Responsiveness Summary
Deletion of Surface Soil from National Priorities List
Pacific Coast Pipe Lines Superfund Site

March 2018

A Notice of Intent for Partial Deletion for the Pacific Coast Pipe Lines Superfund Site was published in the Federal Register on December 26, 2017 (82 FR 60943-60946). The publication of this notice was intended to inform the public that EPA planned to delete the surface soil portion of the site from the National Priorities List (NPL), and provide a 30-day public comment period on the proposed deletion. The closing date for comments on the Notice of Intent for Partial Deletion was January 25, 2018. Eight written comments were received: five supporting EPA’s decision, two opposing, and one that was not related to the proposed partial deletion. These comments are available in the Information Repositories. All public comments were considered in EPA’s final decision to delete the Site from the NPL.

Responsiveness Summary
The Responsiveness Summary has been prepared to provide responses to comments submitted to EPA during the 30-day public comment period regarding the Notice of Intent to Delete (82 FR 60943-60946) the Pacific Coast Pipe Lines (PCPL) Superfund Site. The original comments are summarized below and available at, Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-SFUND-1989-0011, with the support materials under document type “Public Submissions”, and at the information repositories at the following addresses:
Superfund Records Center, 75 Hawthorne Street Room 3110, San Francisco, California, Hours: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM; (415) 947-8717.
Site Repository: Fillmore Library, 502 2nd Street, Fillmore, California. Call (805) 5243355 for hours of operation.
Summary of Adverse Comments:
· The soil portion of the site should be kept on the National Priorities List (list of Superfund sites) (two commenters).
· Concerns raised by the commenters include: contaminated soil remains on the property; contaminated soil was disposed on-site in consolidation areas; EPA needs to let the public know where the consolidation areas are and where benzene is in the groundwater; residents could be exposed to contaminated soil in the future because of a natural disaster.

EPA’s Response:
The remedial action objectives and associated cleanup levels established in the Record of Decision Amendment (2011) are intended to protect human health and 2 the environment. Confirmation sampling indicates that all contaminants of concern in the PCPL Site’s soil are below the cleanup levels specified in the ROD Amendment. Although the surface soil still contains low levels of lead and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at concentrations that EPA does not consider safe for residential use, the surface soil has been cleaned up to a level that allows for commercial and recreational use of the former refinery, which are the permissible future land uses (see further discussion below). Soil containing higher concentrations of contamination were excavated from across the PCPL Site and deposited at a minimum depth of ten feet below ground surface in two on-site consolidation areas that are under multi-layer engineered caps, designed to prevent leaching of contaminants into groundwater. At these depths, the more highly contaminated soil that was found at the PCPL Site is secure and poses no threat to human health or the environment.
· The Final Soil Operation, Maintenance, and Monitoring Plan establishes an inspection, monitoring, and maintenance program and a schedule of activities.
· There are land use covenants to ensure that cap integrity will be maintained and that future use of the property is restricted to commercial and recreational uses.
EPA, DTSC, and Texaco, Inc. developed a land use covenant to restrict the use of the Site. This covenant was recorded at the Ventura County Recorder's Office on August 19, 2016, and “runs with the land,” meaning the restrictions are binding on current and subsequent property owners.
· Because the site is not available for unlimited use or unrestricted exposure, EPA will review the effectiveness of the soil cleanup at the PCPL Site every five years to determine whether the cleanup remains protective of human health and the environment.
· The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) establishes criteria that EPA uses to delete sites from the NPL. In consultation with California’s Department of Toxic Substances Control, EPA has determined that the criterion for delisting the PCPL Site has been met: the responsible party, Texaco, Inc., has implemented all appropriate response actions for surface soil set forth in the 2011 ROD Amendment (which selected the remedy for contaminated soils at the PCPL Site), and no further response action for soil is necessary.
· Deleting the surface soil portion of the PCPL Site from the NPL does not prohibit EPA from taking actions, as appropriate, to protect human health and the environment, including during natural disasters. Nor does it release responsible parties from legal liability for response actions at the PCPL Site that are necessary to protect human health and the environment. All releases deleted from the NPL are eligible for further remedial actions if warranted and, in the event there is a significant release from the surface soil portion of the PCPL Site in the future, EPA can restore it to the NPL.
· The locations of the two plumes of benzene in groundwater and the two consolidation areas are shown in the PCPL Soil Remedial Action Report 2016, Figures 2 and 3, respectively. This report was included in the online deletion docket at and included in the PCPL Site information repositories as a supporting document. It is also available at the EPA website under Site Documents & Data. The 3 groundwater cleanup continues at the PCPL Site and is not affected by this partial deletion.
. Summary of Supportive Comments:
· Several commenters stated that partial deletion of the soils portion of the PCPL Site could benefit local government and residents by reducing the perceived stigma of a Superfund site designation. The partial deletion could also benefit nearby property values, facilitate recreation activities and access, and provide beneficial reuse opportunities for the community.
· A business leasing the PCPL Site states that reduced liability insurance costs and reduced investor concerns could result from the partial deletion of the PCPL Site.
In addition, one comment received discussed California wildfires and air pollution. It was not considered to be related to the proposed deletion of the PCPL Site.


