Fillmore Police Tagging Investigator Gene Torres, left, inspects the guns, ammunition, computers and other stolen property confi scated during a recent search warrant and probation searches at 7 city locations. Deputy Torres directed a 50-offi cer task force comprised of Fillmore Police and Ventura County Sheriff Deputies. Computers and cell phones taken from the residents of the arrestees will be searched for additional information.
Fillmore Police Tagging Investigator Gene Torres, left, inspects the guns, ammunition, computers and other stolen property confi scated during a recent search warrant and probation searches at 7 city locations. Deputy Torres directed a 50-offi cer task force comprised of Fillmore Police and Ventura County Sheriff Deputies. Computers and cell phones taken from the residents of the arrestees will be searched for additional information.
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On June 3, 2008, the Fillmore Police Department investigated a residential burglary and felony vandalism in the 900 block of Wileman Street in Fillmore.
As a result, police detectives identified the suspects as being tagging members of the All Faded Krew (AFK). A tagging crew such as AFK typically commits felony vandalism and other felonious crimes. They tend to conspire to destroy both public and private property. AFK is no exception, they burglarized the house on Wileman and kicked in the walls then stole numerous items.
The Fillmore Police Tagging Investigator is Deputy Gene Torres. Earlier in June, Deputy Torres arrested 2 adult and 3 juvenile AFK members for the original burglary. It was those arrests that assisted us in the investigation.
Deputy Torres conducted lengthy surveillance on the tagging crew and established intelligence information that lead to a Ventura County Judge issuing search warrants on seven Fillmore locations that AFK members used to conduct criminal activities.
On July 1, 2008, at about 0700 AM, Deputy Torres directed a 50 officer task force comprised of Fillmore Police and Ventura County Sheriff Deputies.
The task force served the 7 search warrants in the following locations: 500 Block East Telegraph, Fillmore, Block Via Rodeo, Fillmore, Block Wileman Street, Fillmore, 900 Block Wileman (Second Location), 1300 Block Cottonwood Lane, Fillmore, Block Sespe Avenue, Fillmore, 200 Block Avon Lane, Fillmore.
Six teams responded to the tagger residences and served the search warrants and probation searches. The following were arrested: 15 year-old male AFK tagger was arrested for Felony Residential Burglary, Conspiracy and Felony Vandalism. 23 year-old Daniel Montelongo was arrested for Felony Residential Burglary, Conspiracy and Felony Vandalism. 27 year-old Efrain Salazar was arrested for Felony Possession of Cocaine and Felony Possession of a Firearm.
In addition, Officers confiscated tagging evidence from search warrant locations that ties the AFK suspects into 20 open vandalism cases throughout Fillmore. We were shocked to discover and confiscate numerous illegal firearms including an AK-47 Assault Rifle with an 80 round magazine and numerous loaded clips. Also recovered were a shotgun and three high- powered semi automatic handguns.
The investigation is continuing against the AFK tagging crew and there are potential additional arrests pending. “Tagging crews are becoming bold and have obvious access to illegal firearms. They tend to be the breeding grounds for gang activity and The City of Fillmore has a zero tolerance of their criminal activities.”
Anyone with information about graffiti vandalism, or any other crime, are urged to call Crime Stoppers at (805) 524-0970 (Fillmore), Gang Hotline at 1-888-584-2647 or the Fillmore Police Department at (805) 524-2233.
Courtesy of Fillmore Police Department Ventura Count Sheriff Department.


