Both squads of the SoCal Fillmore Bears Cheer Team traveled to Las Vegas earlier this month to compete in the Jamz National Cheer and Dance competition.  Congratulations go to the Cubs, consisting of ten girls, nine and under, who competed on January 22, in Showcheer Division 8, Level 1 in The Orlean’s Arena, Las Vegas.  Led by Head Coach Trina Tofoya and Cheer Director Katie Aguilar, the Cubs won their championship jackets and title with a perfect score against eleven other teams.  Members of the SoCal Fillmore Bear Cubs team are: Adriana Navarrete, Angelica Ruiz, Angie Hernandez, Azaria Aguilar, Camila Razo, Dalilah Felix, Gianni Padilla, Maribel Ruiz, Morgan Ferguson, and Naomi Bonilla.
Both squads of the SoCal Fillmore Bears Cheer Team traveled to Las Vegas earlier this month to compete in the Jamz National Cheer and Dance competition. Congratulations go to the Cubs, consisting of ten girls, nine and under, who competed on January 22, in Showcheer Division 8, Level 1 in The Orlean’s Arena, Las Vegas. Led by Head Coach Trina Tofoya and Cheer Director Katie Aguilar, the Cubs won their championship jackets and title with a perfect score against eleven other teams. Members of the SoCal Fillmore Bear Cubs team are: Adriana Navarrete, Angelica Ruiz, Angie Hernandez, Azaria Aguilar, Camila Razo, Dalilah Felix, Gianni Padilla, Maribel Ruiz, Morgan Ferguson, and Naomi Bonilla.
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The  Bears, ages nine to fourteen,  earned a respectable second place in Showcheer Division 13, Level 1, missing the championship by .05 of a point. Bear team members are: Adelina Virto, Athena Merijil, Caitlyn Barragan,CeCe Vega, Daisy Robleso, Jacey Warren, Jada Plummer, Jessie Topete, Julieanna Linares, Naveah Hopper, Olivia Lagunas, Rosie Zamora,Sophia Jimenez, Vanessa Lopez, Yanely Lara, and Yazmeen Del Toro. Recognition is  also  given for the hard work and dedication of Assistant Coaches Brittany Cardona, Jazzy Gonda, Nicole Camarillo, Vanessa Aguilar,  Viv Calderon, and trainers Selma, Lexie, and Char.
The Bears, ages nine to fourteen, earned a respectable second place in Showcheer Division 13, Level 1, missing the championship by .05 of a point. Bear team members are: Adelina Virto, Athena Merijil, Caitlyn Barragan,CeCe Vega, Daisy Robleso, Jacey Warren, Jada Plummer, Jessie Topete, Julieanna Linares, Naveah Hopper, Olivia Lagunas, Rosie Zamora,Sophia Jimenez, Vanessa Lopez, Yanely Lara, and Yazmeen Del Toro. Recognition is also given for the hard work and dedication of Assistant Coaches Brittany Cardona, Jazzy Gonda, Nicole Camarillo, Vanessa Aguilar, Viv Calderon, and trainers Selma, Lexie, and Char.
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Lynda Miller
Lynda Miller

Tuesday's Fillmore Unified School District (FUSD) Board Meeting began with recognition of Lynda Miller, President and Founder of Support for the Kids. Miller has dedicated 20 years to charitable organization work helping children and families. Superintendent Dr. Adrian Palazuelos introduced Miller stating, "Lynda Miller has touched a lot of lives here in Fillmore." Fillmore Middle School Principal Scott Carroll referred to her as an angel saying, "She's been a model for giving." Other statements were equally praising Miller's dedication saying, "It is wonderful to know there's someone out there so giving and supportive to kids and families time and time again." Testimonies were given of the wide range of support and offerings Miller has given to the community such as stoves, beds, clothes and more for those in need.

Miller responded stating, "Thank you for the recognition. There is nothing greater than giving someone a helping hand." She continued stating that it would not have been possible without the support of her husband Gary Miller, "Without him nothing could have happened."

