November 26th
Dustin Anderson
Dustin Anderson

Dustin Anderson, a 29 year old Fillmore native and executive chef at Rabalais Bistro and Bakery of Santa Paula, will be competing on the holiday baking edition of "Food Rush." The show will air on 8:30pm on November 26th on the Disney-ABC Television Group’s Live Well Network hosted by “Top Chef” alumni, Ryan Scott.

Anderson was invited to compete on the show after an interview. "It was exciting to find out they were interested in me, but I’m not one to get my hopes up right away," said Anderson. "After I found out about the show, it felt like I was taking the first step to what I want to do later in life and I was happy to tell my family and friends."

Dustin flew to San Francisco for a week of filming. Although the shooting schedule started early and often went late, the long days never bothered him. "I felt rejuvenated because I was living the dream that I had made up in my head, and by the end of the week, I didn’t want it to end." While in San Francisco, Anderson had the chance to meet with some renown chefs including celebrity chef Tyler Florence, owner of the Wayfair Tavern.

New to being in front of the cameras, Anderson said he eased his nerves with his sense of humor. "I was able to joke around on camera and with the people so it loosened me up quite a bit but the hardest part was not looking at the camera. It’s hard to ignore when it’s right in your face."

Anderson felt the CONTINUED »


Karen Ashim, Retired Fillmore High School Head Counselor, with 27 years of teaching, spoke of the problems associated with CCS and her desire to address them with the Board.
Karen Ashim, Retired Fillmore High School Head Counselor, with 27 years of teaching, spoke of the problems associated with CCS and her desire to address them with the Board.

This Tuesday's Fillmore Unified School District (FUSD) Board Meeting focused on the implementation of the Common Core Standards (CCS) that 45 states throughout the country must have up and working by 2014. The meeting had two presentations; A Three-Year Common Core State Standard Implementation Plan by Educational Service Staff and K-5 Common Core Curriculum Map Presentation by Carol Barringer.

The approach the District is using to roll out CCS was started last year and is broken down into three stages: Awareness, Transition and Implementation. All the information and money needed to move to the Transition and Implementation stages has been slow in coming. One example is the State just approved the math framework November 6 and there is still a question of having the money for the technology needed.

California is using a state-led consortium to generate assessments to measure student progress called The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) paid for by the U.S. Department of Education that will align with the CCS. Schools throughout the state are required to conform to the SBAC as schools move away from paper and pencil testing and begin taking tests online. Assistant Superintendent Michael Johnson explained that once a student answers a problem/question their answer will go directly to the State testing bank and be graded correct or incorrect immediately. This will require all schools have both the computers necessary for each student and the bandwidth to meet the increased demand such testing will require. The cost will be high for FUSD and those school districts without sufficient computer to meet student needs or the bandwidth. Superintendent Dr. Alan Nishino told the Board one way to save money is to considering using a computer lab with its own local server instead of using wireless applications. The District also needs to upgrade its software to Windows 7 to be compatible with CCS testing.

There is also CONTINUED »


The City of Fillmore’s Police Department parking located at 524 Sespe Avenue and the adjacent City lot began being re-paved on Tuesday, November 12th and was completed at approximately 5:00 p.m. on Friday, November 15th. Access to the parking lot behind the United States Post Office and the west alley of Central Avenue north of Main Street between Main Street and Sespe Avenue was limited to the public.
The City of Fillmore’s Police Department parking located at 524 Sespe Avenue and the adjacent City lot began being re-paved on Tuesday, November 12th and was completed at approximately 5:00 p.m. on Friday, November 15th. Access to the parking lot behind the United States Post Office and the west alley of Central Avenue north of Main Street between Main Street and Sespe Avenue was limited to the public.
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11/12/2013 – 11/18/2013
City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

Keep the Peace
700 Blk. 5t St.
300 Blk. Main
900 Blk. Arrasmith
600 Blk. Ventura
Keep the Peace
200 Blk. Olive
900 Blk. Wileman

