Wednesday July 12th city workers trimmed the Pepper trees in front the Fillmore Visitors Center near City Hall.
Wednesday July 12th city workers trimmed the Pepper trees in front the Fillmore Visitors Center near City Hall.
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California Highway Patrol
California Highway Patrol

In support of the California Highway Patrol's (CHP) responsibility to keep California's roadways safe by reducing collisions, and related to the current Independence Day Weekend Maximum Enforcement Period the CHP's Moorpark Area office deployed three officers and one sergeant this morning to partner with the crew of "Air 73," a CHP airplane, to patrol State Route (SR) 126 between Fillmore and the Los Angeles/Ventura County lines. "Air 73" was staffed by two CHP officers, one a Pilot and the other a Flight Officer. The aircraft and crew are based in Paso Robles with another CHP airplane ("Air 71") and a paramedic staffed rescue helicopter ("H-70"). These three aircraft primarily support both CHP and allied agencies within the CHP's Coastal Division (Santa Cruz to Moorpark).

Typically, on these types of missions the aircraft's Flight Officer observes a violation, radios the information to a ground officer who then makes contact with the violator.

This morning's mission occurred in a posted 55 MPH speed zone on SR 126 between 8:58 AM and 10:50 AM (1:52). During this time ground officers made 22 total enforcement contacts. Eighteen drivers were issued citations for driving between 68 and 80 MPH, and an additional four drivers received warnings.

The CHP Moorpark Area wishes to thank our partners at Caltrans for working cooperatively with us in the installation of appropriate signs and roadway markings making it possible to conduct aircraft mission in support of improving roadway safety and reducing collisions.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone who shares the road: drivers, motorcycle riders, bicyclists and pedestrians to take just a moment to reflect how delicate life is, how delicate our bodies are when compared to the energy of a collision.

R. D. COHAN, Lieutenant Commander


Photo of the Week: "July 4th Fireworks Finale" by Bob Crum. Photo details: ISO 100, 16-300mm @16mm, F/14 @1.4seconds.
Photo of the Week: "July 4th Fireworks Finale" by Bob Crum. Photo details: ISO 100, 16-300mm @16mm, F/14 @1.4seconds.
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Seriously, it works!
Bob Crum
Bob Crum

Faithful readers of this column (thank you) know that I shoot straight from the camera, so to speak, to help you improve your photography. Accordingly, I'm going to present a mnemonic acronym that originated with fellow photographer K. Rockwell reconstituted with my embellishments.

Composition, again, is the topic because it's the heart and soul of a compelling photograph. Ignoring the principles of composition almost always results in lackluster photos.

The acronym for better photos is: F.A.R.T. Seriously. As soon as you collect yourself let's see why... ahem... will improve your photography. Let's begin.

F = Feel. As you arrive at a photogenic scene you'll immediately think: 'Wow, I need to photograph this'. Amateurs promptly take the and move on. That's a snapshot... not a photograph. Ponder why you're “feeling” compelled to shoot the photo.

A = Ask. Ask yourself what's special about what you're seeing that creates the itch to photograph it? Spectacular colors? Unique light? Something bizarre? Mentally define what is 'most' compelling about the scene.

R = Refine. Refinement is challenging! As you begin to understand why you want to shoot the photo, refine whatever the specialness is that demands to be photographed. To the degree that you can refine the specialness you 'feel' compelled to photograph is the degree that your photo's wow factor will increase. Lastly...

T = Texture. Is the specialness that you feel urged to photograph involve 'texture'? If so, capture that 'texture' robustly. Or is the compelling attraction a unique color or combination of colors? Fill the 'whole' frame with the special color(s). If the scene includes unique leading lines that attracted your attention refine that and fill the whole frame with that specialness.

As you mentally refine the image, eliminate everything that doesn't relate to or enhance the image. Everything! Creatively composing your photos will produce a strong image. Let's look at an example.

The greatographer (me) arrives at a waterfront and looks... a vivacious mermaid sunning out on the breakwater. My dream photo! Frolicking dolphins all around her. Delicate teal-colored translucent sunlit waves lapping at the rocks. Photogenic aplenty. As I slowly raise my camera... whoa... instead of “you-know-what”... you know that I can't take the photo until I first invite the mermaid to swim over and join me for lunch at Neptune's Seafood Buffet. But I digress...

What first caught my eye? The attractive color of the translucent waves? The frolicking dolphins? The vivacious mermaid? Before I raise my camera to take a photo, I remember to first... ahem... “you-know-what.”

Obviously, the major attraction is the mermaid. As I look through the viewfinder (holding up a sign saying: SMILE) I'll fill the whole frame with only the mermaid's specialness. Eliminate the frolicking dolphins & the appeal of the teal-colored waves. I'm going to zoom in and fill the entire frame with the mermaid. Aaaaaaah!
Wait. As I recall the acronym, I'll Refine' the image. By zooming out just a little I can add some context to the photo. A teal-colored wave would add a 'splash' of color and liveliness. Showing just a little of the rocks (key word: little) adds a touch of texture. Voila, with a little Refinement I just “created” a great photo.

