By Anonymous — Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Nearly 6,500 firefighters continue to battle seven major wildfires across California. Thanks in part to cooler temperatures; firefighters are making good progress on containment on all the fires. While a majority of the large wildfires are burning on federal land, CAL FIRE and local fire departments continue to support the US Forest Service with fire resources. The Rim Fire burning near and in Yosemite National Park has now burned 235,841 acres (369 square miles) and is now 75% contained. The Rim Fire remains the 4th largest wildfire in California’s recorded history. See the Top 20 list. Much of Northern California will continue to experience cooler temperatures and even light rainfall in some areas. By mid-week, a drying trend is likely along with very gusty winds, which will increase the fire danger. In Southern California higher humidity and light winds will continue to cause the large fire threat to be low for the next several days, but temperatures will begin to increase and conditions will once again begin drying out. Fires of Interest: **CAL FIRE Incidents** **Unified Command Fires** **Federal Fires** Corral Complex, Humboldt County (more info…) Fish Fire, Tulare County (more info…) Windy Fire, Tulare County Gobblers Fire, San Bernardino County (more info…) Aspen Fire, Fresno County (more info…) |
![]() A 10” water main was ruptured at the intersection of Highway 126 and Central Avenue, on Thursday, August 22 at approximately 11pm by a utility company installing fiber optics. Homes, businesses and Rio Vista Elementary south-east of Fillmore were without water, and a Notice to Boil went out from the City of Fillmore. At press time part of Central Avenue between Highway 126 and River Street remains closed. Enlarge Photo By Anonymous — Wednesday, August 28th, 2013
A large section of residential homes and businesses were without water Thursday. A utility company installing fiber optic lines punctured a 10” water main along Ventura St. within the City of Fillmore near Central Ave. on August 22, 2013 at about 11:00 p.m. The City of Fillmore Water System on advisement of the California Department of Public Health, and the Ventura County Environmental Health Jurisdiction temporarily shut water-off to the south-east area of Fillmore in order to make repairs to the waterline. Permanent repairs were estimated to be completed by August 25, 2013. As of presstime, the south intersection of Hwy 126 and Central Avenue was still closed to through traffic. Until the permanent repairs were made, the City of Fillmore issued a Notice to Boil Water to the affected area out of an abundance of precaution until August 26, 2013. The City of Fillmore worked closely with the California Department of Public Health to ensure proper procedures The California Department of Public Health in conjunction with the Ventura County Health Department, and City of Fillmore are advising residents of the southeast area of Fillmore to use boiled tap water or bottled water for drinking and cooking purposes as a safety precaution. Residents were advised to boil their tap water before use, or use bottled water. Bleach and disinfection tables were also recommended. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, August 28th, 2013
Now that the school year has begun, we would like to remind residents who drive around the city’s schools to be mindful of children walking or riding their bicycles to and from school. Drivers are reminded to be patient in or around school zones as traffic is typically backed up with parents who are attempting to drop off their children at school. It is recommended that if you do not have children attending a school, you find an alternate route during the school hours of 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM in order to avoid any traffic congestion in front of our city Parents are also reminded to teach their children proper bicycle riding safety. Children under the age of 18 must wear helmets properly while riding a bicycle, scooter or skateboard. Studies show that 74-85% of bicycle related injuries could have been prevented with the proper use of a helmet and using proper bicycle safety. Proper use means buying a good helmet, making sure it fits, and making sure to buckle the chinstrap, while fitting it properly under the chin. We would like to remind children to look for an intersection that has a crossing guard or a marked crosswalk before crossing, as this is the safest way to cross the street. A bicycle is considered a vehicle and while riding you must obey the rules of the road. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, August 28th, 2013
08/20/13 |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, August 28th, 2013
