Fillmore Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Adrian Palazuelos lead the swearing in of returning Board Member Lucy Rangel, and new Members Scott Beylek and Sean Morris at Tuesday night’s meeting. Photo courtesy Todd Schieferle.
Fillmore Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Adrian Palazuelos lead the swearing in of returning Board Member Lucy Rangel, and new Members Scott Beylek and Sean Morris at Tuesday night’s meeting. Photo courtesy Todd Schieferle.
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Fillmore Volunteer Fire Chief Rigo Landeros accepts a check for $5,000 from Southern California Edison Regional Manager Anna M. Frutos-Sanchez at Tuesday night’s council meeting.
Fillmore Volunteer Fire Chief Rigo Landeros accepts a check for $5,000 from Southern California Edison Regional Manager Anna M. Frutos-Sanchez at Tuesday night’s council meeting.
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Fillmore Fire Receives $5,000 Grant

The December 9, 2014 Fillmore City Council Meeting began with a presentation from Southern California Edison Regional Manager Anna M. Frutos-Sanchez. Frutos-Sanchez presented a $5,000 grant to the nonprofit volunteer Fillmore Fire Foundation. Accepting the grant was Fire Chief Rigo Landeros.

The second presentation was an update on downtown Central parking. Police Chief Dave Wareham informed the Board that the sheriffs/police are now issuing tickets to those who violate the two hour parking limit. So far six citations have been issued.

During comments Bill Faith, a Central St. business owner, spoke on the issue stating some people have parked their vehicles for 5-6 hours leaving his customers nowhere to park. Faith believes some of the violators are from units upstairs on the second story of the retail shops. "It's a real problem" he told the Council and that "a lot of people don't know about the parking in the back of the stores" and asked that the City remind business of the 2-hour parking.

Shortly after the presentations the Council approved the Certificates of Election acknowledging Diane McCall and Carrie Broggie as winners of the November 4 election. Next was the Oath of Office swearing-in of McCall and Broggie by Deputy City Clerk Diana Impeartrice. They then took their seats at the dais. A brief recess was called, with a reception in the lobby to welcome the new Council Members.

The first item addressed was a fee waiver, which was moved forward to allow the seniors in attendance to leave early. The fee waiver being requested was for the rental of the Multipurpose Building, also known as the Senior Center, that is owned by the City of Fillmore for the purpose of serving the community. For years it has been used by the Fillmore Senior Center Inc. (FSCI) to hold various activities such as Bingo and flea market events. The City waived the rental fees for FSCI for the fiscal year July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014. But FSCI has not paid the recent fees ($750 total) from July to present, and did not request an extension of the fee waiver until late October. FSCI asked the Council to waive the $75 per evening rental fees and $175 daily fees for the second half of 2014 and for the events between October and December 2014.

Bingo is held in the evening when City staff is unavailable to oversee the facility, requiring FSCI to provide their own staff during the events. FSCI also asked that fees be waived for future Bingo events. The total of all costs FSCI asked be waved comes to $2,350. The cost to the City to clean the building after a Senior Center event (2-4 hours) is $60-$125 per event. The Multipurpose building, if rented to another group would bring the City $75-$775, depending on the event.

Earlier in the year fee waivers were addressed. The Council had considered giving one waiver, but if more than one were asked for the Council would have to take the events into consideration. That idea was not agree to. Another consideration that was discussed was to allow events that were non-fundraising to have a fee waiver and no waiver for those events that were profitable. At that time the Council discussed not wanting nonprofits or other organizations pointing to one situation where the fees were waived and another situation where they were not.

There were a number of speakers on this item. One was Marie Wren, who called the Council "tacky" and added, "You haven't handled it well," accusing them of being dishonest and that "...the fees we're asking to be waived are a petty amounts." Another speaker, Patti Walker, then accused the Council of not giving the FSCI what they wanted because the Council was retaliating against her being the President of the FSCI.

Council Member Douglas Tucker reminded those present that when FSCI had added Bingo to their activities the Council asked FSCI to come back in three months time to let them know if the event was profitable. But FSCI did not get back to them with that information.

Council Member McCall commented that $2,350 in fees have already been waived, adding, "We don't want to set a Bingo profitable?"

There were four possible alternatives suggested for the Council to consider regarding the waiving of fees. Newly sworn-in Council Member Carrie Broggie approved of alternative number four which read; Waive all fees for the FSCI between July 1 and December 5, 2014 and not waive fees for December 6, 2014 through June 20, 2015. City Manager David Rowlands suggested revising the date of the waiver be extended till December 20th to include the Christmas party FSCI had planned on December 19th. The Council then agreed with Broggie and approved the waiver, extending it to December 20, 2014.