Commander Jim Rogers and Jr. Vice Commander Vic Westerberg, VFW Post 9637 Fillmore, CA, present a Blue Star Banner to Esperanza Hurtado, mother of Staff Sgt. Alfredo Hurtado Jr. “I would like to present you with this Blue Star Banner in honor of your son Staff Sgt. Alfredo Hurtado Jr. We would like to thank you and your family for all your sacrifices.” Note: Staff Sgt. Hurtado Jr. served in the United States Army in Mosul, Iraq in 2005 and received a Purple Heart& Bronze Star. He is now serving as a recruiter at Fort Guachuca, Arizona.
Commander Jim Rogers and Jr. Vice Commander Vic Westerberg, VFW Post 9637 Fillmore, CA, present a Blue Star Banner to Esperanza Hurtado, mother of Staff Sgt. Alfredo Hurtado Jr. “I would like to present you with this Blue Star Banner in honor of your son Staff Sgt. Alfredo Hurtado Jr. We would like to thank you and your family for all your sacrifices.” Note: Staff Sgt. Hurtado Jr. served in the United States Army in Mosul, Iraq in 2005 and received a Purple Heart& Bronze Star. He is now serving as a recruiter at Fort Guachuca, Arizona.
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A joint School Board-City Council meeting was held Tuesday. Left to right, City Councilmember Scott Lee, school board member John Garnica, Councilmember Cecilia Cuevas, school board members Liz Wilde, Virginia De La Piedra, and Councilmember Patti Walker.
A joint School Board-City Council meeting was held Tuesday. Left to right, City Councilmember Scott Lee, school board member John Garnica, Councilmember Cecilia Cuevas, school board members Liz Wilde, Virginia De La Piedra, and Councilmember Patti Walker.
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Bill Faith praised the city for keeping Safe and Sane fireworks legal.
Bill Faith praised the city for keeping Safe and Sane fireworks legal.

Fillmore City Council and Fillmore Unified School District School Board held a joint meeting July 1, 2008, at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall. It was followed by a brief City Council meeting.
Fire Department Captain Bill Herrera gave an overview of the Fourth of July plans. All school grounds will be closed and blocked off with fences where necessary. The aerial fireworks show has been moved to the middle school, and there will be no ground show. City Manager Tom Ristau has mandated a zero tolerance policy for illegal fireworks; police and firefighters will be patrolling the parks and shopping centers. There is a $1000 fine for possessing or using fireworks that fly or explode.
A few people spoke up during the time allotted for public comments. Bill Faith praised the city for keeping Safe and Sane fireworks legal, mentioned the importance of sales for non-profit organizations’ fundraising efforts, and provided a list of over 200 other cities in California that also allow fireworks.
Roger Campbell recommended that the city lobby the federal government to postpone approving and publicizing the FEMA study results and maps by arranging appointments with local representatives and sending people to Washington D.C. Keith Greenburg introduced himself as a representative of the company taking over management of the water treatment plant. He stated that he and his colleagues are looking forward to participating in community life here in Fillmore.
FUSD Assistant Superintendent Mike Bush spoke on behalf of Superintendent Jeff Sweeney and Ruth Ricards, Director of Child Nutrition, regarding problems with push-cart vendors. Elementary school students have been avoiding school food in order to buy sweets and snacks from push-cart vendors after school. The carts sometimes block sidewalks, causing children to enter the street, and children are running across streets to get to the carts. The problem is particularly bad on First Street. There was discussion as to whether the vendors were licensed, and the city council is considering the possibility of creating a city ordinance to restrict the vendors from selling when children are being dismissed from school.
Kim Tafoya, Cross Country Coach at Fillmore High School, presented information on an upcoming Striders Club and Cross Country team trip to Mammoth. The student athletes will “team-build and run” on various trails around area lakes. Coach Paul Fitzgerald was also there to answer questions. The Board voted to approve the trip.
The Council increased the City Manager's charge order authorization for the River Street at Highway 23 traffic signal construction project to $23,000. The increase includes the under $10, 000 cost of an emergency vehicle interrupt system that will allow emergency vehicles to change the signal to a green light. According to the recommendation memo, the increase also provides for "the event an unforeseen circumstance arises while the Council is dark for the summer and the signal is under construction".
Some joint business was efficiently conducted without much discussion. The Council verified that the city had allotted money in the budget for a School Resource Officer. The Council and Board approved the effluent disposal system construction schedule. The schedule coordinates between the city and school district to save money and allow continued use of school facilities during construction. The Council and Board also approved a reimbursement agreement for certain improvements between the Stadium and Pool Complexes, so that construction can proceed in a cooperative manner, saving money for both the City and FUSD. A storm drain and fences are included in that agreement. The Council and Board voted to approve a 60 year easement agreement between the city and school district to install, maintain, and repair the storm drain. An easement agreement involving the City's new pool complex is under development.
There was a discussion about hanging banners around the city to honor individuals from Fillmore who are in active military service. Virginia De La Piedra is concerned that there are not enough poles available. The Council requested that she provide an estimate of how many people would be honored.
The Council briefly discussed an Ojai committee's attempt to stop mining trucks from traveling Highway 33 by re-routing them onto the 126 and past Frazier Park. The Council affirmed the impracticality of the proposed route, and the Mayor Steve Conaway will be sending a position letter to the county to avoid the possibility of that plan being implemented.
Scott Lee mentioned that the city now owns a fingerprinting scanner.

