![]() Photo of the week "Santa comes to Fillmore on a firetruck in the 2016 Christmas parade." by Bob Crum. Photo data: Manual mode, ISO 125, Tamron 16-300mm lens @48mm, f/11 @1/320 seconds. Enlarge Photo By Bob Crum — Wednesday, December 6th, 2017
Ho ho ho!
Ho ho ho! OK.. not quite a winter wonderland hereabouts, thank goodness. Black Friday and Cyber Monday came and went and some think that they began the 'season'. Wrong. It's not officially the Christmas season until Santa Claus comes to town. Well, he's here! Hundreds of people–if not thousands–lined Central Avenue from Second Street to Main Street to welcome Santa's arrival last Saturday. Lacking sufficient white fluffy stuff (snow) he came into town on a Fillmore fire truck. Now 'tis officially the season! Kudos to the Fillmore Lions Club for a splendid Christmas parade. So much to watch and enjoy. As a photojournalist, it's a potpourri of activity. Also challenging to photograph. Not knowing where any particular group will perform makes planning frivolous. Every photo is composed at the last moment. There is no redo. Miss it forget it and get ready for the next activity. Like all photographers, I photograph parades from the sidelines... the side of the street depending on where the sun is in the sky. But upon looking at the photos afterward, I thought too ho hum. So, not long ago, starting with a July 4th parade, I decided to get as many photos as I could shooting from the “middle” of the street. Interesting but also a tad daunting. Though I didn't get it, I applied for hazardous-duty pay. But I digress. I liked the results and so continue doing so as much as feasible. As hoped, it presents a different and interesting perspective. What I also hope is that while I risk limb and camera the photos take you into the parade while you lounge comfortably in your armchair. The Fillmore High School band is a good example. Notice that I'm in the middle of the street as the flag girls passed by on each side of me. Then waited to get the photo of the drum major moving out of the way at the last moment. By the way, I never speak to any of the parade participants before a parade so they don't know what I might do. Everything is totally spontaneous. Scooting out of the way at the last moment, some parade watchers have told me that I've become part of the entertainment. Hmmm. As Santa makes his way down the parade route, everyone is thrilled! At that moment, there's no one else in town more popular. Following the parade, Santa and Mrs. Claus took positions in the pagoda at the Historical Museum. There, they entertained a parade of youngsters. Photo ops galore! Of course all the kids were good all year so didn't hesitate to tell Santa what they hoped to see under the Christmas tree as parents intently listened. Some kids weren't sure about Santa and cried. A few slept through it all. Me? Yeah, I handed the jolly ole fella my list too. The kid in me made me do it. All the while, many kids were delighted to have their faces painted by members of the Artist Guild of Fillmore. What a treat! Afterward, Santa left to attend festivities in Ventura... returning on a Fillmore & Western train pulled by the ever fascinating #14 steam engine. Then as the sun set and the moon rose, a Christmas tree lighting ceremony at City Hall. What a day! Oh by golly, a jolly time was had by all! Happy photoing. As always, send your questions, comments or suggestions to bob@fillmoregazette.com. |
By Anonymous — Tuesday, December 5th, 2017
By Anonymous — Tuesday, December 5th, 2017
Camarillo, CA - December 5, 2017 — Overnight approximately 600 residents sought relief from the Thomas Fire in Red Cross shelters. The American Red Cross of Ventura County is now operating three shelters for residents affected by the Thomas Fire: Ventura County Fairgrounds,10 W Harbor Boulevard, Ventura, CA 93001 The fire is fast moving and rapidly changing. Visit readyventuracounty.org for the latest information. “Our Red Cross volunteers have been working through the night to provide relief and comfort to hundreds of residents impacted by this fast-moving fire,” said Red Cross Executive Director Kimberly Coley, “We will continue to provide assistance for as long as there is a need.” The Red Cross urges everyone to follow evacuation orders from local law enforcement and have an emergency kit ready go for any disaster including wildfires. Visit http://www.redcross.org/prepare/disaster/wildfire to learn more. How to Help Red Cross volunteers train for and respond to disasters every day. New volunteer opportunities may become available in the coming days as the Red Cross determines additional needs for the community. Visit redcross.org/volunteer to begin the application process. Stay Connected Download the Red Cross Emergency App for preparedness information and shelter locations at your fingertips. Look for it in your app store, or text GETEMERGENCY to 90999. About the American Red Cross Central California Region |
