Wednesday, December 19, Santa Claus was welcomed with smiles and hugs from children who had been waiting for him to arrive at the Fillmore Fire Department/Sheriffs Department Toy Giveaway. Several children lined up with their parents to receive a toy and to take a picture with Santa Claus. Photos courtesy of Bob Crum.
Wednesday, December 19, Santa Claus was welcomed with smiles and hugs from children who had been waiting for him to arrive at the Fillmore Fire Department/Sheriffs Department Toy Giveaway. Several children lined up with their parents to receive a toy and to take a picture with Santa Claus. Photos courtesy of Bob Crum.
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Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District

The Fillmore Unified School District elementary schools are committed to providing a safe learning environment for our students and staff. To this end we will be implementing the following changes effective January 8, 2013.

Before school: We will be reducing the number of gates open before school. We will be locking some previously open gates so that the schools will have one student entrance with staff supervision. Parents and family members will be encouraged to drop their child off at the identified gate, however parents will not be allowed to enter the school grounds. Staff will be on duty to properly supervise students until the start of instructional time.

During School: All school gates will remain locked during school hours. Parents must report to the school office to check students out of school or to deliver messages or items. The teacher and site administrator must approve all classroom volunteers and visitors in advance. Volunteer approval will include the date and time of the visit. If parents have items to deliver to their child or a message for the teacher the office staff will deliver the item to class or contact the teacher.

After School: To ensure a safe and orderly dismissal, all teachers will escort all classes to the dismissal gate. Parents are encouraged to meet their children at the dismissal gate.

Schools will continue to practice emergency drills to ensure that students and staff are prepared for any emergency.

Although, the above procedures may be a bit disruptive to current routines and practices, it is our belief that they provide our students with the safest schools possible.

Please do not hesitate to let your school principal know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you in advance for your support of these changes to make our schools safe learning environments for our students and staff.


Michael Cederland observes where his car crashed into Starbucks, killing Sergio Mendez, 30.
Michael Cederland observes where his car crashed into Starbucks, killing Sergio Mendez, 30.
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The Ventura County District Attorney’s office has decided not to prosecute a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy who crashed into Fillmore Starbucks while apparently suffering a seizure on December 13, 2011.

According to Deputy District Attorney Kim Gibbons Cederland had no prior accident records in his home state of Washington or California, and no misconduct was found according to “code section or a jury instruction.”

At approximately 7:07 p.m., 12 Fillmore Fire units responded to a vehicle collision at Starbucks in Fillmore at the corner of A Street and Highway 126. A Chevrolet Tahoe, driven by Michael Cederland of Pasadena, had crashed through the east wall of the business, near the drive thru, pinning several people against tables and walls. Eye witnesses said the vehicle was traveling about 50 miles per hour when it struck the building’s exterior wall. The driver identified himself as a Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department deputy. He stated he had fallen asleep and veered from the westbound lanes of Highway 126 (Old Telegraph Road) across the eastbound lanes, over the sidewalk, across the parking lot for approximately 100 yards, between two large Palm trees before crashing through Starbucks east wall. The vehicle traveled completely through the front lounge coming to rest against the front door and corner. Sergio Mendez, 30 of Fillmore, was pinned against the front door on the opposite side of the dining area. Mendez sustained multiple internal injuries and, during emergency surgery, succumbed to the injuries. He was pronounced deceased by the surgery physician.

Mendez was an Iraq war veteran who CONTINUED »

(l-r) Maria Galvan, U.S. Army Specialist Eric Galvan, and daughter Alisha
(l-r) Maria Galvan, U.S. Army Specialist Eric Galvan, and daughter Alisha
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I receive information for these articles from many sources, but mostly from family members of men and women serving their Country unselfishly and many times, unfortunately, in hostile environments! For this article I was contacted by the wife of one of those men, from this valley and specifically Fillmore. She lives in Germany, with her daughter, awaiting his safe return from Afghanistan! The articles can't be written without family assistance. Thanks to his sister and mother for filling in the blanks of his growing up in Fillmore. The assistance of the serving member is also needed, however in this case the article is meant to be a surprise for the service member and he has not been contacted.

