By Anonymous — Wednesday, January 18th, 2012
![]() At approximately 3:30pm Friday, Martin Gonzales 23, of Fillmore made a left turn from westbound Sespe Street to southbound Central Avenue. While completing his turn, his Ford Expedition struck Pedro Garcia 85, from Fillmore, who was walking eastbound in the crosswalk. Gonzales waited with Garcia until emergency personnel from the Fillmore Police Department, Fillmore Fire Department, and American Medical Response arrived minutes later. Garcia was transported to the Ventura County Medical Center with minor-to-moderate injuries. Initial investigation found no indication of drug or alcohol use by either party. The investigation is ongoing. Courtesy of Fillmore Police Department. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, January 18th, 2012
![]() At approximately 4:50 am on Friday, Jan. 13th Fillmore Fire Department responded to a traffic collision on the 800 Block of Ventura St. A large Bobtail truck collided with two parked trucks that were park on the north side of Ventura Street. No injuries to report. Enlarge Photo ![]() One of the parked trucks that was hit carried 600 gallons of syrup/pollen mixture used to feed bees. Enlarge Photo ![]() Fillmore Fire Department took quick action and blocked the curb gutter with dirt from a nearby planter and keep it from going into the storm drain. Cal trans was called to help with the cleanup. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, January 18th, 2012
![]() Wednesday, January 11, 2012 at approximately 3:45pm, Fillmore Fire Department assisted Ventura County Fire Department and AMR Ambulance on a Traffic Collision on Riverside Dr. in Bardsdale. Fillmore Fire helped with the extrication of patient and assisted in the landing of the county helicopter that flew the patient to a nearby Hospital. Condition of victim not available. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, January 18th, 2012
![]() On January 17, 2012 at 3:21pm the City of Fillmore Fire Department received a report of smoke coming from a residence in the area of Meadowlark Drive and First Street in the City of Fillmore. Following the initial call, several additional callers phoned 911 advising a garage was on fire in the 900 block of First Street. Approximately three minutes after dispatch, fire personnel arrived on scene and observed what appeared to be a couch fully engulfed in flames inside the garage at the location. An aggressive fire attack was launched shielding the adjacent residential occupancy from the smoke and flames, and preventing further damage of the residence. Thanks to their quick efforts, firefighters were able to extinguish the blaze within 6 minutes of arriving on scene. No injuries were reported at the time of the incident. Heat and smoke damage is estimated to be approximately $6,000. A male subject was at the location at the time the fire ignited who indicated he had accidently dropped a match while smoking on the couch just minutes before noticing smoke coming from his garage. Enlarge Photo |
By Jean McLeod — Wednesday, January 18th, 2012
![]() Tuesady night, Jeff Nigro, CPA, with the State of California, presented the Fillmore Unified School District with a “clean audit” and explained the new format and the States’ findings. Each year the State does an audit of FUSD which is part if the educational code requirement; it begins in spring and ends in December, and takes approximately 300 hours. Enlarge Photo ![]() Ali Widmar spoke to the Board of the run around she received when trying to address the use of the running track, at Tuesday’s board meeting. Enlarge Photo The main topics of discussion at the January 17, 2012 Fillmore Unified School District (FUSD) Board meeting were the cost of education and what funds are available after the State announced the proposed cuts. The FUSD is dealing with what schools throughout the state are facing – a $248 million cut in school transportation funding; the first state in the nation to completely eliminate transportation funding. Also Governor Jerry Brown is proposing to eliminate funding for the new Transitional Kindergarten program. The proposed cuts take effect the second half of the academic year. Brown is calling for a new “weighted-pupil” funded formula which allocates funding to schools based on each school’s needs. Those schools with higher poverty or greater number of English learners receive greater funding. The Transportation Funding cuts will hit hard for those school districts with a large percentage of low income students like FUSD. Many of the families do not have transportation to take the children to school and pick them up. Another program on the chopping block is the Kindergarten Readiness Act which was signed into law on September 30, 2010 by then Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger. It pushes back the date by which children must turn five to enter kindergarten from December 2nd to September 1st. For children with birthdays that fall between Sept. 2 to Dec. 2 and are too young under the new cutoff date to enter regular kindergarten, a Transitional Kindergarten has been established. But just as schools are starting to phase in the new program, Brown is proposing elimination of funding for the classes. At the December 7, 2011 board meeting, FUSD Alan Nishino announced the start of the program with such enthusiasm only to face its elimination less than two months later. Dr. Michael Bush, assistant superintendent, informed the Board that as a result of the California Supreme Court ruling eliminating all of the State’s Redevelopment Agencies (RDA), the FUSD will no longer be receiving a percentage of the revenue generated from Fillmore’s