On Thursday, January 3rd at approximately 6:26pm a female on a skateboard was struck by a car at the corner of Central and Sespe Avenues. The female was taken to a local area hospital for further assessment. Fault in the accident was unreported.
On Thursday, January 3rd at approximately 6:26pm a female on a skateboard was struck by a car at the corner of Central and Sespe Avenues. The female was taken to a local area hospital for further assessment. Fault in the accident was unreported.
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Photo of the Week "Sespe Creek Playground" by Bob Crum. Photo data: Canon 7DMKII, Tamron 16-300mm lens @110mm, exposure; ISO 125, aperture f/11.0 shutter speed 1/250th second.
Photo of the Week "Sespe Creek Playground" by Bob Crum. Photo data: Canon 7DMKII, Tamron 16-300mm lens @110mm, exposure; ISO 125, aperture f/11.0 shutter speed 1/250th second.
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Newton's Law rules
Bob Crum
Bob Crum

The previous column prompted a few to write: How do you train a honey bee? Arrrgh. Why do readers insist that I divulge training secrets? It took me years to develop the training techniques. Nevertheless, I did respond with this important tip: A dollop of honey gets sweet results.

Another question from Ralph H.: How do you come up with the variety for photos of the week? Ralph, from street photography to landscapes, an abundance of photo ops exist in and around Fillmore. So many I get giddy! For example, returning from Ventura recently, on Old Telegraph Road, as I approached Sespe Creek a photo op virtually jumped into my camera beside me--a prime opportunity to tell a story with a photo. I stopped, programmed my camera and made the photo. Remember my previous discussion about developing a photographer's eye? See subject – think photo!

Horses at the nearby Equestrian Center make interesting subjects. Visit the Ventura Harbor and you'll find a gazillion photo ops from ships to harbor seals to California gulls and mermaids. Gulls are so much fun to photograph. For a challenge, try capturing gulls in flight. Good practice for airshow photography. Pelicans are another favorite. I have never visited Ventura Harbor and been disappointed. Cross the street and more photo ops await you at the beach. Remember a previous photo of the week of an angler at sunset with waves crashing on the breakwater?

Drive a few minutes south to the Channel Islands Harbor for another gazillion photo ops. Or instead head north a little and visit either Hobson or Faria county parks for both seascapes and wildlife. Faria county RV park is an excellent place to capture sunset photos, particularly at low tide. The shore-lined rocks make an interesting foreground. I made some interesting images there this past Sunday when low tide was at 4:13 pm. Perfect timing. Remember, to capture a blue-ribbon photo you have to show up!

Perhaps the bigger issue is not so much about what to photograph but getting out of the recliner to go out and shoot. Recall Issac Newton's Laws of Motion: "A body at rest will remain at rest (especially in a recliner), and a body in motion will remain in motion unless it is acted upon by an external force." This generally means that things cannot start, stop, or change direction all by themselves. It takes some force, inertia, acting on them. BTW, super_inertia.com sells six-packs of inertia for $8.98. Good stuff!

Perhaps it's not so much about what to shoot, but a lack of requisite inspiration. Oh, this thought hurts. I hoped that after 106 Photos of the Week, I sufficiently motivated you to jump out of that recliner, grab the camera (cell phone if that's your camera) and go photograph something. Caution: Because a body in motion tends to stay in motion remember to take breaks and stay hydrated.

You don't have to travel far for interesting photo ops. I shot the Photo of the Week nearby: another example of photojournalism, telling a story with a photo. The story is about the young and adults all enjoying Sespe Creek flowing from recent rains. Remember splashing in puddles as a youngster?

Think about developing your photographic eye by spending just three hours one day a week photographing whatever suits your fancy or catches your eye. Practice reaps rewards. Furthermore, and more importantly, practicing photography is an extremely gratifying creative experience. And more satisfying than pickling ice cream. Trust me!

Send comments, suggestions or questions to: focusonphotography@earthlink.net



Joshua Tree National Park will temporarily close effective 8 am on Thursday, January 10, to allow park staff to address sanitation, safety, and resource protection issues in the park that have arisen during the lapse in appropriations. Park officials plan to restore accessibility to the park in addition to limited basic services in the coming days.