The Council then approved the upgrading of City Information Technology Equipment (ITE) and upgrading its phone system. Finance Director Gaylynn Brien gave a presentation regarding the City's outdated information technology (IT) equipment replacement and phone systems. This was previously discussed at the November 18, 2014 City Council Meeting and a budget adjustment of $95,000 to cover the cost was approved.

The City currently has ITE that is between 10-14 years old and beyond its lifespan with a 18-year old phone system that does not have Power over Ethernet (POE) used with today's new phones, printers and pc's for Skype Teleconferencing, transcribing and email voice messages. The goal, when completed, is to have a dedicated fiber line, an improved backup and security system, a core networking system with internal cabling and new and improved software.

Brien told the Council, "We want to make sure our system is always working, reliable and secure when our customers pay their bills online." Council Member Rick Neal said he would like to see Patrick Maynard involved with the installation process and would like to see a public wifi spot added along with dual monitors. Other items mentioned were using another provider besides Time Warner, using HP instead of Cisco and looking into ergonomic products to help with body stress.

The next item on the agenda pertained to the new shopping center on Highway 126 and C St. named "The Stop at Fillmore." This project, previously called the Business Park, has been on the City's desk for years. Construction of the mini-mall broke ground this week and will contain a restaurant, various retail stores and businesses. At Tuesday's meeting Steve Rowlings, President of Rowlings Company representing the anchor store, Dollar General, asked the Council for a Conditional Use Permit for off-sale of beer and wine. Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) allows one Beer and Wine License for every 2,500 residents and comes with a great deal of restriction. The item was approved.

There was another agenda item related to the Business Park project that was up for approval. It was a contract with Rosenow Spevack Group Inc. to prepare an amendment to the Business Park Master Plan that was approved back in March 2008. There have been a number of changes since that time, along with fees paid to the City for projects that will not be going forward as planned. The contract is for Rosenow Spevack to assist in a revision to revise or select another methodology for fees needed to pay for public improvements as needed today that are associated with the project and to accelerate the development of the Business Park. The approved contract entered into with Rosenow Spevacek Group, Inc. is not to exceed $32,820 for work done to prepare the amendment with a time frame of 14 weeks to resolve any issues.

Another project underway is the 126 lot development in North Fillmore known as the Suncal Tract. City Engineer Michael Lapraik asked the Councils' approval of a Remedial Grading Agreement. The terrain in that area has a great deal of large boulders that are imbedded deep in the soil. Neal asked how extensive the operation was, to which Lapraik responded, "Like a mining operation for a year." He then explained that the boulders will be crushed and then used as ground fill. The agreement, which was approved, is for a maximum of 545 days and work cannot stop for more than 30 days. All residents within 500 feet of the site will be notified of the works and all requirements such as excessive noise and dust abatement will be addressed.

Another project that is underway on the north side of Highway 126 next to Super A Market is the grading and preparation for a Family Dollar Store to be built.


Santa Paula Police Department
Santa Paula Police Department

On 12/6/14, at approximately 3:00am, Santa Paula Police Department Officers were dispatched to the 700 block of W. Santa Paula St regarding a report of 5-6 subjects involved in a physical fight. The reporting party overheard one of the subjects mention a gun. Upon officers’ arrivals, three subjects were detained. One of the subjects was found to be in possession of a loaded magazine. This subject was identified as Ricardo Magana who is currently on parole and a gang member out of the city of Fillmore. A firearm matching the loaded magazine was located in a nearby vehicle Magana was associated with. A parole hold was placed on Magana and he was subsequently arrested for PC 29800(a)(1); Felon in Possession of a Firearm and PC30305(a)(1); Felon in Possession of Ammunition. The other detained subjects were released. Prepared by Sergeant Ken Clark

