Intersection of Highway 23 and Riverside Avenue
On Thursday, October 7th at approximately 12:30 p.m. a two vehicle collision occurred at the intersection of Highway 23 and Riverside Avenue. Jose Luis Reyes, 45 of Camarillo failed to stop for the stop sign at the intersection.
On Thursday, October 7th at approximately 12:30 p.m. a two vehicle collision occurred at the intersection of Highway 23 and Riverside Avenue. Jose Luis Reyes, 45 of Camarillo failed to stop for the stop sign at the intersection.
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All parties suffered moderate injuries and were transported to Ventura County Medical Center.
All parties suffered moderate injuries and were transported to Ventura County Medical Center.
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For information leading to the arrest & conviction of the Person or Persons responsible for the Murder of Mike Grair
Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Mike Issa Grair
Mike Issa Grair

On October 10, 2008, Mike Issa Grair, 64, was found shot to death in his sport utility vehicle, which was parked behind a vacant building located on the northwest corner of Los Posas Road @ Lewis Road in the City of Camarillo, Ca. It is estimated that Mr. Grair was shot sometime between 12:00 PM and 5:00 PM.

For the past two years the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department Major Crimes Bureau has aggressively investigated the murder of Mr. Grair. Detective’s have interviewed in excess of 100 persons and still have no solid leads.

In April of 2009, the Ventura County Sheriff's Department held a press conference in which Mr. Grair’s family offered a $100,000 reward for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person(s) responsible for Mr. Grair’s death.

October 10th marks the 2 year anniversary of Mr. Grair’s death. The Ventura County Sheriff’s Department and the Grair family desperately need you help to solve this senseless crime. The $100,000 reward is still available.

Please contact Detective Sergeant Todd Inglis, Detective Dan Hawes, or Crime Stoppers with any information regarding the death of Mike Grair.

Todd Inglis Desk – (805) 477-7032 Dan Hawes Desk – (805) 477-7042

Ventura County Crime Stoppers – 1-800-222- TIPS (8477)


Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

Recently we have had residents of Fillmore stop by the Police Station to make their Police Expo donation. There is only one problem. There is no such "Police Expo" and we would never call you at home to make a donation to the Sheriff or Police Departments.

This is the makings of a scam by some crooks in the area who preying on the kind nature of our Fillmore and Piru residents. These bad guys ask you for a modest donation in cash or check for police and they offer to pick up the checks at your home or you could even leave it under the"Mat." We often hear of residents giving their hard earned money and savings to bogus police charities. We want to make sure this does not happen to you!

The police department will investigate your tips on such bogus charities. Remember, do your research before you give money to any charity that you are not actively involved with. Make sure they are a federally registered non-profit. Don't just ask them, the Police Department will help verify for you. Email Sergeant Dave Wareham or Police Chief Tim Hagel and we will check for you. Please email us or call us at 805-524-2235 if you have received similar calls for "Police Charities."

We have found the organization doing the police donation phone calls. They are based out of Los Angeles. We are investigating their authenticity, regardless, our position still doesnt change and we do not recommend citizens giving money to them.

Fillmore High Schools 2010 Homecoming Court pictured (l-r) top row: Ana Morino -Junior Princess, Kianna Tarango - Senior Princess, Tatyana Chessani - Queen, Jazzlyn Gonda - Senior Princess, Jaime Carrillo - Sophomore Princess, and Carolina Espericueta - Freshman Princess. Bottom row (l-r) Tony Sanchez - Junior Prince, Alex Gaspar - Senior Prince, Nick Paz - King, Chris De La Paz - Senior Prince, and Collin Farrar - Sophomore Prince. Not pictured George Orozco Freshman Prince. This year’s Grand Marshal was Ray Tafoya.
Fillmore High Schools 2010 Homecoming Court pictured (l-r) top row: Ana Morino -Junior Princess, Kianna Tarango - Senior Princess, Tatyana Chessani - Queen, Jazzlyn Gonda - Senior Princess, Jaime Carrillo - Sophomore Princess, and Carolina Espericueta - Freshman Princess. Bottom row (l-r) Tony Sanchez - Junior Prince, Alex Gaspar - Senior Prince, Nick Paz - King, Chris De La Paz - Senior Prince, and Collin Farrar - Sophomore Prince. Not pictured George Orozco Freshman Prince. This year’s Grand Marshal was Ray Tafoya.
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Different views voiced by council members, city manager
Fillmore City Manager Yvonne Quiring
Fillmore City Manager Yvonne Quiring

In an effort to clear up the confusion surrounding the surprise (September 28) public reading of the city employees’ no confidence letter, comments were requested from Mayor Walker and four council members. Only Councilman Jamey Brooks refused to comment. Brooks’ refusal could be seen as a manifestation of his commitment to open government.

