By Wanda Castel de Oro — Wednesday, February 10th, 2010
![]() Bill Morris, of Wm L. Morris Chevrolet Fillmore, addressed Council Tuesday night, thanking it for considering larger businesses in its Local Small Business Resolution preference. Fillmore Senior Center In 1989 the City and Fillmore Senior Center entered in to a Lease and Service Agreement for the purpose of allowing the Center to operate a multipurpose senior citizens social services center at the facility. In 1995, the City and Center replaced the 1989 Lease with the current Fillmore Multipurpose Senior Center Use Agreement. The purpose of the new agreement was to more correctly define the duties and responsibilities of the parties for operation of the facility. Councilmember Steve Conaway recommended revising the 1995 agreement and bringing it back to Council. Who has authority over city employees was “murky” stated Conaway. He said he would like clarification on “who is responsible, who they report to and take direction from,” calling for “better language and clarity” in the “line of authority”. Councilmember Laurie Hernandez thanked CONTINUED » |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, February 10th, 2010
![]() A three car accident occurred on Highway 126 near Atmore Road Tuesday about 11:21 p.m. One person in the Chevrolet van was transported to a local hospital with undetermined injuries. The second vehicle, a Toyota Camry, crashed through a steel barrier. No report of any injuries in the car were available. Heavy rain contributed to the collision. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, February 10th, 2010
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued an order to a longtime Fillmore area resident to cleanup rocks and other fill in the Sespe River he placed there in an attempt to build a crossing in the river. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers first inspected Van Trees’ property last year and issued a cease and desist order demanding he stop putting rocks and dirt into the creek. The EPA later inspected the river and began its investigation. The EPA is now requiring Van Trees provide documentation of all his activity in the river since 2005. He has several deadlines over the next two months, to present a solution to the problem. Failure to meet the deadlines could result in the EPA filing charges against him. Also, the Ventura County Resource Management Agency has noticed Van Trees of violation regarding a bridge he built across Sespe River, and an unpermitted mobile home on the property. He has until February 22 to correct the violations or face possible civil penalties. |
By Ventura County Sheriff Department — Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010
Torres charged with Felony Vandalism
On Sunday, January 31st. at approximately 7:46 p.m. Santa Paula Police Officer Michael Hoppin was on routine patrol when he drove into the overpass in the 900 block of Faulkner Road. When he did so he discovered four subjects had been spray painting the walls of the underpass. The four subjects were identified as Rene Mariscal, 22 years old, Saul Torrez, 22 years old, Martin Torres 21 years old, and Jose Lira, 21 years old. All four subjects are from the city of Fillmore. Inside their vehicle, located under the underpass, were numerous spray paint cans, rubber gloves, and marijuana paraphernalia. All four subjects were charged with felony conspiracy and misdemeanor vandalism. Martin Torres was also charged with felony vandalism due to previous convictions for the same offense. All four subjects were transported to Ventura County Main Jail. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010
By Rich McKee In the City of Fillmore’s January 27th press release, the City attempts to absolve itself of its most recent Brown Act violation. But their cries of innocence sound oddly familiar. Maybe that’s because it’s not the first time the City has denied violating the Brown Act. After we demanded cure for Brown Act violations involving illegal closed sessions back in August, the City Council and City Attorney immediately declared we were wrong. However, less than two months later, they admitted to the violations, paid our attorney’s fees, and attended a Brown Act refresher training in order to settle our lawsuit. This time the City Council held a closed session to CONTINUED » |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010
Submitted by the City of Fillmore Despite efforts by City Attorney Ted Schneider to amicably resolve McKee’s current ultimatum, including offering to submit McKee’s question at the City's cost to the California Attorney General for an opinion, McKee changed his mind and withdrew his offer of settlement in favor of pursuing costly litigation. McKee’s attorney, Kelly Aviles, informs the City that McKee has instructed her to file yet another lawsuit against the City of Fillmore. As Schneider explained during his 90-minute Brown Act CONTINUED » |