At about 10 a.m. Wednesday the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department responded to a call for help at a residence on Toland Road near Highway 126. According to Sheriff’s Sergeant Jason Hendren, the suspect, Caucasian male appearing to be in his mid 20s, had crashed his vehicle through the main gate of a private residence to gain entrance. The Sheriff’s Dept. quickly responded with approximately 6 units including a K-9 unit. A Sheriff’s helicopter assisted in securing the house and orchard area. The suspect was arrested in the southern part of an adjacent avocado orchard after being tracked by the K-9 unit. The name of the suspect and additional details were not available at press time.
At about 10 a.m. Wednesday the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department responded to a call for help at a residence on Toland Road near Highway 126. According to Sheriff’s Sergeant Jason Hendren, the suspect, Caucasian male appearing to be in his mid 20s, had crashed his vehicle through the main gate of a private residence to gain entrance. The Sheriff’s Dept. quickly responded with approximately 6 units including a K-9 unit. A Sheriff’s helicopter assisted in securing the house and orchard area. The suspect was arrested in the southern part of an adjacent avocado orchard after being tracked by the K-9 unit. The name of the suspect and additional details were not available at press time.
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At this Tuesday's Fillmore City Council Meeting a new fire truck was approved along with funds for the City's 100-year celebration, a new pump track bike park, a request to help fund a new Watershed Coordination position, and a wave of a Temporary Use Permit by the Lions Club.

The Council approved going forward with the installation of a new pump track/bike park at Two Rivers Park. Jose Ibarra, Park and Recreation Commissioner, put together a volunteer group to build the pump track, which includes a donation for the cost of professional designs. The track is a mixture of compacted clay and dirt and takes a few days to build. The volunteer work crew will be supervised by a pump track/bike park professional to meet specific requirement and limit the City's liability/risk. It will require yearly maintenance and be an unsupervised ride at your own risk park. The cost is expected to be around $9,500 to build and require 8 to 10 hours maintenance yearly. The City will be applying for a $10,000 grant on December 1, 2013 to help cover costs. It will first be set up as temporary but it was suggested by a Council Member that they consider making it permanent. Ibarra stated that the closest pump park is in Fresno, and Mark Langton, of CORBA, the Concerned Off-Road Bicyclists Association (the local chapter of the International Mountain Biking Association), informed the Council that the County of Los Angeles is on track to build three pump tracks very soon. Ibarra was asked who would take care of any weeds and he responded that the users often maintain the track similar to how the skate park is swept by those skating there.

The desire for the new sport track has grown out of mountain bike racing and is something both parents and children of all ages do together. A pump track is a continuous circuit of dirt rollers, berms and jumps that loop back on itself as the riders propel themselves by shifting their body weight; similar to one shifting their weight on a swing to propel higher. The pumping allows the rider to propel forward without having to pedal. As the bike moves up and down and sideways the rider's goal is to keep the torso, the center of the body's mass, in as straight of a line as possible and as quickly and fluidly as possible. Pump track riding challenges the participant and requires a great deal of energy and exercise in a short amount of time.

Council Member Diane CONTINUED »


A Grand Opening ceremony was held at Piru Town Square Skate Park on November 7, 2013 officially opening the new skate park. Supervisor Kathy Long praised the hard work of all involved with the project.

The County asked the residents of the Piru many years ago, what recreation improvement they would like and the skate park was at the top of the list. Funding finally became available through many sources to fund the $1.1 million project.

For more information about the Ventura County Parks, please call (805) 654-3822 or visit the website at http// or send an email to


Planning Timeline
• March 3, 2009 former RDA approved the Piru Town Square Expansion Project.
• In April 2011, the County requested a modification to PD -1805 for the Piru Town Square expansion to add a new skate park and a pedestrian walkway that would connect the two facilities.
• The Notice of Determination for the Negative Declaration was filed on August 1, 2011.

