08/19/14 - 08/25/14
City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

Burglary Vehicle
700 Blk. 4th St.
700 Blk. Edison Ln.
Found Property
500 Blk. Sespe Ave.
Abandoned Vehicle
1000 Blk. Elmhurst Ln.
200 Blk. Blaine Ave.
30 Blk. A St.
500 Blk. Central Ave.
Cruelty to Animals
100 Blk. Lora Ln.
Search Warrant
600 Blk. Via Rodeo
300 Blk. Burson Ln.
1100 Blk. Sespe Ave.
Keep the Peace CONTINUED »



Civilian Aircraft, Part 2
All Photos by Bob Crum
All Photos by Bob Crum
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On Sunday morning, August 31, at 6:15am, a Bakersfield-based, HONDO, Inc. 18-wheeler experience a load-shift. The cargo containers appeared to have broken loose from the strapping system, allowing the containers of sulphur to shift forward, crushing the cab. It was reported that each container weighed one ton. The driver was extracted from the cab by Fillmore Fire. As of press time there was no report of his condition. Photos courtesy Sebastian Ramirez.
On Sunday morning, August 31, at 6:15am, a Bakersfield-based, HONDO, Inc. 18-wheeler experience a load-shift. The cargo containers appeared to have broken loose from the strapping system, allowing the containers of sulphur to shift forward, crushing the cab. It was reported that each container weighed one ton. The driver was extracted from the cab by Fillmore Fire. As of press time there was no report of his condition. Photos courtesy Sebastian Ramirez.
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FUSD Superintendent Adrian E. Palazuelos
FUSD Superintendent Adrian E. Palazuelos

At Tuesday night’s Board meeting, Fillmore Unified School District (FUSD) new Assistant Superintendent Martha Hernandez described the District as being in "limbo" when asked where FUSD stands today regarding Program Improvement. This lack of a more defined definition is due to the recent change in adopting Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and eliminating the old tests used to document student progress.

Program Improvement (PI) is what the California Department of Education designates a school or district that does not make Adequate Yearly Progress. Individual schools throughout the FUSD have been in PI for several years, but last year was the first year the whole District fell into the category.

According to Hernandez, "FUSD is required to provide an end of year summary (to the State) to highlight strategies and actions implemented during the 2013-14 school year including a description of local evidence used to determine effective implementation." She went on to explain the testing normally given at the end of the spring semester was not conducted due to the tryout testing for CCSS, leaving no testing data to present the State on the 2013-14 school year status. When asked what exactly that meant Hernandez responded, "Right now we're in limbo....we're in the status we were last year."

Board Member Tony Prado asked if there was data on the different grades. Hernandez answered, "It's the District that's in IP...this is due to many years of declining scores" and explained there is no data on specific grade levels. When asked what plans they have going forward she informed the Board, "We want to target our weaknesses."
Newly hired Superintendent Adrian E. Palazuelos interjected, stating the English Language Learners (ELL) need a great deal of improvement in learning English.

"We need to have designated ELL time...It took some time to get into this (PI), it will take time to get out.
Regarding the time frame the District is looking at to present the data on progress that the State requires, Hernandez said, "We need to do it in the next three months."

Just after the meeting began Superintendent Palazuelos described some goals and improvements he hopes to implement going forward. But those goals come with a big price tag; improving FUSD's internet technology infrastructure and upgrading software. "We want all students to have full access to the new software.....bridge together all our data systems and give access to every student" he told those in attendance. The main goal Palazuelos described was full wifi access throughout FUSD. Whether the funds will be available to achieve those goals is a big question.

Associated Student Body Representative Irma Torres announced Food Day is Thursday, September 18th to help raise money for school clubs; Thursday, September 4th, Fillmore Gym will be Girls' Volleyball team vs. Louisville; Saturday Cross-Country will race at Mount San Antonio College; the Santa Paula vs. Fillmore football game will be in town on September 19th; Homecoming Week begins September 29th thru Homecoming Parade and game time on October 3rd.

On Thursday, August 21st new military banners were replaced in front of the Fillmore Unified School District. Veterans and family of our hometown military personnel came together for the installations. Photo courtesy Rigo Landeros.
On Thursday, August 21st new military banners were replaced in front of the Fillmore Unified School District. Veterans and family of our hometown military personnel came together for the installations. Photo courtesy Rigo Landeros.
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On November 7, 2013 The Complaint of El Dorado Estates (Plaintiff-Appellant v. City of Fillmore (Defendant-Appellee was submitted to the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. El Dorado, a mobile home park owner located in the City of Fillmore alleged that the City interfered with an application for a subdivision of its seniors-only mobile home park by causing unreasonable delays and imposing extralegal conditions because of a fear that subdivisions would lead to El Dorado opening the Park to families. El Dorado's complaint was dismissed for lack of standing. The court concluded, however, that El Dorado had Article III standing where El Dorado suffered a concrete and particularized, actual, injury, in the form of added expenses caused by the City's interference of the application. Accordingly, the court reversed and remanded for further proceedings. Dtd. September 2, 2014. See Judge Richard R. Clifton’s Opinion here: http://cdn.ca9.uscourts.gov/datastore/opinions/2014/09/02/12-55549.pdf

Sean Morris
Sean Morris

I, Sean Morris, am announcing my candidacy for Fillmore School Board 2014.

I am a lifelong resident of Fillmore and graduated from Fillmore High School. I am married to Veronica Morris and we have two children attending Fillmore Schools.

I have served on several non-profit boards and am currently President of the Rotary Club of Fillmore. I have been involved in community literacy projects, volunteered in my children’s classes, coached and served with many teachers and parents, including the District’s Reconfiguration Committee during Superintendent Jeff Sweeney’s tenure.

My experience with our community through my work with the parents, administration, teachers, and students, is that we have an incredible human resource to achieve great things. Our district has not performed to its fullest potential and we need everyone to be involved on a consistent basis in order to become a distinguished center of learning. I will bring energy, listening skills and a desire to work with everyone to make Fillmore Unified School District a point of light for every student in our community.

My vision is for excellence in teaching, community support, and facilities which will lead to positive growth and academic achievement in our children. I would love the opportunity to speak with any parent, parent group, teacher, school staff, business leader, Fillmore Council Member and school administrator to gain more insight and express my views. Learn more or contact me by visiting Morris4SchoolBoard.com.

Morris for School Board 2014