Congratulations to all the 2016 Annual Community Awards recipients
(center) Lifetime Achievement Citizen of the Year Captain Dave Wareham. The Fillmore Chamber of Commerce hosted the Community Award Dinner and Installation of Chamber Board Members on Friday, January 27th. The Master of Ceremonies was Ernie Villegas, Dinner was provided by El Pescador, dessert was provided by La Michoacana and music by Danny Cancino DJ aka DC. In attendance to present the honorees with certificates were: District 37th Assembly Member Monique Limon, Ventura County Supervisor 3rd District: Kelly Long, Fillmore City Mayor Carrie Broggie and Ventura County Sheriff Geoff Dean. Installing the Fillmore Chamber of Commerce Board Directors was Supervisor Kelly Long.
(center) Lifetime Achievement Citizen of the Year Captain Dave Wareham. The Fillmore Chamber of Commerce hosted the Community Award Dinner and Installation of Chamber Board Members on Friday, January 27th. The Master of Ceremonies was Ernie Villegas, Dinner was provided by El Pescador, dessert was provided by La Michoacana and music by Danny Cancino DJ aka DC. In attendance to present the honorees with certificates were: District 37th Assembly Member Monique Limon, Ventura County Supervisor 3rd District: Kelly Long, Fillmore City Mayor Carrie Broggie and Ventura County Sheriff Geoff Dean. Installing the Fillmore Chamber of Commerce Board Directors was Supervisor Kelly Long.
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(center) Citizen of the Year Laura Bartels.
(center) Citizen of the Year Laura Bartels.
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(center) Explorer of the Year Efrain Perez.
(center) Explorer of the Year Efrain Perez.
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Youth Sports Group of the Year Fillmore So Cal Bears.
Youth Sports Group of the Year Fillmore So Cal Bears.
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(center) Firefighter of the Year Michael Salazar.
(center) Firefighter of the Year Michael Salazar.
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(center) Paramedic of the Year Robert Scott.
(center) Paramedic of the Year Robert Scott.
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Non-Profit of the Year Fillmore Explorer Post #2958.
Non-Profit of the Year Fillmore Explorer Post #2958.
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(left center) School District Classified Employee of the year Lisa Cook.
(left center) School District Classified Employee of the year Lisa Cook.
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(left center) School District Certified Employee of the year Jenny Bortins.
(left center) School District Certified Employee of the year Jenny Bortins.
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(left) New Outstanding Business of the Year Ameci Pizza's Erik Landis.
(left) New Outstanding Business of the Year Ameci Pizza's Erik Landis.
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(left) Outstanding Community Service of the Year Dr. Hakansson.
(left) Outstanding Community Service of the Year Dr. Hakansson.
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(right) Officer of the year Deputy Erik Hernandez.
(right) Officer of the year Deputy Erik Hernandez.
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(left center) Student of the Year Luke Myers.
(left center) Student of the Year Luke Myers.
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(left) Lifetime Achievement business of the year Skillin-Carroll Mortuary.
(left) Lifetime Achievement business of the year Skillin-Carroll Mortuary.
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(center) School District Administrator of the year John Wilber.
(center) School District Administrator of the year John Wilber.
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City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

A Public Hearing will be held before the City Council of the City of Fillmore on Tuesday, February 14, 2017, at 6:30 P.M. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 250 Central Avenue, Fillmore, California, to consider the establishment of personal cultivation fee. This fee is intended to be used to pay for the processing of the Personal Cultivation Permit with the Planning Department, Building Department and Fire Department and reflect the actual cost or providing such services that include application review, construction plan review and inspections.

Interested persons are invited to attend and be heard at the Public Hearing. Testimony may be presented in person or submitted in written form prior to the hearing and made a part of the hearing record.

If you require special assistance in order to attend the meeting, including needs addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act, please notify the City at least 3 days prior to the meeting by calling (805) 524-3701.