Funding Amounts and Sources
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Federal $ 835,637
Housing Related Parks Program Grant (HRPG) State $ 244,200
TOTAL $1,079,837

Total Costs
Construction Contract $ 938,639
Construction Engineering $ 127,150
TOTAL $1,065,789

Contractor’s Name
Green Building Corporation
North Hollywood CA

Consultant Names
Design and Project Manager:
Community Works Design Group
Landscape Architecture
Riverside CA

Civil Engineer:
Adkan Engineers
Riverside CA

Structural Engineer:
Wong & Associates
Irvine CA

Geotechnical Engineer
Ventura CA

Survey & Drainage Engineer
Penfield & Smith
Camarillo CA

PWA staff:
Chris Cooper
Daniel Hartzell
John Pennington
John Metoyer


A Fillmore resident was found wandering on Grimes Canyon Road Tuesday, after his family reported him missing. Identity of the 70-year old man, suffering from dementia, was not released. Sheriffs Deputies responded to a reported sighting of an elderly man, walking with a cane, over the canyon road at 6:30pm. He was found in good condition and returned to his family.

11/05/2013 to 11/11/13
City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

300 Blk 4th St.
Search Warrant
800 Blk. Sespe
600 Blk. Shiells
Keep the Peace
200 Blk. Olive
Search Warrant
900 Blk. 4th St.
300 Blk. Central
Keep the Peace
900 Blk. Lewis
Search Warrant
900 Blk. 4th St.
Search Warrant
200 Blk. 3rd St. CONTINUED »

The runners participating in this event are: Commander Randy Pentis, Commander Tim Hagel, Captain Paul Higgason, Captain Dave Kenney, and Sergeant Frank Underlin. Also pictured is Sergeant Joe Devorick who did not make the Mayanmar run but has run in the past.
The runners participating in this event are: Commander Randy Pentis, Commander Tim Hagel, Captain Paul Higgason, Captain Dave Kenney, and Sergeant Frank Underlin. Also pictured is Sergeant Joe Devorick who did not make the Mayanmar run but has run in the past.
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Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

As Myanmar, formerly Burma, slowly emerges from the cloud of civil war and military control, there is an air of optimism in the Southeast Asian country of 60 million people.

Things are getting better there, although much work remains to be done. For the members of Cops Running For Charity, Myanmar presents itself as an opportunity in the form of a marathon that traverses an area boasting more than 2,000 temples that have been closed to westerners for the past 50 years.

In their quest to find worthy running courses in exotic locales, the CRFC have found another place featuring spectacular scenery and rich cultural traditions.

The team will run the Bagan Temple Marathon on November 2nd. The course travels through villages on dirt trails that will combine with high temperatures and humidity to provide plenty of challenges for the runners, who have trained locally for many years and competed in numerous running events.

The group has run hundreds of miles in preparation for, and during, marathons. They also have raised more than $250,000 for the benefit of those among us who need it the most. They have a commitment to their community and to physical fitness that has spanned decades. All of the runners pay for their own expenses, including the cost of travel. That leaves behind every dollar they raise for the charities they have chosen.

This year, the team hopes to raise $50,000 for medical charities that include: Children’s Hospital, ALS, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Make-A-Wish Foundation, Hospice of Camarillo, Dr. Darrell Davey Foundation, The Steve Gleason Foundation, and The Blazeman Foundation.

The runners participating in this event are: Commander Randy Pentis, Commander Tim Hagel, Captain Paul Higgason, Captain Dave Kenney, and Sergeant Frank Underlin.

Anyone interested in more information about CRFC can contact Commander Randy Pentis at (805)947-8067 or by e-mail at

The website is

Nature of Incident: Cops Running For Charity To Run Marathon In Myanmar
Location: Bagan, Myanmar
Date & Time: Nov. 2, 2013
Unit(s) Responsible: Cops Running For Charity
Prepared by: Sgt. Eric Buschow
Media Release Date: Oct. 24, 2013
Follow-Up Contact: Cmdr. Randy Pentis (805)947-8067
Approved by: Cmdr. Randy Pentis