Now that you know how to achieve great compositions, thus great photos, nothing left to do but practice Besides, you'll feel better as your stinky photos improve. Just sayin'. But when you see me in Vons, probably not a good idea to yell: “Hey Bob, I F.A.R.T.ed!

Photo of the Week, and other fireworks photos at are included now because too much to do last week on a short deadline.

Happy photoing.

Email your comments, questions and/or suggestions to


The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) is reminding Californians about the importance of safe food handling to prevent foodborne illness while enjoying picnics, barbecues and other outdoor activities during the summer season.

Salmonella, E. coli and Campylobacter are bacteria most commonly recognized for causing foodborne illness in the United States each year. Most of these cases are mild and cause symptoms for only a day or two, but some cases are more serious. However, there are some easy and effective steps you can take to help lessen your chance of contracting a foodborne illness.

“You can protect yourself, your family and your friends from foodborne illness by following simple safety tips for properly preparing and handling food,” said Dr. Smith.

Following these four “Cs” can prevent foodborne illnesses:

• Keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold. Bacteria can grow in foods kept in the temperature “danger zone” (41°F-135°F) / (5 °C-58 °C) for an extended period of time.
• Refrigerate leftovers to less than 41°F / 5 °C as soon as possible, but definitely within 2 hours.
• Use shallow pans and loosely cover while in the refrigerator to allow warm air to escape and facilitate cooling.
• Select cold foods at the grocery store last and put them away first when you get home to keep them cold.
• Refrigerated foods packaged in hermetically sealed or vacuum-packaged containers should always be stored in the refrigerator. Storing these types of vacuum-packaged products at room temperature could allow the production of Botulism toxin.
• Follow package instructions, especially when it comes to keeping foods refrigerated.
• Thaw frozen foods in the refrigerator or in a microwave immediately prior to cooking. Never thaw frozen foods on the counter.

• Wash your hands with warm, soapy water for at least 20 seconds before and after handling food. Humming “happy birthday” twice while washing hands is a good way to ensure you are washing long enough.
• Scrub cutting boards with hot, soapy water after preparing each item and before moving on to the next food. If your cutting board has deep grooves or cut marks, which make it difficult to clean, consider replacing it.
• Wash and thoroughly rinse utensils and cutting boards with soap and water. Thoroughly cleaning them with a bleach solution (made of one tablespoon of unscented liquid bleach diluted in one gallon of water) will provide effective sanitation action.
• Cover any cuts or skin abrasions on your hands to avoid contaminating the food.
• Keep pets and household chemicals away from food preparation areas.

Prevent Cross Contamination:
• Keep raw and cooked foods separate.
• Use separate cutting boards and knives for chopping ready-to-eat produce and raw meats.
• Never rinse raw poultry because it spreads germs around the kitchen sink, which can serve as a source of contamination for other foods.
• Discard used marinades.
• Use clean utensils and plates to remove cooked foods from grills and pans. Never place cooked foods back into the dish that held the raw or uncooked foods.
• Separate raw and uncooked meats from ready-to-eat items when shopping at the grocery store. Place raw meats in disposable, plastic bags away from other foods.
• If you use reusable shopping bags for groceries, designate specific bags for meats to avoid cross-contamination. Wash and dry bags as they become soiled.
• Store bags used for groceries at home in a manner which protects them from other sources of contamination such as pets, children, and chemicals.
• Thaw frozen foods in the refrigerator in water-tight containers to prevent juices from leaking onto ready-to-eat and cooked foods.

• Use an accurate thermometer to measure the final internal temperature of meat and meat products. Color is an inaccurate way to determine if meat is sufficiently cooked.
• Measure the temperature in the thickest part of the food, ensuring the thermometer does not touch bone or the cooking pan which can give you an inaccurate reading.
• Wash thermometers after each use.
• Wait until foods are completely cooked before taste testing.
• When using a microwave to cook or reheat food, be sure to rotate or stir the food to facilitate thorough heating. Additionally, some labels recommend a “resting time” for the food after cooking before it should be served. Those instructions should be followed in order to allow the heat to evenly distribute.

Visit CDPH’s Cooking Raw Meats webpage for additional information.

