Fillmore Lions Club presented several groups donation’s at last Monday’s meeting: Fillmore Senior Center $1000. – President Donna Volker and VP Allan Hair, Fillmore Historical Society $1000. – President Martha Gentry and Nancy Bowlin, Boys and Girls Clubs of Santa Clara Valley - $1000. – Sheila Tate CEO, Fillmore High School Grad Night Live $1000 – Raelene Chaney, Fillmore Band Boosters $1000. – Eddie Carrillo, President, Fillmore High School $1000. Friends of the Fillmore Library $500. Patti Walker, President and Iris Martin, Treasurer, Fillmore Athletic Department $500. A banner displayed at all home games affirms their support for sports. Look for it at football, soccer, track, basketball and softball games. Also supplied by the Lions Club were CPR and first aid materials for health class which is taken by all students. Additionally materials will be used to certify staff members. The Fillmore Lions Club invited some of the community organizations they support to attend the club’s Monday, October 17, 2011 meeting where they were recognized and honored for their continuing effort to work with and encourage our citizens to make Fillmore continue to evolve and be the best it can be. Pictured above standing (l-r): Eddie Carrillo, Josh Overton, Patti Walker. Sitting (l-r): Donna Volker, Martha Gentry, Sheila Tate, and Raelene Chaney. Also pictured are Vic Gongora and Al Huerta.
Fillmore Lions Club presented several groups donation’s at last Monday’s meeting: Fillmore Senior Center $1000. – President Donna Volker and VP Allan Hair, Fillmore Historical Society $1000. – President Martha Gentry and Nancy Bowlin, Boys and Girls Clubs of Santa Clara Valley - $1000. – Sheila Tate CEO, Fillmore High School Grad Night Live $1000 – Raelene Chaney, Fillmore Band Boosters $1000. – Eddie Carrillo, President, Fillmore High School $1000. Friends of the Fillmore Library $500. Patti Walker, President and Iris Martin, Treasurer, Fillmore Athletic Department $500. A banner displayed at all home games affirms their support for sports. Look for it at football, soccer, track, basketball and softball games. Also supplied by the Lions Club were CPR and first aid materials for health class which is taken by all students. Additionally materials will be used to certify staff members. The Fillmore Lions Club invited some of the community organizations they support to attend the club’s Monday, October 17, 2011 meeting where they were recognized and honored for their continuing effort to work with and encourage our citizens to make Fillmore continue to evolve and be the best it can be. Pictured above standing (l-r): Eddie Carrillo, Josh Overton, Patti Walker. Sitting (l-r): Donna Volker, Martha Gentry, Sheila Tate, and Raelene Chaney. Also pictured are Vic Gongora and Al Huerta.
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Police seek public's help in identifying hit and run driver
Eusebio Martinez Jr., 50, of Oak View was killed Friday in a traffic collision on highway 126 near Old Telegraph Road. Martinez was heading east when he collided with a semi truck traveling west that had entered his lane trying to avoid a collision with another vehicle that failed to stop at a stop sign. The vehicle was described as a gold Nissan Sport Utility Vehicle. Anyone with information please call (805) 477-4100.
Eusebio Martinez Jr., 50, of Oak View was killed Friday in a traffic collision on highway 126 near Old Telegraph Road. Martinez was heading east when he collided with a semi truck traveling west that had entered his lane trying to avoid a collision with another vehicle that failed to stop at a stop sign. The vehicle was described as a gold Nissan Sport Utility Vehicle. Anyone with information please call (805) 477-4100.
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October 11, 2011 Meeting

A small structure fire occurred in the 400 Block of Fillmore Street at approximately noon on Thrusday October 13th. No injuries were reported.
A small structure fire occurred in the 400 Block of Fillmore Street at approximately noon on Thrusday October 13th. No injuries were reported.
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Christian Conaway (center) of Fillmore takes first place in nationals. More information on Conaway’s win can be found at
Christian Conaway (center) of Fillmore takes first place in nationals. More information on Conaway’s win can be found at
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Conaway leading another racer into Nersh Crash Corner.
Conaway leading another racer into Nersh Crash Corner.
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Conaway leading another racer out of Crash Corner
Conaway leading another racer out of Crash Corner
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With a tailwind at his back Christian Conaway, of Fillmore, flew in from college late Friday night to compete in the International Gravity Sports Association 2011 U.S Nationals Race held at Frank G. Bonelli Park in San Dimas on Oct 9 and 10th.