Copies of the proposed fee schedule and further information on this subject may be obtained from the Office of the City Clerk, 250 Central Avenue, Fillmore, CA 93015.


Matthew Hammond, Fillmore High School 2016 graduate, just completed his first semester at The Citadel, a Senior Military College in Charleston, SC. Not only did he move across the country, but is excelling in his coursework making the Dean’s List this first semester. “Congratulations, Matthew!” from the whole family.
Matthew Hammond, Fillmore High School 2016 graduate, just completed his first semester at The Citadel, a Senior Military College in Charleston, SC. Not only did he move across the country, but is excelling in his coursework making the Dean’s List this first semester. “Congratulations, Matthew!” from the whole family.
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Photo of the Week: Sespe Creek after the triple rain storms a week ago. Though could have been shot various ways, my 'artistic' intent was to shoot at sundown for some warm color on the hilltop. Notice the bushes in the creek are all sharp while the water is blurry? I set the camera mode dial to shutter priority. Image particulars: lens at 24mm, aperture at f/10, shutter speed 1/15 sec., ISO 500. (Mighty Trinity of Exposure) Camera handheld, not tripod mounted. To include some foreground, perspective, I shot the photo from the water's edge. Questions/comments welcome.
Photo of the Week: Sespe Creek after the triple rain storms a week ago. Though could have been shot various ways, my 'artistic' intent was to shoot at sundown for some warm color on the hilltop. Notice the bushes in the creek are all sharp while the water is blurry? I set the camera mode dial to shutter priority. Image particulars: lens at 24mm, aperture at f/10, shutter speed 1/15 sec., ISO 500. (Mighty Trinity of Exposure) Camera handheld, not tripod mounted. To include some foreground, perspective, I shot the photo from the water's edge. Questions/comments welcome.
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Photography Tips & Techniques
Bob Crum
Bob Crum

By way of last week's autobiography, most of you know that I have been a photojournalist and writer for a few decades. Also note that photography is not just something I greatly enjoy doing, it's a passion. Photography is seriously awesome! While photojournalism has been a vocation of sorts, wildflowers, landscapes, waterscapes and wildlife are all irresistible to photograph. My favorite, if you must know, is Mermaid boudoir photography.
Here let me wax philosophical for a moment. For artistic expression, some talented folks sketch, or paint – oils, water colors or acrylics. Lacking such talent, my artistic expression has been and is through photography. Photography is my expressive medium, my opportunity to capture and share my unique vision of the world with the world.

A camera captures a moment of time and light. The result, the digital file, the camera creates is my canvas upon which I take artistic license. Computer software serves as my instrument with which to create an image as I envision. The finished photograph... either a print or a digital file for the Internet is my artistic rendering.
Naturally, there is a process in producing an eye-grabbing photo. In the coming weeks, many technical aspects of photography like aperture priority, shutter priority, manual mode vs auto mode, depth of field, bokeh, exposure compensation, RAW vs jpeg and much, much more will be discussed.

The question I am asked the most is: How do I take better photographs? Well, I don't know! Just kidding! There are many intangibles to capturing an eye-grabbing photo. But the most important component is composition, a key aspect of a compelling photograph. Composition cannot be overemphasized and from what I observe it is the biggest mistake many photographers make. I'll discuss composition a lot.

I often take day trips here and there just for the purpose of shooting landscapes or wildlife. So, where I go and what I shoot will also be featured and discussed. All in all, I hope that you will be entertained as well as educated.

Til next week, it might serve you well to memorize the following:
Pixel Psalm ISO 200.f11
Unto photographers the Digital Pixel said:
“There shall be three Wise Elements
in the Mighty Trinity of Exposure:
Aperture, Shutter Speed and the
Holy ISO. Embrace the understanding!
Happy shooting!!!

The name the column contest remains open one more week. Prize is upped to two scoops of Baskin Robbins ice cream! BTW, yes, the name does need to apply to photography.