On (date) 8/23/2013 you were notified of the need to boil/disinfect all tap water or use bottled water for drinking and cooking purposes. The City of Fillmore Water System in conjunction with the California Department of Public Health, and/or Ventura County Environmental Health Jurisdiction, has determined that, through abatement of the health hazard and comprehensive testing of the water, your water is safe to drink. It is no longer necessary to boil your tap water or for you to consume bottled water. For more information call: Water Utility contact: City of Fillmore @ (805)524-3701 California Department of Public Health: (805)566-6625 Local Environmental Health Jurisdiction: (805)654-2818 NOMBRE DEL SERVICIO DE AGUA FECHA _____________ CANCELACIÓN DEL AVISO DE HERVIR EL AGUA El (fecha) de le notificaron que tenía que hervir o desinfectar toda el agua de la llave que utilizara para beber y cocinar. El Sistema de Agua de junto con el Departamento de Salud Publica de California, o la Jurisdicción Local de Salud Ambiental han determinado tras la supresión del riesgo de salud, seguido por un análisis completo del agua, que puede beber el agua de su llave sin peligro. Ya no es necesario que hierva el agua de su llave ni que consuma agua de botella. Para más información llame a: Contacto en el Servicio de Agua: Departamento de Salud Publica de California: Jurisdicción Local de Salud Ambiental: |
By Anonymous — Friday, August 23rd, 2013
A quick update. For those who haven't heard, there has been a major water leak on a trunk line on Ventura St. (126) and Central Fillmore. This was caused by a company installing fiber optic line. Nearly everyone South/East of that intersection is being affected by the leak. At this time there is a boil water notice. See below... Date:8/23/13 BOIL YOUR WATER BEFORE USING Due to the recent event of water outage situation, the California Department of Public Health in conjunction with the Ventura County Health Department, and City of Fillmore are advising residents of the southeast area of Fillmore per the attached map to use boiled tap water or bottled water for drinking and cooking purposes as a safety precaution. DO NOT DRINK THE WATER WITHOUT BOILING IT FIRST. Bring all water to a boil, let it boil for one (1) minute, and let it cool before using, or use bottled water. Boiled or bottled water should be used for drinking and food preparation until further notice. This is the preferred method to assure that the water is safe to drink. • An alternative method of disinfection for residents that are not able to boil their water is to use fresh, unscented, liquid household bleach. To do so, add 8 drops (or 1/8 teaspoon) of bleach per gallon of clear water or 16 drops (or 1/4 teaspoon) per gallon of cloudy water, mix thoroughly, and allow it to stand for 30 minutes before using. A chlorine-like taste and odor will result from this disinfection procedure and is an indication that adequate disinfection has taken place. We will inform you when tests show that water is safe to drink and you no longer need to boil your water. We anticipate resolving the problem by Sunday, August 25, 2013. For more information call: Please share this information with all the other people who drink this water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (for example, people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses). You can do this by posting this notice in a public place or distributing copies by hand or mail. |
![]() Jeffrey McGuire, 16, Fillmore FFA, raised a 1,345 lb. market steer that was awarded FFA Reserve Grand Champion. Enlarge Photo By Bob Crum — Wednesday, August 21st, 2013
Part 2
![]() Phillip Theising, 11, Bardsdale 4-H, raised a replacement heifer and was awarded 4-H Champion/Reserve Champion. Phillip's champion replacement heifer, Penelope, fetched $10,000 at auction. Enlarge Photo ![]() Samantha Points, 14, Bardsdale 4-H, raised a replacement heifer that was awarded 4-H Reserve Grand Champion and received a top bid of $3,000 at the auction. Enlarge Photo ![]() Timmy Klittich, 16, Fillmore FFA, raised a 150 lb. FFA Champion/Reserve Grand Champion market lamb. Enlarge Photo Story and photos by Bob Crum [continued from last week] Tons of hard work, hours of toil and a little serendipity paid off in a huge way at the Ventura County Fair. Eleven Fillmore, Piru, Bardsdale youngsters raised animals for show and auction that won championships. Incredible! Jeffrey McGuire, 16, Fillmore FFA, raised a 1,345 lb. market steer that was awarded FFA Reserve Grand Champion. Jeffrey is deaf and relayed his story with his mother interpreting. Jeffrey was prepping his large animal and I asked his name.” Diesel” was the reply. An unusual name so I repeated the question. “Yep... Diesel.” Because, as Jeffrey explained... his ears go up and he's all black which reminds him of a diesel truck. Makes so much sense I should have known. How about raising such a large animal. “No problem,” replied Jeffrey, adding, “he was pretty easy but a lot of work” Work? I could imagine but wanted particulars. “Every day, wash, feed and walk Diesel,” explained Jeffrey. “Every day... some days twice a day,” he added. And time it all took? “Two hours a day,” according to Jeffrey. Considering that I don't wash my hair every day, I naturally wondered why such attention to Diesel. “Because, Jeffrey explained, I want Diesel to look good every day.” To that end... Jeffrey uses shampoo and conditioner and blow dries him afterward so his hair is