Police Captains: Tim Hagel and Randy Pentis
Police Captains: Tim Hagel and Randy Pentis
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In China from left to right is Captain Randy Pentis, Sargent Paul Higason, Sargent Frank Underlin, Captain Dave Kenney and Captain Tim Hagel.
In China from left to right is Captain Randy Pentis, Sargent Paul Higason, Sargent Frank Underlin, Captain Dave Kenney and Captain Tim Hagel.
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As if running a marathon isn’t difficult enough, a team of sheriff’s department runners will compete in an ultra marathon July 12th on some of the most challenging terrain on planet Earth. The team consists of Fillmore Capt. Tim Hagel and former Capt. Randy Pentis.
Known as Cops Running For Charity, the team will run a 35-mile course across the undulating glaciers and volcanoes north of Reykjavik, Iceland to raise money for charity. Situated on the northern portion of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Iceland is a study in geologic contrasts. Known as the land of fire and ice, the European island nation boasts several active volcanoes and massive glaciers.
“After that run, our legs will feel like they’re on fire, and we’ll need lots of ice…so, I guess we’re going to the right place,” said Sheriff’s Captain Randy Pentis, who leads the team of sheriff’s deputies.
The team is serious about their commitment to raising money for medical charities. This year, the focus will be to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, the Make-A-Wish Foundation, and Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.
Money raised for the JDRF will be presented on behalf of Senior Deputy District Attorney Ryan Wright, who has been battling type one diabetes for most of his life. Most people know Ryan as a dedicated husband and father, and a tough prosecutor who goes after narcotics dealers. He also is struggling to retain his eyesight, since suffering from diabetic retinopathy in both eyes. Diabetes affects many areas of the human body and is a slow, silent killer if not strictly controlled.
Captain Pentis knows the effects of diabetes all too well. His son, Dominic, also has type one diabetes.
“This has always hit close to home for me,” Pentis said. “I understand how diabetes can affect someone…and their whole family.”
The team has always championed causes close to home, despite the far-flung international challenges they are determined to take on. For the past several years, the team of adventurers has chosen a different exotic locale to test their endurance and supported a variety of charities along the way. Last year, the team invaded China for the Great Wall Marathon, which involved running much of the race on the steep steps of the historic structure. The previous year, the team ran across the dunes of the Sahara Desert in Tunisia.
Capt. Hagel spoke of the motivation behind the team’s commitment to run. “We simply challenge ourselves with the perceived impossible. We train about 30-50 miles per week and run thousands of miles a year; seven cops running in world class extreme running events. We don't have all the fancy trainers, team doctors, and support crews. We only have one another, our families and community. We are not the fastest, and in fact...we will never find first place. But we win each race with the satisfaction that we are raising money to support healthy children and fighting chronic disease that attacks our family, friends and citizens that we protect. Our challenge can't compare to the challenge that someone who has a chronic disease fights each and every day.”
Other charities that have benefited from the team’s hard work have been the American Heart Association, the American Cancer Association, the Alzheimer’s Foundation, Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS), and Hospice.
For this year’s race, the team has set a tough training regimen to prepare for the upcoming event. Many weekends have been spent in Sycamore and La Jolla Canyons running on steep trails that mimic the terrain they will face in Iceland.
Anyone interested in supporting CRFC can contact Captain Randy Pentis at (805)494-8248 or by e-mail at

