![]() FUSD Migrant Speech and Debate Team, winners of Region 17 Speech & Debate Tournament-Rio. Congratulations to Aimee Ramos, Giselle Perez Anahi Pascual, Erik Magana. Next is Montserrat Infante, Daniela Castillo, Daniela Orozco, and Yulissa Fregoso. Enlarge Photo By Jean McLeod — Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015
The Fillmore Unified School District (FUSD) Board received some welcomed news during the June 2, 2015 meeting. Sacramento has increased student funding for FUSD to $9,106 per student average for the 2015-2016 school year. This increase in student spending is attributed to Proposition 30, the temporary tax increase approved by voters in 2012. It included increases in two taxes, income and sales. Taxpayers agreed to the increases, giving Sacramento seven years (2020-2021) to improve the deficit spending California schools were experiencing. Sacramento now states the recovery was quicker than anticipated. The figures for the seven year guideline stated that in 2015 less than 40% of the gap (deficit) needed in school funding would be recovered. But Sacramento is now reporting that the gap recovery is at 70% of funding levels. Proposition 30 was mainly funded by the California Teachers Association $11.5M, Service Employee International Union $10.7M, Democratic Committee $5M and American Federation of Teachers $4.1M, and was presented to the public as two temporary taxes. The .025 cent sales tax is due to expire the end of 2016, with the income tax increase to the highest earning Californians to end in 2018. But as some say, "No tax ever dies" especially in California. Sacramento is already looking to extend the "temporary" taxes. Five months ago, state schools chief Tom Torlakson called for an extension of Proposition 30 beyond its full expiration in 2018. Governor Jerry Brown does not agree with an extension of the taxes and wants to keep the assurances given to Californians that Prop. 30 was temporary. Board Member Scott Beylik reminded everyone that the tax increases are to expire fairly soon and there is no guarantee that the projected 2016-2017 increase in funding next year will transpire. He said to allocate the recent increased funding very prudently, "Plan and prioritize." The meeting began CONTINUED » |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015
![]() A single vehicle accident took place on Tuesday, June 2 at 2:30 on Chambersburg Road/A Street, at the school farm. Traffic was backed up for about an hour. No injures reported. Enlarge Photo |
By Ventura County Sheriff Department — Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015
Three minor children were inappropriately touched in the parking lot located at Shiells Drive and Second Street in the City of Fillmore. The suspect was described as a Hispanic male, 15-18 years of age, 5’-10” to 6’-0” tall, with a slender build, and short spiked dark hair. The suspect was wearing a dark t-shirt and shorts. The suspect may have been playing basketball near the location prior to the crime. The Fillmore Police Department is seeking the public’s assistance in locating the suspect. If anyone saw any suspicious persons and/or activities at the location, please call Detective John Fox at the Fillmore Police Department. Nature of Incident: Lewd Acts Upon Children Ventura County Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 reward for information, which leads to the arrest and criminal complaint against the person(s) responsible for this crime. The caller may remain anonymous. The call is not recorded. Call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477). |
By Mark Ortega — Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015
The Alumni Association can report that there are well over 400 paid dinner reservations so far for the 102nd Alumni Dinner / Dance on June 13th, 2015. Don't be left out. You can pay for your Dinner Seat at Patterson's hardware store (Open 7 days a week) or swing by the Alumni Office at 540 Sespe Ave in Fillmore. If no one is there, slide your payment under the door. More info can be found Alumni Website at www.fillmorehighalumni.com or call, 805-524-0416 and leave a message. Someone will call you right back. Come look at the many old photo's and items that will be displayed going back 100 years. These treasures only come out once a year. Don't miss it. It's going to be a special evening on June 13th as we celebrate our High School Alma Mater. |
By Ventura County Sheriff Department — Wednesday, May 27th, 2015
On 05/18/2015, detectives from the Fillmore Station completed an investigation into a residential burglary that occurred in the 1300 block of Grand Ave., in the unincorporated area of Fillmore. The burglary occurred during the second week of April, 2015. The suspects forced entry into the residence and stole high-end jewelry and other luxury items. During the course of the investigation, it was discovered that some of the stolen property was pawned in the city of Simi Valley. Investigators followed up with the subject that pawned the property, Anthony Duran, and ultimately arrested him. Information obtained during the arrest also led to the arrests of Duran’s co-conspirators, Raheem Wright, and a male juvenile from the city of Fillmore. All three subjects were arrested and booked for committing a first degree residential burglary and conspiracy to commit a crime. Nature of Incident: Residential Burglary Suspects Arrested Ventura County Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 reward for information, which leads to the arrest and criminal complaint against the person(s) responsible for this crime. The caller may remain anonymous. The call is not recorded. Call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477). |
By Ventura County Sheriff Department — Wednesday, May 27th, 2015
