By Anonymous — Wednesday, May 28th, 2014
Athletes from 13 high schools participated in the Fourth Annual Navy SEAL Invitational at the Naval Special Warfare Center May 10th, 2014. The 13 high schools each brought teams of 7 athletes (plus one alternate) to compete in a race comprised of Navy SEAL physical training techniques. The tournament included physical and mental challenges that pushed the athletes to succeed beyond their expectations. The event consisted of both water and land challenges that required individual persistence, determination, athleticism, strength, endurance and enthusiasm. The day of the Invitational began with a parachute demonstration by the U.S. Navy Parachute Team “The Leap Frogs”. Their jump began in the clouds, and it was nothing short of spectacular! Next the student athletes were assembled at the Official BUD/S Obstacle Course where they completed almost all of the official course. They then went on to complete a three-mile run with a 35-pound sand bag (in the soft sand!), and then had two team members swim 400 yards in the Pacific Ocean, next was a relay with the 35 pound sand bag, a rope climb completed by one member, and finally each team had to work together to complete 70 pull-ups, 300 sit-ups, and 300 push-ups. The athletes at the invitational represented several different sports and athletic backgrounds such football, track, wrestling, and swimming, but one thing they all had in common was their dedication to teamwork. One of the goals for the students is to learn they can never give up, and to rely on their teammates. That is something that The Navy SEALs instill in them. Student athletes from the following high schools competed this year … from Cathedral Catholic HS, San Diego; Central Catholic HS, Modesto; Coronado HS, Coronado; Del Norte HS, San Poway; Eastlake HS, Chula Vista; Fillmore HS, Fillmore; Hoover HS, San Diego; Irvine HS, Irvine; Lincoln HS, San Diego; Mount Miguel HS, Spring Valley; St. Augustine HS, San Diego; and Thomas Downey HS, Modesto. Friends and family joined the event as spectators. Students who attended from Fillmore High School were Angel Velez, Donovan Mitchell, Jessie Vasquez, Josh Ruiz, Matt Hammond, Michael Castro, Nick Bartels, Tereck Morales. Dr. Nishino, Michael Johnson, Mrs. Morielli and Bob and Lisa Hammond were also able to attend this amazing event. The Navy SEAL Invitational is a great way to promote physical fitness in a competitive environment. It’s also an exciting event that offers a rare peek inside Naval Special Warfare training while providing these athletes with an awareness of opportunities available in the Naval Special Warfare community. Navy SEALs are elite maritime special operators who take their name from the environments in which they are trained to operate: sea, air and land. They work quietly to carry out the nation's most important missions without being detected by enemies. There are fewer than 2,500 active duty SEALs. For more news from Naval Special Warfare, visit |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, May 28th, 2014
05/06/14 to 05/12/14
05/06/14 |
By Mark Ortega — Wednesday, May 28th, 2014
Saturday, June 14th
A little bit of Fillmore High Alumni Dinner History. In the early 1900's the annual dinner meetings were held on the High School campus, with individual class meetings being held in separate class rooms following the dinner. The dinners , which usually consisted of pit barbecue, were prepared by various groups, including Albert (Dutch) Bartels '26, and his crew, and Ed Burson and his group. They were held with attendees sitting at tables on the benches made from Citrus picking boxes and 1x12's. The dinners were held on the old tennis courts, which were where the cafeteria is now located. After 1951 they were held between the current Gym, and the Cafeteria, on the High school quad, and eventually at the Memorial Building where the meals were prepared by the Fillmore Club, headed by K.B. Rogers '46 and Ron Godfrey '62. Eventually as it grew in numbers being served, it was moved to the City Park and now it's back at the Memorial Building lawn area. For those of you who attended last year's party of the year, you remember how beautifully decorated the memorial building was with pictures blown up and memorabilia dating back 100 years. Well, the current board members are at it again bringing out more beautiful pictures, and are planning to knock your socks off with a wonderful 1940's Alumni dinner exhibit. This is just a hint of what you'll be able to see at this year's event. Come celebrate our Alma Mater. We hope you join us for a wonderful meal, lots of laughter, and a night to remember in Fillmore on June 14th. Here's the info: The Alumni Dinner event is $35.00 per person if you're a subscriber to the Alumni Newsletter. If you are not, the event cost is $40.00 per person before June 7th. After June 7th, and at the door, the cost is $45.00 per person. Here's how you get your dinner reservations. You can go to Patterson's Hardware Store, (They are open 7 days a week) fill out the form, and leave your payment there. This will guarantee your entry to the event, or you can go online at and print out a dinner reservation form there, and either mail it in or drop it off at the Alumni Office. The Alumni Office is located at 540 Sespe Ave #6 and will be open daily from 10:00am to 5:00pm Monday thru Friday. If the door is locked, just slide your payment under the door. It's checked daily. Last year's Alumni dinner was sold out, so please don't be left out at this year's celebration. Any questions, please call 805-524-0416. See you all on June 14th! |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, May 21st, 2014