Some time back I wrote an article about two Fillmore Natives, both serving in Afghanistan in different branches of the military and having a chance meeting at Bagram, Airfield, Afghanistan. One was my son, United States Navy Petty Officer Second Class Phillip C. Diaz 26 years and the other United States Army Specialist Eric Ryne Galvan 22 years. It was Maria Galvan, wife of Specialist Galvan, who contacted me and provided most of the information for this article. Maria wanted to surprise her husband with an article in his “Hometown Newspaper” as a way of cheering him up and letting him know all of us back home are supporting him and wishing him a safe tour of duty while he is in Afghanistan!

Specialist Eric Ryne CONTINUED »

Fillmore Methodist Church presented FUSD with a check for $12,000 to be put towards an Anti-Bullying program at FUSD. Pictured are (but not in order) Gay Newman, Emma Patterson, Barbara Olsen, and Sarah Hansen.
Fillmore Methodist Church presented FUSD with a check for $12,000 to be put towards an Anti-Bullying program at FUSD. Pictured are (but not in order) Gay Newman, Emma Patterson, Barbara Olsen, and Sarah Hansen.
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Congratulations Luke! The Fillmore School Board recognized an exceptional seventh grade student, Luke Meyers, who achieved a perfect score on the State Algebra 1 Test. Meyers is now two years ahead in math and a great example of FUSD getting a head start by tackling math early. Pictured (l-r) FUSD Board President David Wilde and Luke Meyers.
Congratulations Luke! The Fillmore School Board recognized an exceptional seventh grade student, Luke Meyers, who achieved a perfect score on the State Algebra 1 Test. Meyers is now two years ahead in math and a great example of FUSD getting a head start by tackling math early. Pictured (l-r) FUSD Board President David Wilde and Luke Meyers.
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Coach of the Year, Matt Dollar, along with eight members of the Fillmore Flashes Football Team were recognized for their numerous league and county-wide achievements.
Coach of the Year, Matt Dollar, along with eight members of the Fillmore Flashes Football Team were recognized for their numerous league and county-wide achievements.
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Board Members John Garnica and Virginia De la Piedra were sworn in by Fillmore City Council Mayor Pro-Tem Manual Minjares. Pictured (l-r) John Garnica, Virginia De la Piedra, and Manual Minjares.
Board Members John Garnica and Virginia De la Piedra were sworn in by Fillmore City Council Mayor Pro-Tem Manual Minjares. Pictured (l-r) John Garnica, Virginia De la Piedra, and Manual Minjares.
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It was standing room only at the December 18, 2012 Fillmore Unified School Board meeting due to a number of items that were of interest to teachers, students and the community. It began with nomination and appointment of new positions for Board Members and recognition of the Fillmore Football Team, a distinctive student’s achievement and a generous donation from Fillmore Methodist Church. Also presented was an English Learner Report and the findings and recommendations to improve both Mountain Vista and Sespe Elementary Schools.

Members of Fillmore United Methodist Church presented Fillmore Unified School District (FUSD) with a check for $12,000. The money originally was a Church Memorial Fund for Fay James, but unfortunately the church is closing and the money must be transferred/donated to a worthy cause. Church members Sarah Hansen, Barbara Olsen, Gay Newman and Emma Patterson agreed that it should go toward an anti-bullying program at FUSD. The ladies stated they would also like the public to get involved in programs like this and make an effort, where possible, to give back to the community.

This was the last meeting of the calendar year and with it came the appointing of the new Board President, Vice President, Clerk, School Board Representative on the County Committee and Agricultural Advisory Committee. The appointments were David Wilde - President, Lucy Rangel - Vice President, Tony Prado - Clerk and David Wilde - Agricultural Committee.

The Board then recognized an exceptional seventh grade student, Luke Meyers, who achieved a perfect score on the State Algebra 1 Test. Meyers is now two years ahead in math and a great example of FUSD getting a head start by tackling math early. Superintendent Alan Nishino reminded everyone that last year 55 seventh grade students took Algebra 1; this year 88 seventh grade students along with 200 eighth grade students are enrolled in Algebra 1. Even more impressive is 49 eight grade students are now taking geometry and pre-algebra is being taught to sixth grade students.