Due to a mix-up in phone and email efforts, the Gazette was unable to interview City Manager Yvonne Quiring directly. She did submit two comments as follows: In terms of Lathrop, “The Council conducted a thorough background process, including a trip to Lathrop and selected me to carry out their vision.”

And in terms of the letter [Vote of No Confidence] —“Right now we have budget challenges, labor negotiations and a class and comp study as well as an election cycle. Given the uncertainty, it is understandable that nerves are frayed and employees are worried. I remain committed to healing these divisions and working through these challenges.”

Fillmore Mayor Pro Tem Gayle Washburn commented that she “[may have] been the only one” to not know that this letter was coming. And even though she has heard comments from community members that the presentation of this letter could “be a political event… designed to discredit the Mayor and City Manager”, Washburn still recognizes that “these are serious allegations and concerns… which the Council needs to address as soon as possible.” Commenting on what is happening now she stated “as we speak, the Council is scheduling [a meeting] to determine the process” that will be used as the Council investigates the employee complaints.

Washburn went on to CONTINUED »

Nurse Martha Romero RN (above) presented the statistics for FUSD showing that it has 1.5 registered nurses for about 3818 students. The California School Nurses Organization has a recommended ratio of 1 nurse for every 750 students.
Nurse Martha Romero RN (above) presented the statistics for FUSD showing that it has 1.5 registered nurses for about 3818 students. The California School Nurses Organization has a recommended ratio of 1 nurse for every 750 students.

On Tuesday October 5 the Fillmore Unified School Board of Trustees met for a regularly scheduled meeting. Board President Tony Prado and Board Vice President Virginia De La Piedra were not in attendance. Board Clerk Liz Wilde conducted the relatively short meeting.

Brief reports were presented by Board Member John Garnica regarding the great football game at Homecoming, and Wilde about the dedication of Sierra High, a Junior Varsity Volleyball game, and the Fillmore High School Boosters club. Wilde has received comments from those planning the 100th Year game between Fillmore and Santa Paula “[that it’s] pretty much been handled by Fillmore… if you know anyone in Santa Paula they could sure use some help.” The Board heard from District Nurse Martha Romero RN who presented the Health Services Annual Report. Romero’s report was aimed at giving the Board a better idea about “what a day is like in the [health] office.” She presented the numbers of students who received the state mandated hearing and vision tests and those that were referred to further medical assessment. Romero stressed the importance of the nursing staff for keeping kids healthy and in school. The current staff is made up of two registered nurses, one who works full time and one part time, not only because of their role in caring for the students who need regular daily care due to chronic illness, but also for the unexpected sometimes emergency situations that arise. The district nurses work to make sure that all site office staff, and teachers are trained to assist students who may need their care should the nurse not be on campus during an emergency. Romero presented the statistics for FUSD showing that it has 1.5 registered nurses for about 3818 students. The California School Nurses Organization has a recommended ratio of 1 nurse for every 750 students. Although Romero commented that very few Districts are able to meet that recommendation.

The Board then voted to CONTINUED »

Author Mark Trimble is shown with Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, Iranian born citizen who is the founder of Shurat HaDin (Israel Law Center).
Author Mark Trimble is shown with Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, Iranian born citizen who is the founder of Shurat HaDin (Israel Law Center).
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Israel Series Part 5

During my most recent counter-terrorism training mission to the Middle East, I had the honor of meeting a courageous and innovative individual.

Her name is Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, ESQ. Nitsana is the founder of the non-profit Shurat HaDin (English translation: The Israel Law Center). Western Intelligence agencies and countries, including the United States, have benefited in their fight against Radical Islamic terrorism because of the dedicated work of Mrs. Darshan-Leitner and the Israel Law Center.

Mossad officials (The Israeli Intelligence Institute that is the equivalent of the CIA in the U.S.) stated because of the legal activities of Nitsana and The Israel Law Center, terrorist activity in the Gaza Strip has been reduced by as much as 60%.

Established in 2003 and based in Tel-Aviv, Shurat HaDin has become the world leader in fighting terrorism through civil lawsuits and other legal action. Shurat HaDin works together with western intelligence agencies and volunteer attorneys around the world to file legal actions on behalf of victims of terrorist acts.

Following the model pioneered by the Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center a non-profit legal center that over the last four decades has successfully confronted and shut down racist groups across America,Shurat HaDin represents hundreds of victims in cases against Islamic terrorist groups and countries that are state sponsors of terrorism such as; Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinian Authority, Iran, Syria, and the financial institutions that act as front organizations for these terrorist elements finances.

