Part 3 of 4
Photos courtesy Bob Crum
Photos courtesy Bob Crum
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Part 4 of 4
Photos courtesy Bob Crum
Photos courtesy Bob Crum
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5-10k Run/Fitness Walk and Health Fair was held Saturday, May 21st. The event was sponsored by Fillmore Rotary Club. Photos courtesy Bob Crum.
5-10k Run/Fitness Walk and Health Fair was held Saturday, May 21st. The event was sponsored by Fillmore Rotary Club. Photos courtesy Bob Crum.
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The Santa Clara Valley Explorer Post #2958 would like to thank the Bank of the Sierra for their donation of $5,000 dollars to the Explorer program. This donation will go towards the purchase of a van for the Explorer Post.

The purchase of a van will assist with the transportation needs of the post to local events, meetings, and training events, both within and outside of the county. The van will also be utilized to transport the Explorers to the annual Explorer Tactical Competitions in Chandler, Arizona and Castaic, Los Angeles.

The Explorer Post currently has $10,000 promised from Fillmore’s Rotary Club, for the purchase of a van. The Explorer Post is seeking on matching the funds that the Rotary Club has required to purchase this van, a goal of $20,000, the cost of the van.

The Santa Clara Valley Explorer Post # 2958 was started in 2010 and is continuing 6 years strong! The Law Enforcement Explorers Program consists of young men and women between the ages of 14-21, and have completed the 8th grade. The purpose of the Explorer program is to provide young adults with confidence by developing leadership qualities, and developing personal and mental fitness.

The Santa Clara Valley Explorer Post is a non-profit organization that depends on donations to continue to have a successful Explorer program. Currently, the Santa Clara Valley Explorer Post has 28 active Explorers.

If you would like to donate to the Explorer Post please contact the Fillmore Police Department at 805-524-2233.

Prepared by: Cadet Julio Espinoza

A fight broke out at approximately 10:30 Saturday night at the May Festival Beer Garden, Central and Santa Clara. Seven people were arrested, four non-serious injuries were reported. No weapons or gangs were involved.
A fight broke out at approximately 10:30 Saturday night at the May Festival Beer Garden, Central and Santa Clara. Seven people were arrested, four non-serious injuries were reported. No weapons or gangs were involved.
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The Bardsdale Cemetery will hold it Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday, May 30th at 11AM. The Ceremony will start with a fly-over by the 805th Navion Squadron. Featured speaker this year is former POW Captain Charlie Plumb a F-4 Naval Pilot aboard the carrier Kitty Hawk who was shot down on his 75th mission over Viet Nam 5 days before his scheduled return home. The Rev. Bob Hammond will give the Memorial Service and special music will be provided by the Bardsdale Methodist Church Choir. Also assisting in the ceremony will be VFW Post 9637, Boy Scout Troop 406, Cub Scout Troop 3400 and Bob Thompson. The Boy Scouts will put out the flags on Friday, May27th and they will be picked up by the Bardsdale 4H on Tuesday, May31st. A special thank you to Garcia Mortuary for furnishing the doves to conclude the service and to the P.E.O. for furnishing cookies.


On 05/11/2016 and 05/12/2016, the male suspect seen in the attached video was observed in the girl’s locker room at Moorpark High School. The suspect entered the locker room, removed his clothing, and stood at the rear of the locker room. The juvenile victims noticed the suspect while they were gathering their belongings from their lockers and they immediately left the area. The suspect did not attempt to make any physical contact with the victims. The incident from 05/11/2016, did not get reported until shortly before the incident on 05/12/2016.

The suspect is described as a Hispanic or Middle Eastern Male, approximately 18-25 years of age, with dark colored hair and having a beard. The suspect stands between 5’08 and 6’00 tall and has a medium to heavy build. He was seen leaving Moorpark High School in the above pictured blue or dark green colored 2002 to 2006 Nissan Altima (unknown license plate).

If you have information concerning the identity of the male suspect or location of the Nissan Altima, please contact Sgt. Darin Hendren – (805)797-7137 or Det. Matthew Theobald – (805)947-8220.

Nature of Incident: Indecent Exposure / Child Annoying
Report Number: 16-71052 & 16-71149
Location: Moorpark High School – 4500 N. Tierra Rejada Road, Moorpark, Ca.
Date & Time: 05-11-2016 / 1630 hours & 05-12-2016 / 1507 hours
Unit(s) Responsible: Moorpark Investigations Bureau
(S)uspects, (V)ictims, (P)arty, (D)ecedent City of Residence Age
(S) Unknown Male, 18-25
(V) Juveniles, 14 to 16
Prepared by: Sergeant Darin Hendren
News Release Date: 05-17-2016
Media Follow-Up Contact: Sergeant Darin Hendren
Approved by: Captain John Reilly

Ventura County Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 reward for information, which leads to the arrest and criminal complaint against the person(s) responsible for this crime. The caller may remain anonymous. The call is not recorded. Call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).