On Saturday, July 1st, family, friends, and community members gathered for the Reguberto “Rigo” Landeros Street Renaming and Plaque Unveiling which took place at the Fillmore Fire Station. The City renamed a portion of Sespe Avenue to honor the memory of Chief Landeros. Pictured above is Rigo’s family standing next to the plaque that is outside the Fillmore Fire Station, (l-r) son-in-law Elden Bingham holding Mia with Rigo’s daughter Christina, front. Sons Daniel and David, with Rigo’s wife Laura and grand-daughter Gabbie Bingham. Photos courtesy Fillmore Fire Department.
On Saturday, July 1st, family, friends, and community members gathered for the Reguberto “Rigo” Landeros Street Renaming and Plaque Unveiling which took place at the Fillmore Fire Station. The City renamed a portion of Sespe Avenue to honor the memory of Chief Landeros. Pictured above is Rigo’s family standing next to the plaque that is outside the Fillmore Fire Station, (l-r) son-in-law Elden Bingham holding Mia with Rigo’s daughter Christina, front. Sons Daniel and David, with Rigo’s wife Laura and grand-daughter Gabbie Bingham. Photos courtesy Fillmore Fire Department.
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Alfredo Avalos, Fillmore
Alfredo Avalos, Fillmore
600 lbs of illegal fireworks were confiscated from a seizure that occurred Wednesday, June 28th.
600 lbs of illegal fireworks were confiscated from a seizure that occurred Wednesday, June 28th.
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Earlier this month, sheriff’s detectives obtained information indicating illegal fireworks were being sold by (S) Alfredo Avalos from his residence at 656 Fourth Street, Fillmore. Detectives conducted an investigation and believed Avalos was in possession of a large quantity of fireworks that are illegal in California.

On June 28th, detectives served a search warrant at the location and seized approximately 600 pounds of illegal fireworks. These fireworks were found throughout the residence, including kitchen, garage, and the bedroom of a minor child, and posed a significant threat of injury and fire, not only to the suspect’s family, but to the public, as well. Three firearms were also found, including an AK-47, a stolen .22-caliber rifle, and an unregistered .22-caliber rifle.

(S) Avalos, who was not present at the time of the service of the search warrant, turned himself in to detectives later in the morning. He was arrested for the following charges and booked into the Pre-Trial Detention Facility with a bail of $20,000:

Health and Safety Code Section 12305 – Felony possession of an explosive
Health and Safety Code Section 12671 – Misdemeanor possession of illegal fireworks
Health and Safety Code Section 12700(b) – Misdemeanor fireworks and pyrotechnic devices
Penal Code Section 27545 – Misdemeanor unlawful transfer of firearm
Penal Code Section 30605(a) – Felony possession of assault weapon
Penal Code Section 496(a) – Misdemeanor receiving stolen property under $950 (Prop 47)

“Safe and Sane” fireworks, bearing the seal of the State Fire Marshal, can be legally sold, possessed, and enjoyed in the city of Fillmore between 12:00 PM, June 28th, and 12:00 PM, July 5th. All other fireworks, including altered “Safe and Sane” fireworks and fireworks that explode and/or launch into the air, are illegal in Fillmore and throughout Ventura County and the state.

Violators may be cited for violating the city municipal code and subject to a $1,000.00 fine, or they may be arrested for more serious crimes. If you witness any illegal activity, please call the Fillmore Police Department at 805-524-2233 or, if there’s an immediate threat to life or property, 9-1-1.

Nature of Incident: Illegal Fireworks and Weapons Seizure and Arrest
Report Number: 17-92306
Location: 656 Fourth Street, Fillmore
Date & Time: June 28, 2017 / 7:00 AM
Unit(s) Responsible: Fillmore Detective Unit and Patrol, West County Investigations Bureau, Sheriff’s Bomb Unit, Sheriff’s Gang Unit, Sheriff’s Major Crimes Bureau
(S)uspects, (V)ictims, (P)arty, (D)ecedent City of Residence
(S) Alfredo Avalos Fillmore
Prepared by: Sergeant Kevin Vaden
News Release Date: June 28, 2017
Detective Bill Meixner, (805) 947-9391
Approved by: Captain Jim Fryhoff

On Saturday, July 1st at approximately 7 p.m. Fillmore Fire responded to a traffic collision at the intersection of Ventura Street and Orange Grove. Upon arrival they found a smoldering motorcycle on the ground, and two injured patients. The motorcycle had collided with an SUV. The two patients on the motorcycle received moderate injuries and were transported to Santa Paula Hospital for further evaluation. The accident is under investigation by the Sheriffs Department. Photo courtesy Fillmore Fire Department.
On Saturday, July 1st at approximately 7 p.m. Fillmore Fire responded to a traffic collision at the intersection of Ventura Street and Orange Grove. Upon arrival they found a smoldering motorcycle on the ground, and two injured patients. The motorcycle had collided with an SUV. The two patients on the motorcycle received moderate injuries and were transported to Santa Paula Hospital for further evaluation. The accident is under investigation by the Sheriffs Department. Photo courtesy Fillmore Fire Department.
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On June 28th, at approximately 9 p.m. Fillmore Fire responded to the report of a grass fire behind the Valero Gas Station, near one of the fireworks stands. Upon arrival, they found a small spot fire approximately 20 x 20-feet burning. The crews were able to extinguish the fire in approximately 15 minutes. Photo courtesy Fillmore Fire Department.
On June 28th, at approximately 9 p.m. Fillmore Fire responded to the report of a grass fire behind the Valero Gas Station, near one of the fireworks stands. Upon arrival, they found a small spot fire approximately 20 x 20-feet burning. The crews were able to extinguish the fire in approximately 15 minutes. Photo courtesy Fillmore Fire Department.
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