Part 1
By Anonymous — Wednesday, May 21st, 2014
Part 2
By Anonymous — Wednesday, May 21st, 2014
Part 3
By Jean McLeod — Wednesday, May 21st, 2014
The Future Farmers of America along with the students who attended the Navy Seal Challenge were presented at the May 20, 2014 Fillmore Unified School District (FUSD) Board Meeting. Other items were software analysis, computer/operations upgrades and a special program at Sierra High School. Anna Morilli, Fillmore High School Dean of Students, introduced the Future Farmers of America Timmy Klittich, Jessica Manginelli, Hannah Wisart, Jaylene Ortiz, Macie Wokal and Chris Berrington. Each student carried with them various plaques given by political leaders in recognition of their achievement and importance to both the community and the country. Superintendent Dr. Alan Nishino addressed the students stating, "We want to promote the future leaders of this country." Next presented were Fillmore High School (FHS) students, Nick Bartels, Joshua Ruiz, Angel Velez, Matthew Hammond, Jessie Vasquez, Michael Castro, Donovan Mittchel and Terell Morales (not present), who participated in the US Navy Seals Challenge at US Navel Base in Coronado, California. This is an invitation only event and FHS was one of a few to receive the privilege. A short presentation showing much of what the participants endured, such as running three miles carrying sandbags, 70 pull-ups, and 300 sit-ups and push-ups. The students did an outstanding job and were told FHS students will be invited back. Sierra High School teacher Laura Todis gave a report on the progress of the School Yard Habitat & Restoration Program. Students grades kindergarten, 3rd, 4th, 7th and high school are learning about the native plants, fish, birds and other living habitat that depend on the Santa Clara River. They visit the eight stations along the river and observe first hand how trash contaminates and endangers the natural habitat. Some attended the program last year and today can see how the drought has impacted water flow, which encouraged the students to conserve water. Todis informed the Board that the program is building skills important to the Common Core Standards. During the Educational CONTINUED » |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, May 21st, 2014
Memorial Day services will be held at the Bardsdale Cemetery on Monday, May 26th at 11AM. Featured speaker this year is Commander Michael J. Hammond, Retired, United States Navy. Commander Hammond has ties to Fillmore including his Uncle the Rev. Bob Hammond who will be giving the Inspirational Message. Michael is also the grandson of the late Reg Hammond and great grandson of George & Gertrude MacPherson all of Bardsdale. Commander Hammond graduated from the US Naval Academy in 1988 following in his father’s footsteps who graduated from the Naval Academy in 1966. He attended flight school in Pensacola, Florida and became a full-fledged “unrestricted” naval aviator in February 1990. Unrestricted refers to helicopter pilots since they are the only ones authorized to fly both fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft. He served several squadrons in San Diego and Hawaii, deploying aboard cruisers, frigates & destroyers, assigned all over the Western Pacific and Persian Gulf including a deployment as part of Operation Desert Storm. In total he amassed over 2000 flight hours over a lengthy career, During his last squadron tour he was sent to the Seahawk Weapons and Tactics Instructor Training Course in Fallon, Nevada, graduating with the first class of instructors for his type of helicopter. Six years later he was chosen to stand up his community’s first ever Weapons School and serve as Commanding Officer. In 2006, after relinquishing command he moved his family to Fairfax, Virginia where he served out the remainder of his naval career at the Pentagon. He and his family still reside in Fairfax, Va. and after 23 years of active duty service Michael retired in 2011. He continues to serve in the Department of Defense as a defense contractor for Booz Allen Hamilton. Michael is married to his wife Pam and has four children. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, May 21st, 2014
04/29/14 - 05/05/14
04/29/14 |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, May 21st, 2014
![]() A motorcyclist apparently lost control of his bike and hit a wall Saturday night, 7:28pm, in the 1100 block of Highway 126. The driver was taken by ambulance to a local hospital. Enlarge Photo |