Fillmore is doing great in CONTINUED »


Daniel Nuno, 30 of Fillmore, will stand trial on charges he shot and killed Ricardo Gonzalez, 41 originally from Fillmore, on August 8, 2011.

Nuno allegedly shot Gonzalez in the driveway of Gonzalez’ mother’s home. He will be charged with first-degree murder with special allegations that he used a firearm to commit the crime. Nuno has pleaded not guilty.

According to Gonzalez’ mother, Irene, 77, Nuno walked up to Gonzalez and shot him in the face in front of her and Gonzalez’ 3-year old son.

Gonzalez was a chiropractor in Oxnard and was picking up his son from his parent’s home.

According to Irene, Nuno had been to the Gonzalez home twice earlier in the day looking for her other son, Eric Gonzalez. Nuno and Eric were involved in a drug arrest in the past according to the Ventura County Star.

She said Nuno said something in English to Ricardo which she didn’t understand, but he responded he would loan him money the next day. That is when Nuno pulled out a gun, shot Gonzalez and drove away.

Fillmore Volunteer Firefighters Foundation received a $5,000 donation from Seneca Resources Corp. West. The money will be used for training, education, educating our citizens and purchasing equipment. Fillmore’s Firefighters Foundation greatly appreciates the generous donation. Fillmore Fire Department and Fillmore Volunteer Firefighters Foundation Board wishes Seneca Resources a happy and safe holiday.
Fillmore Volunteer Firefighters Foundation received a $5,000 donation from Seneca Resources Corp. West. The money will be used for training, education, educating our citizens and purchasing equipment. Fillmore’s Firefighters Foundation greatly appreciates the generous donation. Fillmore Fire Department and Fillmore Volunteer Firefighters Foundation Board wishes Seneca Resources a happy and safe holiday.
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At Tuesday night’s Council meeting the new council was sworn in. (l-r) Councilmember Doug Tucker, Mayor Rick Neal, and Mayor Pro-Tem Manuel Minjares.
At Tuesday night’s Council meeting the new council was sworn in. (l-r) Councilmember Doug Tucker, Mayor Rick Neal, and Mayor Pro-Tem Manuel Minjares.
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The new City Treasurer Shannon Godfrey, and new City Clerk Nancy Blendermann-Meyer.
The new City Treasurer Shannon Godfrey, and new City Clerk Nancy Blendermann-Meyer.
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New council members sworn into office.
New council members sworn into office.
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Councilmember Steve Conaway retires from serving the citizens of Fillmore. Conaway was instrumental in mandating the waste water treatment plant, skatepark and maintaining a balanced budget from 2004-08 along with numerous other activities. Fighting back tears Conaway said, “I’d like to thank the citizens of Fillmore… it’s been a great honor.”
Councilmember Steve Conaway retires from serving the citizens of Fillmore. Conaway was instrumental in mandating the waste water treatment plant, skatepark and maintaining a balanced budget from 2004-08 along with numerous other activities. Fighting back tears Conaway said, “I’d like to thank the citizens of Fillmore… it’s been a great honor.”
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The December 11, 2012 Fillmore City Council Meeting was mostly ceremonial as three Council Members were thanked for their service to Fillmore and three newly elected Council Members, along with a new City Clerk and City Treasurer, were sworn in. Also presented was good news from the Film Commission and discussion of items to be put on the next agenda.

The Council Chamber was packed to capacity as friends and family came to welcome the new Council Members and thank the vacating Council Members Steve Conaway, Jamey Brooks, Gayle Washburn and City Clerk Clay Westling for their service to Fillmore. Each of these individuals has donated their time and effort on the Council and doing various other functions over the years. Conaway was instrumental in mandating the waste water treatment plant, skatepark and maintaining a balanced budget from 2004-08 along with numerous other activities. Fighting back tears Conaway said, “I’d like to thank the citizens of Fillmore… it’s been a great honor.” Brooks, who served as Mayor Pro Tem for two years and worked on a number of committees stated, “I wish the new leadership well” and went on to say the Westling had asked that he not receive a proclamation but Brooks did it anyway. Westling stated, “I’m not sure, I’ll do something in Fillmore, but I’m not sure what.” Washburn who has served on numerous committees and task forces stated, “I’ve really enjoyed sitting on the City Council and I hope the new Council Members enjoy their time on the Council.”