Photo of the Week "Musket Fire!" By Bob Crum. Photo data: Canon 7D Mark II camera, burst mode, Tamron 16-300mm lens @35mm, aperture f/11, shutter speed 1/640 second.
Photo of the Week "Musket Fire!" By Bob Crum. Photo data: Canon 7D Mark II camera, burst mode, Tamron 16-300mm lens @35mm, aperture f/11, shutter speed 1/640 second.
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Why not 'photoing'?
Bob Crum
Bob Crum

"Musket Muzzle Blast" by Bob Crum.
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Exhausted, I am so ready for a three-month vacation in Hawaii. Too much to do when big events happen close together. At such extravaganzas I tend to shoot a ton of photos... as you now know. But unlike film where every push of the shutter button cost money, it costs nothing to delete the crapola. Oops... is crapola a word?

Speaking of words, most emails I receive are technical questions. Occasionally I get taken to the woodshed. Mr. X, who didn't provide his name, wrote a scathing email rebuking me for using the word 'photoing' declaring: “there is no such word in the English language.” Well, there's golf'ing', fish'ing', bowl'ing'... so why not photo'ing'?

Merriam-Webster website reports, in part: “The dictionary has gotten bigger, this time by over 250 new words and definitions. As always, the expansion of the dictionary mirrors the expansion of the language, and reaches into all the various cubbies and corners of the lexicon.” Mr. X, 'photoing' will be next!

The worst part of his email was saying: “There is no such thing as mermaids. Grow up. I mean REALLY – mermaids??? C'mon man. Anacapa Island eh? Didn't you mean Seals Sea Lions?” I suspect the writer also does not believe in Santa Clause. But about the Photo of the Week, he said: “Nice cannon shot photo.” Thank you, sir!

Cameras! At the Wings over Camarillo air show last year, a Canon camera photographer friend was trying out Sony mirrorless cameras. This year, at the L.A. County air show my friend showed up with 'only' Sonys. Sold all his Canon gear!

His photographic expertise & experience gives credence to his persuasive counsel to seriously consider mirrorless cameras, in particular, Sonys. However, conversion is neither easy or financially palatable. I previously mentioned that you don't just buy a camera, you invest in a system: Camera, lenses & accessories. Accordingly, I have a sizable financial investment in Canon gear & related accessories. Unfortunately, none of it is worth much on the used market. Furthermore, I'm not thrilled with the present lens selection for mirrorless cameras.

Faithful readers know that my main gear, though heavy, is a Canon 7D MarkII and a Tamron 16-300mm lens. It's a great combo for photojournalist's but I'd like to lighten the load. The lens is not available in a Sony E mount or any other brand of mirrorless cameras. If preventable, I'd rather not regress to carrying multiple lenses to cover the same 16-300mm range.

This week's photo of the week, and one other, is again from Moorpark Rotary Club's Civil War reenactment production. These are unique photos because, luck aside, the subject is substantially challenging to capture. Hello burst mode.