Redevelopment Agency. When addressing the Governor’s stated goal of eliminating the RDAs to aid funding education and schools, Bush added, “It is very unlikely we will not see any new revenue……a lot of it’s a shell game.” To which Nishino stated, “It doesn’t benefit us.” Nishino went on to say the Governor is using the kids to get his tax increase passed on the November ballot and was “very problematic… use our kids as a pawn bothers me.” Bush said that it won’t be clear how greatly this will affect the district until around June 30th. Jeff Nigro with the State of California presented the FUSD with a “clean audit” and explained the new format and the states findings. Each year the State does an audit of FUSD which is part if the educational code requirement. It begins in spring and ends in December and takes approximately 300 hours. Ali Widmar spoke to the Board of the run around she received when trying to address the use of the running track. Widmar said she has a disability that is helped by having the use of a soft track. When informing the Board of all the people she spoke with and the continued non-answered responses, those in the room laughed. The Board approved a field trip for approximately 25 students from Piru’s 6th grade to the Outdoor School at Rancho Alegre. The date of the trip is May 15-18 and will cost $7,356. The students will sleep in cabins, share KP duty in the dining hall, learn to take 3 minute showers, go on hikes and have the chance to learn activities such as boating, archery, crafts, games, etc. After breakfast each day, plus one evening they will go on educational walks where they learn about wildlife biology, botany, geology, astronomy, nocturnal animals, and Chumash culture. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, January 18th, 2012
All individuals and groups who want to use the all weather track at the high school please attend the City Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 24, 2012, at 6:30 PM., for public comments at the beginning of the meeting. A group has been working with the City Council and School District for nearly 3 1/2 years to secure community rights to use a track once accessible to the public but closed to us after the all-weather track was built with community financial support. If you believe that this is an important community issue, this is the time to so advise the City Council, for while the District Board is responsible only for the District, the City Council is elected to serve the needs of the entire community. If you believe that the track is a community asset and access to it is vital to public health and safety, please attend and let the City Council know of your support. |
![]() Firefighter Rick Neal of the City of Fillmore Fire Department uses a rotary saw to cut down an aluminum garage door at a residential structure fire that occured early Monday morning in the City of Fillmore. Enlarge Photo By Anonymous — Thursday, January 12th, 2012
![]() Fillmore Firefighters sift through the remains of a residential garage fire that occured early monday morning in the City of Fillmore. No injuries were reported at the fire was contained to the garage. The cause of the fire remains under investigation. Enlarge Photo At 4:43am the City of Fillmore Fire Department was responded to a reported structure fire in the 300 block of Bard Street in the City of Fillmore. Upon arriving at the location, first in units reported heavy smoke and fire contained to a detached garage. Firefighters were able to make quick work of the fire by using forcible entry techniques to gain entry into the structure, allowing them an opportunity to extinguish the blaze before it spread to adjacent structures. The fire was reported out at 4:58am. Three occupants were asleep inside the nearby home when the fire first ignited however they were able to evacuate safely resulting in no injuries at the scene of the incident. The cause of the fire remains under investigation however it appears that heavy fire loading contributed to the rapid spread of the fire. Damage was contained to personal property and the structure and is estimated at $16,000. Issued by: Patrick Maynard, Public Information Officer Follow-Up Contact: Rigo Landeros, Fire Chief 805-844-7109 |
By Jean McLeod — Wednesday, January 11th, 2012
![]() Fillmore Fire Chief Rigo Landeros, State Farm Public Affairs Official Greg Sherlock, and Asst. Fire Chief Bill Herrera hold a $5,000 check, presented to the Fillmore Fire Dept. for the C.E.R.T. program and equipment and training. The grant was presented by State Farm Insurance. Enlarge Photo Two important items were on the January 10, 2012 Fillmore City Council’s agenda. One was the decision of who would fill the vacant council seat left when Councilmember Patti Walker resigned. The second was what to do with the Fillmore Redevelopment Agency after the recent California Supreme Court decision upheld legislation that abolished redevelopment agencies throughout the State. There were four applicants vying for the seat on the Council. They included Alex Mollkoy, Adrian Grimaldo, Eduardo Gonzalez and Barbara Cavalli. One by one the four applicants were given 20 minutes to answer four predetermined questions and one additional question chosen by each Councilmember. The four standard questions asked were; Why do you want to be appointed to the City Council? What do you see as the biggest challenges facing the City of Fillmore in the next year or two? What do you feel needs to be done to maintain and enhance the City’s economic health? What approach would you take as a Councilmember to balance the budget or address budgetary issues? The additional questions asked were whether the