Park officials are identifying the additional staff and resources needed to address immediate maintenance and sanitation issues and will utilize funds from the park fees to address those issues per the recently updated National Park Service contingency plan during a lapse in appropriations.

While the vast majority of those who visit Joshua Tree National Park do so in a responsible manner, there have been incidents of new roads being created by motorists and the destruction of Joshua trees in recent days that have precipitated the closure. Law enforcement rangers will continue to patrol the park and enforce the closure until park staff completes the necessary cleanup and park protection measures.

The communities near Joshua Tree National Park have provided significant assistance and support to the park, and park officials hope to restore visitor access to the park as quickly as possible to mitigate any negative impact to the local economy.

On Saturday, December 8th from 12pm – 6pm in downtown Piru the 41st Annual Piru Christmas Parade and Festival was held. They had music, Santa, booths and more! This year’s Grand Marshal’s were Tomas and JoAnn Torres pictured below after the parade with a wreath from Marlenes Flowers, Raider shield, candle holder from @carbun_design, and a blanket from Faith Lugo. Photos courtesy Piru Neighborhood Council Facebook page.
On Saturday, December 8th from 12pm – 6pm in downtown Piru the 41st Annual Piru Christmas Parade and Festival was held. They had music, Santa, booths and more! This year’s Grand Marshal’s were Tomas and JoAnn Torres pictured below after the parade with a wreath from Marlenes Flowers, Raider shield, candle holder from @carbun_design, and a blanket from Faith Lugo. Photos courtesy Piru Neighborhood Council Facebook page.
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Piru Technology Leadership Team participated at the Apple Leadership and Learning Conference, sponsored by Apple. This is a way to continue the work that was brought about by the Apple Connect Ed Grant where students receive one to one devices. In order to share the learning, they have held two staff meetings and a full day of training dedicated to imparting the knowledge from the conference to Piru teachers to further deepen the grant implementation at the school.
Piru Technology Leadership Team participated at the Apple Leadership and Learning Conference, sponsored by Apple. This is a way to continue the work that was brought about by the Apple Connect Ed Grant where students receive one to one devices. In order to share the learning, they have held two staff meetings and a full day of training dedicated to imparting the knowledge from the conference to Piru teachers to further deepen the grant implementation at the school.
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Fillmore Adult School Learning Center kicked off the holiday season by celebrating the many students making progress towards earning their high school diplomas and equivalencies. Laura Castillo and Luis Arreola (right) have recently passed the entire Hiset exam!
Fillmore Adult School Learning Center kicked off the holiday season by celebrating the many students making progress towards earning their high school diplomas and equivalencies. Laura Castillo and Luis Arreola (right) have recently passed the entire Hiset exam!
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On Saturday, December 29th at noon, Leo’s Arcade & Games located at 359 Central Avenue opened their doors to the Fillmore community. The arcade has a variety of arcade games, pool tables, and show live sporting games and more. Photo courtesy Katrionna Furness.
On Saturday, December 29th at noon, Leo’s Arcade & Games located at 359 Central Avenue opened their doors to the Fillmore community. The arcade has a variety of arcade games, pool tables, and show live sporting games and more. Photo courtesy Katrionna Furness.
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Activity can be seen at the Rotorcraft Support Inc. and The Guardian private heliport, maintenance and repair facility, located at River and D Streets. Rotorcraft Support, Inc. operates a top rated maintenance and modification facility that provides helicopter repair services to aircraft modernization, service-life extension, and mission capable expansion. Custom engineering and design solutions support aircraft system reconfigurations, structural and systems modifications, and avionics upgrades.
Activity can be seen at the Rotorcraft Support Inc. and The Guardian private heliport, maintenance and repair facility, located at River and D Streets. Rotorcraft Support, Inc. operates a top rated maintenance and modification facility that provides helicopter repair services to aircraft modernization, service-life extension, and mission capable expansion. Custom engineering and design solutions support aircraft system reconfigurations, structural and systems modifications, and avionics upgrades.
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Photo of the Week: "A rose with Sir Bee posing" by Bob Crum. Photo data: Canon 7DMKII @ISO 100 with -5EV, Tamron 16-300 lens @300mm, aperture f/6.3, 1/800th second shutter speed.
Photo of the Week: "A rose with Sir Bee posing" by Bob Crum. Photo data: Canon 7DMKII @ISO 100 with -5EV, Tamron 16-300 lens @300mm, aperture f/6.3, 1/800th second shutter speed.
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I hired a honey bee!
Bob Crum
Bob Crum

