Laura Todis, Ventura County Office of Education’s Teacher of the Year. Photo by Bob Sube.
Laura Todis, Ventura County Office of Education’s Teacher of the Year. Photo by Bob Sube.
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On May 24, 2013 Sierra High School Teacher Laura Todis was the recipient of Ventura County Office of Education’s Teacher of the Year Award. She was surprised by the visit from VCOE Superintendent Stan Mantooth and Coordinator John Tarkany. Mr. Stan Mantooth presented Ms. Todis with a bouquet of flowers, a beautiful plaque and $1,000 and recognized her recent achievements. Mr. Mantooth said, “Ms. Todis has accomplished the Educational Trifecta with today’s County Teacher of the Year Award. She recently was the recipient of Amgen’s Science Teacher of Excellence Award, as well as being selected as Fillmore Unified School District’s Teacher of the Year 2013. What an amazing feat!” Students and staff from Sierra High School cheered on Ms. Todis as she received this award.

Ms. Todis graciously accepted the award on behalf of her students and told them that this award was for them. “This award is for you, too. We work hard and put 100% into everything we do. It is nice to be recognized for things we do every day. I hope I have inspired you to love Science.” said Todis.

Dr. Alan Nishino, Fillmore Unified School District Superintendent also congratulated Ms. Todis and said, “She truly represents good teaching in Fillmore. We have great students and teachers in Fillmore and it is wonderful to see her receive this recognition today.” Sierra High School Principal, Cynthia Frutos said, “Ms. Todis is an outstanding teacher that engages students to every lesson and students become immersed in the content. For continuation students who have become disengaged with school, she re-ignites the desire to learn. She sets high standards and expectations for all students, and as a result, all rise to the occasion. Students strive to their full potential because they know she does not allow failure---it is simply not an option in her classes. She truly believes in them and they know it.”

ASB President Thania Sahagun cheered loudly and said about Ms. Todis, “She really believes in us and she makes learning Science fun. She is also a good ASB Advisor.” Erik Palma, Sierra Senior added, “I never liked school before but since I came to Sierra, I love it. I especially love the Science fieldtrips to Santa Cruz Island and the Condor Sanctuary.”


On Friday, June 21 at 9:53 p.m., a collision occurred between two trucks at the intersection of Hwy 126 and B Street. Both trucks sustained major damage. Two ambulances were called to the scene.
On Friday, June 21 at 9:53 p.m., a collision occurred between two trucks at the intersection of Hwy 126 and B Street. Both trucks sustained major damage. Two ambulances were called to the scene.
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A fire alarm sounded at the Fillmore Convalescent Center on Wednesday, June 9th at approximately 5pm. Fillmore Fire responded and evacuated all residents of the Center. Smoke was seen coming from the air conditioning unit area on top of the building.
A fire alarm sounded at the Fillmore Convalescent Center on Wednesday, June 9th at approximately 5pm. Fillmore Fire responded and evacuated all residents of the Center. Smoke was seen coming from the air conditioning unit area on top of the building.
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No fire or smoke damage reported, and the residents were returned safely to their rooms.
No fire or smoke damage reported, and the residents were returned safely to their rooms.
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Last Thursday, June 13th, Fillmore High School graduated over 230 students. It started out with the traditional bus ride to the ceremony and the entrance into the stadium under the arches, with the stands full of family and friends. There were 15 Valedictorians and 1 Salutatorian. Senior Class President Kaylee Hinklin gave her speech “Just Ordinary People”, which was followed by FHS Teacher Josh Overton’s “We are all Survivors”, and Valedictorian Jose Contreras’ “Born from the Ashes and Rubble”. Photos courtesy of KSSP Photographic Studio.
Last Thursday, June 13th, Fillmore High School graduated over 230 students. It started out with the traditional bus ride to the ceremony and the entrance into the stadium under the arches, with the stands full of family and friends. There were 15 Valedictorians and 1 Salutatorian. Senior Class President Kaylee Hinklin gave her speech “Just Ordinary People”, which was followed by FHS Teacher Josh Overton’s “We are all Survivors”, and Valedictorian Jose Contreras’ “Born from the Ashes and Rubble”. Photos courtesy of KSSP Photographic Studio.
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A brush fire broke out on Tuesday, June 18th, east of Fillmore. By Tuesday evening a little over 62 acres had burned and was 60% contained. Fillmore, Santa Paula, Ventura and Los Angeles County Fire Departments, along with four aircraft assisted with the fire. Photos Courtesy Sebastian Ramirez
A brush fire broke out on Tuesday, June 18th, east of Fillmore. By Tuesday evening a little over 62 acres had burned and was 60% contained. Fillmore, Santa Paula, Ventura and Los Angeles County Fire Departments, along with four aircraft assisted with the fire. Photos Courtesy Sebastian Ramirez
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What a great time we all had at the 100th Alumni dinner on Saturday, June 15th. The afternoon started out with a nice social hour on the Patio, and inside the Memorial Building where everyone was able to visit with old friends, and reminisce of the good old days at Fillmore High. The inside of the building was decked out with Pictures from our High School days that folks have not seen in years. Every single class starting back to 1911 had their pictures hung up along the walls, and Alumni members were picking out parents, grandparents, and Great Grandparents that were Alumni. As the dinner hour approached Alumni members were guided by Alumni Volunteers to the dining area out on the Memorial Buidling lawn, and seated. DJ’s California Catering provided a delicious dinner, and once again, it seemed like the Peach and Apple Cobbler with Vanilla Ice Cream was the big hit. After a short program, where the Chancellor from U.C. Merced spoke, (A Fillmore H.S. Grad ’66) it was time for the Alma Mater and then many folks stayed to visit for the rest of the evening. Some just relaxed under the Bistro lighting out on the Patio area, and other’s danced the night away to the fun music of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. The Alumni Association wishes to thank the following. DJ’s California Catering, Amigo Party Rental, Otto and Son’s, Don Vela outside DJ, Eddie Leighton Inside DJ, Tina Hurtado ’94 Floral Design, Quality Ag, and the numerous Volunteers who helped contribute to the success of the 100th. See you all next year!

