01/21/14 to 01/27/14
City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

700 Blk. Del Valle Dr.
Search Warrant
200 Blk. Olive St.
Blue Jay St./D St.
Shiells Park
500 Blk. Fillmore St.
600 Blk. Ventura St.
Narcotics Violation
300 Santa Clara St.
Keep the Peace
100 Blk. Surrey Way
300 Blk. Saratoga St.
300 Blk. McNab Ct.
Search Warrant
900 Blk. 4th St. CONTINUED »



Elkins Ranch Golf Course is family-owned and operated by descendants of C.C. Elkins, who arrived in Fillmore in 1877. They have enjoyed 52 years of providing a great place to play golf as well as their famous cheeseburgers for those who come out for lunch. General Manager Cheryl Dimitt, member of the Fillmore Chamber of Commerce, Head Pro Luis Beltran, member of Heritage Valley BNI, Course Superintendent Jeff Naas and Office Manager Mary Collins support various projects in the Fillmore Community. In 2013, Elkins Ranch was a proud sponsor of the 1st Annual Fillmore Community Children’s Festival and provided basic SNAG golf lessons at the event as well as a 6 week SNAG course for the Santa Clara Valley Boys & Girls Club in Fillmore & Santa Paula. They support FHS sports and community organizations by donating to local raffles. Elkins Ranch Golf Course truly appreciates being named2013 Business of the Year. They know that the hard work of their employees have made it possible for them to receive this award.


Doris Nichols & Daniel
Doris Nichols & Daniel
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Daniel Mendoza, a student at Fillmore Middle School, has taken the first step to becoming an internationally recognized artist by winning the local competition sponsored by the Fillmore Lions Club.

Daniel’s poster was among more than 170 entries in Fillmore. There are over 375,000 entries submitted world wide in the 26th annual Lions International Peace Poster Contest. Lions Clubs International is sponsoring the contest to emphasize the importance of world peace to young people everywhere.

Daniel’s poster was selected for its originality, artistic merit, and portrayal of the contest theme, “Our World, Our Future”. The judging was held November 6 at the Fillmore Middle School.

The judges were again impressed by the expression and creativity of the students’ art. It is obvious that these young people have strong ideas about what peace means to them. Fillmore Lions Club is proud that we were able to provide them with the opportunity to share their visions with other students and our city.

Mr. Daniel Mendoza’s poster has advanced to face stiff competition through the district, multiple districts and international rounds of competition.

One grand prize winner and 23 merit award winners will be selected. The grand prize includes a cash award of US $5,000, plus a trip for the winner and two family members to the awards ceremony at Lions Day with the United Nations. The 23 merit award winners will each receive a certificate and a cash award of US $500.

Runner-up students were Cody Balderas and Ana Manzo. All participants are students in Mrs. Doris Nichols' art class at Fillmore Middle School. Mrs. Nichols is commended for her assistance in this annual event.


The new rules out of Sacramento for school funding were discussed at Tuesday’s Fillmore Unified School Board Meeting. The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) replaces the previous K-12 finance system and uses a base grant to start, and added supplemental and concentration grants to those schools that qualify. The base grant varies depending on grade span but the average is $7,643 and provides and adjustment of 10.4% (of the base) additional funds for grades K-3rd (if the class enrollment is 24 pupils or less). There is also a 2.6% added funds for grades 9-12th and 20% additional funds for targeted disadvantaged students which includes English learners (EL), students eligible to receive a free or reduced-price meal and foster youth. A concentration grant equal to 50% of the adjusted base grant is given to schools/districts where the targeted students exceed 55% enrollment.

According to the California Department of Education website; "Until full implementation local education agencies will receive roughly the same amount of funding they received in 2012-2013 plus an additional amount each year to bridge the gap between current funding levels and the new LCFF target levels. The budget projects the time frame for full implementation of the LCFF to be eight years."

K-3rd grants are projected to range from $6,845 to $10,769; 4-6th $6,947 to $9,899; 7-8th $7,154 to $10,194; and 9-12th $8,289 to $12,119. California spent $57,923,591,137 on education during the 2011-2012 school year and in 2013, $50,584,391,000 went to k-12 and higher education, which is over 53% of the state's general fund.
All schools receiving state funding are required to develop and adopt a three-year Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) beginning on July 1, 2014. The process starts next month and administrators must determine where the students’ needs are greatest using guidelines adopted by the California State Board of Education. The plan must be drafted by March 31, 2014. From May thru June 30th public input will be solicited and a proposed plan presented to a parents advisory committee for review and comment. Because English learners make up more than 15% of FUSD enrollment there will also be a District English Learner Advisory Committee which must include parents. The process requires administrators consult with school employees, parents and students for advice, and also have an open discussion at a public meeting, solicit written comments from the public, respond to comments from the parent advisory committee and adopt the plan during a public hearing.

