On Wednesday, January 9th at 1:39pm in the 1300 block of Ventura Street a black Kia Sportage which was parked on the street and a beige Buick driving west-bound on Ventura St. collided. There were no injuries reported though the elderly driver was attended by paramedics. The crash is under investigation.
On Wednesday, January 9th at 1:39pm in the 1300 block of Ventura Street a black Kia Sportage which was parked on the street and a beige Buick driving west-bound on Ventura St. collided. There were no injuries reported though the elderly driver was attended by paramedics. The crash is under investigation.
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At Tuesday night’s school board meeting the Board approved resolutions, discussed the school financial audit, Measure V financial & Performance Audit, and budgets. The Superintendent was pleased to report the great progress Fillmore schools have been making with new programs that were introduced this school year.
At Tuesday night’s school board meeting the Board approved resolutions, discussed the school financial audit, Measure V financial & Performance Audit, and budgets. The Superintendent was pleased to report the great progress Fillmore schools have been making with new programs that were introduced this school year.
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Adopt Resolution No. 18-19-02 to Approve the Elimination of Classified Positions:
The Governing Board adopted Resolution No. 18-19-02 to approve the elimination of classified positions.

Accept 2017-2018 Fillmore Unified School District Financial Audit:
The Governing Board were presented with information and approved 2017-2018 Fillmore Unified School District Financial Audit.

Accept the June 30, 2018 Financial and Performance Audits of the Measure V General Obligation Bonds:
The Governing Board were presented with information and approved the June 30, 2018 Financial and Performance Audits of the Measure V General Obligation Bonds.

Governor’s Budget Proposal:
The Governing Board were presented with information regarding the Governor’s Budget Proposal. Information was presented by Assistant Superintendent, Andrea McNeill.

Personnel Recommendations:
The Board approved all personnel recommendations including new hires, promotions, resignations, and leaves.


Pictured are Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley Youth of the Year participants from Fillmore, Piru and Santa Paula,
clubhouse directors and teen coordinators. Photos Courtesy Jenae Quintana.
Pictured are Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley Youth of the Year participants from Fillmore, Piru and Santa Paula, clubhouse directors and teen coordinators. Photos Courtesy Jenae Quintana.
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(l-r) 2019 Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley Youth of the Year Juliana Linares and BGCSCV CEO Jan Marholin.
(l-r) 2019 Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley Youth of the Year Juliana Linares and BGCSCV CEO Jan Marholin.

Submitted by Jenae Quintana

The Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley is excited to announce our 2019 Youth of the Year, Julieanna Linares. Linares, representing the Piru clubhouse, competed against four participants from the Fillmore and Santa Paula clubhouses in the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley’s inaugural Youth of the Year competition. The competition included an interview and speech in front of a panel of local judges comprised of local community members.

Linares, 15, has been a Boys & Girls Club member for seven years and is a sophomore at Fillmore High School. She is a member of her school’s cheerleading team, loves her family and friends and enjoys making others smile. Linares will now be moving onto the Boys & Girls Club regional Youth of the Year competition in the spring. Congratulations Julieanna!

Fillmore Rotary Honors Breakfast Team. Fillmore Rotary honored their great breakfast team, Paula and Stella, with gift cards and a thank you for all their hard work serving Rotary Club members. Photos courtesy Martha Richardson.
Fillmore Rotary Honors Breakfast Team. Fillmore Rotary honored their great breakfast team, Paula and Stella, with gift cards and a thank you for all their hard work serving Rotary Club members. Photos courtesy Martha Richardson.
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Fillmore Rotary Club Recognizes Lisa Stevens. Fillmore Rotary Club received a visit from Lisa Stevens who owns a non-profit corporation that trains dogs to sniff drugs, black powder and weapons at schools. She informed the Club that since she is non-profit she is able to aide schools who can’t usually afford this type of service such as Fillmore High. Not only does she train dogs, but she trains retired Veterans and Police Officers who are the handlers as well. Pictured is President Andy Klittich presenting Stevens with a Rotary mug.
Fillmore Rotary Club Recognizes Lisa Stevens. Fillmore Rotary Club received a visit from Lisa Stevens who owns a non-profit corporation that trains dogs to sniff drugs, black powder and weapons at schools. She informed the Club that since she is non-profit she is able to aide schools who can’t usually afford this type of service such as Fillmore High. Not only does she train dogs, but she trains retired Veterans and Police Officers who are the handlers as well. Pictured is President Andy Klittich presenting Stevens with a Rotary mug.
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Fillmore Rotary Clubs Newest Inductee. President Andy Klittich inducted Rotary’s newest member Katharine McDowell, our new local Librarian.
Fillmore Rotary Clubs Newest Inductee. President Andy Klittich inducted Rotary’s newest member Katharine McDowell, our new local Librarian.
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Photo of the Week: "The sun gently kissing the ocean goodnight" by Bob Crum. Photo data: Canon 7DMKII camera, manual mode, Tamron 16-300mm lens @151mm, exposure; ISO 200, aperture f/7.1, 1/160th second shutter speed.
Photo of the Week: "The sun gently kissing the ocean goodnight" by Bob Crum. Photo data: Canon 7DMKII camera, manual mode, Tamron 16-300mm lens @151mm, exposure; ISO 200, aperture f/7.1, 1/160th second shutter speed.
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Lunar eclipse!
Bob Crum
Bob Crum