On May 23, 2015, at approximately 0155 hours, Cesar Mendez was driving his vehicle eastbound on E. Telegraph Road (SR-126). After passing through the Santa Clara Ave intersection, for unknown reasons, he drove off the roadway in the 200 block of E. Telegraph Road and collided into a utility pole. The vehicle continued eastbound out of control and collided into a block wall coming to rest in the backyard at the residence at 250 E. Telegraph Road #17, El Dorado Mobil Home Park. Cesar Mendez died at the scene. Alcohol appears to be a factor in this traffic collision. The traffic collision is still under investigation. Nature of Incident: Single Vehicle Fatal Traffic Collision |
By Bob Crum — Wednesday, May 27th, 2015
Part 1 of 2
![]() A Veterans Memorial Day service was held on Monday, May 25th at Bardsdale Cemetery. The event takes place every year, with many features including: Fly-Over, Missing Man Formation performed by the 805th Navion Squadron, David Swett, Lead and Kurt Young, Element Leader, David Vanoni, Element Wing, and Eric Johnson, Wing; Opening Remarks by Scott Lee, Presidetn-Board of Trustees Presentation of Colors, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Fillmore Post 9637; Pledge of Allegiance, Boy Scout Troop #406 and Cub Scout Troop #3400; Special music by Bardsdale Methodist Church Choir; Memorial Day Message by Ed W. Campbell, President Residents Allied Council, Ventura Veterans Home; Placing of Wreath by Jim Rogers; Memorial Service by Rev. Bob Hammond, St. Stephens Anglican Church; Reading of Names of Those Who Died in the Service of our Country by VFW Service Officer Jim Mills; Volly by Honor Guard VFW; Taps by Bob Thompson; Conclusion of Service was the release of doves, Garcia Mortuary. A special thank you to the Boy Scouts and Bardsdale 4H for placing and removing flags, and Chapter GY PEO for furnishing cookies. Photos courtesy Bob Crum. Enlarge Photo |
By Bob Crum — Wednesday, May 27th, 2015
Part 2 of 2
By Jean McLeod — Wednesday, May 27th, 2015
![]() Scout Chris Vargas, James Chandler, Jr. Escoto, Jared Fairall, Adrian Hernandez, Timmy Vargas, Matt Vandemheen, Tommy Vargas, Matt Henschel, Luke Larson, and Sammy Kafka from local Scout Troop 406 working to complete their Citizenship in the Community merit badge. Enlarge Photo The May 26, 2015 Fillmore City Council Meeting contained a number of agenda items including the 2015-2016 Budget, Capital Improvements, Public Works Projects, North Fillmore Specific Plan, sewer and water rate increases and Aquatic Center fees. The meeting began with the Boys Scouts of America leading everyone with the Pledge of Allegiance. The Council then introduced the new Active Adult Commission Members; Charles Richardson, Shirley Spitler, Bob Crum and Ernest Morales. Shortly after having the new commission introduced, attorney Richard Francis, speaking during Public Comments, addressed the Council. Francis informed the Council he was representing the 501c3 nonprofit Fillmore Senior Center Inc. (FSCI). He stated in the past FSCI was run by volunteers and that now the City is paying $32,000 for part-time employees. He then proceeded to serve the Council with legal papers accusing them of a Brown Act violation. FSCI had previously tried to serve the Council with court papers, but those papers were found to not be legal. This recent court service requires the City Attorney Tiffany Israel to respond to the allegations within 35 days. This is not the first time legal problems have been created between FSCI and the City. The City spent almost $130,000 defending FSCI to settle various claims of alleged sexual harassment and racial discrimination by two now former employees suffered while FSCI Board Members were in charge. Now, FSCI has taken the first steps in suing the City. The first item CONTINUED » |
By Ventura County Sheriff Department — Wednesday, May 27th, 2015
On May 19, 2015, members of the Fillmore Police Department, the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office, and the California Department of Alcohol Beverage Control conducted an alcohol sting, using underage minor decoys, in an attempt to purchase alcohol from various on-sale and off-sale establishments in the city of Fillmore and the community of Piru. “On-sale” generally means merchants are authorized to sell alcohol for consumption on the premises where sold, while “off-sale” generally means merchants are authorized to sell alcohol that must be consumed elsewhere. The goal of this operation was to limit minors’ access to alcohol and confirm establishments are abiding by the Business and Professions Code and rules set forth by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. Three underage decoys were used in an attempt to purchase alcohol from 16 locations throughout Fillmore and Piru. Employees at 13 locations asked for identification and turned the decoys away without selling any alcoholic beverages; they are applauded for their diligence. Employees at 3 locations sold alcohol to the underage decoys and either failed to ask for identification or looked at the identification and provided it anyway. These employees were arrested for 25658(a) BP – Furnishing alcohol to a minor and were released on misdemeanor citations to appear in court. The Fillmore Police Department, Ventura County Sheriff’s Office, and California Alcohol Beverage Control will continue to conduct periodic sting operations in an effort to prevent minors’ access to alcohol and remind the public that selling alcohol to, or purchasing alcohol for, minors is illegal. Alcohol is a factor in many homicides, suicides, and unintentional injuries which, along with car crashes, are the four leading causes of death of 15-20 year olds. The public is asked to report incidents of underage drinking and illegal purchasing of alcohol to law enforcement. Alcohol “Minor Decoy” Sting Operation |