fluffy. Sounded like Jeffrey is a walking beauty parlor for steers. I didn't ask but I'll bet that if Diesel requested a massage... Jeffrey would oblige. Although the auction culminates the year for animal raising, Jeffrey had shown Diesel prior to the Fair and in doing so Diesel won four grand championships. Jeffrey bought his steer from Roger's Livestock. No doubt for good reason. “Roger's Livestock has good breeding lines... lots of muscle... lots of hair... things I like,” explained Jeffrey. But does a 16-year old pick out his own steer, one wonders? “Yes, I pick it out, explained Jeffrey, adding, “I look at his muscles, his hair... I like long hair... and how it walks. At the time of selection, the steer weighs about 500 pounds. Well, might as well pick what you like so long as the steer wins championships. Of course Jeffrey is CONTINUED » |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, August 21st, 2013
8/13/13 |
![]() Breanna Berrington, Fillmore FFA, raised a 1,342 lb market steer that won FFA Grand Champion and overall Grand Champion. “Bentley” fetched $25/lb, $33,550. Enlarge Photo By Bob Crum — Wednesday, August 14th, 2013
Part 1 (Part 2 next week)
![]() Macie Wokal, Fillmore FFA, raised a 274 lb market swine that was awarded FFA Grand Champion. Auction results: $40/lb, $10,960. Enlarge Photo ![]() Jazmin Olvera, Sespe 4H, raised a 268 lb market swine that was awarded 4H Reserve Grand Champion. Enlarge Photo ![]() Hailee Smith, Fillmore FFA, raised a market swine of 273 lbs which was awarded FFA Reserve Grand Champion. Enlarge Photo ![]() Erin Berrington, Piru 4H, raised a 1,275 lb market steer that was awarded 4H Champion steer, overall Reserve Grand Champion. Enlarge Photo ![]() Silver Perez, Sespe 4H, raised a 273 lb market swine that was awarded the 4H Champion/Reserve Grand Champion. Enlarge Photo Story and photos by Bob Crum Tons of hard work, hours of toil and a little serendipity paid off in a huge way at the Ventura County Fair. Eleven Fillmore, Piru, Bardsdale youngsters raised animals for show and auction that won championships. Incredible! Presented at the Junior Livestock Auction for sale by 4-H and FFA (Future Farmers of America) youngsters were 347 market pigs, 52 market steer, 5 replacement heifers, 47 market goats, 144 market lambs plus a couple chickens, rabbits and turkeys. No peacocks. First chance you get, visit any grocery store of your choice. Go immediately to the meat counter. Aaaah... there it is... lamb. And you have the perfect recipe. About a pound will do. And it's only $225 a pound. Enjoy! Ummm... is there a problem? At the County Fair's Junior Livestock auction the high bid for the Grand Champion market lamb was $225 per pound! (a new record) The lamb weighs 148 pounds. That's a grand total of $33,300. That is how these 4-H and Future Farmers of America (FFA) youngsters pad their college funds. Besides friends and relatives of all description bidding on animals, there are also several large entities the likes of TNT Truck & Crane, AAA Propane, The Wood Claeyssens Foundation and others that buy many animals at the auction. Sometimes they keep the animal. Sometimes it's returned to the youngsters. Most of the time it's donated to Food Share. It's all extraordinarily good! The following are conversations with the 4-H and FFA award winners at the Ventura County Fair. Macie Wokal, 16, Fillmore FFA, raised a 274 lb. market swine that was awarded FFA Grand Champion. Auction results: $40.00/pound; $10,960.00. Did Macie expect to win Grand Champion? “Umm... kind of,” said Marcie, adding “because when I picked my pig the breeder that I bought it from was really, really into it. The breeder is Leonard Cruz. Daisy is her name but turns out Macie didn't come up with her pigs name, her friend Breanna Berrington did. And how was Daisy as a growing pig? “She was pretty easy going,” Macie explained, adding... I used to raise cattle so this was easier for me.” Kind of took a year off? “Yeah,” she said, pretty much but I'll redo cattle next year. Why raise a pig this year? “Because I've been pretty busy... I play softball so this gave me more time to do softball because cows... you have them for like nine months and pigs you only have them for like four,” explained Macie. But there's more to Macie's story. “This the my first year raising a market hog which goes to slaughter so I'm easing my way into slaughter and then I'm going to do a steer next year, she said. Asking for clarification Macie added, “well because I don't really like the slaughter thing so a pig you only have for four months so you don't get as attached but a steer you have for nine months so you get really attached so I'm easing my way... slowly.” Does Macie have plans for the auction proceeds? “Yes, a car, because I just got my (driving) license,” Macie quickly said. Macie's future plans? “Graduate high school and attend Cal Poly (California Polytechnic State University), San Luis Obispo to become an ag teacher.” Not surprised! Silver Perez, 16, Sespe 4-H, raised a 273 pound market swine that was awarded the 4-H Champion/Reserve Grand Champion. Porky's name is CONTINUED » |