Conaway had blazing speed and ran the course with determination to earn the #1 fastest qualifier stops in both Classic Luge and Street Luge. His street luge time was almost 2 seconds faster than the 2nd fastest competitor. In a sport that is often separated by 1/1000 of a second, a 2 second lead is phenomenal. The field was comprised of racers from the USA and Canada; in total 21 racers competed in the Street Luge category.

In his second heat race on Sunday Conaway was leading the 4 man field down the course into Nersh Crash Corner at 52 mph and drifted out exiting the corner and went into the safety barriers and hay bales. That usually signifies the end of future podium photos, but not on this race day. Surprisingly the 2nd and 3rd place racers also drifted out and made contact into the safety barrier. The 4th place racer lost focus and dislodged from his luge. Conaway was the second person out of the hay bales and jumped back onto his luge and used his massive start technique to push his way back to the front of the pack and crossed the finish line in 1st place. Numerous other racers throughout the weekend were not as fortunate and exited the safety barriers in need of medical attention. Conaway advanced to the Final Medal Round.

Racing against Conaway was Mike McIntyre, Kolby Parks and Max Capps. Conaway blasted off the start line to gain a sizable lead and had a huge lead coming into Crash Corner, which is a favorite viewpoint for spectators and action photography. Conaway let it all hang out and hardly braked as he railed his line through the corner without scrubbing off speed. But McIntyre was on the move and made a pass on Parks after the corner, stealing Parks’ second place hopes that day. However McIntyre was unable to make up ground on Conaway who crossed the finish line in first place earning him the North American Street Luge Champion.

In Classic Luge Conaway didn’t fair quite a well. In the first round of racing he came into Nersh Crash Corner will a lot of speed but was unable to keep from contacting the hay bales which took him out of medal contention. He was placed in the Consolation Finals and won that event, placing him in 5th place overall in Classic Luge.
Conaway went from the podium ceremony straight to the airport to catch the red-eye flight back to Provo, Utah. (Story Courtesy Conaway Family)

(l-r) Brooks, Washburn and Sipes.
(l-r) Brooks, Washburn and Sipes.
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Joan Archer and John Scoles addressed the Council and thanked city staff for all the effort that went toward trying to get the access gate to the track field installed at Fillmore High School. Archer said she has spoken with others who have not been asked for their track club dues this year and wondered who was in charge of it.
Joan Archer and John Scoles addressed the Council and thanked city staff for all the effort that went toward trying to get the access gate to the track field installed at Fillmore High School. Archer said she has spoken with others who have not been asked for their track club dues this year and wondered who was in charge of it.

With Council Members Patti Walker and Steve Conaway absent, some of the items on the October 11, 2011 Fillmore City Council Meeting’s agenda had to be held over until the next meeting. But the next scheduled meeting (Oct. 25th) was canceled and the next meeting won’t be until November 8th leaving only one meeting per month for November and December to complete this year’s items.

At meeting the names of the new members of the Planning and Film Commissions were announced, deciding the status of the proposed side access gate to the running track at the high school, approving next year’s City Council Calendar, an announcement that the 2011-2012 budget had been completed and three presentations; one on tobacco sales in Fillmore, one on the Towne Theatre and one by the Ventura County Sheriffs Department.