Bert Rapp
Bert Rapp
City of Fillmore, Public Works Director

The L.A. Regional Water Quality Control Board (the Board) is about to issue a storm water permit to the cities in Ventura County that is going to hit us like an out-of-control train. Out of control because the permit will increase the annual cost of storm water treatment from about $50 to $900 per home. This will affect every home and business in Ventura County.
The storm water permit should adhere to the Federal Clean Water Act which includes methods of tackling storm water pollution: Best Management Practices (BMP’s) and a concept of Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP). BMP’s include good housekeeping practices and installed treatment devices. The Maximum Extent Practicable concept was introduced because even when you correctly use Best Management Practices (BMP’s), they don’t consistently remove pollutants. This is because weather and rain events are highly variable and affect the performance of treatment devices.
So, instead of following the Clean Water Act, the Board is proposing Municipal Action Levels (numeric limits) not applicable to Ventura County, to limit the concentrations of pollutants coming out the end of storm drains. Even though BMP’s cannot consistently remove all of these pollutants cities must meet those concentrations 80% of the time or face Mandatory Minimum Penalties of $3,000 per exceedence.
Cities will have two years to implement BMP’s for cleaning their storm water. After that cities will be fined by the State. No excuses, no waivers, you violate - you pay (SB 709 signed into law by Democratic Governor Grey Davis). For the City of Fillmore this could mean $231,000 per day and bankruptcy.
To try to comply with the Board’s new approach to controlling storm water treatment, Fillmore would have to convert at least 22 miles of the public parkway in residential neighborhoods to bio-retention areas ($18,000,000), install storm water treatment wetlands at the end of storm drains ($14,000,000), and require each existing home and business to retrofit and install onsite storm water treatment ($3,000 per home, Total $12,000,000; $5,000 to $100,000 per business, Total $10,000,000). The City installations and maintenance would cost residents $900 per year or $75 per month this would be in addition to their cost to install and maintain their own onsite storm water treatment devices.
The Ventura County Cities would be the first in the State and first in the Nation to have to meet numeric limits and retrofit existing communities with storm water treatment. In 2007 the State Water Quality Control Board convened a Blue Ribbon Panel of scientists, engineers and academic experts to consider the numeric limit approach the Board is proposing. This panel determined: “It is not feasible at this time to set enforceable numeric effluent criteria for municipal BMP’s and in particular urban discharges…”
The L.A. Board has chosen to ignore the conclusions of the State Board Blue Ribbon Panel and EPA standard practice in the Federal Clean Water Act and is insisting upon placing this unrealistic approach and excessive limits in the permit. To add insult to injury, cities currently do not have any access to or methods for raising the funds to implement the desire of the Board. So there is a Grand Canyon of a divide between the requirements of the draft permit and our ability to implement them.
The cost to retrofit the existing community is so great that the Fillmore City Council is asking the Board to remove these requirements from the draft Ventura County Permit and consider them at a State wide level. If the State decides existing communities should be retrofitted with storm water treatment then the State should establish a financial mechanism to implement it.
If you would like to learn more about this issue the Fillmore City Council is holding a special workshop Monday July 7th at 7:00 P.M. at the Memorial Building, 211 2nd Street, Fillmore.
The L.A. Regional Water Quality Control Board is also holding a special workshop on the draft permit Thursday July 10th in the Board of Supervisors meeting room, 800 S. Victoria Ave. Ventura from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. All interested stakeholders should attend this meeting and express their views.
Link: http//

Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

On Friday, June 27th, 2008 at approximately 10:19 a.m. a theft of copper wire was reported on Grimes Canyon Road at Bardsdale Avenue (Vintage Petroleum), Bardsdale. Approximately 300 feet of cable was taken with a value of about $3,000.
By 4:00 p.m., Fillmore investigating Deputy Darin Hendren, at the 17000 block of South Mountain Road, lead to the recovery of an unreported stolen ATV from Ventura PD jurisdiction as well as the arrest of three suspects in the theft of metals crimes that have been recently occurring in the area.
Dep. Hendren was following up on several agriculture crimes over the past week on tips from locals that a named felony parolee who had been seen in the area. The deputy went to the suspect’s residence and discovered evidence of the metals crimes including the stolen ATV. Todd Corona, 42, Gina Smith 27, and Brett Diettinger, 44 were arrested for drugs.
On Sunday, parolee Jeff Daniels was arrested on South Mountain Road. Daniels is a 32 year old local felony suspect who law enforcement officials believe has targeted oilfields and farms in the Bardsdale and Piru areas. Earlier in the week, three associates of Daniels were arrested in the same area on drug charges.
Ag Detective Ray Dominguez has been aggressively chasing after theft suspects. Det. Dominguez set up search warrants to recover supplies stolen from local farms and ranches. He relies on tips from the public and confidential informants to break into these rings.
On another case this week, our own Fillmore Deputies Darin Hendren and Gabriel Viesca have set up targeted surveillance in the South Mountain Road area. This week they caught two Gang member, taggers on the 12th Street Bridge. They were both booked in jail.

Eleazar Lopez
Eleazar Lopez

“I graduated with the greatest class ever” Eleazar Lopez, 19 years old, told me of his 2007 Fillmore High School Graduating Class. Eleazar soon after graduation enlisted in the United States Army on March 31st 2007 and completed his basic training was at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. Eleazar also attended Piru Elementary School and Fillmore Middle School. Eleazar was on the FHS Cross Country and Track and Field teams all 4 years at FHS. He also played the trumpet in the band from the 4th grade to his freshman year at FHS.

United States Army Private Eleazar Lopez’ parents are Victor and Susan Lopez of Fillmore. His siblings are Victoria Lopez, 20 years old, and Sofia Lopez, 16 years old, both of Fillmore. Private Eleazar Lopez is the Grandson of the late (Maternal) Dr. James Francis (a United States Navy veteran of WWII and former fireman) and Thelma Grace Basque and the late (Paternal) Crispin and Maria Guadalupe Lopez Saucedo.
Private Eleazar Lopez is a mechanic attached to the 571st Military Police Company, 504th Military Police Battalion, 42nd Military Police Brigade known as the “Dragon Slayers”. The 504th Military Police Battalion is a combat Military Police Battalion with a Headquarters Detachment and three line companies; the 66th MP Company, the 170th Military Police Company and the 571st Military Police Company. The 504th also fulfills the Law and Order mission for Fort Lewis and Yakima Training Center. The 504th Military Police Battalion is a unit with a 70 year history of accomplishments and pride, and is the most decorated Military Police Battalion on active duty today.
Private Eleazar Lopez is planning to reclassify his assignment to become an Airborne Ranger. He is currently at his first duty station, Fort Lewis, Washington but already has plans to reenlist and seek assignments in Hawaii, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, or Fort Stewart, Georgia. Although he has yet to deploy he tells me his Unit is preparing to deploy to either Iraq or Afghanistan in early 2009. Fort Lewis, named after Meriwether Lewis of the famed Lewis and Clark expedition, is one of the largest and most modern military reservations in the United States. Consisting of 87,000 acres of prairie land cut from the glacier-flattened Nisqually Plain, it is the premier military installation in the Northwest. Fort Lewis has more than 25,000 soldiers and civilian workers. The post supports 120,000(+) retirees and more than 29,000 family members living both on and off post. Fort Lewis proper contains 86,000 acres; the Yakima Training Center covers 324,000 acres. Private Eleazar Lopez has been awarded the Global War on Terrorism Medal, Army Service Ribbon and Army Defense Ribbon.

