies for shade, picnic tables and barbeque pits for birthdays and special events, and basketball courts.
On Saturday, August 24th the City of Fillmore hosted the Grand Opening for Rio Vista Park located at 250 Edgewood Drive in Fillmore. Pictured is the new park with some of its features for everyone to enjoy. The new park has two new playgrounds with canopies for shade, picnic tables and barbeque pits for birthdays and special events, and basketball courts.
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Looking to stay cool in the hot weather, the Cooling Center is open at the Fillmore Active Adult Center, 533 Santa Clara Street, Fillmore (805) 524-3030, and Fillmore Library, 502 Second Street, Fillmore (805) 524-3355.

Traffic accident, Friday, August 30, at approximately 7:35 a.m. The Chief of Police has informed Fillmore City Council that speed or use of a mobile device had no factor in this collision. This accident occurred on Edgewood. Residents of the neighborhood respectfully ask that everyone who lives near, travels in or around, or drops off their children at any of the nearby schools take extra care and be patient at this location. Also, if you’re traveling eastbound on Edgewood early in the morning, wear some protective eyewear—the sun from that direction is blinding and can inhibit your ability to drive safely.
Traffic accident, Friday, August 30, at approximately 7:35 a.m. The Chief of Police has informed Fillmore City Council that speed or use of a mobile device had no factor in this collision. This accident occurred on Edgewood. Residents of the neighborhood respectfully ask that everyone who lives near, travels in or around, or drops off their children at any of the nearby schools take extra care and be patient at this location. Also, if you’re traveling eastbound on Edgewood early in the morning, wear some protective eyewear—the sun from that direction is blinding and can inhibit your ability to drive safely.
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