By Ventura County District Attorneys Office — Monday, December 4th, 2017
District Attorney Gregory D. Totten announced today that the Ventura County Superior Court has vacated Craig Coley’s convictions for murder, and has made a finding that he is factually innocent. Mr. Coley was found guilty of the 1978 murders of Rhonda Wicht and her 4-year-old son Donald. He served over 38 years in custody for the crimes. New evidence obtained during an investigation by the Simi Valley Police Department and Ventura County District Attorney’s Office, including DNA evidence, determined that Mr. Coley had not committed the murders. On November 22, 2017, with support by District Attorney Gregory Totten and Police Chief David Livingstone, Governor Jerry Brown issued a full and unconditional pardon, concluding that “Mr. Coley did not commit these crimes.” Mr. Coley was released from prison the same day. The Ventura County Public Defender, on behalf of Mr. Coley, filed a motion to vacate the conviction and for a judicial finding of factual innocence. The District Attorney joined in the motions. In a brief hearing today, the Ventura County Superior Court, the Honorable Ryan J. Wright, Judge presiding, granted both motions. Mr. Coley was not present but was represented by the Public Defender’s Office. Today’s rulings are a judicial determination of innocence and bring the court records in line with the Governor’s determination in the pardon. The rulings also ensure that Mr. Coley will receive monetary compensation from the California Victim Compensation Board. Mr. Coley suffered a profound injustice in this case. The District Attorney remains committed to reexamination of cases in which claims of factual innocence are made and the use of modern scientific techniques that were not available when the cases were tried. |
By Ventura County District Attorneys Office — Monday, December 4th, 2017
VENTURA, CA - District Attorney Gregory D. Totten invites victims and survivors of the Las Vegas Route 91 Harvest Festival Concert Shooting to attend an informational forum coordinated by the Federal Office of Victims of Crime and the California Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB) on Thursday, December 7, 2017. The forum will provide an opportunity for victims and family members to share information about their current needs and receive important information on resources to assist with recovery, coping with trauma, grief and depression, and what to expect in the months and years to come. The address for the forums is confidential and will be provided once participants RSVP. Space is limited. If interested, please RSVP to anita.ahuja@victims.ca.gov. The District Attorney’s Office continues to offer direct assistance to victims and their family members through the District Attorney’s Crime Victims’ Assistance program and encourages anyone present at the concert that night to attend. |
![]() Fillmore Gazette Stock photo from last year’s Lion’s Club Christmas Parade. Photo Courtesy Bob Crum. Enlarge Photo By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 29th, 2017
The Fillmore Lions Club Christmas Parade is right around the corner. This year’s Christmas Parade will be held on Saturday, December 2nd. Please note that this year’s parade will begin at 10:00 am, three hours earlier than previous years. As always, Santa will trade in his sleigh for the morning and make his special trip down Central Avenue aboard a Fillmore Fire Department fire truck. At the end of his ride, Santa will make his way to the depot to take photos with the kids, so make sure to bring your camera to take pictures. The Christmas Parade is open to individuals, businesses, civic organizations, school bands, church groups, car clubs and equestrians. Just about any group or person who wants to celebrate the season with a “themed entry” is welcome and there is no cost to enter the parade. To be a part of the Christmas Parade, send an email to FillmoreChristmasParade@gmail.com and an application will be sent to you. For questions or additional information, please contact Lion Scott Lee at 524-1896. Please remember that the parade route will be posted “No Parking” from 8:00 am to approximately 12:00 pm on the day of the parade on Central Avenue from Third Street to Santa Clara. Cooperation from residents is needed in order to keep vehicles off of the parade route during that time for the safety of parade participants and spectators. Although the Fillmore Christmas Parade has a long standing tradition in Fillmore, it was in danger of being cancelled in 2001 when the parade lost its’ sponsor. The late Hank Carrillo suggested the Fillmore Lions Club assume the responsibility for the Christmas Parade as a service to the community and the Lions Club continue to sponsor the Parade in Hank Carrillo’s honor. Fillmore Lions wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving and look forward to seeing you on December 2nd! |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 29th, 2017