At the recent L.A. County air show, aircraft are flying all the time, as expected. Had I shot in burst mode all the time, I'd need a 3TB hard drive to hold all the photos. Muskets fire intermittently so shooting in 'burst' mode is feasible. So I did. The challenge is anticipating exactly when a musket will fire. Missed most times! In these two photos, the photo of the week is photo #5 of 10. The other photo is #8 of 10. I was shooting slow burst... not fast burst which fires off 10 shots per second. Brrrrt... done! At that speed, I would likely miss the capture moment before the camera's buffer filled. Slow burst mode expands the time interval the camera fires. The rest is up to timing... and 'luck'. Be sure to check for color versions of photos.

As always, send your comments, questions or suggestions to



District Attorney Gregory D. Totten announced today that Los Angeles County residents Patrick Abrahamian (DOB 1/6/70), Michelle Abrahamian (DOB 5/27/71), and Taline Indra (DOB 2/29/80) were each sentenced to prison for their theft of a Bell Canyon home. Patrick Abrahamian was sentenced to 11 years 4 months in prison. Michelle Abrahamian and Taline Indra were each sentenced to 7 years 8 months in prison. In February, the defendants were convicted following a one-month jury trial. The case is the result of an investigation conducted by the District Attorney’s Real Estate Fraud Unit.

In 2012, Patrick Abrahamian approached the 65-year-old victim with an offer to help him negotiate a modification of his mortgage. In return, the victim agreed to move out and lease his home to the Abrahamians while Patrick Abrahamian supposedly negotiated a new mortgage for the victim. At the end of the lease term, the Abrahamians refused to vacate the home. After consulting with an attorney, the victim learned that a notarized grant deed had been recorded conveying his home, as a gift, to Abrahamian’s wife, Michelle Abrahamian. At the time of the offenses, Michelle Abrahamian was a licensed real estate agent.

The deed gifting away the victim’s home was fraudulently notarized by defendant Taline Indra, who is Michelle Abrahamian’s sister. Patrick Abrahamian subsequently impersonated the victim in a lawsuit filed by Abrahamian against the victim’s mortgage lender. This impersonation caused additional false documents to be filed in both the Ventura Superior Court and the County Recorder’s Office. Michelle Abrahamian was found in possession of notary acknowledgments that falsely claimed the victim had appeared before defendant Indra to have his signature notarized.

Judge Michael Lief noted that the sophistication and brazenness of the defendants’ fraudulent scheme “shocked the conscience of the court.” In addition to the prison sentence, each defendant was also fined $500,000 and ordered to pay $189,382 in victim restitution.

The Ventura County District Attorney’s Office is the public prosecutor for the county’s 850,000 residents. The office employs approximately 280 employees including attorneys, investigators, victim advocates, and other professional support staff who strive to seek justice, ensure public safety, and protect the rights of crime victims.