Story and photos by Bob Crum
With nectarous bees buzzing about... best to always expect the unexpected at the Honey Harvest Festival.

Aboard an eastbound Fillmore & Western train destined for the Bennett Honey Farm near Piru, surprised passengers witnessed a posse of yellowjackets arrest Slurpy... a honey bee suspected of FUI (Flying Under the Influence). Slurpy not only had three unauthorized ‘pistils’ in his pouch… his nectar reading was a whopping 100 milligrams... a full 25 milligrams over the legal limit. Slurpy didn't resist knowing he was lucky to be nabbed by yellowjackets and not the... ahem... 'swat' team!

Back at the hive... the swarm was abuzz to learn that Slurpy was stung with a hefty fine by Judge Bumble Bee who also added 10 mandatory Nectars Anonymous fly-ins to the sentence. Ouch!

The otherwise uneventful train ride through a portion of the bucolic Heritage Valley was enjoyed under chamber-of-commerce-like blue skies. Upon arriving at Bennett's Honey Farm everyone was treated to a sweet tour of the honey facility. After seeing and learning about the honey-producing process... from raw honey extracted from the comb to the end product in the bottle... everybody leaves knowledgeable and with a greater appreciation for the invaluable work of the honey bees and that of people who prepare the honey for our consumption. And of course nobody leaves without a few jars of superb quality honey.  

Back in town... lines formed at the stands of oh-so-scrumptious barbeque. Barbie to drool for... so good and tasty no need for Tums... just a tummy! A little taste of this... a little taste of that... there's just no quitting... until maybe after the fifth round. Aaaaah.

Afterward... with tummy growlies squelched... lots of folks moseyed over to city hall and enjoyed some splendid musical entertainment. Listening to the musical notes wafting in the afternoon breeze… whoa... nah... that couldn't be Elvis... could it?