A two-car accident took place on Friday, December 5th near Piru. The 7:00am crash littered the highway with debris. One person was transported to an area hospital. Photos courtesy Sebastian Ramirez.
A two-car accident took place on Friday, December 5th near Piru. The 7:00am crash littered the highway with debris. One person was transported to an area hospital. Photos courtesy Sebastian Ramirez.
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A two-car accident took place in the 600 block of Orange Grove Avenue on Tuesday morning, December 9th, at 9:30am. One car was exiting an alley when the crash occured.
A two-car accident took place in the 600 block of Orange Grove Avenue on Tuesday morning, December 9th, at 9:30am. One car was exiting an alley when the crash occured.
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One person was transported to an area hospital.
One person was transported to an area hospital.
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Board Member Lucy Rangel presents a Proclamation in Celebration of Distinguished Service as a Trustee of the Fillmore Unified School District to past members Tony Prado (above) and Dave Wilde (below) for their years of
service to the District. Photos courtesy Todd Schieferle.
Board Member Lucy Rangel presents a Proclamation in Celebration of Distinguished Service as a Trustee of the Fillmore Unified School District to past members Tony Prado (above) and Dave Wilde (below) for their years of service to the District. Photos courtesy Todd Schieferle.
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The Fillmore Unified School Board presented two Proclamations in Celebration of Distinguished Service as a Trustee of the Fillmore Unified School District to out-going Board Members Tony Prado and Dave Wilde.

Board Member Lucy Rangel spoke of Wilde’s four years of service, 2010-2014 and his “...wealth of knowledge” and knowing where to go and who to ask. Wilde has spent 44 years in the education field. Rangel also thanked Wilde’s wife Liz for all her support.

It was then Prado’s turn. Rangel began with, “Tony was instrumental in her running for the Board” and thanked him for the four terms he served, a total of 16 years. Prado responded, “I have always thought of myself as an activist, I’m always going to be one.” He gave a heartfelt goodbye as he commented on his concern for the students, especially those that are struggling and on the changes to FUSD such as two new schools during his time on the board.

Board Member Virginia de la Piedra added, “Being on the Board you’re going to clash with each’s an exchange of ideas.....I thank you both, it’s been a lot of years you’ve put into this. Tony your heart was really in the interest of the students. I’ve really enjoyed you being here, especially this last year.”

Board Member John Garnica responded, “I appreciate both your contributions, thank you very much. We may have disagreed, but your heart was in the right place.”The Fillmore Unified School District (FUSD) Superintendent Adrian E. Palazuelos introduced the new courses for the 2015-16 academic year. They include; Introduction to Health Careers, Body Systems and Diseases, Agriculture Business and Economics, Beginning Studio Productions, Advanced Studio Productions, Math 2, Enhanced Math 2 and Math1B. During the 2015-16 academic year there will be an additional courses called “Pathway Courses” added to those above; Agricultural Science will be added to Agricultural Business and Economics, Patient Care and Public Service to Introduction to Health Care, Studio Production and Productions and Managerial Arts to Advanced Studio Productions, Systems Diagnosis Service and Repair, Systems Technology/Game and Simulators.

Palazuelos explained these CONTINUED »


Zahar Roque, a student at Fillmore Middle School has taken the first step to becoming an internationally recognized artist by winning the local competition sponsored by the Fillmore Lions Club.

Zahar’s poster was among more than 230 entries in Fillmore. There are over 375,000 entries submitted world wide in the 27th annual Lions International Peace Poster Contest. Lions Clubs International is sponsoring the contest to emphasize the importance of world peace to young people everywhere.

Her poster was selected for its originality, artistic merit and portrayal of the contest theme, “Peace Love and Understanding”. The judging was held on November 13 at the Fillmore Middle School.

Ariana Bensen’s and Esmeralda Orozco’s posters were selected as second place winners. Miss Roque received a heck of $50 as the winner and Miss Orozco and Miss Bensen received $25 each.

The Fillmore Lions Club presented the awards Monday evening, December 1. They were all impressed by the expression and creativity that was presented Miss Roque’s poster which will advance to face stiff competition through the district, multiple district and international rounds of competition if she is to be declared the international grand prize winner.

One grand prize winner and 23 merit award winners will be selected. The grand prize includes a cash award of US$5,000, plus a trip for the winner and two family members to the awards ceremony at Lions Day with the United Nations. The 23 merit award winners will each receive a certificate and a cash award of US$500.

The judges were very impressed by the overall work that this years participants created. The judges have done this several times and this years posters were the best they have had to judge.

All participants are students in Mrs. Doris Nichols' art class at Fillmore Middle School. Mrs. Nichols is commended for her assistance in this annual event.