At last night’s city council meeting Fillmore City Council recognized the Fillmore High School Girls Soccer team (above) for winning the 2018 Girls Soccer CIF Championship.
At last night’s city council meeting Fillmore City Council recognized the Fillmore High School Girls Soccer team (above) for winning the 2018 Girls Soccer CIF Championship.
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Also recognized was EMS Capitan Bob Scott who received a proclamation for his years of dedicated service to the community.
Also recognized was EMS Capitan Bob Scott who received a proclamation for his years of dedicated service to the community.
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Everyone is welcome to cheer for and meet our CIF Champions at the Fillmore High School Girls Soccer Team CIF Victory Parade. Parade will be on Friday, April 6th at 6:00pm and the celebration will continue until 9:00pm. The parade will start at 2nd street and move along Central Avenue to Downtown Fillmore. The Fillmore Athletic Boosters are sponsoring the parade and celebration to honor the coaches and student athletes who brought Fillmore together during their title run. There will be gourmet food trucks, vendors, autograph signing for the children, a DJ, and much more downtown after the parade. Submitted by Fillmore Athletic Boosters Club.
Everyone is welcome to cheer for and meet our CIF Champions at the Fillmore High School Girls Soccer Team CIF Victory Parade. Parade will be on Friday, April 6th at 6:00pm and the celebration will continue until 9:00pm. The parade will start at 2nd street and move along Central Avenue to Downtown Fillmore. The Fillmore Athletic Boosters are sponsoring the parade and celebration to honor the coaches and student athletes who brought Fillmore together during their title run. There will be gourmet food trucks, vendors, autograph signing for the children, a DJ, and much more downtown after the parade. Submitted by Fillmore Athletic Boosters Club.
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(l-r) 2017 Deputy of the Year - Oscar Bautista, 2017 Citizen of the Year - Fillmore Fire Chief Keith Gurrola, and 2017 Firefighter of the Year - Jordan Castro.
(l-r) 2017 Deputy of the Year - Oscar Bautista, 2017 Citizen of the Year - Fillmore Fire Chief Keith Gurrola, and 2017 Firefighter of the Year - Jordan Castro.
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(l-r) Fillmore Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Adrian Palazuelos, with Fillmore’s 2017 Teacher of the Year (Fillmore Middle School) Jennifer Beal and from the Fillmore Chamber of Commerce Becky Cobos.
(l-r) Fillmore Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Adrian Palazuelos, with Fillmore’s 2017 Teacher of the Year (Fillmore Middle School) Jennifer Beal and from the Fillmore Chamber of Commerce Becky Cobos.
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(l-r) Becky Cobos from the Fillmore Chamber of Commerce, Martha Rogers 2017 School District Employee of the Year (Mountain Vista Elementary School) and Fillmore Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Adrian Palazuelos.
(l-r) Becky Cobos from the Fillmore Chamber of Commerce, Martha Rogers 2017 School District Employee of the Year (Mountain Vista Elementary School) and Fillmore Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Adrian Palazuelos.
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2017 Explorer of the Year – Marisol Gonzalez
2017 Explorer of the Year – Marisol Gonzalez
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2017 Outstanding Community Service of the Year - Hermanos Herrera
2017 Outstanding Community Service of the Year - Hermanos Herrera
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(l-r) Becky Cobos from the Fillmore Chamber of Commerce, Stefan Cvijanovich 2017 School District Administrator of the Year and Fillmore Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Adrian Palazuelos. Photo Courtesy Ari Larson
(l-r) Becky Cobos from the Fillmore Chamber of Commerce, Stefan Cvijanovich 2017 School District Administrator of the Year and Fillmore Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Adrian Palazuelos. Photo Courtesy Ari Larson
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Congratulations to Yaneli Cobian, Yareli Vasquez and Emily Garibay for being selected to participate in the 2018 Senior All Star Game which was held on Saturday, March 23rd in Costa Mesa. All three players started for the Division 6 and 7 squad who took on the seniors from Division 5. This was a first for the Lady Flashes. What an amazing opportunity for these young ladies to showcase their talent. Submitted by Coach Omero Martinez, Photo courtesy of Marth Cobian.
Congratulations to Yaneli Cobian, Yareli Vasquez and Emily Garibay for being selected to participate in the 2018 Senior All Star Game which was held on Saturday, March 23rd in Costa Mesa. All three players started for the Division 6 and 7 squad who took on the seniors from Division 5. This was a first for the Lady Flashes. What an amazing opportunity for these young ladies to showcase their talent. Submitted by Coach Omero Martinez, Photo courtesy of Marth Cobian.