![]() Pictured (l-r) San Cayetano Principal Jan Marholin, Alex Turcios, Kayla Garcia, Joe Cronin, Ms. Melanie Chisholm, and Joe Giunta. The students presented a NASA experiment at Tuesday night’s School Board meeting. Photo by Harold Cronin. Enlarge Photo By Carol Wilson — Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010
David Dollar has resigned as a trustee of the Fillmore Unified School District and board members decided at Tuesday’s board meeting to appoint his replacement. Dollar submitted his letter of resignation to the County Board of Education where it was forwarded to Fillmore Board President Tony Prado. Prado read the letter to an overflow crowd at the February 2 meeting. Interested applicants must be 18 or older, a U.S. Citizen, live in the FUSD boundaries and not be an employee of the district. Applications should be submitted by March 1 at 4:30 pm Applications can be picked up at the FUSD office at 627 Sespe Avenue. Interviews will take place at the regular board meeting on March 9. The appointment will be made on March 23. The new board member will take the oath of office on March 30 during a joint session with the City Council at the City Hall. San Cayetano School was chosen last year to participate in a NASA grant for a program called Space Kids where they interact with astronauts. They are one of 10 schools in the country to be chosen and even had to compete with college students to get the grant. Four students, along with their fifth grade teacher Melanie Chisolm and school Principal Jan Marholin, demonstrated their project. The project concerns reduced gravity, also know as micro gravity. The students have participated in video conferencing with their assigned astronaut. The community is invited to their Science Night April 8 where the micro gravity will be present to give more information. Karen Ashim, FHS Head Counselor told the board of recent college graduates from Fillmore, including two from Harvard, one from Stanford, one from the Air Force Academy, two from the University of San Diego, two from USC, three from Cal Lutheran University, one from Loyola and one from Azusa Pacific University. “We have more students graduating from college than Moorpark High,” said Board President Prado. Mike Bush, Assistant Superintendent for Business told the board that the budget shortfall is still unresolved. What the budget gap will be is still uncertain and Bush said the district is still in talks with the CSEA (California State Employees' Association) and the FUTA (Fillmore Unified Teachers' Association). Bush said one possible avenue to make up for the budget gap would be to cut student days by five, which would save $578,000. “The board can set the calendar but the employee work year is negotiable,” Bush added. Another budget saving idea would be to switch the health benefit plan. That would save $500,000. The last idea is the realignment of categorical funding. The next regular board meeting will be held February 16 with a closed session at 5:15 pm and the public session at 6:00 pm in the board room at 627 Sespe Avenue. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010
![]() Pictured above are the six contestants who participated in the student speaker contest held Monday, February 1, at the Scout House. The topic was “Universal Healthcare”: (L-R) Lynn Ferguson, Winner Robby Munoz, Erik Orozco, Chloe Keller, Alondra Gaytan, and Ashley Leagan. Munoz received $75 and the chance to compete in the Lions Zone Speak Off in Simi Valley on February 25. Enlarge Photo |
![]() Pictured (l-r) Filmore Fire Chief Rigo Landeros, Fillmore Fire Captain Patrick Maynard, Oxnard Firefighter Alex Hamilton. Enlarge Photo By Anonymous — Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010
State Route 126 hosts upwards of 100,000 vehicles per day resulting in several fatal traffic collisions each year. City of Fillmore Firefighters are faced with the constant challenge of responding to major traffic collisions and providing citizens top-notch service with aging equipment. The California Office of Traffic Safety has awarded the City of Fillmore Fire Department a grant in the amount of $10,889.00 to purchase additional heavy rescue tools and vehicle stabilization equipment to be used for traffic collision responses. “As firefighters, it is imperative we reach traffic accident victims as quickly as possible” said Fillmore Fire Chief Rigo Landeros. “This new and improved equipment will add to both the safety of the victim and the firefighters working. Another added benefit is the increased efficiency of which the rescue is performed.” Grant funding comprises approximately 5% of the City of Fillmore Fire Departments annual operating budget making it instrumental in the ongoing fiscal health an stability of the organization. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010
01/20/10-01/26/10 |