There was little discussion on the new appointees to the Planning and Film Commissions and the Council went quickly over the names; except to thank all those that submitted an application. The applicant chosen for Film Commission was Carrie Broggie and for the Planning Commission: Christopher Hoy, Robert Smith, Mark Greenwell and Barbara Cobotti.

Captain Steve Wade from the Ventura County Sheriffs Dept. addressed the Council with a proposal to the City to jointly apply for a $125,000 grant available from California Emergency Management Agency. The California Gang Reduction, Intervention and Prevention (CalGRIP) Initiative funds grant programs for anti-gang efforts at the local level and makes available other resources to at-risk youth, crime victims, law enforcement agencies and local communities. The grant period will begin January 1, 2012 and end on December 31, 2013. Only cities that do not have a current Cal EMA CalGRIP grant award may apply. The CalGRIP Program requires a dollar-for-dollar (100 percent) match of all funds requested. Applicants are required to distribute at least 20% of grant funds to one or more Community Based Organizations and must reflect this in their proposals. The deadline to apply is November 7th. Wade told the Council the Sheriffs Dept would manage the grant and the write the reports required to the State. The Council agreed that it would be a good move by both parties.

Members of the Fillmore Family Coalition presented a proposal regarding the regulation of tobacco products in Fillmore. Alejandor Elias from the Dept. of Public Health addressed the Council first, followed by Kathy Cook, Co-Chair Ventura County Tobacco Education and Prevention Coalition and Christina Villasenor, Tobacco Control and Public Health Advocate.

Research and fieldwork has shown that 1 in 5 (21%) stores selling tobacco products in Fillmore are selling to minors, which is much higher than the State average of 5.6%, Villasenor stated. Therefore they are asking the Council to consider a proposal; that all retailers who choose to sell tobacco products in Fillmore obtain a Tobacco Retail License (TRL) and renew it annually.

The annual fee funds enforcement programs that prevent sales to minors. Villasenor went on to say that fines and penalties include suspension and revocation of the license and have proven to be an effective tool when used and sales to minors have decreased, often significantly, in communities that have implemented a strong TRL. There was no decision by the Council at this time.

Also on agenda, approving next year’s City Council Calendar. Mayor Gayle Washburn suggested that there be less meetings in the coming year. The Council Members participate on a multiple of Commissions, both formal and ad-hoc committees and serve as city representatives and liaisons to various organizations and outside agencies.
City Manager Yvonne Quiring informed the Council that a council member (no name was given) had come to her and suggested that if the agenda of a meeting had only a few items on it, that those items be held over to the next meeting so that that member would only have to attend one meeting instead of two. The revised meeting calendar has a total of 22 meetings and a “dark” period from mid-July to late August.

John Scoles and Joan Archer addressed the Council and thanked the staff for all the effort that went toward trying to get the access gate to the running field at Fillmore High School. The proposal was presented in 2009 to the Parks and Recreation and supported by a group of people from the Runners and Walkers Club. The Club had hoped to have the City “front” the $7,071 needed to install the gate, with the goal of repaying the City over a period of time using yearly dues of $25 per member. But the Club would need 100 members and at least 3 years to reimburse the City. Today’s City’s budget is in such dire straights that it could not supply any funding at this time. What the Council did suggest to Scoles and Archer was that if the Club could come up with 75% of the required monies, the Council would consider approving the remainder on the condition that the Club reimbursed those funds over time. Archer asked if the City’s website could advertise for members and informed the Council that she and others she’s spoken with have not been asked for their dues this year and wondered who was in charge of doing it. She added that the pool is costly but the track has very little overhead and informed the Council that when she called City Hall during the summer for information she received only excuses and very little cooperation and stated, “I will do all the promotion…we miss using it all this summer due to the delays” and “We will collect the dues and will be happy to work with anyone.”

Mayor Washburn, who chairs the Towne Theatre Subcommittee along with Councilmember Brian Sipes, gave the 20 in attendance a handout on the status of the Theatre. The Theatre owes over $400,000 to the General Fund and has seen a decline in revenues since 2005. Suggestions were a third party contract manager, non-profit take over the Theatre or sell the Theatre outright. The item needed to be brought back to the Council when all members are present.