Well, here we go, ready or not, tumbling into 2019. No better time to take a deep breath and think about what kind of photographer we all want to be in 2019. I have paused to do just that. Always a good idea to reevaluate and consider new challenges. You know, for motivation, to keep the creative juices flowing.

Santa brought you a new camera (smartphones don't count) for Christmas because I told him that you've been a good, faithful reader all year long. Or, you took the loot Santa left you in the stocking and you dashed out and bought one. I am so proud of you! After studying the owner's manual, you're wondering what to do with this wonderful creative tool. Right?

There are many genres of photography to entertain your fancy. In the meantime, let's get back to the subject of photo projects. On the Olympus photography website, Mike Boening wrote: “To begin let’s explore why you might want to build a photo project. Maybe you have been looking for a new challenge in your photography, or an adventure. Some people start a project to get them out of a creative rut. In either case, starting a project can help with any of these things and more. Photo projects can lead to you discovering more about yourself, and what types (genres) of photography motivate you. Maybe there is a place you don’t go often, the city or the country, and you would like to know more. These are great places to start.” The idea is not to park the camera in a closet!

Many photography educators propose a 365-day project as I did in my last column. Boening pens: “In a 365-day project you take one photo a day consecutively for 365 days. This is a very challenging project and one that can lead to much discovery, but also one that involves much commitment. Maybe you can select one item outdoors from your home and take a picture of it for 365 days straight and watch it through the seasons, or maybe you select another item or items at random with some meaning like things people use to get their day going? It’s up to you but be prepared because taking at least one image for every day of the year can be a challenge.” Indeed, but think of the rewards!

Shooting a photo every day is too daunting you say? I get that. Then how about a 52-week project? Quoting Boening again: “This one, like the 365 Day Project, can be what you want it to be but you only take an image once a week for a year. This one is selected more often by those who are just starting a photo project for the first time. You also can put more thought into how you capture the images you will be taking.” Easy to do folks! So how many up for a 52-week project? Anyone?

The photo of the week is another rose. Wait! There's a good reason. I'm experimenting with a new photo editing program: PhotoLab from DxO. Hence, I needed a similar subject to do a comparison test. With Bug taking the day off, I needed a new actor for this shoot. The talent agency whose motto is: To bee is to be; sent me Sir Bee. Can you imagine the challenge teaching a bee to land on the rose, stand still and pose? Ahhh... another challenge vanquished!

BTW, did you notice the photo of the week data? Harsh dazzling sunlight, bright highlights and a fast flying bee required some quick and extreme camera settings. C'est la vie!

Send suggestions, comments and/or questions to: focusonphotography@earthlinknet

Holiday Yard of the Year!
Holiday Yard of the Year!
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The Holiday Yard of the Year was awarded to Maureen Shea at 408 Robin Ct. Maureen stated that they have decorated their home for over 20 years. “The joy and smiles it brings to other people makes us keep doing it year after year,” said Maureen. They try and change a little every year, but they still want to keep the fun theme going with cool characters and animals. “What would Christmas be without a Santa—everybody loves him,” concluded Maureen. Take a drive around town and enjoy the many homes that have decorated their homes for the holidays. The Shea family were presented with a $40 gift certificate courtesy of Otto & Sons Nursery (1835 Guiberson Rd.) from Ari Larson representing Fillmore Civic Pride. If you are interested in learning more about Fillmore Civic Pride please contact Ari Larson 805.794.7590 or petenari55@hotmail.com