![]() Some may have noticed the marquee in front of our historic Towne Theatre has changed recently. The Fillmore Towne Theatre will be hosting a special showing of “The Muppet Xmas Carol” this Saturday, December 2nd at 11:30am and 2:00pm, after the Annual Lion’s Club Christmas Parade. It’s a show for the whole family to enjoy as well as get in the Christmas spirit. Enlarge Photo |
By Ventura County Sheriff Department — Wednesday, November 29th, 2017
On 11-21-17, deputies went to a residence in the 700 block of B Street as part of an investigation into a violation of a domestic violence restraining order. The suspect, (S) Eduardo Jimenez, was at the location and found to be under the influence of a controlled substance, as was (S) Xochitl Cervantes. During a search of the residence pursuant to a search warrant, methamphetamine, marijuana, three firearms (a pistol, a shotgun, and an AR-15 rifle), ammunition, and money were located and seized as evidence. Jimenez was booked into the Pre-Trial Detention Facility on the following charges and has a bail of $60,000: Cervantes was booked into the Pre-Trial Detention Facility on the charge of Health and Safety Code Section 11550(a) – Under Influence of a Controlled Substance and later released on her own recognizance. Prepared by: Sergeant Kevin Vaden |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 29th, 2017
![]() The City of Fillmore is getting into the Christmas Spirit! On Monday morning city employees were spotted downtown decorating the light poles with garland and giant stars to get ready for the Christmas Season, as well as for the Annual Lion’s Club Christmas Parade which will take place this Saturday, December 2nd at 10am in downtown Fillmore. Enlarge Photo |
![]() On Tuesday, November 28th heavy earth moving equipment was seen at the southwest corner of River and D Streets, where Rotorcraft Support, Inc. is to begin building a private heliport for maintenance and repair facility. Enlarge Photo By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 29th, 2017
Ground breaking work has begun on the Rotorcraft Support, Inc. site at the southwest corner of River and D Streets. Rotorcraft plans on developing a private heliport for a maintenance and repair facility for helicopters to be located within the Business Park Master Plan area on property owned by an affiliate of the Applicant. Two companies propose to locate at the site: Rotorcraft and The Guardian. Rotorcraft employs 58 full time employees who will relocate to Fillmore from Van Nuys. The Guardian is a fire helicopter company that is contracted to fight forest fires and has approximately 15 full time employees. The Guardian helicopters will be at fire sites 9 months out of the year. When not attending to fires, the Guardian employees will be in Fillmore training. Both of these businesses would move to the property in Phase 1. The project is to be constructed in two (2) phases. Phase 1 involves the construction ofa 67,872 SF hangar, parking spaces, retaining walls, public improvements on River St. and constructing the full width of the D St. extension (from River Street to 460 feet south of River Street). Phase 2 consists of constructing a 45,066 SF hangar for the future undetermined tenant. The businesses would like to be allowed to operate from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Saturdays with allowance to perform work on Sundays during times of emergencies. The project site is 10.52 acres and can accommodate one landing pad with eight (8) helicopter parking areas. The flight paths will occur along the Santa Clara River with the helicopters approaching the site from a southerly direction. The flight paths will not be over the residential areas of Fillmore. Prior to flying helicopters from the property the Applicant is required to obtain approvals from the FAA, Caltrans (the Division of Aeronautics) and The Airport Land Commission. The project is providing a 10' concrete bike path on the south side of River Street in compliance with the Business Park Master Plan's requirement for bike paths. A noise study was conducted which determined that the sounds anticipated to be generated by the project are at an acceptable level per the City Zoning Ordinance. Additionally, the Planning Commission recommended that a noise monitor be placed close to the helipad. Two Rivers Park will be protected by a buffer zone with employee and customer parking along D Street. |