Mark your calendar! An exciting total lunar eclipse happens Sunday, January 20. More than just a lunar eclipse, it's a “Super Blood Wolf Moon” eclipse.

A blood moon because during the total eclipse, the moon will appear reddish, the result of the atmosphere acting like a colored photographic filter bending red sunlight into the Earth's shadow and filtering out blue light.

Also, a January full moon is traditionally called the wolf moon. Wolves howl to communicate saying 'I'm here' to the pack and to tell intruders to go away. Wolves are nocturnal animals. When the urge to howl overcomes wolves, they project their howl upward towards the light of the full moon for the sound to carry further. Hence the term 'howling at the moon.' Beware, it's futile to resist the urge to howl.

Casual photos of the eclipse can be captured with, ahem, a cellphone. However, if you want that 'special' epic photo, well, you know that a dedicated camera is essential.

Planning is important. If you intend to include something in the foreground, scout suitable shot locations beforehand. You'll see where the moon will rise and where you will need to be for your desired composition.

Because the 'light' will vary greatly, shooting a total lunar eclipse is an enormous challenge. Auto mode is useless. Here are some general guidelines from Canon: At full Moon: f/11, 1/100th sec, ISO 100 or at a higher ISO: f/11, ISO 200 and 1/200th sec.

At partial Eclipse: f/5.6, 1/125th sec, ISO 400 for the half moon. As it gets increasingly darker, open the lens aperture to the max and increase the ISO while decreasing the shutter speed as needed for proper exposure. Take the ISO as high as necessary to prevent the shutter speed from going too slow. Exposure is more important than subsequent image noise from the high ISO setting.

Lens selection is equally important. The longer the focal length, 300mm for example - which is still minimal - the more the moon will fill the composition frame. Remember, as the light becomes dim during the total eclipse, open the aperture wide and increase ISO to allow the fastest shutter speed possible. Even so, a somewhat slow shutter speed might be required for proper exposure. Thus, a tripod becomes essential. The longer the focal length of the lens the more important a tripod becomes.

Flexibility is important. Adjust ISO, aperture and shutter speed for appropriate exposure throughout the eclipse sequence as needed. If possible, use bracketing and consider spot metering. Keep the faith!

It'll grow dark as the heavenly bodies align so focus will be difficult. With the moon 238,900 miles from earth, infinity focus will work just fine. If you choose to have a foreground in the image, be aware that where you shoot from is important because depth of field will decrease as you open the aperture. Plan accordingly.

Relax and be patient. Unlike shooting a relatively shorter solar eclipse, the lunar eclipse is a much slower event. You'll have time to adjust camera settings for proper exposure. Use the 'envy' filter to photograph the moon's green cheese during the penumbra.
Here's the west coast time table according to space.com: Moon enters penumbra @6:36 p.m., moon enters umbra @8:34 p.m., total eclipse begins @8:41 p.m., middle of eclipse @9:13 p.m., total eclipse ends @9:43 p.m., moon leaves umbra @10:51 p.m., moon leaves penumbra @11:48 p.m. Enjoy the phenomenon.

Photo of the week reveals the sun setting and gently, sweetly, kissing the ocean goodnight.

Send comments, suggestions or questions to: focusonphotography@earthlink.net

It’s not too late to get vaccinated
Ventura County Department of Public Health
Ventura County Department of Public Health

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) today announced that influenza activity is increasing throughout California. Health officials encourage Californians to get vaccinated.