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The Santa Clara River is flowing strong after the big storm that pasted through last week. With the storm came so flash flood warnings, especially for the Thomas Fire burned areas through out Fillmore, but all were lifted after the storm passed. After three full days of rain, as of Friday, March 23rd Fillmore had received about 2.94 inches of rain and Piru received 2.63 inches.
The Santa Clara River is flowing strong after the big storm that pasted through last week. With the storm came so flash flood warnings, especially for the Thomas Fire burned areas through out Fillmore, but all were lifted after the storm passed. After three full days of rain, as of Friday, March 23rd Fillmore had received about 2.94 inches of rain and Piru received 2.63 inches.
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Three Fillmore Varsity Swim girls compete in prelims which were held Tuesday, March 20th pictured (l-r) Daisy Santa Rosa, Katrionna Furness, and Reanne Guerra. Kat moved into the Finals and placed 4th in both the 50 yard Freestyle and 100 yd Backstroke, swimming CIF Automatic times in both events. Final Swim Scores from last weeks meets: Fillmore vs Santa Paula: Flashes JV Girls - Fillmore 42 - Santa Paula 108 (Santa Paula); JV Boys - Fillmore 47 - Santa Paula 64 (Santa Paula); Flashes Varsity Girls - Fillmore 45 - Santa Paula 119 (Santa Paula) Varsity Boys - Fillmore 37 - Santa Paula 73 (Santa Paula). Fillmore vs Channel Islands: Flashes JV Girls - Fillmore 68 - Channel Islands 75 (Channel Islands); JV Boys – Fillmore 66 - Channel Islands 8 (Fillmore); Flashes Varsity Girls – Fillmore 91 - Channel Islands 62 (Fillmore); Varsity Boys - Fillmore 39 - Channel Islands 54 (Channel Islands). Submitted by Coach Cindy Blatt
Three Fillmore Varsity Swim girls compete in prelims which were held Tuesday, March 20th pictured (l-r) Daisy Santa Rosa, Katrionna Furness, and Reanne Guerra. Kat moved into the Finals and placed 4th in both the 50 yard Freestyle and 100 yd Backstroke, swimming CIF Automatic times in both events. Final Swim Scores from last weeks meets: Fillmore vs Santa Paula: Flashes JV Girls - Fillmore 42 - Santa Paula 108 (Santa Paula); JV Boys - Fillmore 47 - Santa Paula 64 (Santa Paula); Flashes Varsity Girls - Fillmore 45 - Santa Paula 119 (Santa Paula) Varsity Boys - Fillmore 37 - Santa Paula 73 (Santa Paula). Fillmore vs Channel Islands: Flashes JV Girls - Fillmore 68 - Channel Islands 75 (Channel Islands); JV Boys – Fillmore 66 - Channel Islands 8 (Fillmore); Flashes Varsity Girls – Fillmore 91 - Channel Islands 62 (Fillmore); Varsity Boys - Fillmore 39 - Channel Islands 54 (Channel Islands). Submitted by Coach Cindy Blatt
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June 9th at the FHS Alumni Dinner!
The FHS Class of 1998 will be celebrating their 20 year class reunion at the 105th Annual Alumni Dinner/Dance set for Saturday June 9th at the Veterans Memorial Building. Doors open at 3PM for happy hour and dinner is served at 6PM. There will be music, laughter and dancing all the way to midnight. The Alumni Association is very happy to be hosting the Class of 1998 at the Alumni Dinner. The Class of ’98 will be seated together and have their own private area to celebrate their 20 year reunion. The Alumni Association is in the process of finalizing the 2018 dinner menu and will be posting it very soon on our website and social media pages. We want to congratulate the Class of '98 on your 20 year celebration and look forward to a special evening with the Alumni Association. We hope all Alumni decide to join us on Saturday June 9th, 2018. This year’s Alumni Dinner is not to be missed! Make your reservations now at and click on the Events link at the top of the webpage.
The FHS Class of 1998 will be celebrating their 20 year class reunion at the 105th Annual Alumni Dinner/Dance set for Saturday June 9th at the Veterans Memorial Building. Doors open at 3PM for happy hour and dinner is served at 6PM. There will be music, laughter and dancing all the way to midnight. The Alumni Association is very happy to be hosting the Class of 1998 at the Alumni Dinner. The Class of ’98 will be seated together and have their own private area to celebrate their 20 year reunion. The Alumni Association is in the process of finalizing the 2018 dinner menu and will be posting it very soon on our website and social media pages. We want to congratulate the Class of '98 on your 20 year celebration and look forward to a special evening with the Alumni Association. We hope all Alumni decide to join us on Saturday June 9th, 2018. This year’s Alumni Dinner is not to be missed! Make your reservations now at and click on the Events link at the top of the webpage.
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