LCAP requires established CONTINUED »

Fillmore’s City Manager David Rowlands displayed the 100 Year Centennial Celebration Banner at last week’s City Council meeting.
Fillmore’s City Manager David Rowlands displayed the 100 Year Centennial Celebration Banner at last week’s City Council meeting.
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January 14-20, 2014
City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

Shots Fired
500 Blk. Mountain View St.
Keep the Peace
200 Blk. Olive St.
500 Blk. Via Rodeo
Narcotics violation
600 Blk. Shiells Drive
Search Warrant
200 Blk Palm St.
Keep the Peace
1000 Blk. Tudor Lane
Violation Restraining Order
300 Blk. 4th St.
Theft Residential
100 Blk. 3rd St.
01/16/14 CONTINUED »

A memorial marks the sight of Saturday night’s shooting.
A memorial marks the sight of Saturday night’s shooting.
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Party-goers questioned about evening’s events - Suspect being sought

On Saturday, January 11 at 1:59pm, Sheriff’s deputies responded to a report of a gunshot victim laying on the road in the 1600 block of Grand Ave. Upon arrival, the deputies discovered two victims were shot near a party at a residence on Grand Ave. A male adult, Adrian Moreno, 18 of Fillmore, sustained fatal injuries.

A second gunshot victim was taken to a local hospital with non-life threatening injuries. The investigation is continuing. A party of approximately 50 was taking place at the time.

Morena sustained a gunshot wound to the chest. There are no suspects in custody.

Investigators are seeking the public’s help. Anyone with information is urged to call Sheriff’s Major Crimes at (805) 384-4730. Information by Captain Don Aguilar Ventura County Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 reward for information, which leads to the arrest and criminal complaint against the person(s) responsible for this crime. The caller may remain anonymous. The call is not recorded. Call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).

(l-r) Fillmore Fire Chief Rigo Landeros presented the Centennial Fire Badge to City Councilmember Steve Conaway, Mayor Manuel Minjares, Mayor Pro-tem Douglas Tucker, Councilmembers Diane McCall and Rick Neal.
(l-r) Fillmore Fire Chief Rigo Landeros presented the Centennial Fire Badge to City Councilmember Steve Conaway, Mayor Manuel Minjares, Mayor Pro-tem Douglas Tucker, Councilmembers Diane McCall and Rick Neal.
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There were a number of agenda items on the first Fillmore City Council meeting of 2014. It began with a presentation by Fire Chief Rigo Landeros regarding the Centennial Celebration. Other items included Facility Use Policy, an ordinance for landlords to evict criminals from rental properties, and an introduction of some new additions to City Staff and Police.

Fire Chief Rigo Landeros representing the Fire Foundation, presenting all Council Members, the City Manager and the Fillmore Firemen, with an embossed Fire Badge honoring Fillmore's Centennial Celebration. The badges will be worn by Fillmore's Fire Department throughout the year and then retired in a Lucite sleeve to be displayed at their homes or offices.

Patrick Maynard, was also recognized for, among many other things, helping establish the Fire Foundation and obtaining grants adding up to $225,000 that went towards equipment such as breathing apparatus and radios. Maynard, who was not in attendance, also designed the Fillmore Centennial Logo. He will also be given a bottle of wine with the City Logo.

Landeros also thanked all the organizations and individuals for the success of the Toy Giveaway in December, with thanks to the Sheriffs Department and a special thank-you to Maynard who did much of the organizing. This year’s giveaway saw the largest crowd of families since the program began 16 years ago. There were 362 toys given to boys, 373 to girls and 373 to adults in the community.

Fillmore seems to CONTINUED »

A Ventura County Sheriff marks off the location of a hit & run, which occurred on Wednesday, January 3, at approximately 4p.m. Fillmore Fire Chief Rigo Landeros’ city truck was parked at the curb on Santa Clara Avenue, just south of City Hall. A citizen witnessed the collision, telling Landeros it was a red truck, heading west-bound. Red paint was found on the city vehicle at the site of impact. Ventura County Sheriff Deputies located the red truck just east of Palm Street. No further details were available.
A Ventura County Sheriff marks off the location of a hit & run, which occurred on Wednesday, January 3, at approximately 4p.m. Fillmore Fire Chief Rigo Landeros’ city truck was parked at the curb on Santa Clara Avenue, just south of City Hall. A citizen witnessed the collision, telling Landeros it was a red truck, heading west-bound. Red paint was found on the city vehicle at the site of impact. Ventura County Sheriff Deputies located the red truck just east of Palm Street. No further details were available.
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