“It is important to get vaccinated now if you have not done so already,” said CDPH Director and State Public Health Officer Dr. Karen Smith. “I encourage everyone six months of age and older to be vaccinated to help protect themselves and others from the dangers of flu.”
Flu activity is occurring throughout every region of the state and above expected levels for this time of year. Although the severity of the flu season cannot yet be determined, Californians should take precautions, including vaccination.

“Flu activity usually reaches its peak January and February, but typically continues to spread through the spring,” said Dr. Smith. “With most of the flu season still to come, it’s not too late to get vaccinated.”

Each year, the flu causes millions of illnesses, hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations and thousands or sometimes tens of thousands of deaths in the United States.

Common symptoms of the flu include fever or feeling feverish, a cough and/or sore throat, a runny or stuffy nose, chills, fatigue and body aches. Children may also have nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.
To stop the spread of flu and other respiratory illnesses, CDPH recommends these steps:
• Stay home when sick.
• Cover a cough or sneeze with an elbow or tissue and throw the tissue in the trash.
• Wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

Californians should contact their health care provider, pharmacy or a clinic about obtaining the flu vaccine. Some local health departments may also offer low- or no-cost flu shots. For more information about the flu, including weekly updates on fly activity, visit the CDPH influenza web page. To find a vaccine location near you, visit HealthMap Vaccine Finder.


(l-r) Mayor Diane McCall presenting a Certificate of Appreciation to Diane & Steve Sutton for being active and positive community leaders by providing a tree topper for the City of Fillmore’s Holiday Tree.
(l-r) Mayor Diane McCall presenting a Certificate of Appreciation to Diane & Steve Sutton for being active and positive community leaders by providing a tree topper for the City of Fillmore’s Holiday Tree.
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(l-r) Fillmore Mayor Diane McCall presenting a certificate to La Fondita Restaurant who was recognized for “Best Tamle Award” at Fillmore’s First Annual Santa Stroll Tamle Taste Off held on December 14, 2017.
(l-r) Fillmore Mayor Diane McCall presenting a certificate to La Fondita Restaurant who was recognized for “Best Tamle Award” at Fillmore’s First Annual Santa Stroll Tamle Taste Off held on December 14, 2017.
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Fillmore’s Extreme Voltage Cheer Squad was also recognized at last night’s meeting as the winners of the People’s Choice Award for Best Trunk at the First Annual Trunk or Treat Event held back on October of 2017.
Fillmore’s Extreme Voltage Cheer Squad was also recognized at last night’s meeting as the winners of the People’s Choice Award for Best Trunk at the First Annual Trunk or Treat Event held back on October of 2017.
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City of Fillmore City Council and Successor Agency regular Tuesday, January 8, 2019 meeting was held at 6:30pm at Fillmore City Hall.
AGENDA: Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. Attending were Councilmembers Mark Austin, Manuel Minjares, Lynn Edmonds, Mayor Pro Tem Tim Holmgren, Mayor Diane McCall
Following are Approval of Agenda and Presentations: Mayor Diane McCall
- Extreme Voltage Cheer Trunk or Treat People's Choice Award Best Trunk
- La Fondita Winner of Tamale Taste Off During Santa Stroll
- Diane and Steve Sutton Certificate of Appreciation
Public Comments were held.
CONSENT CALENDAR - Recommendation for Item A. through C. is to Approve by voice
Warrants were reviewed/approved.
Adoption of Resolution NO. OB 19-01 approving the recognized obligation payment schedule for the period July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 for the City of Fillmore Successor Agency.
An award for contract for sales tax monitoring and auditing went to HDL Companies.
Appointment to the Planning Commission – Carrie Broggie
Staff Report for Planning Commission Appointment.pdf
OUTSIDE AGENCIES—Ventura Regional Sanitation District – Primary Mark Austin (no change); alternate Mayor McCall
VCTC Primary Minjares – no change
Ventura County Animal Regulation – Primary McCall (no change; alternate Mark Austin
Air Pollution Control District – Primary Lynn Edmonds, Alternate McCall
Ventura Council of Government – Primary McCall, Alternate Mayor Pro Tem Tim Holmgren
Economic Development Commission – Ventura County – Primary Non-Councilmember Ernie Villegas
Ventura County Regional Energy Alliance – Primary Holmgren (no change) Alternate Lynn Edmonds
Chamber of Commerce – Primary Holmgren (no change); alternate Lynn Edmonds
Fillmore and Piru Basins Groundwater Sustainability Agency – Lynn Edmonds