All of us here at home wish Private Eleazar Lopez safe travel, we are proud of his service and we thank him and his family for their sacrifices to maintain our freedoms.

Councilman Scott Lee spoke at the June 23rd Fillmore Senior Center meeting, as liaison between the city council and the center’s Board of Directors. Seated are city attorney Ted Schneider, Facilities Supervisor Annette Cardona, Boardmembers Loretta Dunehew, Bill Brunet, and Nick Robles. Brunet announced his resignation from the Board.
Councilman Scott Lee spoke at the June 23rd Fillmore Senior Center meeting, as liaison between the city council and the center’s Board of Directors. Seated are city attorney Ted Schneider, Facilities Supervisor Annette Cardona, Boardmembers Loretta Dunehew, Bill Brunet, and Nick Robles. Brunet announced his resignation from the Board.
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The Fillmore Senior Center Board meeting held Monday, June 23, attracted 30 participants, as the new Board members were announced.
The meeting began with Board President Bill Brunet announcing his resignation after years of service. Nick Robles and Loretta Dunehew will remain, along with new Board members Carolyn Lasky, Marie Wren, Elizabeth Vasquez, Geri Lee and Dave Roegner. Edward Jaloma will serve as an alternate.
Seated at the head table were Fillmore City Attorney Ted Schneider, who was there to answer any questions concerning the amended bylaws; Community Facilities Supervisor Annette Cardona, sitting Board President Bill Brunet and Board members Nick Robles and Loretta Dunehew.
From the audience, subcommittee member Gayle Washburn announced that computer classes will start July 15th, Tuesday and Thursday, 10a.m. to 11:30 a.m. There will be four to six workstations and internet access; participants are welcome to bring their own laptops. The center is still seeking donations of computers and monitors. Washburn and new Board member Dave Roegner will be teaching the classes.
Sara Hansen and Geri Lee will be heading a Book of the Month Club, probably meeting once a month.
Councilman Scott Lee attended as liaison between city council and the center. He will report the center’s status to council, as he did in the same capacity in the 1980’s. Lee praised the beauty of the senior building and said he hopes it will be “fully utilized” in the future.
“The city will do what it can, within financial constraints” to help facilitate the center, stated Lee. He promised to attend as many meetings as possible, especially while off work from teaching during the summer.
Lee stated that there was “no question things should have been different over the last few years” at the center, referring to recent complaints about city management and lack of an active Board. But he exhorted the audience to “look forward” to the opportunities the senior center holds for the future.
Lee also encouraged the crowd of 30 to call him anytime with concerns about the center, saying he was in the phone book. “I don’t do email,” he said, which drew a laugh from the audience.
And Lee suggested a workshop for the new Board to educate them on the center bylaws. The workshop would be open to the public.
Former councilman Roger Campbell echoed Lee’s sentiment to fully utilize the senior building, stating that it isn’t restricted to current hours of operation which end at 1p.m. “Don’t limited your ideas to you have to be done by one.” Campbell said the Board has the discretion to remain open whatever hours they choose. “I’m excited about this. We’ll start using it again; that’s a good thing.”
The need for volunteers was stressed throughout the meeting. Anyone seeking more information about the Fillmore Senior Center may call Lori Nunez at 524-4533 or Annette Cardona at city hall, 524-1500, ext. 216.
The next scheduled meeting is slated for July 28 at 10a.m. The public is always welcomed.