Congratulations to the SoCal Fillmore Bears PeeWee Division, who won the Jim Thornton Sr. Memorial Invitational, held on November 15, 2014 at Newbury Park High School, against Valley West 21-6. This was the debut for the SoCal Fillmore Bears in the Jim Thornton Sr. Memorial Invitational Tournament.The SoCal Fillmore Bears became members of the PYFL in March 2014.The SoCal Fillmore Bears PeeWee’s would like to thank the Coaches, cheerleaders and parents for there continuous support. The SoCal Fillmore Bears would also like to thank the community of Fillmore for their support throughout the season. They look forward to another successful season!
Congratulations to the SoCal Fillmore Bears PeeWee Division, who won the Jim Thornton Sr. Memorial Invitational, held on November 15, 2014 at Newbury Park High School, against Valley West 21-6. This was the debut for the SoCal Fillmore Bears in the Jim Thornton Sr. Memorial Invitational Tournament.The SoCal Fillmore Bears became members of the PYFL in March 2014.The SoCal Fillmore Bears PeeWee’s would like to thank the Coaches, cheerleaders and parents for there continuous support. The SoCal Fillmore Bears would also like to thank the community of Fillmore for their support throughout the season. They look forward to another successful season!
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11/03/14 - 11/10/14
City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

Accident – Non Injury
100 Blk. B St.
Narcotics Violation
200 Blk. Central Ave.
Accident – Injury
900 Blk. Ventura St.
1000 Blk. Village Sq.
Drunk in Public
500 Blk. Santa Clara St.
Search Warrant
1300 Blk. Waterford Ln.
500 Blk. A St.
Keep the Peace
300 Blk. Saratoga St.
Shoplifter in Custody
700 Blk. Ventura St.
300 Blk. Blaine Ave.
Search Warrant
1100 Blk. Ventura St.
400 Blk. Central Ave. CONTINUED »


The American Red Cross encourages eligible blood donors to give one last gift this holiday season and discover the true meaning of giving by donating blood.

Busy holiday schedules and seasonal illnesses, like the flu, can often mean fewer donors giving blood. But for patients with cancer or other illnesses or injuries requiring blood transfusions, the need for blood is constant and doesn’t get a holiday break. The gift of a blood donation only takes about an hour and can give patients a chance to celebrate more holidays to come.

To encourage donations and show appreciation, all those who attempt to donate blood Dec. 24 through Jan. 4, 2015, will receive a long-sleeve Red Cross T-shirt, while supplies last.

Eligible donors with all blood types are needed, especially those with type O negative, A negative or B negative. To learn more about donating blood and to schedule an appointment, download the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

Upcoming blood donation opportunities

Simi Valley
12/20/2014: 9 a.m. - 3:15 p.m., Rancho Santa Suzanna Community Center, 5005-C Los Angeles Ave
12/26/2014: 9 a.m. - 3:15 p.m., DMV Simi Valley, 3855 Alamo Street
12/26/2014: 1 p.m. - 7:15 p.m., Rancho Santa Suzanna Community Center, 5005-C Los Angeles Ave
12/30/2014: 8 a.m. - 8:15 p.m., Simi Valley Hospital Adventist Health, 2975 N Sycamore Drive

Thousand Oaks
12/17/2014: 1 p.m. - 7:15 p.m., Thousand Oaks Inn, 75 W Thousand Oaks Blvd
12/23/2014: 1 p.m. - 7:15 p.m., Thousand Oaks Inn, 75 W Thousand Oaks Blvd
12/24/2014: 8 a.m. - 2:15 p.m., Thousand Oaks Inn, 75 W Thousand Oaks Blvd
12/29/2014: 1 p.m. - 7:15 p.m., Thousand Oaks Inn, 75 W Thousand Oaks Blvd
12/30/2014: 1 p.m. - 7:15 p.m., Thousand Oaks Inn, 75 W Thousand Oaks Blvd
12/31/2014: 8 a.m. - 2:15 p.m., Thousand Oaks Inn, 75 W Thousand Oaks Blvd

12/16/2014: 1 p.m. - 7:15 p.m., Ventura City Hall, 501 Poli Street
12/23/2014: 2 p.m. - 8:15 p.m., Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 3501 Loma Vista Rd

How to donate blood
Simply download the American Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) to make an appointment or for more information. All blood types are needed to ensure a reliable supply for patients. A blood donor card or driver’s license or two other forms of identification are required at check-in. Individuals who are 17 years of age (16 with parental consent in some states), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and other donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet certain height and weight requirements.

About the American Red Cross
The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides emotional support to victims of disasters; supplies about 40 percent of the nation’s blood; teaches skills that save lives; provides international humanitarian aid; and supports military members and their families. The Red Cross is a not-for-profit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to perform its mission. For more information, please visit or visit us on Twitter at @RedCross.