By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, June 15th, 2023
![]() On Saturday, June 10th, at 7:20pm, Ventura County Fire Department, Fillmore Police Dept., and AMR Paramedics were dispatched to a possible overdose in the 2900 block of Center Street, Piru. Arriving firefighters reported two male subjects, ages 36 and 30 of Piru, were unresponsive. Subjects were administered Narcan and responded before being transported to Henry Mayo Hospital, condition unknown. According to Fillmore Police Chief Malagon, both subjects were uncooperative with law enforcement and denied using any narcotics. Deputies did not locate any narcotic paraphernalia but based on the two subject’s reaction to the Narcan, narcotics overdose was suspected. The incident is being investigated by Fillmore Patrol Services. Stock photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE News. Enlarge Photo |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, June 15th, 2023
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, June 15th, 2023
![]() During public comment time at Tuesday’s regular city council meeting, one courageous resident spoke out against any move by Council to officially affirm Pride Month with a flag raising. City Hall was filled to capacity with many out-of-town pro-Pride supporters. Enlarge Photo All items passed 5-0 9.B REQUEST Staff requests the City Council Adopt Resolution 23-3946 Fixing the Compensation, Benefits and other Terms and Conditions of Employment of Non-Represented Management/MidManagement, Confidential, and Part-Time Employees of the City of Fillmore effective July 1, 2023, and Superseding and Replacing Resolution 22-3911. 9.F RECOMMENDATION That the City Council approve the First Amended and Restated Cooperative Agreement for Valley Express Transit Service. 9.G RECOMMENDATION That the City Council: 1. Ratify the award of the Emergency Public Works Agreement (“Agreement”) with Ferreira Construction Company Inc. (“Ferreira”) for the amount not to exceed $600,000.00; 2. Approve the First Amendment to the Agreement with Ferreira Construction Company Inc. for the continuation of services and the addition of an additional contract amount of $1,887,579.00 for a total not to exceed contract amount of $2,487,579.00; and 3. Approve a cash flow loan from the Water Operating Fund to the Sewer Operating Fund in an amount of $2,000,000.00, with interest at rates commensurate with the average rate of return on the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF), and in a form approved by the City Attorney. 4. Appropriate $2,000,000.00 from the Sewer Operating Fund for the Preliminary Phase of the “C” Street Emergency Sewer Repair Project. 9.H REQUEST That the City Council approve the first reading to introduce Ordinance No. 23-951 to amend Fillmore Municipal Code Chapter 1.09 (Administrative Remedies), Article II (Continuing Violations), to allow staff to address and resolve code violations in a quicker and more efficient manner. 9.I FROM: Brian McCarthy, Asst. Planning and Community Development Director RE: REQUEST City staff requests that City Council adopt an interim urgency ordinance, Ordinance No. 23-950 (Attachment 1), declaring a temporary moratorium prohibiting Recreational Vehicle (RV) Storage and Self-Serve Storage (or “Mini Storage”) facilities within City limits, adopt a finding of exemption from CEQA, and direct staff to study the potential impacts of this emerging development trend. |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, June 15th, 2023
![]() On Friday, June 9th, at 10:51pm, Fillmore Police Department was dispatched to a reported vehicle that had struck parked cars in the 200 block of McNab Court, Fillmore. Arriving deputies conducted an investigation and found an open container inside the involved vehicle. Deputies performed a field sobriety test on the female driver, and the breathalyzer was also administered. The subject was placed under arrest for driving under the influence (DUI) and was transported to the main jail in Ventura. Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE News. Enlarge Photo |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, June 8th, 2023
![]() On April 25th the Fillmore Police Department received approval from Fillmore City Council for the purchase of four E-Bikes. After the city council meeting, a community member donated $4,000 to the Department which allowed them to purchase a 5th E-Bike. Photos courtesy Fillmore Police Department. Enlarge Photo On April 25, 2023, the Fillmore City Council voted (5-0) and approved the purchase of four (4) E-Bikes to be used by the Fillmore Police Department. The E-Bikes will be used to augment uniformed patrol services throughout the city by allowing deputies to undertake bicycle patrols. The E-Bikes offer many benefits to the community, including high visibility, and engagement with our community members. Patrolling on bicycles makes our deputies more accessible and personable to the public and will help facilitate more proactive and positive police contacts with members of our community. |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, June 8th, 2023
![]() On Monday, June 5th, 2023, at 8:50pm, Fillmore Police Department, Fillmore City Fire Department, and AMR Paramedics were dispatched to a reported traffic collision in the 900 block of Ortega Street, Fillmore. Arriving deputies found two vehicles involved with moderate damage to one of the cars, along with a broken windshield. At least three occupants fled the scene and were last seen running westbound on Ortega Street. Incoming units searched the area and were unable to locate any occupants. Cause is under investigation by Fillmore Police Department. Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE News. Enlarge Photo |
By Ventura County Sheriff Department — Thursday, June 8th, 2023
![]() “Operation Chill 7-11” is a community outreach program designed to enhance relationships among stores, police, and youth. This year marks the 28th year of Operation Chill within the 7- Eleven franchise and it allows law enforcement to award a coupon for a free small Slurpee to kids they see doing good deeds or exhibiting positive behavior. On June 2nd, 2023, the Fillmore Police Station was able to award a few coupons to students attending Fillmore High School (above). Enlarge Photo ![]() Fillmore Middle School (inset) who have exhibited exemplary behavior. Congratulations to all students who received an award, and continue the great work! Courtesy Enlarge Photo The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office has partnered with 7-Eleven, Inc. in the 28th consecutive year of “Operation Chill®.” The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office and 7-Eleven want to reward local kids through the company’s community outreach program. |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, June 8th, 2023
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, June 8th, 2023
![]() On Friday, June 2nd, at 3:31pm, Ventura County Fire Department, AMR Paramedics and California Highway Patrol were dispatched to a traffic collision on SR23 / Bardsdale Avenue, Bardsdale. Arriving paramedics reported two vehicles with minor damage. The collision caused southbound SR23 to shut down until tow arrived to clear the roadway. Cause is under investigation by Moorpark-CHP Office. Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE News. Enlarge Photo |