Question of former manager’s quick exit still looms
Alex Molkoy questioned the Council on expenses at 338 Central asking what revenue the City was receiving from that address and why the City was paying the utilities.
Alex Molkoy questioned the Council on expenses at 338 Central asking what revenue the City was receiving from that address and why the City was paying the utilities.
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During Tuesday night’s council meeting the Fillmore Flashes Cross Country team each receive a proclamation
for winning the State Division 4 CIF Championship.
During Tuesday night’s council meeting the Fillmore Flashes Cross Country team each receive a proclamation for winning the State Division 4 CIF Championship.
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A proclamation was presented to Brian Sipes for the effort put forward with the Fillmore Film Commission
and the success they achieved. The removal of the palm trees has generated a very welcome increase in
revenue to the City.
A proclamation was presented to Brian Sipes for the effort put forward with the Fillmore Film Commission and the success they achieved. The removal of the palm trees has generated a very welcome increase in revenue to the City.
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There were very few who attended the first Fillmore City Council Meeting of 2013, but the new Council wasted little time in getting down to City business and their council duties. One of those duties was replacing the vacant positions on various committees with new people and another was addressing the interim/temporary City Manager position now being filled by the City’s Fire Chief Rigo Landeros.

The meeting began with two proclamations. The first went to Council Member Brian Sipes for the effort put forward with the Fillmore Film Commission and the success they achieved. The removal of the palm trees has generated a very welcome increase in revenue to the City. Sipes responded, “I’m deeply honored with this proclamation” and stated that thanks should also go to both Gayle Washburn and Catherine Frias who also put in a great amount of effort. The second proclamation went to the Flashes, Fillmore High School Cross Country Team, who won the State Division 4 CIF Championship.

The next agenda item was an employment agreement for the Interim City Manager. The position is now being filled by Rigo Landeros. Landeros who now holds three City positions, has been the Fire Chief since May 28, 2009, the Public Works Director since January 15, 2010, and Acting City Manager since August 21, 2012. The Council agreed to a total salary payable to Landeros at $10,000 per month which is $1,000 more than the combined salary Landeros received for Fire Chief and Public Works Director. This is a bargain for the City and essentially means that Fillmore is getting a City Manager for $1,000 per month. Council Member Manuel Minjares said Landeros stepped up at a very difficult time and Council Member A. Eduardo Gonzalez commented that Landeros is handling all three positions and worth what is being asked. Council Member Brian Sipes said he thought the $10k per month was too high, but approved it stating, “It’s a hard decision…..I am confident Rigo will fill his responsibilities.” Council Member Douglas Tucker responded that Rigo is definitely worth what he’s being given but wanted a clearer understanding of the contract along with a 60 day trigger or “reminder” that would require the contract be addressed within 60 days of a new City Manager being hired. The added time is given so Landeros can help bring the new City Manager up on where or what is happening in Fillmore.

Landeros has received CONTINUED »



On Tuesday, January 8, 2013 at approximately 12:15 p.m. the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office - Fillmore Police attempted to serve a felony arrest warrant on German Uriostequi 20, of Fillmore, at a residence on the 900 block of 3rd Street. During the service of the warrant, Uriostequi tried to flee out a window and was met by a sheriff’s deputy. Uriostequi was arrested and taken to the police station and was being escorted in hand-cuffs when he fled from the officer and attempted to go over the fence, surrounding the rear of the police station.

During apprehension, Urisotequi fought with deputies and attempted to bite one of the officers. He was booked for the felony warrant and new charges including battery on a peace officer.



1:50 PM: January 3, 2013 - Belligerent Subject at Taco Bell. Taco Bell manager called to report a male subject acting bizarre. Deputies responded and the male subject became aggressive. A Fillmore resident (Richard Gonzalez) assisted deputies in restraining the subject, Ronald Sotelo, 25. He was on probation for narcotics violations and subsequently arrested for obstruction and numerous narcotics charges.

An accident involving two pickups occurred on Highway 126, Tuesday afternoon. The driver of one pickup misjudged the speed and distance of eastbound traffic, collided with the other pickup while attempting to cross the highway on D Street. One driver was transported by ambulance to an undisclosed hospital for observation.
An accident involving two pickups occurred on Highway 126, Tuesday afternoon. The driver of one pickup misjudged the speed and distance of eastbound traffic, collided with the other pickup while attempting to cross the highway on D Street. One driver was transported by ambulance to an undisclosed hospital for observation.
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Wednesday, January 2, at approximately 2 p.m. on Bardsdale Ave., a two vehicle collision occurred. Akbar Esmailia, 66, of Camarillo attempting to make a left turn collided with Telefosoro Ruiz, 40, of Santa Paula. Both drivers were transported to the Santa Paula Hospital after complaining of injuries. Moderate damage was sustained by both vehicles. An investigation is ongoing.
Wednesday, January 2, at approximately 2 p.m. on Bardsdale Ave., a two vehicle collision occurred. Akbar Esmailia, 66, of Camarillo attempting to make a left turn collided with Telefosoro Ruiz, 40, of Santa Paula. Both drivers were transported to the Santa Paula Hospital after complaining of injuries. Moderate damage was sustained by both vehicles. An investigation is ongoing.
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Colonel James Griffin
Colonel James Griffin

Colonel James Griffin retirement ceremony, USMC: James Griffin was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in May of 1983. Shortly thereafter at the basic school in Quantico he won the Iron man competition.