Aaaah yes... a sweet... sweet weekend. Though only the second annual Honey Harvest Festival it was a honey! At this rate... oh my... who can hardly wait until next year? In the meantime... watch out for those FUI bees that are also known to carry... ahem... ‘stigmas.’
With nectarous bees buzzing about... best to always expect the unexpected at the Honey Harvest Festival. Aboard an eastbound Fillmore & Western train destined for the Bennett Honey Farm near Piru, surprised passengers witnessed a posse of yellowjackets arrest Slurpy... a honey bee suspected of FUI (Flying Under the Influence). Slurpy not only had three unauthorized ‘pistils’ in his pouch… his nectar reading was a whopping 100 milligrams... a full 25 milligrams over the legal limit. Slurpy didn't resist knowing he was lucky to be nabbed by yellowjackets and not the... ahem... 'swat' team! Back at the hive... the swarm was abuzz to learn that Slurpy was stung with a hefty fine by Judge Bumble Bee who also added 10 mandatory Nectars Anonymous fly-ins to the sentence. Ouch! The otherwise uneventful train ride through a portion of the bucolic Heritage Valley was enjoyed under chamber-of-commerce-like blue skies. Upon arriving at Bennett's Honey Farm everyone was treated to a sweet tour of the honey facility. After seeing and learning about the honey-producing process... from raw honey extracted from the comb to the end product in the bottle... everybody leaves knowledgeable and with a greater appreciation for the invaluable work of the honey bees and that of people who prepare the honey for our consumption. And of course nobody leaves without a few jars of superb quality honey. Back in town... lines formed at the stands of oh-so-scrumptious barbeque. Barbie to drool for... so good and tasty no need for Tums... just a tummy! A little taste of this... a little taste of that... there's just no quitting... until maybe after the fifth round. Aaaaah. Afterward... with tummy growlies squelched... lots of folks moseyed over to city hall and enjoyed some splendid musical entertainment. Listening to the musical notes wafting in the afternoon breeze… whoa... nah... that couldn't be Elvis... could it? Aaaah yes... a sweet... sweet weekend. Though only the second annual Honey Harvest Festival it was a honey! At this rate... oh my... who can hardly wait until next year? In the meantime... watch out for those FUI bees that are also known to carry... ahem... ‘stigmas.’
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Over the past tow months there have been numerous reports of identity theft in Fillmore. The suspects are using personal information of the victims to establish credit and open bank accounts. The investigation is ongoing.
Several residents discovered that they were a victim of identity theft by going through their mail and finding letters form credit card companies regarding their application of credit, getting calls from financial institutions and/or receiving packages of merchandise to their residence that they didn’t order.

The Fillmore Police Department would like to remind its residents to protect their personal identity information. If you have had the misfortune to have already been a victim of identity theft, and you have not reported it, please contact the Police Department to make a report, and contact each of the credit reporting companies as follows, Equifax, Experian, TransUnion.

For more information, please contact the Fillmore Police Department at 524-2233.

Police Chief Monica McGrath
Police Chief Monica McGrath

Last Tuesday, June 18, 2013 the Fillmore City Council held a Special Meeting Budget Workshop where the ups and downs of our City's finances were discussed in detail. Much of the news was positive. Austerity measures the City has taken over the past years has helped to put the City's finances back on track and going in the right direction.

There was a question of having enough in reserve to replace some capital improvements. Financial Advisor Frank Catania warned the Council that there are limited reserves and things that need replacing. While factoring in inflation and capital improvements, the amount in reserve is low. He informed the Council that a City should have at least 120 days in reserve. This amount is to cover the cost of a disaster which Fillmore has experienced more than once. The 120 day requirement is because it usually takes Federal Emergency Management Agency that amount of time to start funding. Another item that will need to be addressed may be to Risk Management/Insurance. Rates may be increasing and the City should be looking for a new insurance pool. There are three major Government/City insurance pools in California, but each requires one year advanced notice to change providers.

There is still the CONTINUED »


The City of Fillmore Fire Department wants to ensure that Fillmore citizens enjoy a safe Fourth of July week. Citizens are reminded that “safe & sane” fireworks sold in Fillmore are legal between June 28 12:00pm – July 5 12:00pm. The use of any type of non-approved fireworks is never legal and will result in criminal charges and the potential for a $1,100 fine. If you witness any illegal activity please report it! An anonymous tip line has been setup to report violators. Please call 805-524-1500 ext. 350 to report illegal activity.

Below are several safety tips to insure you and your family enjoy a safe Independence Day Celebration.

Fire Safety
•If you witness a crime or fire in progress involving illegal fireworks, call your local authorities by dialing 9-1-1.
•Only Safe and Sane fireworks bearing the seal of the State Fire Marshal are legal in California. All other fireworks, including altered Safe and Sane fireworks and those that explode or leave the ground are illegal.
•Kids should not play with fireworks. Fireworks are intended for use by adults in open spaces with plenty of active supervision for every child present.
•Always have a bucket of water on hand to dispose of fireworks and a hose connected to water ready in case of fire.
•Fireworks, including sparklers and flares, can cause serious burns as well as blast injuries that can permanently impair vision and hearing. Teach your children what to do if their clothing catches on fire — “stop, drop and roll” — and how to call 9-1-1 in an emergency.

Pet Safety
•Get your pet CONTINUED »