The first item discussed was a grant presented by Assistant Superintendent Andrea McNeill. FUSD received $287,513 in grant money which is part of the $500 million in one-time monies called the "Educator Effectiveness Block Grant. School districts may use the funding for specific professional development activities such as beginning teacher and administrator support, coaching, support for improvement, professional development, promoting teacher quality and effectiveness. $137,200 equates to $700 per teacher for preparedness for Common Core, Cooperative Learning, English Language Development and other needs, with the remaining $150,313 being used for Literacy Coaches.

The next item discussed was the AVID Program (Advancement Via Individual Determination) presented by Director Charice Guerra. AVID is a 501c3 nonprofit established in 1980 that provides strategies for encouraging and promoting a path to college for underrepresented students. Fillmore High School, with 122 students in the program, has had the program for a number of years and Fillmore Middle School, with 64 students in the program, recently reinstated it on its campus.

Fillmore High School senior Luis Landeros, who is part of the program, spoke of his future goals of studying engineering in college through grants and scholarships. Destiny Zavala, an 11th grader and also part of the program, spoke of her college goals majoring in either the medical field or journalism.

The last item discussed was Core/Basic Materials presented by Assistant Superintendent Martha Hernandez. The materials discussed was the need for new textbooks. "We are really very behind," Hernandez told the Board. There are a number of new AP classes that need new textbook and other classes that have outdated textbooks. For the new classes; AP Statistics will be issued "The Practice of Statistics," AP Environmental Science will be issued "Living in the Environment" and AP Psychology will be issued.

Other textbooks that are being replaced; AP US History will be issued (new) "American Pageant," AP European History will be issued "Western Civilization" and Native Speakers 2 will be issued "!Ven conmigo! Nuevas Vistas Curso Dos." The new textbooks will be on display for public viewing in the FUSD Boardroom for 30 days.

In final discussions Palazuelos informed everyone that there are presently three new math programs being piloted at Fillmore Middle School.

An action taken and approved was Board Members Sean Morris and Scott Beylik were appointed to the Long-Range Facilities Master Plan Steering Committee for a term of one year.


Videos by Bob Crum


In a continuing effort to help women advance their education, the local Fillmore chapter of P.E.O. (Philanthropic Education Organization) will be offering financial awards this spring. To be eligible, you must be a woman who attends or has been accepted to an accredited undergraduate degree program or a vocational/skills training program, live within the 93015 Zip code area, and have at least a 3.5 grade point average. Anyone interested should contact the College and Career Center if you are a student at Fillmore or Sierra High School or contact Patricia Morris at The deadline for application is March 6, 2016.


Mike Wolfe, Frank Fritz, and their team are excited to return to California! They plan to film episodes of the hit series AMERICAN PICKERS throughout California with filming scheduled for March.

AMERICAN PICKERS is a documentary series that explores the fascinating world of antique ‘picking’ on History. The hit show follows Mike Wolfe and Frank Fritz, two of the most skilled pickers in the business, as they hunt for America’s most valuable antiques--from motorcycles, classic cars and bicycles, to one-of-a-kind vintage memorabilia.

As they hit the back roads from coast to coast, Mike and Frank continue their mission to recycle America by rescuing forgotten relics and giving them a new lease on life, while learning a thing or two about American history along the way.

AMERICAN PICKERS is looking for leads and would love to explore your buried treasure. They are on the hunt for characters with interesting and unique items. Some of what they look for: vintage bicycles, toys, unusual radios, movie memorabilia, advertising, military items, folk art, pre-50’s western gear, early firefighting equipment, vintage musical equipment, automotive items, and clothing. They are always excited to find things they’ve never seen before and learn the story behind it.

If you or someone you know has a large, private collection send us your: name, phone number, location and description of the collection with photos to: or call 855-old-rust.


California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Director and State Public Health Officer Dr. Karen Smith today advised that although there is no evidence of mosquitoes carrying Zika virus in California, people should always take steps to avoid mosquito bites, including removing standing water and wearing insect repellant when necessary. Californians should also be advised of international travel alerts for the countries where Zika virus is circulating.