candidate could commit to the time needed to serve and complete the term, leadership, if the applicant could put aside their self-interest, why the Council members should support them, and what the candidate wanted to comment on that the Council hadn’t covered. Cavalli responded to the question of why she wanted to sit on the Council by stating her love for the City and her ability to make level-headed decisions. Gonzalez answered the question with his education and business experience having done hundreds of budgets. Grimaldo’s answer was, “I’m young and not afraid to say what’s on my mind.” Mollkoy answered with, “I have a strong desire to serve the community.” Each Councilmember then gave their opinion on who had impressed them, when Councilmember Jamey Brooks quickly motioned that Gonzalez be appointed to which Mayor Gayle Washburn seconded. There was a pause and the other two Councilmembers Steve Conaway and Brian Sipes said they wanted more discussion with Conaway motioning for Mollkoy to be nominated, but no one would second Conaway’s motion. Then in a 3 to 1 vote with very little discussion, Washburn, Brooks and Conaway voted to give the seat to Gonzalez; only Councilmember Brian Sipes voted against it. The second big item on the agenda was whether the City should become a “Successor Agency” to the Fillmore Redevelopment Agency. In a presentation City Manager Yvonne Quiring gave the pitfalls that the City may face if it decides to give control of Fillmore Redevelopment assets to the State and relinquish control. Quiring informed the Council that the State requires cities to meet enforceable housing units and there would not be any money if housing responsibility went away. Also that the State legislation regarding this component was not well written and contains conflicting provisions. This legislation did not go over well with the RDA’s throughout the State and on July 18, 2011 the California Redevelopment Association and the League of California Cities filed a suit with the California Supreme Court arguing that Proposition 22, which was passed by California voters, prohibited the Legislature from eliminating the roughly 400 RDA’s and the State from using RDA funds. On December 29, 2011 the California Supreme Court ruled on the suit and found that ABX126, which dissolved the RDA’s, did not violate Prop 22 and was a valid exercise of the Legislature’s authority stating that because the State Legislature authorized the creation of the RDA it has the power to eliminate them. And in an opposite decision in that same suit, the court also ruled that ABX 127 asking for the “ransom” did violate Proposition 22. Each Successor Agency will be under the jurisdiction of an oversight board and must put together a payment schedule for the RDA’s liabilities/obligations which must then be signed off on by the county auditor-controller and finally the State Finance Department. The RDA’s will be audited to determine the amount of tax-increment revenue that each RDA had been collecting and any property tax funds remaining after repayment of debt will be distributed to local government agencies in proportion with their usual share under state law. The Successor can receive funds of no less than $250k for administrative costs or up to 5% of property tax for 2011-2012. It is not known at this time if there will be any more layoffs due to this new predicament the City finds itself in. The RDA is very meshed into the workings of the City and handled by many of Fillmore City staff, from Account Clerk to the Finance Department and City Manager. What is considered an “obligation” may also come into question. Projects and loans approved in 2011 by RDA’s will be in limbo until there is a clearer understanding of of the definition of “obligation”. After listening to the presentation, Brooks responded, “We don’t have a choice.” In other business, Conaway asked that the Council discuss the terms of the City Manager’s contract which is set to automatically renew for two more years employment. Sipes asked if this practice was done in the past with other City Managers and Conaway responded, Yes. Sipes then said that going back to his notes he saw nothing like that happening. Conaway then reminded Sipes that none of the other contracts contained an automatic renewal clause. Washburn, Brooks and Gonzalez stated, “I do not support a review.” Conaway then went on to remind the other Councilmembers that if it is not reviewed or considered, the City Manager’s contract will automatically extend for another two years. The other members were fine with that. |
![]() Runners up Grisele Castro and Christiana Del La Mora with Ms. Nicoles. The winner was not present. Enlarge Photo By Anonymous — Wednesday, January 11th, 2012
Johana Gracia, a Fillmore Middle Middle School student, has taken the first step to becoming a state wide recognized artist by winning the local competition sponsored by the Fillmore Lions Club. This year's theme was “Children Know Peace”. Johana’s work was selected from the work of students in Mrs. Doris Nichols' art classes, supervised this year by Mr. Eddie Angel. Johana’s poster has been forwarded to the local Lions District for further competition in California. Her creation will be one of over 370,000 posters in the United States. Each are seeking the Grand Prize of $5,000. There will be 22 merit winners who will receive a cash award of $500. The runner-ups were Grisele Castro and Christiana Del La Mora. Johana received $25 as the winner and Grisele and Christiana received $15. Judges Colleen Chandler and Ken Mittan were impressed by the many fine posters submitted. They also want to encourage all students to participate again next year. |