By Anonymous — Wednesday, August 30th, 2017
![]() (l-r) Martha Navarette was presented a Mug from Rotary member Ari Larson, for speaking to the group about all Santa Clara Valley Hospice has to offer. Photo Courtesy Martha Richardson. Enlarge Photo Martha Navarette, Director of the Santa Clara Valley Hospice spoke to the Fillmore Rotary Club about how local Hospice started as home support group, but are now more than that. They lend medical equipment, transport patients to and from doctor appointments, have case workers and give referrals. They also give physical and spiritual support as well. All of the services are free. They are located at 217 N. 10th St. in Santa Paula. They are having a Grand Reopening on September, 15th at 5:00 pm. 805-525-1333 |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, August 30th, 2017
![]() On Wednesday, August 23rd at approximately 3:40pm, traffic came to a halt near the bottom of Grimes Canyon. The driver of a white Chevy pickup truck, which had been traveling North on Grimes Canyon, lost control and slammed into an electrical pole. No injuries were reported at the time of the accident and cause is still under investigation. Enlarge Photo |
![]() Photo of the Week "Leaping bull after tossing rider – PRCA Rodeo at County Fair" by Bob Crum. Photo data: ISO 320, 46mm, f/10 @1/500 second shutter speed. Enlarge Photo By Bob Crum — Wednesday, August 30th, 2017
Back-Button Focus
After four consecutive weeks of run and gun photoing, I'm sill in recovery mode as I write this. The past weekend was without an assignment but it's never like I have nothing to do. I still have rodeo photos I shot at the fair to post process. A photojournalist's fun is never done. Rodeos are a challenge to shoot. Bucking broncs and bulls are difficult to predict. I try to anticipate the animal's direction and start pointing the camera in that direction expecting to get the money shot. I guess wrong a lot, thinking the animal will go this way but it goes that way. Grumble... grumble. Another thing I try to accomplish is getting the bronc or bull rider in focus while getting the animal a tad blurry to illustrate it's action. Of course that requires getting the shutter speed dead on, Ha! Again I frequently guess wrong, but when I'm right... the image is spectacular. I get paid a lot for spectacular photos. Of course, timing is crucial as well as composition. It's important to keep the shutter button poised and ready. I get so upset when I'm a millisecond late. Must be that as I gracefully mature (ahem... age) my reflexes are getting a tad slower. My legitimate excuse for miscues! As you know, pressing the shutter release button halfway activates the autofocus presuming that you're gear supports autofocus. But from my experience, the process is somewhat problematic. Too many times, depressing the shutter button half way to activate focus results in two problems: 1) the shutter button is often too touchy... push it a tad too much and get a premature photo missing the money shot; 2) in the heat of exciting action, the shutter button often gets pressed in one swift push preventing time for the lens to focus. Hence, too many out-of-focus shots. Not good. Remember, an out-of-focus photo cannot be fixed!!! So, I gave up on that method years ago. Even for mermaid boudoir photography. On my Canon 7D Mark II, I have the option of assigning an external button to activate autofocus. It's commonly called 'back button focus'. I designated the “*” button as my autofocus activator. I use the shutter button ONLY when I'm taking the photo. Before I actually take the photo, I'm pressing the “*” button on back of the camera to 'pre' focus so that when I mash the shutter button, focus is done and locked. Bingo: Money shot! Even by the back-button focus method is not totally fool proof... especially when I forget to push it! Panning... following a fast moving a subject in focus with the background blurred... is an interesting and creative technique. Set the appropriate shutter speed, aperture, and follow the moving subject. Rodeos provide such opportunities. Online,, find and identify the rodeos photo where I panned the subject and the first person who emails me the correctly identifies the photo (it's also marked) wins one free Baskin Robbins scoop of ice cream. Offer ends at noon on Wednesday, 9/6/2017. I selected the 'leaping bull' as the “Photo of the Week” because I was amazed that an animal that large could jump that high. Happy photoing! Send your comments, suggestions or questions to |
By Bob Crum — Wednesday, August 30th, 2017
Part 1 of 4
By Bob Crum — Wednesday, August 30th, 2017
Part 2 of 4
By Bob Crum — Wednesday, August 30th, 2017
Part 3 of 4
By Bob Crum — Wednesday, August 30th, 2017
part 4 of 4
By Anonymous — Wednesday, August 23rd, 2017
Fillmore’s Chief Rigo Landeros will be added to the 2017 California Firefighters Memorial at the 15th Anniversary Ceremony. The Foundation invites you to join them in memorializing the sacrifice and dedication of California’s fallen heroes Memorial Ceremony on September 30, 2017. The ceremony will be held at the California Firefighters Memorial located in Capitol Park, Sacramento, CA. A special 15th anniversary tribute will be held on the evening of Friday, September 29, 2017. Chief Landeros, who passed away in January 2016, will also be inducted into the Ventura County Firefighters Memorial on November 17, 2017. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, August 23rd, 2017
![]() Members of Fillmore’s Packinghouse Creative kept a close watch on the sun during Monday’s solar eclipse. A spokesperson for the group stated they were fully prepared to warn the people of Earth if the sun decided to try anything funny. Enlarge Photo |
![]() Last night’s City Council meeting discussed the banning of big rig trucks on River St. between A Street and Central, the plans for Two Rivers Dog Park improvements, and Fillmore Fire Department Grant money received. Enlarge Photo By Anonymous — Wednesday, August 23rd, 2017
That the City Council approved the introduction and first reading of an ordinance banning trucks on River Street between “A” Street and Central Avenue to limit heavy truck traffic using this segment as a bypass to the State Route 126 and authorizing staff to order install and maintain signs advising of this prohibition. The City has received complaints from residents that River Street is being used as a bypass to State Route 126 by trucks particularly between “A” Street (Hwy 23) and Central Avenue. Although this segment of River Street is on the approved haul route for the active grading site in Heritage Valley Parks and also has point of delivery for trucks at the Vons commercial center at Balden Plaza, both the Sheriff and Engineering departments have verified some of the truck traffic on the segment is associated with regional hauling. In addition to the apparent by-pass truck traffic that are using River to avoid the traffic on Hwy 126, it has been noted that truck drivers are using River Street to stage in the early morning to position themselves to be first in line to the quarries in Grimes Canyon. To address these regional truck hauling impacts on River Street, the City Attorney has prepared Ordinance No. 17-881 to add Fillmore Municipal Code sections to ban vehicles over twenty feet and three-axle vehicles from being driven or parked on River Street between Central Avenue and “A” Street unless the truck is making a delivery on River Street or authorized pursuant to a pre-existing limited term agreement. The installation of signs in two locations as illustrated on Exhibit A will provide required notice to the truck drivers such that the prohibition will be enforceable. PRESENTATIONS REQUEST DISCUSSION To enable the development of the Heritage Valley Parks Specific Plan, the City approved a “Development Agreement” that obligated the developer to pay the City $1,350,000.00 to be used specifically at Two Rivers Park (previously known as “C” Street Park). This funding would assist with the City’s completion of park projects necessary to accommodate the new residents who would eventually live in this Specific Plan area. The City Council is being asked to determine how the $985,500 balance of these funds should be spent. The Parks and Recreation Commission, along with City staff, have written a prioritized list of projects to be completed at Two Rivers Park. Below is this list, with estimated costs provided by the City’s Planning Department. 1 Finish Baseball Diamond and Backstop $15,000 CITY MANAGER COMMENTS The proposal, which was approved by the Coastal Commission (providing the sand quality was a correct match for the now absent original sand). The County of Ventura was joined by the City of Fillmore in a lawsuit to halt the proposal. The issue is now being appealed. |