“Although no one has contracted Zika virus in California, mosquito bites can still be harmful and the public should take steps to protect themselves,” said Dr. Smith. “Help reduce the risk of mosquito bites by removing standing water from around your home and wearing mosquito repellant when appropriate.”

As of Jan. 29, 2016, there are six confirmed cases of Zika virus in California, all of which were contracted when traveling in other countries with Zika virus outbreaks in 2013 (1), 2014 (3) and 2015 (2). CDPH will continue monitoring for any confirmed cases in California and will provide weekly updates every Friday. To protect patient confidentiality, specific locations of infected patients cannot be disclosed.

Zika virus is primarily transmitted to people by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes, the same mosquitoes that can transmit dengue and chikungunya viruses. These mosquitoes — which are not native to California — have been identified in 12 California counties, although there are no known cases where the mosquitoes were carrying the Zika virus in this state. The six confirmed cases of Zika virus in California were acquired in other countries.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have issued a travel alert (Level 2-Practice Enhanced Precautions) for people traveling to regions and certain countries where Zika virus transmission is ongoing: American Samoa, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Curacao, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Martinique, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Suriname, Venezuela and Puerto Rico.

People traveling to these and other countries with known Zika virus risk should take steps to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes, including:

• Use insect repellents containing DEET, picaridin, IR3535, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or para-menthane-diol for long lasting protection. If you use both sunscreen and insect repellent, apply the sunscreen first and then the repellent. Pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding can and should choose an EPA-registered insect repellent and use it according to the product label
• Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants
• Use air conditioning or window/door screens to keep mosquitoes outside. If you are not able to protect yourself from mosquitoes inside your home or hotel, sleep under a mosquito bed net
• Help reduce the number of mosquitoes outside by emptying standing water from containers such as flowerpots or buckets

The CDC and CDPH have also issued guidance for pregnant women recommending they avoid countries where Zika virus is circulating. Pregnant women who cannot avoid travel to these countries should talk to their health care provider and take steps to avoid mosquito bites. The CDC and CDPH have also provided guidance for physicians on the evaluation of pregnant women and infants who may have been exposed to Zika virus.

Most people infected with Zika virus will not develop symptoms. If symptoms do develop, they are usually mild and include fever, rash and eye redness. If you have returned from an affected country and have fever with joint pain, rash within two weeks, or any other symptoms following your return; please contact your medical provider and tell the doctor where you have traveled. While there is no specific treatment for Zika virus disease, the best recommendations are supportive care, rest, fluids and fever relief.

There is concern that Zika virus may be transferred from a pregnant woman to her baby during pregnancy or delivery. Preliminary reports suggest that Zika virus may cause microcephaly (abnormal fetal brain development). This possibility has not been confirmed and is being actively investigated. CDPH has requested that health care providers report suspected Zika virus disease or associated conditions of microcephaly to local health departments. Local health departments will report cases to CDPH, which is coordinating referral of any specimens to CDC for diagnostic testing.

For more information on Zika virus disease and other mosquito-borne illnesses, please visit the CDPH Zika virus information webpage.

Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

The Fillmore Girls Softball/T-Ball League offers players, ages four and one-half to sixteen, living within the Fillmore, Piru, and Santa Paula communities to participate in a softball program. The goal of the program is to instill and develop good sportsmanship, discipline, teamwork, and leadership; all excellent qualities our youth need to build along with self-confidence and a strong sense of community.

Sometime between January 14, 2016, at 7:00 pm and January 16, at 9:50 am, unknown person(s) broke a latch to a storage container at Shiells Park and stole several articles of sporting equipment used by the league. Some of the property stolen included three sets of brand new “Easton” catcher’s gear, two five gallon buckets of softballs, and three 100-foot long extension cords.

The Fillmore Police Department is asking for help to track down the softball gear and to apprehend the person(s) responsible for this crime against the community. If you have any information, please contact Detective Javier Chavez at the Fillmore Police Station or any deputy you may encounter. You may remain anonymous and your information will remain confidential.