Standing Committees and Ad-Hoc
Interview/Selection Committee for Commissions and Committees – Minjares and Holmgren
Ventura County City Selection Committee McCall
Utilities Ad Hoc Committee – Minjares and McCall no change
Special School Board District Ad Hoc Committee Lynn Edmonds and Tim Holmgren
Downtown Revitalization Ad Hoc Committee – Minjares
Economic Development Committee – Austin and McCall
2019-20 Budget Ad Hoc Committee – McCall and Austin
Agreement with the Fillmore Association of Businesses (FAB) to reimburse the City of Fillmore for the services of Main St. Architects study of downtown.
Discuss and provide direction regarding proposed zoning ordinance update and use of consultant.
Zoning Ordinance Staff Report.
Discuss and provide direction on providing interpretation at City Council meetings. Fillmore - Interpretation Services staff report-PM additions.
Committee, Commission , and Board Reports.
City Council Reports, Recommendations, and Comments.
Closed Session.
Conference with legal counsel – anticipated litigation. The City Council conducted a closed session, pursuant to Government Code sections 54956.9(d)(4), because the City is considering whether to initiate litigation in one case.
Conference with legal counsel – anticipated litigation - The
City Council will conduct a closed session, pursuant to Government Code sections
54956.9(d)(2) and (d)(3), because there is a significant exposure to litigation in one
Mayor Diane McCall adjourned to the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting at 6:30pm, City Hall, 250 Central Avenue, Fillmore, CA 93015.

On Saturday, January 5th at approximately 4:20pm, crews responded to a call of a traffic accident involving a Silver Nissan Altima in the 300 block of Chambersburg Road. The driver reportedly fell asleep at the wheel, crashed through the metal guardrails, and landed upright in the storm drain. He was uninjured.
On Saturday, January 5th at approximately 4:20pm, crews responded to a call of a traffic accident involving a Silver Nissan Altima in the 300 block of Chambersburg Road. The driver reportedly fell asleep at the wheel, crashed through the metal guardrails, and landed upright in the storm drain. He was uninjured.
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The Fillmore Police Brotherhood is looking for anyone who has worked in the Fillmore Police Department between 1924 and 1987 (officer, reserve officer, dispatchers or matrons). We plan to recognize them on a plaque to be placed at Fillmore City Hall. Currently 93 people have been identified as working at the department and 203 members from agencies throughout Ventura County. (Highway Patrol, Sheriff, Santa Paula PD, Oxnard PD). If you know someone or are family of someone that meets the above qualifications please contact Paul Glanville at (805) 915-9572 or email at fpbrotherhood@aol.com. Leave a message with your contact information and we will get back to you. The dedication is scheduled at City Hall, July 20, 2019 at 11:00 AM, for the community to enjoy.

(l-r) Fillmore Lions Club Member Paul Benavidez presenting a Lions coffee mug to Ernie Villegas as a thank you for speaking to the club members. Photo courtesy Brian Wilson.
(l-r) Fillmore Lions Club Member Paul Benavidez presenting a Lions coffee mug to Ernie Villegas as a thank you for speaking to the club members. Photo courtesy Brian Wilson.
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Submitted by Brian Wilson

Ernie Villegas, former Mayor and Fillmore City Council Member came to a recent Fillmore Lions Club meeting to talk about something called Destination Fillmore - Downtown Revitalization. Villegas is the Special Projects Manager for the city.

He said, “My focus is on establishing partnerships with service organizations, non-profits, businesses and the city, so we can become more successful on our events and projects. I truly believe, if we can organize our efforts we will be able to utilize ore of our community volunteers to make a profound difference, not to mention a true ownership for each individual.”

In a paper he handed out Villegas noted that it appears there has been a lack of coordination between organizations, the city and the public. As a result, there have been many lost opportunities to market, coordinate and manage some of the downtown events.

Destination Fillmore objectives include creating a vibrant downtown with a wide spectrum of community, cultural and civic activities that represent the character of the downtown and the local community.

Villegas is President of a new non-Profit group called Fillmore Association of Businesses (FAB).

Their stated Mission:
“We are an association of downtown business owners, managers and property owners working together to bring innovative ideas and events to promote a sustainable, energized, and creative environment for attracting, tourism, families, businesses and community members to Downtown Fillmore now and in the future. Business retention, expansion, and attraction are keys to our success.”

The FAB Vision Statement:
“We strive to be community champions to promote and support downtown Fillmore in ways that will encourage the balance of growth, prosperity and culture while maintaining business and historical significance that attract all ages of people to a vibrant Fillmore downtown destination.”