Westling then did his final duty as City Clerk and swore in his replacement, Nancy Blendermann-Meyer, who then swore in the new Council Members Rick Neal, Manuel Minjares, and Douglas Tucker along with the new City Treasurer Shannon Godfrey. Neal, Tucker and Minjares then took their seats at the dias and began their duties by nominating a Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem. Rick Neal was nominated for Mayor with four Yes votes and one No vote by Council Member Brian Sipes. Then Minjares was nominated for Mayor Pro Tem with four Yes votes and again Sipes the only No vote. The next task was where each member sat at the dias. It was decided that the three new Council Members would sit in the center with Sipes to their left and Council Member A. Eduardo Gonzalez to their right.

Once the seating CONTINUED »

McCune Foundation Makes Grant to Fillmore Teen Center

The McCune Foundation awarded a $25,000 grant to the One Step Center in Fillmore to support the community organizing work of its teen members. The grant will support youth committees working to expand the community’s voice for social change to address transportation needs, clean-up of the Superfund site, and restorative justice responses by law enforcement.

The Foundation, based in Ventura, awarded a total of $360,000 to community organizing groups throughout Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. A press release announcing the grants is attached. Please feel free to call with any questions.

Claudia Armann
Executive Director

McCune Foundation Announces Community Organizing Grants

The McCune Foundation has awarded more than $360,000 for community organizing and social justice initiatives in Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties. Sixteen groups received grants in November to organize residents in voicing their concerns and solutions to improve public transportation, immigration policies, services for homeless families, and other vital issues.

“The goal of our grantmaking is to build leadership and power for those who haven’t traditionally had a voice in decisionmaking,” said Sara Miller McCune, the Foundation’s president and co-founder. “Grassroots groups supported by the Foundation are training and mobilizing youth, farmworkers, parents, and others.”

Grant dollars provided CONTINUED »

(l-r) (top) Coach Victor Rodriguez, Carlos Laureano, Aiden Richter, Joaquin Rodriguez, Carissa Rodriguez, Nevaeh Walla, Collin Richter, Coach Rafa Laureano. (bottom) Syenna Ponce, Vanessa Cabral, Jordyn Walla, Andrea Laureano, Rey Laureano, Mark Richter and Michael Camilo Torres.
(l-r) (top) Coach Victor Rodriguez, Carlos Laureano, Aiden Richter, Joaquin Rodriguez, Carissa Rodriguez, Nevaeh Walla, Collin Richter, Coach Rafa Laureano. (bottom) Syenna Ponce, Vanessa Cabral, Jordyn Walla, Andrea Laureano, Rey Laureano, Mark Richter and Michael Camilo Torres.
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Last weekend Dec. 1, 2012 our Fillmore Condors Youth Cross Country team took 13 out of 32 of their athletes to compete at the AAU Cross Country Nationals in Rock Hill, South Carolina. A combination of the top 8 athletes of our conference in each division was put together to make one team that would represent as California Comets at Nationals. The best of the best were united as one to try and bring home the Gold Cup for the 3rd year in a row. Did the California Comets succeed? They sure did! They not only brought home GOLD but dominated in each division taking 1st place as a team were, Gremlin Girls, Gremlin Boys, Bantam Girls and Midget Girls. The rest of our divisions stood on the podium as well either taking 2nd or 3rd place. Overall scores were calculated and the California Comets came through as the #1 team overall. Coordinators, coaches, parents and the athletes all chanting "THREE-PEAT" as they ran to the podium to receive their Gold Cup! California Comets are the team to watch out for every year and this is known the minute they step on that course. We are proud that Fillmore has such talent to represent with the help of their coaches that mold and prepare them all season long.

We would like to thank those who sponsored our Fillmore Youth Condors Cross Country athletes either by donating or attended our fundraisers. You all contributed in helping them get all the way to South Carolina. It was an experience our athletes will remember for the rest of their lives. Thank you for being a part of it. GO CONDORS!