Former POW Capt. Charlie Plumb
Former POW Capt. Charlie Plumb

The Bardsdale Cemetery will hold it Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday, May 30th at 11AM. The Ceremony will start with a fly-over by the 805th Navion Squadron. Featured speaker this year is Captain Charlie Plumb a F-4 Naval Pilot aboard the carrier Kitty Hawk who was shot down on his 75th mission over Viet Nam 5 days before his scheduled return home. Captain Plumb was captured and a Prisoner of War for 5 years and 9 months. He graduated from Annapolis in 1964 and his Military honors include a Silver Star, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, 2 Purple Hearts and the P.O.W. Medal. You do not want to miss this dynamic speaker who has appeared on Good Morning America, the Anderson Cooper show and more than 4,500 audiences. Bardsdale Cemetery is honored to have Captain Plumb as our speaker thus year. Also in attendance and speaking is Supervisor Kathy Long. The Rev. Bob Hammond will give the Memorial Service and special music will be provided by the Bardsdale Methodist Church Choir.
Also assisting in the ceremony will be VFW Post 9637, Boy Scout Troop 406, Cub Scout Troop 3400 and Bob Thompson. The Boy Scouts will put out the flags on Friday, May27th and they will be picked up by the Bardsdale 4H on Tuesday, May31st. A special thank you to Garcia Mortuary for furnishing the doves to conclude the service and to
the P.E.O. for furnishing cookies. The Board of Trustees of the Cemetery District: Scott Lee, President, Lynda Edmonds, Secretary, Rita Rudkin, Gabriel Asenas and Dick Diaz would like to invite the community to this
special event.

The FUSB recognized dance advisor Lourdes Juarez and the Fillmore High School dance group Ballet Folklorico at Tuesday’s meeting. Each recipient received a Certificate of Recognition. Those receiving were: Daniel Castillo, Fatima Castillo, Esmeralda Ceballos, Jessica Equihua, Melissa Gonzalez, Montserrat Infante, Isela Munoz, Daniela Orozco, Shaina Ponce and Leslie Ramos. Photo courtesy Bob Crum.
The FUSB recognized dance advisor Lourdes Juarez and the Fillmore High School dance group Ballet Folklorico at Tuesday’s meeting. Each recipient received a Certificate of Recognition. Those receiving were: Daniel Castillo, Fatima Castillo, Esmeralda Ceballos, Jessica Equihua, Melissa Gonzalez, Montserrat Infante, Isela Munoz, Daniela Orozco, Shaina Ponce and Leslie Ramos. Photo courtesy Bob Crum.
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Recognition went to Hannah Wishart for serving as Student Representative for the 2015-2016 school years. The Fillmore Unified Board Members each spoke of what a pleasure it was to have her at the meetings. Wishart will soon be leaving for Wyoming to continue her studies. She is pictured with Board President Virginia de la Piedra. Photo courtesy Bob Crum.
Recognition went to Hannah Wishart for serving as Student Representative for the 2015-2016 school years. The Fillmore Unified Board Members each spoke of what a pleasure it was to have her at the meetings. Wishart will soon be leaving for Wyoming to continue her studies. She is pictured with Board President Virginia de la Piedra. Photo courtesy Bob Crum.

The May 17, 2016 Fillmore Unified School Board meeting began with recognition of dance advisor Lourdes Juarez and the Fillmore High School (FHS) dance group Ballet Folklorico. As Board President Virginia de la Piedra presented each recipient a Certificate of Recognition she commented that her daughter had also participated with the group while attending FHS. Those receiving were: Daniel Castillo, Fatima Castillo, Esmeralda Ceballos, Jessica Equihua, Melissa Gonzalez, Montserrat Infante, Isela Munoz, Daniela Orozco, Shaina Ponce and Leslie Ramos.

The second recognition went to Hannah Wishart for serving as Student Representative for the 2015-2016 school years. The Board Members each spoke of what a pleasure it was to have her at the meetings. Wishart will soon be leaving for Wyoming to continue her studies.

During the Superintendent's Report Dr. Adrian E. Palazuelos informed everyone of some very welcoming news. Palazuelos proudly read a statement, "Graduation, Dropout, and Cohort Outcome Data, I am pleased to report that the Fillmore Unified School District has received confirmation of an increase in graduation rate and a decrease in the dropout rate for the district and Fillmore High School. All data is based on the cohort outcome for the year of graduation and examines all registered students in 12th grade in 2014-2015 over the course of their four years of study. I am extraordinarily proud of our district and school staff for their work in these areas. We have more work to do to capture 100% of graduates and have zero dropouts in our community!"

The FUSD increased graduation rates in 2014-2015 by 8.9% over the previous 2013-2014 school year, while decreasing dropout rates to 5.4% in those same years.

Fillmore High School improved its CONTINUED »


Piru Cemetery Memorial Services will be held Monday, May 30, 2016 at 9 a.m., at Piru Cemetery, 3580 Center Street, Piru