Next, he was selected for Naval aviator training and was winged in 1985.

After completion he was assigned to Kaneohe Bay HI. His first deployment was in Okinawa Japan, The Philippines and Korea, and earned his helicopter commander rating. Griffin was selected for Forward Air Controller training. After completion of a FAC tour, he received orders for Pensacola FL as Primary Flight Instructor. During his first year he was awarded Navy and Marine Corps Commendation medal, and received Flight Instructor of the Year Award. Later he received his training and Jump Wings. In 2003, he sought opportunities to support "Operation Iraqi Freedom" and was sent to Kuwait as a Forward Air Controller. He served more tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. Back at Camp Pendleton, CA, he eventually became Division Training Officer. In 2005, he was recruited by the Corp for "Lessons Learned", and demobilized from Division and was deployed to Fallujah, Iraq and aided in institutional changes. At the end of his tour, he was awarded the "Meritorious Service Medal". 17 months later, he was mobilized for "Operation Enduring Freedom".

He led his detachment in May, 2010, and had direct support in Southern Helmond Province of Iraq. While there, he worked in Marjeh, Iraq.

Upon returning to the US, he was assigned to IMEF operations at Camp Pendleton, CA where he finished his career in various assignments.

During the ceremony, remarks by General Spiese revealed that Col Griffin has left a lasting imprint on the Marine Corps.

At approximately 7:40 p.m. Sunday, Sheriff and Fire departments responded to a traffic accident on Highway 126 near Central Avenue. Moderate damage was caused to two cars. No injuries were reported.
At approximately 7:40 p.m. Sunday, Sheriff and Fire departments responded to a traffic accident on Highway 126 near Central Avenue. Moderate damage was caused to two cars. No injuries were reported.
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Adrian Bonilla took 3rd place at the Megatron Wrestling Tournament held at L.A Convention Center on Dec.22, 2012. He initially weighed in at 130lbs 11-12 year old, but because there were no kids in his weight class he had to be bumped up to 145lbs 11-12 year old. He did a great job for moving up out of his weight class.
Adrian Bonilla took 3rd place at the Megatron Wrestling Tournament held at L.A Convention Center on Dec.22, 2012. He initially weighed in at 130lbs 11-12 year old, but because there were no kids in his weight class he had to be bumped up to 145lbs 11-12 year old. He did a great job for moving up out of his weight class.
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Wednesday, December 19, Santa Claus was welcomed with smiles and hugs from children who had been waiting for him to arrive at the Fillmore Fire Department/Sheriffs Department Toy Giveaway. Several children lined up with their parents to receive a toy and to take a picture with Santa Claus. Photos courtesy of Bob Crum.
Wednesday, December 19, Santa Claus was welcomed with smiles and hugs from children who had been waiting for him to arrive at the Fillmore Fire Department/Sheriffs Department Toy Giveaway. Several children lined up with their parents to receive a toy and to take a picture with Santa Claus. Photos courtesy of Bob Crum.
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Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District

The Fillmore Unified School District elementary schools are committed to providing a safe learning environment for our students and staff. To this end we will be implementing the following changes effective January 8, 2013.

Before school: We will be reducing the number of gates open before school. We will be locking some previously open gates so that the schools will have one student entrance with staff supervision. Parents and family members will be encouraged to drop their child off at the identified gate, however parents will not be allowed to enter the school grounds. Staff will be on duty to properly supervise students until the start of instructional time.

During School: All school gates will remain locked during school hours. Parents must report to the school office to check students out of school or to deliver messages or items. The teacher and site administrator must approve all classroom volunteers and visitors in advance. Volunteer approval will include the date and time of the visit. If parents have items to deliver to their child or a message for the teacher the office staff will deliver the item to class or contact the teacher.

After School: To ensure a safe and orderly dismissal, all teachers will escort all classes to the dismissal gate. Parents are encouraged to meet their children at the dismissal gate.

Schools will continue to practice emergency drills to ensure that students and staff are prepared for any emergency.

Although, the above procedures may be a bit disruptive to current routines and practices, it is our belief that they provide our students with the safest schools possible.

Please do not hesitate to let your school principal know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you in advance for your support of these changes to make our schools safe learning environments for our students and staff.