Nature of Incident: Burglary of Fillmore’s Girls Softball/T-Ball League Equipment
Report Number: Report Number 16-7664
Location: Shiells Park, 649 C Street, Fillmore
Date & Time: Between January 14, 2016 at 7:00 pm and January 16,2016 at 9:50 am
Unit(s) Responsible: Ventura County Sheriff’s Office - Fillmore / Santa Clara Valley Station
(S)uspects, (V)ictims, (P)arty, (D)ecedent City of Residence Age
(V) Fillmore Girls Softball/T-Ball League
Prepared by: Detective Javier Chavez
Media Release Date: January 22, 2016
Follow-Up Contact: Detective Javier Chavez, Fillmore Sheriff’s Station
Approved by: Captain Dave Wareham

Ventura County Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 reward for information, which leads to the arrest and criminal complaint against the person(s) responsible for this crime. The caller may remain anonymous. The call is not recorded. Call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).

Former FUSD Board Member Dave Wilde raised questions of bullying and harassment by “two council members [who]
had issues with Rigo and that both resorted to harassment and bullying to resolve their differences”. Wilde read an open statement during public forum at Tuesday’s council meeting.
Former FUSD Board Member Dave Wilde raised questions of bullying and harassment by “two council members [who] had issues with Rigo and that both resorted to harassment and bullying to resolve their differences”. Wilde read an open statement during public forum at Tuesday’s council meeting.

The Fillmore City Council received some strong and direct wording during the public comments at their January 26, 2016 meeting. A former Fillmore Unified School District (FUSD) Board Member addressed the Council stating, "Good evening, my name is Dave Wilde and I have lived in Fillmore for approximately 40 years. Two weeks ago I would have told anyone who would listen that Fillmore has two outstanding citizens. Both are well respected and popular members of this community. One is seated in this room, the other is Rigo Landeros. I'd known Rigo since he was 14 years old. He was a former student of mine and played high school football for me. His death is both a troubling and confusing loss to both me and this community. In the short time after his death I've heard some rumors that are very alarming. The most alarming is that two council members had issues with Rigo and that both resorted to harassment and bullying to resolve their differences. If that is true, I am deeply concerned about the lack of leadership and conflict resolution skills that two of our community leaders exhibit. This lack of skill should not be tolerated because of the potential affects it could have on others in Fillmore. This community has a lot of questions about Rigo's death and what drove him to do what he did. They deserve an explanation. I spent four years on the school board and during that time I felt we had made and were making some serious mistakes. A board colleague and myself fought hard for 15 months to stop the direction we (the district) but failed until a third member joined our position. During the election process that followed, both my colleague and myself admitted we felt mistakes were made, but were glad to announce that a new superintendent was hired, positive changes were finally underway. It is hard to admit you had made mistakes and we both knew that we would be seen not as two individuals, but as a group of five. We were all equally to blame. If these rumors of bullying and harassment are true, this council, as a group of five, needs to reflect and take ownership for addressing the questions this community has in regard to Rigo's death. It is what we should expect from our civic leaders."

The meeting began with two Proclamations. The first was presented to Laura Bartels, for outstanding leadership in her efforts in the donation of 700 new winter coats during the holiday season for those in need in the community. Bartels started the coat drive several years ago, and also volunteers for the Santa Clarita Valley Legal Aid. Bartels responded, "It's a real community effort" saying a special thanks to Max Pina, Rigo Landeros and others.

Next to receive a Proclamation was Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Ventura County in recognition of National Mentors Month. Mentor Amelia Aparicio spoke of the value of mentoring and importance it plays in reaching a child's potential, "There are 147 mentors at Fillmore High School who volunteer a minimum of one hour per week and some three time per week....the youngest mentored is 6 years old and goes up to 18 years...we give them (the mentors) different let them know what's available in our community."

A Comprehensive Annual Financial Report on the City's finances was presented by Charles De Simoni CPA and Scott W. Manno CPA, CGMA with Rogers Anderson Melody & Scoll, LLP. "It's important that the public have an understanding of the process," Simoni explained. To test for internal controls entails the accountants scour through council minutes reviewing appropriation reports to assure the public that the city is in compliance with regulations and money is being spent properly. The process takes three months to compile.