Shurat HaDin’s main goals are:
-Stop the flow of terror CONTINUED »


Interested parties who wish to become a write-in candidate can do so. The write-in nomination period opened on September 6th (technically the 7th as the 6th was a holiday), and will close on October 16th; a notice concerning the write-in period is posted on the Fillmore city’s website. The same candidacy provisions apply, i.e., 20 valid signatures of registered voters are required to become a certified candidate, and FPPC forms need to be completed and filed with the City Clerk’s office. The candidates name will not appear on the ballot and would need to be written in by a voter at the polls.

CSEA - California School Employees Association

On October 28th, the CSEA will be hosting a forum at the Sespe Auditorium at 6:30 p.m. We will be putting a list of questions together for them. Come join us and ask where your children’s monies are bring spent. There are three positions opened. Nominees are: Tony Prado, Mark Austin, Kim Rivers, Lucy Rangel, and Dave Wilde. For information contact


Response to Brian Sipes’ Ventura County Star interview [“Five candidates seeking two seats on Fillmore City council” 09/27/10]:

SIPES’ INTERVIEW, VC STAR: “Sipes said the current City Council is grappling with what he characterized as the overspending of past councils, including the approval of the city’s new water recycling plant. Fillmore Public Works Director Bert Rapp has put the price tag at $70 million, to build the plant, related components, and a recycled water main throughout the city. Sipes believes the cost could have been considerably less, which might have averted sewer rate increases that the council adopted earlier this month.

“In 2006, we as citizens brought up numerous issues with the plant in respect to increases to our rates,” he said. “The City Council at that time refused to take our concerns seriously. And now we’re paying dearly for it.”
Sipes said the City Council chose to finance the plant with state bonds, as opposed to state revolving loans, at least part of which could have been erased with federal stimulus funds.

With the tacit blessings of a majority of the city’s property owners under Proposition 218, the council on Sept. 14 adopted an initial $2-a-month increase in sewer rates, raising a property owner’s bill to $82 a month, to help offset the costs of the plant. On July 1, 2011, and continuing each year until 2014, the sewer rates will increase by 5 percent plus the inflation rate.”

Use of the State Revolving Loan fund would have increased rates $4.00 per month, due to 20 year payback of loan. The goal is to have the lowest monthly rate as possible. It was considered and rejected. Now Mr. Sipes can stop saying “I don’t know why it wasn’t considered”.

The new Sewer Plant work was advertised nationally, competitively bid and the least cost vendor was selected to do the work. Mr. Sipes has buried his head in the sand and refuses to acknowledge the truth on this matter because it does not serve his political purposes. Mr. Sipes cost saving idea was to put the new plant near the Santa Clara River without flood protection (to save money) and to pump the sewage from the new business park up to the new plant thereby increasing costs forever.

Delaying the project to study his and Gayle Washburn’s Google research on uncertified impractical and in some cases experimental concepts may have delayed the project to the point it could not meet the State Mandated Time Schedule Order which would have started the meter on Minimum Daily Mandatory Fines. If he followed Gayle Washburn’s lead he would not have competively bid the work at all and would have single sourced the work. Mrs. Washburn stood before the Santa Paula City Council, just like a salesperson, and got involved with their affairs now their sewer bill is $77.12 plus $0.58 per unit of water starts Sept 1, 2011 (see attached table) and the city doesn’t even own the plant. The construction bid price was $57M but if Santa Paula gets tired of high operating costs and wants to own their plant it will cost them $85,000,000 to buy it plus pay another $1M operations termination fee. Wait till that bill is added to the rate they are paying now.

Concerning “Obama-money” Brian Sipes fails to mention that Fillmore, and Santa Paula for that matter, did not qualify as economically disadvantaged communities because the median incomes were too high. Piru qualified and got an $8M grant. Fillmore did get a $3M Prop 50 grant for water recycling. Brian won’t tell you but Santa Paula did not get any grants.

For all the time he sits in council meetings one would think that he would be able to present facts and truthful information, but that just doesn’t seem to be his style.

Brian states that his voice wasn’t heard. The truth is every time he speaks at Council Meetings his comments are in the minutes. He’s in a lot of City Council Minutes. He says “past councils” didn’t listen to him or others. Does he not remember, or does he just not want you to remember, the numerous sewer workshops specifically the one with the panel of experts which answered every single question posed to them. All concerns were not only heard, but addressed with answers being provided. No Brian, if anyone is not listening it is you. You failed to listen then and you fail to listen now.