The Sales Tax Ballot Measure Informational Presentation, held Wednesday, October 5, addressed the City Tax Initiative, which will be voted on November 8, 2011. City Manager Yvonne Quiring gave a presentation on where the City stands financially and what impact the tax increase will have if passed and what to expect if it doesn’t. About 15 people attended the meeting, many with questions for the Council.

The presentation began with explaining the sources of revenue used to supply the General Fund. Quiring gave a breakdown: Property Taxes ($1.9m), Sales Tax ($670k), Fees for Services $468k (approx. $200k development related), Franchise Fees ($331k) License and Permits ($147k), Grants ($99k), TOT ($65k), Fines and Forfeitures ($62,500).

Next was what services are provided by the General Fund: Police ($3.1m), Fire ($785k), Parks ($100-$150k), Recreation and Pool subsidy ($71 pool $29 rec.), Finance/City Attorney/City Manager/City Council, Community Development (Planning), Public Works (streets, trees, sidewalks).

Quiring explained that over the past couple of years the cost of housing has gone down and with that so have property taxes, cutting into some of the revenue the City once received. Adding to the problem are increases in the cost of both pension and Sheriffs services. Quiring remarked “We went into the year with literally nothing.” The city has cut $2.9 million in costs and used its reserves over the last two years to balance the budget which decreased the General Fund 40%.

On June 1, 2011 Fillmore cut CONTINUED »

Bobby Castenada and Diane Volker
Bobby Castenada and Diane Volker

With the Local Fillmore Economy looming, many resources have been DRAMATICALLY depleted. A Recreational Resource that comes to mind is our own Fillmore Senior Center. Many Seniors have already adjusted to living on a fixed income. They look forward to enjoying their "Golden Years" in having fun, being active with friends. On October 7th, 2011 the local Carnales Motorcycle Club- East County Chapter, donated a $600 Check to the Fillmore Senior Center. By holding an Annual Fundraiser they were able to raise this money in hopes of helping out the Senior Center. Support Your Local Carnales Motorcycle Club! Pictured above Bobby Castenada and Diane Volker.

Last Sunday, Brian Ball participated in the San Jose Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon. Above Ball celebrates because he beat the qualifying time to go on to the 2012 Olympic Marathon Trials in Houston, Texas. Ball said he needed to run 1 hr 5min flat or faster to qualify, and he ran 1hr 4min 49sec, giving him a good ll second cushion for his first U.S. Olympic Trials. After the race Ball proposed to his girlfriend Hayley Rasmussen of Reno, Nv. Ball is from Fillmore California.
Last Sunday, Brian Ball participated in the San Jose Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon. Above Ball celebrates because he beat the qualifying time to go on to the 2012 Olympic Marathon Trials in Houston, Texas. Ball said he needed to run 1 hr 5min flat or faster to qualify, and he ran 1hr 4min 49sec, giving him a good ll second cushion for his first U.S. Olympic Trials. After the race Ball proposed to his girlfriend Hayley Rasmussen of Reno, Nv. Ball is from Fillmore California.
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A collision in Bardsdale took place about noon Friday, at the intersection of Sespe Street and Bardsdale Avenue. A Dodge 3500 pickup struck a four-door sedan. One female passenger in the sedan was transported by ambulance to a local hospital. No other personal injuries were reported. The pickup suffered minimal damage to the front end. The car sustained significant damage to the right-center.
A collision in Bardsdale took place about noon Friday, at the intersection of Sespe Street and Bardsdale Avenue. A Dodge 3500 pickup struck a four-door sedan. One female passenger in the sedan was transported by ambulance to a local hospital. No other personal injuries were reported. The pickup suffered minimal damage to the front end. The car sustained significant damage to the right-center.
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