In new business the Council addressed preparing a response to a FEMA Map Revision. Roxanne C. Hughes, PE with Willdan Engineering addressed the Council on the revised model of the Santa Clara River asking for public input regarding the flood mapping. Mayor Diane McCall asked if the Heritage Valley Levy had been accredited. Hughes responded, "It's not accredited yet, it is being worked on."

Other new business was the increase on assessments for eight sub-zones within the Landscape and Lighting District No 2. There are 24 zones with 8 operating in a deficit requiring a ballot process to approve levy increases. Cost have increased 2-3% each year in lighting, water and landscape maintenance. Ballots will be mailed out the first week in February to start the 45 day ballot time period and will be tabulated to complete the process at the March 22nd Council meeting.

Questions were asked through emails and directly to the city if there were too many trees planted. Council Member Douglas Tucker responded that city planning requires the planting of trees, but that a developer planted extra trees for the aesthetic value and was suppose to remove them. But, the developer is no longer involved.
Some have questioned extending the recycled water lines and upgrading to more efficient lamps in the fixtures such as LED. Council agreed to consider such things.

The last of new business was disbanding the Sheriff's Contract Negotiating Ad-Hoc Committee. When discussed, Mayor ProTem Carrie Broggie stated "It's a done deal." To which Tucker responded, "Actually it's not." A vote was taken with McCall, Broggie and Council Member Manuel Minjares voting "Yes" and Tucker only "No" vote (Council Member Rick Neal was not in attendance).

During final comments City Manager David Rowlands commented on the good relationship between FUSD and the City adding that there is now a Fillmore High School Water Polo Team and thanked all those involved in the tribute to Fire Chief Rigo Landeros.

Minjares commented of a problem between the City Council and City Staff. McCall added that the City Council should be included in the staff training sessions. Broggie agreed that the training sessions could improve the Council and staff relationship.

Fillmore Explorer post #2958 competed in the Chandler Explorer Tactical Competition in Chandler, Arizona on January 15, 2016.
Fillmore Explorer post #2958 competed in the Chandler Explorer Tactical Competition in Chandler, Arizona on January 15, 2016.
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The Fillmore Explorer post #2958 recently competed in the Chandler Explorer Tactical Competition in Chandler, Arizona on January 15, 2016.

The Explorers are a group of young people aged fourteen to twenty one, who are in the ninth grade or above, and have an interest in law enforcement. As explorers they participate in ride-alongs with Ventura County Sheriff’s Deputies, assist with community events and are involved in community outreach. The explorer program helps build strong leadership and communication skills that are crucial in today’s society. The explorer program helps prepare individuals to succeed in all of their current and future endeavors.

The Chandler Tactical Explorer Competition is put on every year by the Chandler Police Department, in Chandler, Arizona. Most events were scenario based, meaning that the explorers were presented with situations and they had to resolve the situation with the tools that were provided. Some of which are: Marijuana Field Raid, 5 Man Hostage Rescue Team, 10 Man High Risk Warrant. These scenarios were graded on the teams overall teamwork, leadership, and execution. The other types of events that the explorers participated in were a three mile run, five and ten man swat truck pull, and the tactical relay.

At the tactical competition, the explorers participated in a plethora of events. The post placed in three events. They received a third place trophy for the five man swat truck pull. In addition, they received a second place trophy for the Shoot/Don’t Shoot scenario and Sr. Explorer Isaiah Galvez placed fifth in the explorer pistol shoot.

If you have any interest in joining the explorer program you are welcome to attend the weekly Tuesday meetings that take place at Sierra High School at 5 PM. There will be a recruiting period in the month of February, 2016, accepting any males or females ages 14 to 21 that have completed the 8th grade. We encourage all who are interested to join the explorer program.

Prepared by: Explorer Sergeant Nicholas Bartels and Explorer Senior Danielle Ramirez