From left, Bill Steiger and Dr. Gosta “Gus” Iweasiuk, owners of the 40-acre parcel in north Fillmore, received the good news that their petition to get approval for use of a tentative tract map met success. The project is praised for its family friendly, lower density plan.
From left, Bill Steiger and Dr. Gosta “Gus” Iweasiuk, owners of the 40-acre parcel in north Fillmore, received the good news that their petition to get approval for use of a tentative tract map met success. The project is praised for its family friendly, lower density plan.
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City council’ approval of the preliminary budget at Tuesday night’s regular meeting keeps funding for gang and school resource officers.
Council had to dip into its reserve funds in the amount of $421,000 to maintain balance. The city has maintained a policy of keeping 40 percent of its total operating budget in reserve for emergencies. For fiscal year 2008-2009 the reserve will continue to be close to that 40 percent goal, despite the loss of about $100,000 in grants as well as the loss of revenue from a half-cent sales tax.
Finance Director Barbara Smith anticipates about $28.4 million in city revenue, with operating expenditures of $19.9 million. Capital projects will cost $45.7 million.
The position of CATV Coordinator for the city has been eliminated. It has been merged into other positions. The CATV position is responsible for producing live broadcasts of council and other meetings and events.
The Fillmore Gazette was taken to task for errors in its reports on travel expenses relating to Councilwoman Cuevas. The Gazette had reported that the travel money available to each council member had been raised from $1,000 to $2,000. The $2,000 level has been in place for several years.
Acting Fire Chief Bill Herrera reminded everyone that only Safe and Sane fireworks are permitted during the 4th of July Holiday. A $1,000 fine will be imposed on anyone possessing or using illegal fireworks. No ground fireworks display will be available this year, and all school property is closed to the public. However, the traditional aerial display will be seen by anyone around town.
The Steiger housing development got the go-ahead with unanimous approval of a tentative tract map for the much anticipated plan. This measure was seen as appropriate under circumstances of “political uncertainty” caused by a recent referendum and initiative. The 40-acre project must still comply with the usual requirements, and obtain permission to annex approximately 10 acres of the land from the county to the city. Both Dr. Bosiack and Steiger were praised for the quality of the project which will have no three-story dwellings, and will have a density of 5 units per acre. The land has been in the family for about 35 years.
Bert Rapp, Director of Public Works, spent some time explaining the seriousness of the new flood map which has been produced by FEMA. The Ventura County Watershed Protection District (flood control) provided FEMA with new data on potential flooding in a 100-year storm. This map leaves more than two-thirds of the City of Fillmore in a flood plain, and much of it in an even more dangerous flood flow stream.
The analysis is being challenged by the Cities of Oxnard, Santa Paula, Fillmore, and Piru, because it is believed the study is flawed by omitting a three-year period (2006, - 2008) out of the study.
If this new map becomes official and is adopted, it will cause a devastating financial effect to the City of Fillmore. The map involves the Santa Clara River, Sespe Creek, and Pole Creek, for which massive new levee work might be needed. All of El Dorado Estates Mobile Home Park is viewed in a flood plain, as well as some of the new business park. Any residents who have federally backed mortgages will have to acquire flood insurance.
The City is responding on several levels to appeal this map finding, and to request more time to reply. More will be known within 30 days. The principle worry concerns Sespe Creek, where the levee may have to be strengthened from Goodenough Road to Highway 126. Council emphasized that this is a temporary problem which can be fixed, even in the worst case scenario.

Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

On June 21st, 2008 at approximately 1245 hours, the Ventura County Sheriff’s Aviation Unit was dispatched to Lake Piru for a reported burn victim. Sheriff’s Helicopter Air Squad 8 responded to the scene to assist. Upon arrival, Air Squad 8 was able to land in the parking lot near the lake’s main boat launch ramp.

Ventura County Fire Department personnel were on scene and escorted the 2 year old male burn victim to the helicopter. The information to the flight crew was that the infant male had accidentally fallen into a fire pit at one of the campgrounds. The child suffered second and third degree burns to his abdomen and hands. The child and his mother where loaded onto the helicopter and flown to Simi Valley Hospital. Upon arrival at the hospital, the child’s care was transferred to emergency room personnel. Courtesy of Ventura County Sheriff.