2016 Citizen of the Year Laura Bartels. (l-r) Laura Bartels, Irma Magana and Ari Larson.
2016 Citizen of the Year Laura Bartels. (l-r) Laura Bartels, Irma Magana and Ari Larson.
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2016 Paramedic of the Year Robert Scott. (l-r) Martin Guerrero, Robert Scott, Irma Magana, Al Huerta & Ari Larson.
2016 Paramedic of the Year Robert Scott. (l-r) Martin Guerrero, Robert Scott, Irma Magana, Al Huerta & Ari Larson.
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2016 Firefighter of the Year Michael Salazar. (l-r) Martin Guerrero, Michael Salazar, Irma Magana, Al Huerta & Ari Larson.
2016 Firefighter of the Year Michael Salazar. (l-r) Martin Guerrero, Michael Salazar, Irma Magana, Al Huerta & Ari Larson.
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Congratulations to the 2016 Firefighter of the Year: Michael Salazar and 2016 Paramedic of the Year: Robert Scott. They will be honored at the Fillmore Community Award Dinner on Friday, January 27th. Also being honored that evening will be: Deputy Erik Hernandez (2016 Office of the Year), Fillmore Explorers Post #2958 (2016 Non-Profit of the Year), Fillmore So Cal Bears (2016 Youth Sports Group of the Year), Ameci’s Pizza-Erik Landis (2016 New Outstanding Business of the Year), Edward Jones-Kyle Wilson (2016 Outstanding Business of the Year), Skillin-Carroll Mortuary (2016 Lifetime Achievement Business of the Year), Laura Bartels (2016 Citizen of the Year), Police Captain David Wareham (2016 Lifetime Achievement Citizen of the Year), Dr. Hakansson (2016 Outstanding Community Service of the Year), Efrain Perez (2016 Explorer of the Year), John Wilber (2016 School District Administrator of the Year), Luke Myers (2016 Student of the Year), Lisa Cook (2016 Classified Employee of the Year) and Jenny Bortins (2016 Certificated Employee of the Year). Social Hour: 5:30pm-6:30pm, Dinner/Ceremony 6:30pm. Location: Veteran’s Memorial Building (511 Second St.) Attire: 50’s theme (highly encouraged), Tickets $35
per adult, $20 under 17-years-old. Tickets will be on sale at the following locations: Diamond Realty (460 Santa Clara St.), Bank of the Sierra (527 Sespe Ave.) and Fillmore Police/Sheriff ’s Station (524 Sespe Ave.) Questions
please call the chamber office at 805.524.0351

Dave Wareham
Dave Wareham

Fillmore’s Police Chief, Dave Wareham, told City Council crime was significantly down from last year. Fillmore continues to be among nation’s safest cities. Recreational marijuana is still a concern. Chief Wareham explained some complexities involved with the recent approval of recreational marijuana. Many questions remain about how to implement regulations on the growth and use of marijuana within city limits. These concern safeguarding the plant from children, protection from theft, and dealing with odors. Wareham explained that many new issues will arise as the case law develops.

The county’s new $9-million fire station at River Street and C Street is developing on time. Pictured here, the architect, project manager, and owner-contractor, checking things out. The rain has caused some time loss, but no one would dare complain about that. Construction should be completed by the end of the year. All steel workers are local.
The county’s new $9-million fire station at River Street and C Street is developing on time. Pictured here, the architect, project manager, and owner-contractor, checking things out. The rain has caused some time loss, but no one would dare complain about that. Construction should be completed by the end of the year. All steel workers are local.
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Wednesday January 25th, workers were seen striping the new Highway 126 and Mountain View. The new traffic light is still needs to be synchronized with the other traffic lights along Highway 126.
Wednesday January 25th, workers were seen striping the new Highway 126 and Mountain View. The new traffic light is still needs to be synchronized with the other traffic lights along Highway 126.
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Video by Bob Crum